Chapter 19: Paranormal Investigators

Child's Play


“So here’s the plan,” Peniel sat in a circle with the Beast boys, Sungjae and Hyunsik. “Sungjae, you’ll take the other BtoB members out to breakfast. In the meantime, Hyunsik and I will move the boys into the dorm. They can stay in our wardrobe room-”

“You mean the disaster zone we haven’t cleaned in a while?” Hyunsik asked.

“Then clean it!” Sungjae yelled. “I don’t want my boys staying in a dirty room.”

“Your boys?” All six beast members and Peniel asked in unison.

Sungjae sunk back and Peniel continued. “Anyway, we’ll clean it as best we can. Sungjae, you just have to keep the others out of the dorm as long as possible. Think you can handle it?”

“Yes sir!” Sungjae saluted.

“So what do we do when you guys need a wardrobe change,” Kikwang asked puzzled.

“I was getting to that,” Peniel responded. “The goal is to get you out of the dorm before the others wake up. During mornings you’ll be at school anyway. And in the afternoons, you can hang out at Cube entertainment. The three of us can cover you there.”

“Isn’t that risky?” Hyunsik asked. “What about all the other artists at Cube?”

“We haven’t been caught yet.” Doojoon said smugly.

Hyunsik opened his mouth but shut it, thinking about the times he thought he saw children at Cube but assumed it was a hallucination.

“And at, night,” Peniel continued. “I’ll pick you up and bring you back to the dorm.”

“What about our stuff,” Hyunseung asked. “We’ll have to have some clothes and toothpaste and things like that with us.”

“Hyunsik, Sungjae and I will hide it in our wardrobe cabinets during the day. So the others will never know you’re staying with us.”

“Yeah!” Sungjae cheered. “This plan is foolproof.”

“How can it be foolproof. You three are involved.” Junhyung smirked.

Peniel narrowed his eyes at the young rapper before shaking it off. “Ok. It’s nearly morning. Pack your things and we’ll initiate our plan. Ready, Sungjae?”

“Ready Hyung.” The maknae smiled as the three BtoB member exited the dorm.

“Does anyone else have the feel of impending failure?” Doojoon asked and the other Beast members couldn’t help but nod.

Sungjae entered the BtoB dorm. He was confident that he could convince the other members to go out and eat. He just had to keep the other members away from the dorm for a couple of hours.

“Hey, Eunkwang.” Sungjae smiled as he approached the leader.

Eunkwang was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand. He glanced up at Sungjae with a smile on his face. “Hey, Sungjae. What’s up?”

“I just thought,” Sungjae rocked back and forth on his heels as he made his proposition. “We’ve been working hard these days, preparing for the tribute show. So I was thinking, How about we all go to breakfast. My treat.”

“That sounds nice, but I can’t get ahold of Peniel or Hyunsik.”

“Oh. Don’t worry about them. They’re busy.. um... cleaning. They went to pick up cleaning supplies.” Sungjae answered, keeping his eyes away from Eunkwang. “They just wanted to clean on their own. A-as a surprise.” He covered his mouth. “Oh no. I ruined it.”

Eunkwang eyed the maknae suspiciously before relinquishing a sigh. “It’s about time we got some cleaning done around here.”

Sungjae giggled. “Come on. Let’s get Minhyuk, Ilhoon and Changsub and grab some food. I’m starving.”

“Oh, Changsub went out skateboarding, this morning.” Sungjae paused as Eunkwang continued. “But we can have fun, just the four of us.”

“W-well, Shouldn’t we call him?” Sungjae began to internally panic.

“You know Changsub doesn’t answer his phone when boarding. Besides, by the time he’s done, we’ll be finished eating.” Eunkwang wrapped his arms around Sungjae’s shoulders. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

About half an hour later, Peniel stepped into the BtoB dorm. He checked each of the rooms for the other members and when he was sure no one was home, he returned to the front door and whistled for Hyunsik. After a couple of minutes, Hyunsik herded the six boys into the dorm.

“This is where you live,” Junhyung snarked.

“Cozy, I suppose.” Hyunseung remarked.

Yoseob ran to the kitchen with Dongwoon on his tail. “Appa! Hal-abeoji! What kinda snacks do you have?” The maknae complained.

