18th year

One Last Thank You ( Ver. 1 )

Yeong-Ji's POV

" 18 years passed so fast , we already knew each other for so long.. "

It had been 18 years since I knew Seung Hyun , he is the chubby boy I knew years ago. I was his only friend that time in elementary school , he was so cute back then , he likes food alot.. Two years ago , he went on a diet and became all skinny and all so handsome all of the sudden. He told me he is going to debut as a singer.. I was so happy for him that time , yet with some pains in my heart because I know that once he is going to be a singer , he will not have time for our friendship already.  He is so busy lately that I haven't been seeing him in school , probably its time he is debuting ? He kept it as a secret for me , not telling me when he is going to debut and what group he is in. All I know is I am sure he is going to debut as a rapper since his rap is so good.



"18 years ," I thought " time passes really fast eh. Tomorrow is the day which we knew each other for 18 years , luckily I got her a present last month to represent our friendship" 

All along in my life , I am thankful that I knew Yeongie , she took care of me and she was always there when I am bullied. I am big sized and tall , yet she is short and skinny . I am amazed at how she is always protecting me even though her size. She is strong even though she is small sized.
I get bullied because of my size , and she was there for me. Telling me its okay. Because of me , she is labeled the big bully in school. 

Lately training became more intense , I am getting tired even more. I din't get the chance to go to school everyday and see Yeong. I feel that I am not a good friend. 

"Yeongie , meet me at the field tomorrow at 8AM , don't forget my date with you tomorrow , "  I sent the message to her

Time to go back to practice , the 10 minutes break is over .. " Practice is over , no practice tomorrow " YG shouted while walking out of the door. Its already midnight , time to go sleep and go school tomorrow.

I woke up at 7AM and prepared to go to school , I opened the box , and looked at the ring and smiled thinking that Yeongie would be so happy.

I walked to school thinking of how it would be like when I give the ring to her. As I walked to the school field , Yeong-ji was already there waiting.

"Sorry , am I late ?" I apologised.

"Ani.. I came earlier , " She looked at me with her eyes filled with happiness " its our 18th year of friendship , I thank you for being with me all along" , she exclaimed and passed me a box . " there is some nourishing drinks inside for you while you practice , it must be tiring for you right Hyun ? There's some yang geng and red ginseng drinks for you inside too "

I smiled at her , and hugged her ," thank you Yeongie , I should thank you instead of you thanking me. You protected me all these years.. You suffered alot"

Yeong-Ji's POV

I am so happy today as I finally got the chance to meet Hyungie. Lately I haven't got the chance to meet him , he was so busy with his training even if I see him , its just for some lessons and then he hurrily to his training. Today is a special day and I feel so happy to see him on our 18th year , even though its 18 years , we went through alot together ..

"Yeong .." he said my name softly " I am sorry I haven't been with you lately and haven't been by your side when you are down.." He took out a small box and opened it , I could not see what was in it and then he held up my hand. " I promise you , I will be by your side.. whenever you are down , so don't keep everything to youself when you are troubled.." he took out a ring from the box and slipped it into my promise finger ( or ring finger ).

My eyes became blurry as tears rolled down my cheeks with happiness.. This was unexepected , I feel like my present to him was not enough.

"So.. Yeong , don't keep everything to youself okay ? This ring is our promise ring as well as our  friendship ring" he said to me while wiping away my tears and then pointing to his ring. "And I may have kept this ... for very long but I just want you to know my feelings for you too.. Would you accept my feelings ?" he said shyly.

I looked at him shocked ... and thoughts when through my mind " Should I accept his feelings ? He is going to debut soon , our time together would be limited.. Or should I not ? It may affect his work.. But.. I like him alot too .." 

"Yeong ? Are you there ?"  he waved his hands in front of my eyes. 
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him dumbfounded.. " You don't want to accept my feelings ? You don't like me ?" he said sadly , sadness could be seen in his eyes.. 

"Ani.. Seunghyun ah . I also like you.. " I looked down with and I feel that my face is getting hotter.

After hearing it Seung Hyun jumped around happily and hugged me and said " I know its weird to give you a ring that represents our friendship and its our promise and then confess to you.. Lets also make that ring as our love one too.. And I finally have you as my girlfriend" he chuckled softly.


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