Chapter 20: Goodbyes

Child's Play


Changsub awoke early. He glanced around the bedroom noticing not one of the other members were in the area. As he felt his stomach growl, he figured they were all cooking breakfast and he wanted in on it.

Changsub quickly ran out of the bedroom and into the living room. “Hey guys. What’s for...breakfast.” He scanned the living room to see the rest of s, minus Eunkwang, sitting around with six unknown children. “What did I miss?”

“Oh nothing,” Ilhoon answered with a hint of sarcasm. “Peniel just happened to be mess with an evil gypsy and the members of Beast are stuck as children. That’s all.”

Changsub tilted his head in confusion, “No, really, what’d I miss?”

“Eunkwang. Come out of the closet!” Minhyuk called back toward the hall closet.

“No! Not until the evil gypsy is banished from the earth!”

“Moon is not evil!” Hyunsik defended. “She’s just a little confused. And she won’t hurt you.”

Eunkwang opened the door, adjusting himself. “O-ok Hyunsik.” He took a deep breath before looking at Peniel. “All this time, we’ve been looking for Beast and worried sick, and you’ve just been playing with them. Why didn’t you tell us!”

“You wouldn’t understand!” Peniel said sadly. “I just... I was selfish ok.”

“Don’t blame, Appa.” Junhyung defended. “We’re the ones who went along with the stupid idea.”

Peniel looked at the rapper, surprised to hear Junhyung on his side for once.

“Look. We know we should’ve told someone. We know we should’ve come clean and outed Peniel for what he did. But we didn’t. We’re as guilty as he is.”

“We agreed not to tell, because Peniel needed us to keep our mouths shut.” Hyunseung spoke up. “Peniel didn’t want to tell you all because if he got blamed for what happened to us, he’d be kicked out of BtoB. And I don’t think any of you would’ve wanted that.”

The other members looked away, saddened a bit by the thought of losing their goofy foreigner.

“Granted, we did treat this time like a vacation. And messed with Peniel a bit.” Yoseob chimed in. “But Peniel never stopped being a good Appa to us. These past few months have been way fun.”

“So please, please, don’t punish Peniel,” Dongwoon begged. “He promised to get us back to normal. And he will. We just have to wait a little while longer.”

Eunkwang looked over all of them before turning to Doojoon. “You’re ok with this, Hyung?”

Doojoon nodded. “We’ll be ok, Eunkwang.”

“You’re sure you’ll have them back to normal before the tribute concert.” Eunkwang turned toward Hyunsik, Peniel and Sungjae.

“I’m keeping progress with Moon,” Hyunsik answered. “We’re cutting it close but the potion will be ready by then.”

Eunkwang looked at s. “Ok. What do you all think? Do I tell Hong Appa about this? Or can we handle it ourselves.”

Ilhoon smirked. “How hard could taking care of a few kids be?”

“You’d be surprised,” Peniel remarked. “But I’ve gone too far to give in now.”

“Ok, Peniel.” Ilhoon continued. “I vote we keep it secret.”

Minhyuk grabbed Kikwang and began rubbing his head. “They’re soo cute.~ I wanna keep em.”

“Yah! Minhyuk~”  Kikwang yelled, trying to swat the older boys hands away.

Changsub stared at the group for a while. “PenSikJae made more sense. But I vote we just let this play through to the end.”

“Will you stop with the shipping?!” Peniel, Sungjae, and Hyunsik all chimed in unison.

“Yeah, Changsub,” Yoseob chuckled. “It’s just PenJae. Peniel’s Appa and Sungjae’s Umma. Hyunsik’s just Samchon” He laughed and Peniel flicked him in the forehead.

“Penjae,” Changsub nodded. “Now that makes sense.”

“Enough with the shipping!” Peniel yelled before sighing and turning toward Eunkwang. Hyunsik and Sungjae nodded, casting their silent vote to keep the boys.

Eunkwang sighed heavily, looking at all s as well as the cute, young Beast boys. “You swear this gypsy’s not evil.”

“I swear,” Peniel responded.

“And they’ll be back to normal before the show?”

“I’ll call Moon right now,” Hyunsik pulled out his phone.

“Alright.” Eunkwang smiled. “Guess the vote’s unanimous. The boys can stay here, and none of us will say a word.”

Everyone’s face lit up as Yoseob, Kikwang Dongwoon and Hyunseung all ran over to hug Eunkwang.

“This is awkward.” Eunkwang chuckled.

“You’ll get used to it,” Doojoon smiled.