Hyunsik groaned, annoyed by his new title. “Seriously. Why am I the grandfather? I’m not that old!!”

Doojoon chuckled. “Well we could always go with calling you, Umma.”

“I still think that Sungjae should be the mom and I could be the uncle.” Hyunsik complained.

“Boys. Can we focus!” Peniel blurted out before sighing. “Hyunsik and I’ll clean the wardrobe room. You guys just... just make yourself at home. But don’t break anything!”

“Please, Appa.” Kikwang said with a smirk. “What do you take us for? What makes you think we’d break anything” He spun around on his heels, nearly knocking over a glass figurine that sat on a nearby shelf.

“Gee. I wonder.” Hyunsik spoke sarcastically.

“Doojoon. Just keep ‘em out of trouble, please.” Peniel asked as he walked off toward the wardrobe room.

Doojoon nodded, sitting on the ground and flipping on the tv. The other members dropped their overnight bags on the ground while Hyunseung gently sat down Saja. The cat began to wander the kitchen as Yoseob and the maknae finished off any chips that had been stashed away in the cabinets. Junhyung grabbed a can of coke from his bag, before sitting next to leader in front of the television, to watch a soccer match.

After a several minutes, Peniel and Hyunsik had made a bit of progress with their cleaning. “Ok,” Hyunsik said. “The floor’s clear and I’ve made room for three of the boys bags in my wardrobe space.”

“Good,” Peniel replied. “Cause we’ll need all of my space for Dongwoon’s bag alone.

Hyunsik snickered. “What does that boy even carry in that thing?”

“I don’t think he even knows, anymore.”

Both boys continued cleaning, freezing when they heard a familiar sound coming from their front door. Peniel rushed out of the wardrobe room,  toward the door as the sound of a key unlocking the door echoed through the entryway.

“Hey! I’m home!” Changsub spoke as he slowly pushed open the front door only to have Peniel close it before he could enter. “Hey! What the hell!”

“Ch-Changsub! What are you doing here?”

“I live here?”

Peniel cracked open the door as Hyunsik tried to rush the boys into hiding, knocking over several items scattered about the dorm in the process. “Oh. S-Sorry Changsub. Um, shouldn’t you be out eating, w-with the other members.”

“I didn’t hear about that. I was skateboarding.” The vocalist spoke.

“Oh. Oh, you were boarding. I don’t think you got enough practice. You should go board some more.”

“Can’t,” He held up two halves of a wooden board with wheels. “Broke my board on the quarterpipe. And I think my toe too.” He looked down at his foot, staring awkwardly for a second. “No, just my board. So are you gonna let me in?” He pushed against the door again, as Peniel continued to block him.

“Y-you can’t come in.” Peniel stammered.

“Why not!”

Peniel panicked thinking of an excuse. He eyed Hyunsik from across the room as the dancer desperately tried to catch Saja, Yoseob and Hyunseung also chasing and diving for the rambunctious feline.

“H-Hyunsik has a horrible case of gas! Yeah. It’s like a gas chamber in here!” An empty water bottle flew across the room and hit Peniel upside the back of his head. “He’s also very temperamental.” This time a soccer ball hit the foreigner as he spun around, glaring at said dancer. “CUT THAT OUT, HYUNG!”

Hyunsik smirked before returning to chasing the cat. Changsub eyed Peniel suspiciously from the crack in the front door.

“H-here, Hyung.” Peniel reached into his pocket pulling out his wallet and shoving it at Changsub. “Go buy yourself a new board. And while you’re at it, get some lunch. On me! Ok. Meet you later at the studio. Bye Hyung.” He slammed the door close and slid down with a heavy sigh.

Changsub looked at the wooden door before looking down at the wallet in his hand. He had his suspicions about Peniel but shook it off, smiling at the thought of free lunch. He walked for a moment and paused as an awkward though arose in his head. Wait. Those two are alone together and didn’t want anyone around. Was Peniel sweating? Oh my god! Pensik is real!!

The rest of the day was a bit awkward. At the studio, Peniel and Hyunsik practiced for the tribute performance while Changsub eyed the two suspiciously. A couple of times, he caught the maknae talking to the boys in secret and giggling with them, placing his arms around his hyungs’ shoulders. Does Sungjae know about this? Is there a ?!

