Debut - Yeong's POV

One Last Thank You ( Ver. 1 )

Before I start , I have a small note for those who reads this story of mine. Because I am quite fresh to Big Bang , my background of theirs is very vague. Therefore the concert in this story is made up. Thank you for reading and please enjoy. This chapter would be alittle tad lengthy. This chapter is Yeong-Ji's POV the next chapter is continued by TOP's POV of the concert. Chapter 4 is then another chapter.

Sorry if the name is jumbled from Seunghyun to Hyun to TOP for some reasons I decided to shorten it.

Yeong-Ji's POV

Its 19th August 2006.. The day I mark my boyfriend , Seung Hyun's debut.

I can't wait to see him perform at the YG concert today. Seung Hyun passed me a ticket to the concert with a back stage pass a few days ago during our date , even though his hetic practices and rehearsals for the concert and his group debut , he still took out some of his time out to be with me. I feel so blessed that I am his girlfriend. The time I protected him from bullies were all worth it. Thinking about the past makes me so happy because he was so cute and chubby back then. Now he is handsome yet cute with the sillyness of his. Sometimes he just act like a 5 year old. That what makes him so special..


I looked into the mirror and looked at my outfit. It took me quite awhile to choose but I settled down with my acid washed skinny with brown blazer and white tank top and topped it off with my grey beanie and geeky specs. Seunghyun told me to dress casually and told me to act like his little sister as his company did not allow relationships. I looked at myself proudly and smiled when I looked at my ring. I went to my kitchen and took the bento box I specially made for him and his group mates. 


I could not stay still for the 1 hour when I am at the queue when about to go into the Gymnastics Arena because I can finally see Seung Hyun performing with his group mates and alot more celebrities. I feel so happy as I was given the first row and which is near to the stage. I walked into the hall eagerly and looked at the stage happily and the lights went dim , cheers could be heard every in the hall loud and clear. The screams and everything makes me feel so excited ..


A video was shown on the screens and the screams became more louder.. The video was introducing every single group or soloists.. The first who came out is SE7EN singing The One and Baby U .. When it comes to Sean , the rapper , he suddenly jumped off the stage and then proposed to a women. 


After alot of performances there's a talk in one part of the talk they mentioned , "We are going to introduce you to our new group who is going to debut here today and they are Big Bang " .

Hearing those words I cheered loudly with the other fans in the hall. Even though they are not really famous yet.. Some of their songs were released and it gained alot of love and fans. They sang La La La and A Fool's only Tears.

After the whole concert was over , I went to the back stage with the identity of Seunghyun's family.

" You came ! " smiled Hyun , hugging me.. "Let me introduce you to my brothers !" he said cheerfully leading me into a room.

" Come over my dear dongsaeng , this is my cutest sister , Yeong-ji " he smiled cheerfully hiding the fact that I was his girlfriend as he do not want others to know the truth yet.. 
"Yeong , this is my dongsaengs , Daesung , Seungri , Taeyang and G-D" he introduced them to me one by one.
"Annyeonghasaeyo , I am Yeong-ji" I bowed down.

" Waaa she is cute !" Seungri exclaimed. "Her smile is beautiful" Daesung smiled.  " Her name reminds me of mine just the other way round" laughed G-Dragon. Taeyang was quiet but he smiled at me with his eye smile too.

"Ya ya ya , little Seunghyun , don't try to take advantage of Yeong" Hyun held me tighter and closer to him.

"Ah , you guys must be tired and hungry after the concert right ? I prepared lunch boxes for you guys to eat. " I took out the lunch box out of my bag , and passed each and every single lunch box to every one of the Big Bang members. 


" You din't have to Yeong ! " Hyun said " You make me feel so bad .. " 
"Kamsahaminda ! I will eat well ~ " exclaimed the other members
" TOP hyung , you have a good sister , I am jealous ! " Seungri said with envy.


'"Hyun-ah ," I whispered to TOP's ear  while dragging him to one corner without any members " I have work and lessons tomorrow .. So I have to go home soon , I love you .You did well today , I feel proud. Hwaiting ~ " I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him walking out of the corner..

Suddenly he held onto me whispering  "Ah boya ! Just a kiss on the cheek ? No goodbye kiss or goodnight kiss or what soever ? I won't be able to see you for quite awhile"  he pouted. I could not say no with those puppy eyes and that pout so I kissed him on the lips for awhile..

I walked out of the corner waving goodbye to the members and him ." I will take my leave soon , work hard and I hope to see you guys on the billboards topping the 1st forever ! Hwaiting " I smiled while  walking out.

As I closed the door I heard chatters of the members and I headed home to take a rest as I have a busy day tomorrow..









Hello ^~^ ,

For those who read my story , I am thankful you read my story , my story may get boring in these few chapters but I hope you guys still stay by my side and read this story on with me until the ending and to version 2 of this story , if you like a happy-sad ending version 1 is the one , if you like the sad ending version 2 is the one. Please hang on with me while I finish the other 2 chapters which is alittle tad boring and short as I have to rush through it as my brain may stop working after awhile.

This is my first fanfiction so it may get shabby and bad after while , I am not really a reader of fanfictions either therefore my writing skills are not that good or on par with those who read fanfics and write fanfics. I swear chapter 5 onwards everything would be alittle less boring than the other two.. Yeah , comment your feelings and on how I can improve and what you are hoping next !  Thank you again for reading and spending time reading this not so good fanfic , I would write a better one next time so , stay tuned.


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