The rest of the week continued with Beast living in the BtoB dorm. The Btob boys easily became attached to their senior’s child forms and each began to develop family bonds with the six. They began teaching each other dances and vocal strategies and found out more about each other than they ever imagined. The Beast boys, of course, took the occasional break to troll their caretakers, but not without sharing many laughs. It wasn’t long before the Btob members found ways to get back at them.


Ten days had passed since the Beast members moved in with BtoB. They were preparing for what was certainly going to be a tough day. Their last day of school.

Dongwoon sat at the door, slowly putting on his shoes.

“What’s wrong Dongwoon?” Sungjae asked the Beast Maknae.

Dongwoon sighed. “Hey Umma,” He sighed. “This may sound weird but... I’m kinda sad to be leaving.”

“Really?” Sungjae asked, a bit confused.

“Yeah. I mean, I know I’m not a kid and I’m not supposed to like the first grade... but I did. I actually had fun in school plus the kids were really cool. I kinda feel sad about leaving them.”

“Are you sure you’re not just saying that because you were a kingka?”

Dongwoon smiled. “ Maybe that’s part of it.” He sighed looking at his feet. “It’s just kind of sad thinking I’ll never see them again after today.”

“Why’s that?” Sungjae asked.

Dongwoon tilted his head. “Umma, I’m growing up this Monday.”

“So.” Sungjae shrugged. “You can still visit your classmates as an adult. You know where they are.”

“Won’t that look creepy. A grown man playing with a bunch of kids?”

“Not if you volunteer. You’re a celebrity so if you just say you wanna volunteer at a school, I don’t think they’ll object. Plus I think your friends’ll be able to figure out it’s you eventually, even if you are an adult.”


“Yeah. You have a distinct look.” Sungjae chuckled.

Dongwoon smiled. “Ok. I’ll try it.” Dongwoon stood up, hugging Sungjae.

Sungjae smiled. “Ok. Come on. Let’s get you to school.”



Doojoon led Hyunseung and Junhyung into their third grade class. Hyunseung immediately started chatting with a couple of friends he made earlier in the year while former enemy Chin Ho showed Junhyung his latest prank idea. Doojoon’s soccer buddies called for him to come over, but Doojoon just waved before walking over to the teacher. “Seonsaengnim?”

Miss Chin looked down at Doojoon before taking a note that Doojoon had held up for her. She took it and read before her eyes widened. “What why so sudden?”

Doojoon shrugged. “We weren’t gonna stay forever. Our Appa has a job that won’t let us stay in one place for too long.”

“Oh. You never talked much about your adopted father. What does he do?” She asked.

Doojoon thought for a second. He couldn’t say his father was an idol. That’d bring up all kinds of questions. After a while, Doojoon came up with the most childish answer he could think of. “Appa’s a secret agent! He flies all around the planet fighting a bad guy named Pensikjae.” He glanced over at Hyunseung and Junhyung who were both laughing, overhearing his answer. “When I grow up, I’m gonna be an agent too. Um after I’m a kpop idol and a soccer star.”

Miss Chin giggled before smiling at Doojoon and giving him a hug. “I’m gonna miss you, boys.” Junhyung and Hyunseung both walked over, each getting a hug from their teacher. “Class, please listen. Doojoon has an announcement.”

The class turned their attention toward the three boys in front. Doojoon took a deep breath before giving his class a sad smile. “I just wanted to tell you that, after today, Hyunseung, Junhyung and I are leaving. We’re moving away, so today’s our last day.”

“W-What?!” Chin Ho yelled from the back of the class. “You can’t leave! You’re the coolest kids in school.”

Doojoon chuckled at the once bratty boy. “Sorry. Can’t be helped.”

“We’ll send you letters, Chin Ho.” Junhyung smiled. “Maybe we’ll visit someday.”

Chin ho nodded, trying to hide a tear threatening the corner of his eyes.

“Doojoon,” Another boy in the back yelled. “Could you at least play one last game of soccer with us today?”

Doojoon smiled. “I’d like nothing more.”



Recess came, and Yoseob sat with a group of crying girls, hugging their “baby.” Yoseob broke the news to them about his and Kikwang’s leaving, that morning, and the girls couldn’t hold back the tears, in thought of the cute boy leaving.

“Yoseobie~ Do you have to go?” One of the girls spoke between tears.

Yoseob nodded, earning him another hug. “Appa found a huge excavation site in South America. We’ll be living there from now on.”

“Why’s you Appa have to be an archeologist!” Another girl cried out, capturing the boy in  another hug.