“What’re you thinking about, Changsub?” Ilhoon asked as he examined the awkward look on Changsub’s face.”

“PenSikJae.” The vocalist absentmindedly  responded.

Ilhoon gave Changsub and awkward look before backing away slowly.  Changsub spent the rest of the day eyeing the three boys and sending them awkward vibes.

That night, Peniel secretly tucked the 6 boys in before heading to the bedroom where Changsub, Ilhoon, Minhyuk and Eunkwang were fast asleep.

“The boys doing ok?” Sungjae whispered from his bed.

Peniel nodded, taking off his shirt and slipping under the covers of his bed.

“I have an alarm set for 4 a.m through my headphones.” Hyunsik whispered. “I’ll wake you up and we can get the boys out of the dorm and their stuff put away before anyone else wakes up.”

“Good,” Peniel whispered, laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes. “For once, things are really starting to work out.”

The three boys jerked their eyes open at the sound of a loud crash was heard followed by a quick yell. “SAJA!”

Peniel swallowed nervously, as the other four members darted awake.

“W-What was that?” Eunkwang began to panic.

“Burglar?” Ilhoon asked causing the leader to cover his head in fear.

“N-No,” Peniel stuttered. “Can’t be! We the alarm system. It’s probably just a...just a...”

“Ghost?” Sungjae blurted out causing Peniel and Hyunsik to facepalm.

“G-G-Ghost?!” Eunkwang stammered nervously. “That’s worst than a burglar!!”

“It’s the ghost of Beast,” Minhyuk joked. “They’re haunting us for stealing their song.”

Eunkwang squeaked in panic.

“D-Don’t listen to them.” Hyunsik called to Eunkwang.  “It’s probably just rats or some kids playing outside at one in the morning. I’ll go investigate.” Hyunsik Walked over to Peniel’s bunk as Sungjae climbed down as well. “C’mon Peniel. You’re coming too.” He grabbed the caretaker off his bunk before running out into the hall, Sungjae following.

Those three. Right now?! Changsub shuddered, thinking of the awkward “.”

Peniel and the other two entered the living room to find Saja sitting on the counter. A broken bowl sat on the ground as the cat pawed at a half open can of cat food.

“Yoseob.” Peniel whispered. “You can come out. It’s just us.”

The small vocalist came out from the cabinet under the sink. “S-sorry, Appa.” Yoseob said, looking down. “Saja was hungry.”

“Just get to bed, Seob.” Peniel said. “We’ll get this cleaned up.”

Yoseob nodded and quietly ran back to the wardrobe room. Hyunsik and Peniel began cleaning up the mess as Sungjae walked back toward the room. Saja quietly followed the maknae, keeping out of his line of sight. As he entered the room, Saja stayed hidden behind his legs.

“What’s going on, Sungjae. Is everything ok?” Ilhoon asked.

“Oh fine.” Sungjae replied walking over to his bed. “Just some kids outside... at one in the morning.”

“Oh.” Eunkwang sighed with relief. “As long as there’s no ghost.”

Sungjae nodded and ascended the ladder, as Saja ducked under Hyunsik’s bed.

“Where’s Hyunsik and Peniel,” Changsub asked suspiciously.

“Oh um...” Sungjae answered. “ Just going to the bathroom.”

Changsub narrowed his eyes. The two said boys re-entered the room. “Where were you two?”

“In the bathroom.” “Getting some water.” Hyunsik and Peniel said in unison as Sungjae facepalmed

“You were getting water from the bathroom?” Eunkwang asked, a bit disgusted.

“No no no no no.” Hyunsik shook his head. “I was in the bathroom. Peniel got some water, right Pen?”

Peniel nodded before closing the door to the bedroom and climbing up the ladder to his bunk. As the seven boys layed back down, relaxing in their beds, a low purr resonated from under Hyunsik’s bed followed by a soft mewling.

SAJA!! Peniel, Hyunsik and Sungjae all thought in unison. Without warning, Sungjae jumped from his bed swept up the white and brown cat from under Hyunsik’s bed, before rushing out of the bedroom.

“Ghost!” Eunkwang yelled, shivering under his covers.

