Don't Say Goodbye



Sungmin opened his eyes and closed it again as the sunlight seeping through the window's curtain blinded him. He turned his back to feel for something, or rather someone. But it was empty. He immediately sat up and looked around the room. It was quiet and everything was in place. As he remember it right, Kyuhyun's room was a mess last night because of their pillow fight before he fell asleep. He furrowed his brows trying to remember something.
Last night he had a dream of Kyuhyun confessing to him. He is not sure if it is really a dream or not. But one thing he is sure about is that he felt an unexplainable happiness in his heart. Something that he had never felt before with anyone. Sungmin admits that he had a crush with Kyuhyun since forever, but is just too shy to tell him. He giggled when a memory from his dream of Kyuhyun whispering "I love you" to him and pecking his lips played in his head. He grabbed the pillow and hugged it tightly. He was definitely acting like a high school girl who was invited for a date by his crush, and he doesn't care. He even seemed to forget about his breakup with Zhoumi.
Suddenly, the smile on his face faded and he stopped hugging the pillow as Kyuhyun's broken voice echoed in the four corners of the room.
"Why, Min? Why do I still love you after all of these pain? Why am I still here at your side? Why am I still here confessing to you even though I know you can't hear me?"
Is that even a dream? What if it's real? All those times, Sungmin thought that what Kyuhyun was showing to him is just a brotherly love. What if it's more than that? What if he's hurting Kyuhyun? What if Kyuhyun really loves him more than just a friend? He needs to know even if he will look like an idiot in front of Kyuhyun if he finds out that it was just a dream. He can think of ways to escape that humiliation. Right now, he needs to find Kyuhyun and talk to him. There are also a lot of things he needed to tell his best friends, even if it means he will end up confessing to him.
Eh? What?! Confess? No! Sungmin shook his head as a blush slowly crept on his face. He just came from a breakup. What will Kyuhyun think?
He got up from the bed and went to Kyuhyun's bathroom to wash his face. He smiled at himself as he looked around. It's Kyuhyun's haven but it also became his. He can't believe that half of Kyuhyun's things here belongs to him. It was him who chose this place for Kyuhyun and he was more than glad to know that his best friend likes it. He always finds this place peaceful and comforting, especially if Kyuhyun is around.
Sungmin went outside the room to hear someone cooking in the kitchen. It's definitely not Kyuhyun. He knows that his bestfriend don't know how to cook and almost burn the kitchen down when he tried. Good thing, Sungmin was there. Well, Sungmin would always be there to cook for him. It's just that when he's with his lovers before that he forget to take care of Kyuhyun. A pang of regret hit him. How many times does Kyuhyun have to endure eating unhealthy foods? He noticed yesterday that the elder had lost some weight and Sungmin blamed himself for that.
He slowly head towards the kitchen as he kept wondering who could that be? Is that one of Kyuhyun's girlfriends? He felt his heart ache upon having that thought.
"Hey! Good morning Sungminnie~ Glad you're awake."
Sungmin's thought was cut as he heard that lovely voice. He looked at the pretty girl in front of him and he unconsciously let out a sigh of relief as he recognized her. He bowed at her and smile. "Good morning noona!" he replied. It was Kyuhyun's sister, Ahra. 
She ruffled Sungmin's hair and smiled at him. "Still as sweet as you are, Sungminnie. How are you dear?"
"I'm fine, noona. By the way," Sungmin paused as he looked around, hoping that he'll see Kyuhyun, but did not. He frowned. It's Sunday today, right? And he's sure that Kyuhyun will never go anywhere else during his off at work. He'd rather play Starcraft all day long or in any case accompany Sungmin in strolling around town. He didn't even saw any signs of Kyuhyun's presence in the latter's room.
Ahra arched her brows in confusion as she stared at Sungmin. "What is it?"
Sungmin looked at her and he scratched the back of his neck while a blush crept up his cheeks. What is even happening to him? He's not acting this way before whenever he's around his best friend's family member. How can that simple dream influence him so much right now? Wait! It's not even just a simple dream, it's a special one. But is that really a dream?
"Are you okay, Sungminnie?" Ahra asked him with worry in her voice.
Sungmin was definitely spacing out. He bowed his head as he mumbled a soft, "Sorry, noona."
"Hey, what is wrong with you dear? No need to say sorry. It's not like we've not known each other for too long." Ahra replied and headed towards the table to prepare the breakfast she had cooked.