Yoseob looked down, feeling bad for all the girls, crying over his departure. “But I’ll come visit you... someday. You just might not realize it.”

The girls nodded still crying and hugging the cute boy.

“Oppa?” One of the girls asked shyly. “Could you... maybe... sing for us one more time?”

Yoseob smiled, squirming out of one of the girl’s grips. “♪I know you've heard this line a thousand times that, The way you look tonight just blows my mind. Let's go someplace for we could talk a while Cause I don't wanna lose this vibe♪

The girls listened intently as the main vocal sang beautifully in english. Yoseob even found himself in tears. He didn’t realize how much he’d miss singing for a small group of friends like this. He definitely had to come back as an adult to sing for these girls, and all the students in the elementary school.

“♪Don't wanna waste your time. Sit back and relax your mind. I wanna be what you need and more, just tell me what you like♪”



♪Gyesok maem maem dora maem dora niga. Kkeut-eobsi maem maem dora maem dora neoneun♪

While Yoseob was serenading the second girls, Kikwang was busy teaching Hyunki a new dance. Kikwang smiled as his 5th grade student took a breather after the chorus. “How was that, Kiki?”

“Not bad, Hyung. But next time, try putting a little more pop in the pelvic . Like this.” Kikwang got on his knees rolling both his hands down his sides before pulling them up and pumping them while doing a pelvic . “Like this. It’s a swift movement.”

Hyunki nodded at his young teacher, as Kikwang stood up. “Also a quick tip to get a lot of brownie points, is to move your body in a fluid motion while rolling your hand down your chest and abdominals.” Kikwang demonstrated before turning back to Hyunki, hearing screams from some six grade girls across the playground. “Drives the girls crazy every time.”

Hyunki snickered. “You seem to like girls a lot for a second grader.”

“What can I say. I’m mature for my age... in some ways.” He chuckled.

Hyunki rolled his eyes. “Alright. I’ll try it. And this time next year, I’ll be the best dancer in school and the most popular kingka.” Kikwang smirked. “C’mon, Kiki. I wanna learn the rest of this dance by Friday.”

“Oh... I forgot to tell you.” Kikwang turned away from his 5th grade friend and rival. “Today’s my last day.”

“What?!” Hyunki’s eyes widened. “You’re leaving! You can’t leave! You never let me face you in another dance battle!”

“Can’t help it. Appa got a teaching job in the US so we’re moving at the end of the week.”

Hyunki groaned before looking down at Kikwang and smirking. He grabbed Kikwang in a headlock, giving him a noogie “Gonna miss you Kiki. You’re really a good dancer and dance teacher.”

“Yah!~ Hyung!~” Kikwang struggled to get free. “Ok. Ok! I’ll miss you too!”

Hyunki let go of Kikwang before getting up and turning on his music. “C’mon. Let’s get a little more dance in before recess ends. “

Kikwang nodded and leapt over to his friend. Making a promise to himself that someday, he’d return, and give Hyunki a dance battle he’d never forget.



School ended and the other members were saying goodbye to all their friends in the courtyard. Dongwoon walked with Hye Su out to curb, his hands in his pockets. He had already said goodbye to all his other friends and all that was left was Hye Su.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving,”Hye Su said sadly. “It seems like you just got here.”

“Sorry. But my Appa is a captain of big ocean liner. We’re gonna be traveling with him on the oceans for a while.”

“I’m gonna miss you, a lot Woonie.” Hye su looked toward the ground.

“I’ll come visit you someday. I promise.”

Hye Su smiled.

“Hye Su!” The two first graders looked up to see Jin Ae calling them. “C’mon. We gotta get home.”

“Just a second, Unnie. I just. I gotta say goodbye to Dongwoon.” She turned around, facing her classmate. “I’ll always remember you, Dongwoon.” He then leaned in and kissed his cheek before giggling and running off, leaving Dongwoon wide eyed and blushing.

Jin Ae walked over and smiled at Dongwoon. “She likes you, you know.”

Dongwoon shook his head, shaking himself out of his trance. “W-What?”

Jin Ae smirked. “So I take it, from that heartfelt goodbye, you’re going somewhere.”

“Oh um... yeah... I’m going-”

“Back to the stage, Son Dongwoon?”

Dongwoon’s eyes widen. “W-What? H-How did you-”

“Figure you out? I just had a feeling when I saw you guys perform at my party. Your stamina. Your energy. Your personalities on stage. It was too similar to the Beast members just to be a coincidence. And when you guys performed ‘Beautiful,’ I felt something. A sort of feeling that I could have only felt seeing Beast live on stage.” She smiled looking up at the sky. “In all my years being a b2uty, I never thought I’d be standing here, talking so casually to my idol.”