“Calm down. Calm down.” Hyunsik said. “That wasn’t a ghost it was...Sungjae’s stomach. Don’t let him eat fiber before bed anymore, Peniel.”

The other members laughed, but Eunkwang couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. He felt like something supernatural was going on and he didn’t want to be the one killed by the “ghosts” in the dorm.

The next day had gone just as Peniel had planned. They had gotten the boys to school before the other weary members woke up, as well as picked them up after school, and brought them to Cube Entertainment. The boys did their homework, hidden in a supposedly empty recording studio while the BtoB members practiced for the tribute performance. Hours went by and the sun had already set when BtoB took a break. Sungjae secretly led the boys to the dance studio, while Minhyuk and Changsub practiced vocals in the practice rooms near Junhyung recording room.

As the boys sat around in the dance studio, they each worked on individual school projects, utilizing paint, glue and various craft supplies.

“Umma,” Yoseob whined. “We’re out of blue paint.”

Sungjae glared. “Why are you calling me Umma, all of a sudden?”

“Cause you look like one.” Yoseob smirked.

“And you cook for us,” Dongwoon interjected. “...and read us bedtime stories, tuck us in at night and-”

“Face it, Sungjae.” Junhyung smirked. “You’re definitely the motherly type, Umma.”

Sungjae cringed but surrendered. It’s only for a few more weeks. You can handle it, Sungjae. “Why do you guys need so much paint anyway?”

“Our class is making salt and flour maps of eastern asian countries.” Doojoon said, painting a map Thailand.

“And Yoseob and I are painting each other for art class,” Kikwang responded.

“Umma, I’m out of yellow.” Yoseob complained. “Dongwoon used it all, and he’s not even doing homework!”

Dongwoon giggled. “I’m painting a bearbrick. Besides, we’re out of every color now except green, because of Kikwang.”

“Yeah, Kiki,” Yoseob joined in.

“What did I do?” Kikwang asked.

“You’re supposed to water down your colors a bit so you don’t use as much paint.” Hyunseung answered, not looking up from his map of Indonesia.

“Well maybe if Doojoon bought more paint than green, I wouldn’t have to water down my colors.” He swiftly pointed his brush toward the leader, spattering a small amount of green paint on Junhyung. “Oops.”

Junhyung sat up, wiping the washable paint from his face. “Lee Kikwang.”

“S-Sorry Hyung. I-I didn’t realize you we-”

Before Kikwang could continue, the rapper picked up his brush and smeared green paint across the dancer’s face.

“Oh I see where this is going,” Yoseob smirked, picking up a cup of green paint, mixed with water.

“Game on.” Kikwang started flinging paint off his brush at the rapper and Junhyung began running around the room, throwing paint back.

Yoseob and Dongwoon also stood up, joining in the paint war and it wasn’t long before Doojoon and Hyunseung got involved as well. Green pain quickly became splattered on all the walls, floors and windows.

“Stop stop! You’re making a huge mes-” Before Sungjae could finish protesting a large about of green paint was flung into his face. He wiped the paint from his eyelids and glared at the boys before smirking and grabbing a paint brush and cup of green paint. “You’re gonna get it now.”

Ilhoon walked down the Cube halls, sporting a new sleeveless jean-shirt. He was pretty excited because it matched the shirt Junhyung wore in Beast’s most recent comeback performance so he was sure it’d be perfect to wear on stage for the tribute show. Ilhoon never desired to be exactly like Junhyung, but if he was going to be rapping his senior’s part, he figured he should do whatever he could to make the performance worthy of Beast’s rapper.

Ilhoon stopped at the door to the dance studio and paused hearing a loud commotion coming from inside. What in the world?

“Oh! You’re in for it now!” Ilhoon heard Sungjae yell and opened the door, only to be met with a face full of green paint.

“Oh .” Sungjae dropped his brush as Ilhoon wiped the paint from his eyes and glared at Sungjae. Sungjae looked around noticing all the boys had managed to scramble off into hiding before the rapper could see them. “I-Ilhoon. I can explain.”


Sungjae dropped his paint cup and ran away as fast as he could,Ilhoon hot on his trail.


Peniel sat in the lounge with Hyunsik and Eunkwang, waiting for the leader to get off of the phone.

