Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate, Chocolate, Strawberry, Chocolate


“What would you like, ma’am?”

“A vanilla ice cream, please,” the timid woman-like boy answered. The ice cream clerk handed him a plain vanilla ice cream. The boy walked away while eating the ice cream slowly. His name was Kibum, but he preferred Key. He usually came to the local park to think about things and to relax. A man in a blue collar shirt with a white bow tie and tan slacks sat next to Key. Key looked over and then turned his back to the man.

“Excuse me, do you know how to get to…” the man slowly stopped and was curious of Key’s strange sense of high fashion.

“Get where?” Key snapped.

“T-to the nearest Mexicana,” the man mumbled.

Key broke out into obnoxious laughter, “What? Mexicana? You know that place is all fat and no good.” The man’s anger grew. He gritted his teeth and glared at Key. “Anyways, if you want the best chicken in the city. It’s down that block, make a right, go up the stairs of the purple building, enter through the 4th door on your left, go down the hall, and on your right will be the best chicken place you have ever seen.” Key scanned his new pedicure and his vanilla ice cream nonchalantly. The man got up and faced Key.

“Thank you,” he smiled and he held out his hand to shake Key’s. Key shook his hand halfheartedly. When they released a slip of paper was left in Key’s hand. When Key looked up from it, the man was gone. “What the hell?” Key analyzed at the paper carefully. “O-Oh-Oh-OhNyu? OHNYU? What the hell is an OHNYU!” Key shoved the paper into his handbag and stood up. He walked to the mall with pink handbag and vanilla ice cream in hand.

The man carried a plastic bag that held a box of chicken. He stood at the cross walk waiting for his turn to finally walk. Beside him, he noticed Key his ice cream still. “Um… Hello there.” Key looked at the man and stepped back.

“Why are you following me?” Key hissed.

“I’m not.”

“You’re not, Oh-Nyu?” Key mocked.

The man chuckled, “It’s pronounced Onew.”

“What kind of name is Onew?”

“Well, what’s your name?” Onew mocked.

“Key.” He flipped his hair.

“Ha, what kind of name is Key? Where are you going? To open doors?”

Key growled and glared at Onew. “Whatever.” Key looked down and saw the bag of chicken. “I see you at least took my advice. Hmm… You’re welcome.” And with that Key walked across the street and turned the corner too quick for Onew to follow.

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puppy_love #1
Chapter 4: Awww ..

The end was so cuteeeeeeeee .......
Chapter 3: Holy ____, I started laughing so much through this it turned into a coughing fit :P
It's just, it's how they woke up and just stared at each other, I don't know why but it was magical :P
Chapter 3: "If you dont call me within a week, I'll wbkill you."
^that line, my dear author, is what everyone needs to tell people xD. It'd definitely work. Man, I adore key xD
And i so want to try that chicken onew had at the beginning.