“Y-yeah. This is a surreal experience for me too.” Dongwoon replied, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. “J-Jin Ae, could you-”

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell.” She smiled. “I won’t even question what happened to you. Just make sure you come back soon. All the b2uties miss you guys. Especially me.”

“Don’t worry. Beast will come back. No matter what.”

Jin Ae nodded before looking across the courtyard. “Looks like the other Beast members are waiting for you. You’d better go.”

Dongwoon nodded before bowing to Jin ae and thanking her. He turned around to run to s, before stopping. “Hey Jin Ae?”

Jin Ae looked at him. “Yes, Oppa.”

Dongwoon turned back and smiled. “Your tickets are in the mail.”




The rest of the week came and went. The Beast members, now out of school, spent time practicing with Btob. They wanted to make sure their juniors were ready to perform their song, just in case the potion wasn’t ready in time. Eunkwang made a plan to get Beast their comeback but it all depended on how fast they could get the boys that potion.

It was well into Sunday night as Beast and Btob were the only ones in the Cube building. While Kikwang and Hyunseung were practicing dances with Sungjae, Changsub and Minhyuk, Hyunsik was pacing, on the phone with a certain Gypsy.

“What do you mean your plane is late!” Hyunsik yelled through the receiver.

“Hyunsikkie. Calm down.~ I’m on the plane now. I have all the ingredients and I’ll be back in Seoul soon.”

Hyunsik sighed, rubbing his head. “Fine. Just hurry. The show starts at seven tomorrow and you still have to boil that potion for 15 hours.”

“I know, I know. Who’s the gypsy here!” She giggled. “Maybe I’ll speed this up with an accelerator spell.”

“You can do that? Hurry up, do it, Moon!”

“Nah ah.~ First, call me Yeobo.~”


“C’mon, Hyunsikkie. Call me Yeobo and I’ll make the plane go faster.”

“Fine.” He sighed placing his head in his palm. “Please make the plane go faster, Yeobo,”

“Kyaa~ You actually said it! There’s no such thing as an accelerator spell. I just wanted to hear you say it.”

Hyunsik groaned, hanging up his phone.

“What’d she say?” Ilhoon asked, walking over with Junhyung.

“You don’t want to know.”



A couple of hours passed and both groups were exhausted. They took time to eat and rest, mentally preparing themselves for the day ahead.

Doojoon looked around, noticing Peniel was not sitting with them and decided to go look for the caretaker. After a few minutes of looking, he found Peniel sitting in Junhyung’s recording studio, an acoustic guitar in his hand and a song in his heart.

“Appa?” Doojoon interrupted Peniel’s song. Peniel sat up and smiled. “Wow, I knew you played guitar, but I had no idea you played so well.”

Peniel smiled and began playing again. Doojoon closed his eyes, listening to Peniel play Yiruma’s, “River Flow in You.”

Once he finished he set down his guitar, inviting Doojoon to come over and sit next to him on the couch.

“I’ve heard that tune somewhere before.” Doojoon spoke up as he sat next to his Appa.

Peniel smiled. “I sure hope so. It’s by South Korean Pianist, Yiruma. It’s one of his more popular pieces. I just happened to see this kid on youtube playing a guitar rendition of it so I decided to to learn it myself.”

Doojoon nodded. “I see. Maybe I heard it when I was learning piano.” Doojoon sighed, before leaning back on the couch. “I can’t believe it’s all over soon.”

“Hmm,” Peniel turned toward the young leader. “Pretty soon, you’ll be adults again and everything’ll go back to the way it was before all this.”

“You gonna miss us, Appa?” The young leader asked.

“Miss you? Miss you?! Miss the way you tortured me?! Miss the way you trolled me and scared me half to death?! Miss how you probably psychologically scarred me for life?! Yeah, why not?”

Doojoon chuckled. “It’s gonna be weird being the older ones again. Sure, it’s what I was used to, but after two months of being your son, you’ve kinda grown on me.”

“Yeah. I know how you feel.” He sighed looking over at his guitar. “After today we probably won’t see too much of each other. You’ll go back to your idol life, and I’ll go back to mine.

Doojoon shook his head. “That’s not exactly true. Sure we’ll be adults again, but it doesn’t mean things will be the same.”

“What do you mean?” Peniel asked.