"W-where's Kyu hyung?" he muttered shyly. Really, what is wrong with him today?
Ahra stopped on what she was doing and looked at him with confusion. "Kyuhyun didn't tell you?"
"Eh? Told what?" Now, it was him who became confused.
Ahra sighed and gently patted his shoulder before continuing what she was doing. "He left this morning."
Sungmin's eyes widened. Kyuhyun left? He left without even saying goodbye to him?
"Goodbye, Min. I love you, I always will." 
Kyuhyun's voice rung in his ear again. Is it true then? Everything he heard from his best friend last night is not a dream but a real one? How can he be so blind? How can he not believe in every signs that Kyuhyun was showing to him? Sungmin wanted to bang his head right now for being so stupid. And now, Kyuhyun had given up on him. Who wouldn't, anyway? Sungmin hated himself right now that tears fell from his eyes.
Ahra heard Sungmin sniffed a sob and she turn towards him. She smiled as an idea popped in her head. These two dongsaengs of her are really dumb in love. It's time that they end up together with a little help from her.
"Sungminnie, are you okay?" She asked him in the most concerned voice.
"Noona, I.... I've hurt Kyuhyun too much. I.... He left me now." Sungmin said as he tried to control himself from crying. "W-where is he, noona? I swear I'll be bravier this time and admit everything to him. P-please noona."
"Dear, you don't have to worry. Kyuhyun is currently on his way to the airport. He went there before you even woke up. He will-" Ahra was not able to finish her sentence as he saw Sungmin hurriedly went out of the condo and closed the door. Ahra smiled to herself. "Oh you, evil brat! You owe me something this time. I've done my part and now it's time for you to confess, you scaredy little brother of mine."
Sungmin hurriedly started the engine of his car and headed towards the airport. If Kyuhyun will leave him, he will not allow him to go without hearing his side. He needed to tell the truth to his best friend. He now knows that what he feels for Kyuhyun is not only a crush, but more than that.
"You like him, right?" Siwon asked him as he was busy watching Kyuhyun from afar. The latter was busy playing with his PSP and was not aware with his surroundings.
"He has a girlfriend, anyway. He's a straight guy and would not notice someone like me." Sungmin unconsciously answered. It was too late when he realized that Siwon had heard what he just said. He felt guilty when he looked at Siwon's pained expression. "I.... I'm sorry."
"You don't have to when you need to tell the truth. I can feel that Kyuhyun has a special place in your heart that no one can replace." Siwon said and a small smile curved his lips. He saw the guilty face in Sungmin's face and he don't want to see that and make the younger feel bad about hurting him.
"S-siwon..... I-"
"Shhh. Actually, I wanted to tell you that we should stop seeing each other from now on. Kyuhyun right there is the one for you. What we have is a sin, Sungminnie." It took him a lot of courage to say it. What he felt for Sungmin is really not a sin. To love someone is never a sin. If it is, then why did God even created something like that? He saw Sungmin's tearful eyes and he swear if he stays any longer, he will regret what he had said and take Sungmin in his arms. He hurriedly walked away as he heard Sungmin calling his name.
Sungmin can't believe that Siwon had broken up with him and told him that their relationship is a sin. He broke down in tears, not because he have his heart broken today, but because he felt his ego was hurt. He broke down in sobs as he hurriedly went towards the only place and maybe the only person who can comfort him.
"I thought you and Kyuhyun are a couple already? Why are you dating Kangin?" Donghae asked him one day after their class ended. The younger was definitely not pleased to see him going out with Kangin.
"Hae, Kyuhyun only treats me as a younger brother. He will never see me more than that. He's a straight guy. Besides, everything that goes between us lately is just some brotherly love. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less." Sungmin reasoned out, although deep
inside he's breaking down.
How he accepted Kangin's feelings? He doesn't know. Maybe it was that day when he was being threatened by some bunch of girls on his way to meet Kyuhyun. Seohyun is one of them. Oh, he'll never forget that name and face. They threatened him and insulted his ego. Seohyun told him that Kyuhyun and her have started dating and he don't want Sungmin to ruin their relationship. She asked Sungmin to stay away from them. They even tried to hurt him, but was stopped by someone. It was Kangin. He helped him on his feet as Seohyun's group were no longer at their sight. Sungmin cried his heart that day and was glad that Kangin stayed by his side.