“Yeah... ok... good luck, G.Na. See you tomorrow.” Eunkwang hung up his phone before turning to Peniel and Hyunsik. “Alright, so what were you saying?”

“I was just thinking,” Hyunsik spoke up. “What if we got a cat? Just a furry little friend for the dorm.” Hyunsik figured by asking if they could get a cat, they’d no longer have to worry about Saja being seen by the other members.

“Probably not, guys. We wouldn’t have time to take care of a cat. Plus Minhyuk’s more of a dog person.” Eunkwang shivered. “Besides, what if it get possesed by the ghosts of Beast. It could kill us in our sleep.”

“Oh for the love of... the members of Beast are not haunting you. Don’t listen to Minhyuk. It’s all-”

“I’m gonna kill you, Yook Sungjae!” Hyunsik was interrupted by Ilhoon chasing Sungjae across the room before exiting through the door on the other side. The three boys stared at the two youngest for a moment before returning to their conversation.

“It’s all in your head, Eunkwang. There are no ghosts.”

Eunkwang stood and started walking toward the dance studio, sighing. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” He nodded and the other two smiled, following. “C’mon. Let’s get a little practice in before we head ho-” He opened the door to the room noticing all of the green paint on the walls, windows and floors. “ECTOPLASM!” With that, the cowardly leader fainted.

Hyunsik knelt down to help Eunkwang as Peniel stared at the messy studio. “You know. This is exactly what I thought would happen.”


After about an hour, Eunkwang returned to the dorm with Ilhoon, Minhyuk and Changsub. Sungjae had stayed behind to clean up the paint in the dance room and Hyunsik and Peniel stayed behind to help.

We probably shouldn’t have left those three alone together,” Changsub commented, turning the television on.

“Y-Yeah,” Eunkwang spoke nervously. “What if they're attacked by the ghost?”

“There is no ghost!” Ilhoon commented when they heard a strange sound coming from somewhere.

“But there is something strange going on,” Minhyuk said. “Like what happened last night. And why was Sungjae playing with paint today?”

“To anger me?” Ilhoon replied.

“W-What if he’s possessed?” Eunkwang asked nervously.

“It is possible, I guess.” Minhyuk answered, causing Eunkwang to panic a bit. “Whatever it is, we should investigate.”

“I’m in.” Ilhoon responded.

“I’m good.” Eunkwang declined.

♪Oh i’m curious yeah♪” Changsub sang.

“Alright then,” Minhyuk smirked. “We’ll start our paranormal investigation with the dorm. Everyone start searching and report anything you find that’s out of the ordinary.” Ilhoon and Changsub ran off to search the dorm as Eunkwang cowered in the corner. “You too, oh brave leader.~” He smiled and performed a bit of aegyo. “You wouldn’t let your members get eaten by a big bad ghosty, would you?~”

Eunkwang sighed, succuming to Minhyuk’s aegyo. He nervously walked over to the kitchen and began to search for clues. He started by searching the cabinets but was unable to find anything suspicious. After searching all of the cabinets, the sink and the refrigerator, the leader was about to give up, before he turned to the trash can and screamed. “AHHHHHHHH!!!!”

“What! What is it!” Ilhoon ran in, with the other two members following.

Eunkwang pointed a shaky finger toward the trash bin. “L-L-Look at all the coke cans.”

The other members groaned as they led Eunkwang out of the kitchen. After about another thirty or so minutes of searching, Ilhoon opened the hall closet and smiled. “Guys. I think we found our ghost.” The other members ran over and stared face to face with a mischievous brown and white cat.

Peniel, Hyunsik and Sungjae returned to the dorm several minutes later. They kept their voices down as they chatted, before entering. “You sure the boys’ll be ok for a couple of hours?” Sungjae asked Peniel.

“It was their idea,” Peniel responded. “They said it’d be easier if they ate their dinner and finished their painting projects in their own dorm.”

“But it’s so cold and dark.”

“You really have become a mother, Sungjae.” Hyunsik giggled as Sungjae scowled.

Peniel rolled his eyes. “It’s ok, Sungjae. We got them a space heater and a lantern. We’ll pick em up once the others are asleep.” He slipped his key into the lock, and slowly opened the dorm.

