Mystery girl

The Way You Look Tonight

As I wake up on the saturday morning, I begin to recap the day that had just passed. I look out my window to see the gray dark clouds and I smile. Just the way I like it. I grab my book off my dresser and my laptop and some papers and head to the library. I run downstairs and head out the door. It was about 10:30 and it was saturday, so I thought I wouldn't see much people out. Plus it was going to rain. I put in my earbuds and turn my ipod to my jazz playlist. I walk down the sidewalk and walk pass IU' house. I quickly look down as I notice she's getting in the car with her family. Her mom, dad, kid brother, kid sister, and her. I speed up my pace when I see the car backing out of the drive way. I think about the kiss yesterday. How I envy him. I couldn't describe it. I wonder how it felt to be in his shoes. Were her lips soft or were they rough. I thought about how I would never have the guts to even attempt to kiss her and that would be my downfall. I turn the corner and walks into the library. I stop in the entrance and take in the scent of the books. The old and the new ones. I read almost every book. Mystery, action, even kids! But there was one section I wouldn't touch. That was the Adult Please or The AP. Like 50 Shades Of Gray. I set my laptop down at a deserted area in the library (the comic section) and I begin to do my research. After about 10 minutes of research, I look up from my laptop to see a beautiful girl. She had light brown hair and brown eyes. She searchs the comic section. I look back down to feel eyes staring upon me. I quickly shot my head up and I catch her graze. We both stare at each other. Analyzing. I break the staring and I think she could already tell I'm weak. She goes back to her searching. After 5 minutes she finds the book she wants and sits beside me. I feel a little trickle of sweat and nervousness fall down my face and I quickly wipe it away. She pulls out her phone and I assume it is to text. Shortly after, she puts it away and begins to read again. I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out. It's from Tao. I read the message.

"Hey Tae! let's hang out. Meet me at the park by my house?" I text back with a simple "sure" I close my laptop and gather all my papers. I exit the library door. I run my fingers through my head as I feel like someone is behind me. I look back to see the beautiful girl. I think back to the library and when she first came. I think about the long stare me and her had. She looked younger than me. Maybe about 17. I would love to get her name but again, I don't have the guts to ask. I turn my head slightly to see her following me still. I stop and pull out my phone even though I hadn't been called or texted. She stops too. I finally make a decison on what to do. I turn the street corner and I wait for her to turn also. She has a blank face as she turns the corner and bumps into me.

"Yah! Why do you keep following me!?" I yell. She looks at me. I hold her shoulders and I can feel her shaking. She doesn't say a word but she slips something into my pocket. Then she was gone. I stand in the same place in shock. I mean what just happened. I pull out the paper she put in my pocket. It had 10 numbers on it. I grinned from ear to ear. I gotten a girls phone number. This day was already perfect. I continued walking. I shivered as the October fall air was already coming. I turn the corner, smiling and walk up the long street.

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Chapter 1: nice but i hope its not boyxboy i hope its iu and taemin !!!!! ㅋㅋㅋ:)