Kangin will be seen with Sungmin all the time and the younger felt safe with him, but not the kind of security that he feels whenever he's with Kyuhyun. He introduced Kangin to Kyuhyun one day without noticing the latter's fake smile. Kangin somehow noticed it and he felt somehow possessive of Sungmin.
"It's not working. I tried to get your full attention from him, but I failed. I did everything to make your heart mine, but it was always Kyuhyun that I can see through your eyes. I can't take this anymore, Sungmin. I'm letting you go."
Kangin left Sungmin crying that day under the rain. He don't want to do it, but it'll be the best for the both of them. Since the day he met Sungmin, he knows everything about the two best friends and he was not afraid to take the risk in getting in the way especially when he heard Seohyun threatening and insulting Sungmin. He wanted to be always there for him, more than Kyuhyun could do. But a heart that truly loves someone else can never be taught to love somebody else. That's what Kangin learned.
The day that Kangin and Sungmin broke up, was also the day that Kyuhyun broke up with Seohyun. The two found themselves in each other's side again and the story of breaking up with their respective lovers have long been forgotten.
"Is that Zhoumi? Wait! Why is he kissing Henry's lips?" Eunhyuk exclaimed while browsing his facebook account and Donghae, who is currently at his boyfriend's side, looked at Sungmin worriedly.
Sungmin gritted his teeth in anger as he looked at the pictures in front of them. He can't believe that after all the past two years that they have been together, his boyfriend was able to cheat on him! He thought Zhoumi was the one who can truly made him forget about Kyuhyun. He almost gave everything to him and this is what he will just get in return? He browse his boyfriend's facebook account and his heart was shattered in pieces. He felt his body shook in anger. Words like, "I miss you, baby..", "When will you come back here in Seoul, mochi?", "Thank you for everything, baby." was enough to make his blood boil. And if he's a volcano, he sure will erupt right now and cover his house with lava. How dare this stick do this to him? And they are flirting in this social networking site? They did not even think that the whole world will know, especially him?!
Donghae, who saw the rage in Sungmin's eyes went to the latter's side. "Hyung, are you okay?" It's stupid to ask that question right now, but what can he do? He's Donghae afterall.
Sungmin let out a sigh and faced his friend. He smiled that eerie smile of his which made Donghae regret asking that question. Of course, who wouldn't be fine if they find out that their lover cheated upon them? And worst, you'll found out about it in a social networking site?
Guilt washed upon him as he saw Donghae's scared gaze as well as Eunhyuk's. He sighed again. "I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'll be fine." He said as he tried his best not to cry. He got up and headed towards the door. He looked back at his friends as he grabbed his car keys. "I'll be at Kyuhyun's place. Tell my parents about it if they start to worry. If anything, just call me."
"Pabo! Aish! Stupid Sungmin! Stupid!" He angrily muttered to himself. He finally arrived at the airport and was currently searching the crowds for any signs of Kyuhyun. He forgot to ask Ahra what Kyuhyun's flight will be or asked her where Kyuhyun would be heading to. He even forget his phone! How is he going to know where Kyuhyun is right now? Did he arrive early? Or is it too late?
"Kyu, please, where are you?" Sungmin mumbled as he continued his search to find Kyuhyun. And as if his prayers were answered, he saw Kyuhyun standing outside of his car while looking at his wristwatch. Due to happiness he felt after seeing his bestfriend, he ran towards him and immediately hug him. It felt like he had not seen Kyuhyun for so long. He cried in his best friend's shoulder while hugging him tightly, afraid that he'll be gone from him forever.
Kyuhyun was surprised with what happened. He was not able to react quickly as his brain tried to process everything. He heard Sungmin's sob and that was enough to make him hug the younger back. Kyuhyun is really confused right now.
"Min? Are you okay? What happened?" Kyuhyun asked worriedly as he rubbed soothing circles at Sungmin's back. He saw the weird stares that they are getting from the people around them and he didn't care. Sungmin is more important to him right now. And he is so damn worried while hearing his best friend's sob grow louder.
"D-don't leave m-me.... I'm s-sorry.... I'm really sorry.... Don't l-leave me, K-kyu." Sungmin said between sob and he's starting to hyperventilate which made Kyuhyun more worried. He tried to let go from the hug, but the younger was clinging to him more tightly. He turned his face towards Sungmin's.