“Ok Hyung. But don’t take too long.”

Peniel chuckled and the three boys entered the dorm, only to be greeted by the four other members, as well as Saja, sitting in their living room.

“Is this the cat you were asking about?” Eunkwang asked sternly, and the three guilty boys’ eyes darted back and forth between each other.

“Look, Eunkwang. I can explain.” Peniel spoke.

“No need,” Ilhoon remarked. “We have it all figured out. You all found a lost cat in the streets yesterday and Sungjae, being the softy that he is, brought him home.”

“But you didn’t want to get in trouble, knowing I’m not a fan of cats, so you hid it from us.” Minhyuk continued. “ Last night it must’ve broken something so you all scrambled to cover it up by coming up with that Beast ghost story.”

“Actually Hyung, you were the one that mentioned-”

Hyunsik was interrupted by Eunkwang. “Well you should’ve asked first, instead of hiding the cat and trying to make found cat posters in the dance studio.”

“And you should’ve told us before you three started having awkward makeout sessions!” Changsub yelled, earning an awkward look from all the other BtoB members.

Peniel smirked before sighing. “Ok. You caught us. We were hiding a cat. Sorry. We’ll ask next time.”

Eunkwang nodded before looking at Saja’s name tag. “Ok we’ll keep Saja here until we can find it’s owner. Did you try calling the number on the tag.”

“Y-Yeah.” Sunjae answered. “It was disconnected. But we’ll make some found cat posters and find it’s owner as soon as possible. So please, can we keep her?”

Eunkwang sighed. “Just until we find her owner. And remember, it’s your responsibility, ok?”

“Ok,” the three members chimed in unison. Hyunsik took Saja from the leader and the two boys walked off to the bedroom with large smiles on their faces. Once they entered the room and closed the door, they immediately burst into laughter knowing their real secret was safe.

That night the beast boys quietly giggled at their caretaker’s story.

“Changsub really thought you were having a ?” Kikwang asked between giggles.

“Yeah.” Peniel chuckled. “That boy comes to some strange conclusions.”

“But the point is, now, you don’t have to worry about Saja.” Hyunsik smiled. “We can keep her fed and she can wander out in the open, until you’re all back to normal.”

“Thank goodness,” both Yoseob and Hyunseung said in unison.

“And we can blame anything we break on her.”

“Kikwang!” Everyone scolded before laughing again.

“Just try and behave.” Peniel asked and the children nodded, before climbing under the covers of the futon the caretakers had laid out for them. “Alright, boys. Bedtime”

Peniel, Hyunsik, and Sungjae tucked each of the Beast members in for the night before wishing them sweet dreams and turning out the lights. “Night boys,” Peniel smiled. “Appa loves you.”

When they were sure the boys had fallen asleep, the caretakers closed the door and entered the hallway only to be greeted by Ilhoon and Minhyuk eyeing them suspiciously while Eunkwang cowered behind the rapper’s leg.

The caretakers froze in fear, knowing their secret had been exposed as Ilhoon eyed them up and down before smirking, “So. Appa, huh?”


A/N: Yes it's long and I'm REALLY sorry it's late. It's been a tough couple of weeks so I haven't had much writing time. Also only 3 chapters left. 


On the plus side I will be releasing a new Dooseob,Junseung Kiwoon fic within the next few weeks as well as my first horror story featuring Big Bang. 

Look forward to "I Have to Win" and "The Greatest Show Unearthed." Within the next few weeks. 




Shout out to michelleishere for guessing the normal songs and getting your second honorable mention. Bonus song and a first honorable mention to first timee guesser ilamarshmallowApplauswe all around. 


Songs for Chapter 18: 

Heart to Heart- 4Minute

Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepsen ( I would've also accepted Tiffany from SNSD. I like that version better, XD)


Pinkies's Brew- Friendship is Witchcraft (Shout out to all the bronies out there) 


Caffiene- Yang Yoseob


Just one song for Chapter 19. Good luck all!! And Don't forget to comment, subscribe, and Upvote!!

♪Sasil na, cheoeum bwasseo
Sangcheo ibeun yasu gateun gipeun nun
Yaegiman haedo eojil haetdanikka?
Neo jallasseo jeongmal! Jallasseo jeongmal!♪



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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^