How Your Aunt Jessica Met Your Aunt Yuri

How I Met Your Mother


Ok, kids, the story which I’m gonna tell you now happened before I ever met your aunts Krystal and Jessica. It happened a couple of days before I moved in to my new apartment.

That one day somebody knocked on the door. Jessica was really shocked to see it was her sister, Krystal. She looked stressed and like she had been crying.

JS: Oh my god, Krystal, what happened?

K:Can I come in?

Jessica let her in. Krystal sat on the couch and kept quiet.

JS:Krys… what’s wrong?

Krystal looked, as Jessica described her, like she was about to say something really hard, but kept stopping herself.

JS:Krys, talk to m-

K:I’m pregnant!

Jessica was in shock. She didn’t move and, from what Krystal said, she didn’t even blink. She just stared at her.

K:Ok, you’re pissed. I know it’s shocking, but-

JS:But what?! But what, Krystal?!

Now she looked like she was going to choke Krystal.

K:Jess, calm down.

JS:Calm down? How the hell could I calm down?!

K:What, you think this is easy for me? I’m the pregnant one!

JS:I just… I need some air.

Jessica then walked out of her apartment. She walked downstairs, but then she ran into one of her neighbors. Jessica didn’t know any of her neighbors, throughout the months she had been living there, she had been avoiding them successfully. And the neighbors never really showed interest in meeting her when she first moved in, considering what Jessica said. But that day was different. You see, the person Jessica ran into was Yuri. And, for reasons unknown to Jessica, Yuri was pretty curious about her.

Y:Excuse me, I don’t think I ever saw you around here? Are you new?

JS:No, I’ve been living here for quite some time.


JS:Yep. Upstairs, apartment 24.

Y:24? You live right above me. Well, where are my manners? I’m Yuri.

JS:Uh… Jessica.

Y:So, what’s wrong?

JS:Excuse me?

Y:You seem stressed. What is it? Work? Boyfriend? Doctor’s appointment?

See, kids, there’s something you need to know about your aunt Yuri. She was, is, a very curious person. Well, actually, more nosy then curious. She doesn’t really have boundaries, she’ll ask you anything and she won’t think there’s anything wrong with that.


Y:Oh, was that too personal? Sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy.


Y:So, where are you going?

JS:Honestly, I don’t know. Anywhere where they have liquor.

Y:Well, there’s a bar downstairs. Wanna go with me?

JS:Yeah, sure.


That right there, kids, would have never happened if something moments before that didn’t happen. Before that Yuri went to Heechul and Hankyung’s apartment. She would usually go there because of, as Yuri says it: free food.

Y:Guys, are you home?

Hankyung came out of the living room.

HY:How did you get in here?

Y:I made a key.

HY:Oh, ‘cause that’s perfectly normal. To steal somebody’s key and make a new one for yourself without their permission.

Y:Yeah, but you don’t mind. Now, what’s for lunch, I’m hungry?

Yuri walked into the living room where Heechul was watching TV.

HC:You know, Yuri, have you ever thought of, hmm, I don’t know, eating your own food?

Heechul remarked sarcastically.

Y:Now, why would I do that when I got you guys? Plus, if I couldn’t eat here, I wouldn’t even come here and you guys would be so bored.

HC:Oh, please. The only reason you come here is because we’re your only friends. And you don’t have any  girl friends, either.

Y:I have girl friends!

Both of them looked at her, basically saying “Are you kidding me?” with their looks.

Y:I do! Stephanie, from work.

HY:You keep talking about this “Stephanie”, but we’ve never met her. For all we know, she’s a part of your imagination.

Y:Well she’s not. And what about Michelle?

HC:Michelle? You mean Michael, the drag queen from downstairs? He doesn’t count.

Y:Why not?

HC:Well, for one, he’s a he.

HY:Face it, Yuri, you just don’t have female friends. And usually girls like you don’t have any.


HY:I didn’t mean it as an insult.

Y:You two are acting like a bunch of douche bags, you know that, right?

HC:Well, if you didn’t act like a douche-bagette, maybe you’d have friends.

Y:Douche-bagette? You know what? Screw you both.

She went out of their apartment and ran into Jessica.

If Heechul and Hankyung didn’t mention the lack of female friends in Yuri’s life, she would have never even thought of saying hello. But since she was trying to prove a point…

Y:Excuse me, I don’t think I ever saw you around here? Are you new?

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Chapter 1: update soon please
monkeyingalienhorse #2
Chapter 3: Haha douche baggette lol heechul
winterapril #3
Chapter 3: OMG! Our Soojung was pregnant.

can't wait for next chapter.

PS. abbreviation for each name such as K: JS: makes me hard to read.
monkeyingalienhorse #4
Chapter 2: Update soon please >< lolimsodesperate
winterapril #5
Chapter 2: Oh! First, I thought Yuri might like Robin, but now she's a wingman for Siwon hahaha.
winterapril #6
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter.
First people whom Siwon introduce was so adorable , hahaha.
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaait! So Jessica is gonna be mean in this story? D; i hope not! D:
monkeyingalienhorse #8
Chapter 1: Omg, I love this already 0_0 I love how I met your mother as well, I like how heechul is Barney;p
winterapril #9
Oh! Is this story inspired by How I Met Your Mother USA series.
I love that series.
This story is very interesting.
Wait for your next update

PS. I'm Minstals' Fan ^^