“Well I’m not gonna forget this experience, and I don’t think you will either.” Peniel shook his head. “Besides, I don’t wanna lose contact with the funny junior that served as my Appa for all this time. I liked being your kid these two months, even if it was kind of awkward. But I still wanna keep hanging out with you, now and again. All of Btob.”

Peniel leaned back on the couch and thought for a second. “Hey. How about, every year at some point. All of Beast and all of BtoB can get together and go to Lotte World.”

“Are you sure?” Doojoon asked. “We might cause trouble again.”

“I think you’ll be old enough to handle it.”

“Ok Appa. It’s a deal.” He leaned over, hugging Peniel around the waist as the caretaker hugged him back.

After letting go of Doojoon, Peniel picked up his guitar and began to strum the intro riff to a familiar BtoB song. He looked over to see Doojoon swaying to the music before immediately singing the lyrics.


“♪Baby neoreul wihan promise jal deureobwa, Niga wonhamyeon da hal su isseo nan, Nuni busin neoneun namanui style my beautiful girl~ Naege dagaomyeon geudaero stop geudaero nan fall in love with you, Nae mameul algenni nan niga jeongmal joheun geol♪”

“♪Step by step♪”

“♪nae soneul jababwa♪”

Peniel and Doojoon looked over to see Kikwang and Hyunsik standing in the doorway singing the next lines of the song.

“♪Day by day♪”


“♪Ireoke love is forever♪”

“♪Nae mamsok♪” Hyunseung strolled in behind the two”♪ maeil neoman boyeo♪”

“♪Ijen naman saranghaejwo nae modeun geol julgeyo♪" Hyunsik picked up, leading for Sungjae to enter the room with Yoseob on his shoulders.

“♪My sweety girl you’re my heart you’re my girl geudaeman♪” Yoseob sang followed by Sungjae

“♪Barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo my girl♪”

Changsub pushed passed the group entering the room, placing his hand on his heart. “♪You’re my angel~♪”

“♪sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo♪” Eunkwang stood in the back as he sang the next line, harmonizing with Minhyuk. “♪Hanappunin my girl♪”

Peniel smiled as he continued playing, watching both the members of Beast and BtoB singing along to one of his favorite songs. Although he didn’t sing himself, Peniel focused on his guitar providing the perfect accompaniment for the mystical melding of voices happening before him. He smiled noticing how all 10 of the singers in the room knew exactly when to sing and let the others sing. The Btob members didn’t mind letting the Beast boys take their parts and he was pleasantly surprised to see how well the children knew the song. It made him happy to see that not was BtoB looking to Beast for inspiration, but the Beast boys were also looking at them.

“♪Hello girl naega deutgo sipeun myeot gaji♪”

“♪achime ireonasseul ddae ni gallajin moksori♪”

“♪soreumi dodeul jeongdoro ibbeun ni♪”

“♪eolgure misoga beonjineun haengbokan sori♪”

Ilhoon entered with Junhyung and the two rappers traded off parts, respectively. Everyone smiled looking at the two noticing how much they looked like brothers performing. Even though Peniel couldn’t help but giggle at the similar rappers, he didn’t miss a single note on his guitar, impressing everyone around him.

Peniel kept strumming his guitar. He felt at peace listening to the voices in the room. He was experiencing something wonderful that moment. Something he’d never thought he’d live to see. Absolute, perfect harmony between the two groups. Peniel had brought these two groups together, and now they were singing to his guitar. To his melody. It seemed like all the frustration he felt from debut until now had melted away. He knew right then and there that this was where he was meant to be. Surrounded by his friends, no, his family, performing the music he loved.

“You’re my girl, ‘cause you’re my heart.” Doojoon sang followed by Eunkwang.

“You’re my soul”

Peniel stopped playing to sing the last line. “♪‘Cause you’re my lady♪”





A/N:  Am I the only one who could see Beast and BtoB hamonizing on this song


Anyway, only two chapters left and HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENIEL!!





Both honorable mentions of chapter 19 go to michelleishereCongratulations on getting your 3rd and 4th Honorable mention! You're catching up! XD~


Songs for Chapter 19: 

Sherlock (Clue+Note) - Shinee


I Got a Boy- SNSD (Girls Generation) 


Two normal songs and 1 bold for chapter 20! Time running out! Next chapter is the last chance to get mentions! Comment! Subscribe and UPVOTE!!



♪Gandago seulpeun cheok yeongi malgo

Tteonandago pinggyedo geuman malhae

Wanjeonhi michyeosseo jeongsincharyeo michyeosseo
R u crazy (im really want you to get away)♪ 

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Thank you!
This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
692 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^