"Min, I won't leave you. Look at me." Kyuhyun said and slowly cupped Sungmin's face. The latter's arms were circled around his neck as he slowly wiped the tears away from Sungmin's eyes. The younger was still crying and finding it hard to breathe. Kyuhyun who saw this tried his best not to cry as he felt his heart tighten. 
"Calm down, baby. Please. Stop crying. It hurts me to see you like this. Please. Breathe in slowly. I'm here for you." Kyuhyun whispered and that was enough to calmed Sungmin down and he immediately kissed Kyuhyun's lips.
Kyuhyun's eyes widened as he stared at Sungmin's closed one. Is he dreaming? Sungmin is kissing him right now! This day is just full of surprises for him.
Sensing that Kyuhyun is not responding to his kiss, Sungmin shyly let go and stared at his best friend's surprised face. If he is not in this situation right now, he could've laughed his off as he saw Kyuhyun's mouth hanging open, that he swear a fly will soon enter it any moment, and his eyes are widened in shock. He wanted so badly to take a picture of Kyuhyun's form and .
"D-did you just kiss me?" Kyuhyun asked in disbelief after he recovered from shock. He saw Sungmin's face blushed hard and an adorable pout adorn his face.
"I'm sorry.... I... I just....." Sungmin paused trying to gather all of his courage to tell Kyuhyun everything he wanted to tell him. It's now or never.
Kyuhyun was disappointed when he heard that and felt broken again. He was about to tell Sungmin that it's okay and pretend that the kiss did not happened so the younger would not feel embarrassed. But what he heard next made his heart jump in joy.
"I.... I l-like you, hyung. No! I love you so much. I had loved you since we we're kids." Sungmin said as he started to play with the hem of his shirt. Kyuhyun felt his ears are flopping as he heard those words and he can't help but adore the cute sight in front of him.
"W-when you start avoiding me, I thought you felt disgusted about me. And when you said that you had a girlfriend that time, it hurts me so bad. I was so jealous that I ended up dating Siwon. I made a lot of mistakes and hurt a lot of innocent hearts just to forget what I am feeling for you. But it was always you whom I ended up everytime I had a breakup. You are always by my side to hear me blabbering stuffs and allowing me in venting up my frustrations. You were always there. When I cry, you will always wiped those tears away. You will make me laugh after that by teasing and then sing me a lullaby to sleep." Sungmin said and Kyuhyun noticed that the younger one was smiling. A smile that doesn't hide anything. The smile that Kyuhyun had first seen when they first became friends. The smile that melt his heart.
"I failed at every relationship that I had because it was always you. It has been you from the start, Kyu. I love you so much. I love you-" Sungmin was cut by Kyuhyun's lips.
Kyuhyun felt his heart swell with too much happiness he's feeling right now. Finally, Sungmin is now his! Afterall the pain and heart ache he had gone through, having Sungmin in the end is the best prize of all. They both smile in the kiss. And when they let go, Kyuhyun saw himself in Sungmin's eyes. "Dreams really do come true. I love you, Min, more than you'll ever know. And please don't even think that you are disgusting. You are perfect, Min. You don't know how long I have been waiting for this day to come. I love you." He whispered and claimed Sungmin's lips again.
"Ahem!" A cough was heard but the two were still engrossed in their kiss. "Ahem!" It was louder this time, but it was still ignored. "What should we do with these two lovebirds? They're attracting attention already. Baby, please cover our son's eyes. He's too young for these things." The man said as he stared at the two kissing figures in front of them, then back to the feminine man beside him with a smirk while holding their son's hand.
"Let them be, Hannie. Don't be such a killjoy. They will just break from that kiss after they will realize that the word oxygen still exist. And our son needs to see some free shows." The feminine man answered and saw his husband gaped at what he just said.
When Kyuhyun and Sungmin realized their need for oxygen, they let each other go while panting. Sungmin's hands were around Kyuhyun's neck, and the latter's hands were in his waist. 
"That was a good show." They both heard and clapping of hands followed. They immediately looked around and saw a feminine man clapping his hands with a smirk on his face, and a small kid doing the same thing. Another man was just standing behind the two while shaking his head.
"Chullie, you are influencing our son too much." The man complained.
Kyuhyun smiled widely as he recognized who those people are. "Heechul hyung! Hankyung hyung! Welcome back!" Kyuhyun happily exclaimed as he hugged the two guys. He lowered his gaze and saw a small kid looking at him. He crouched down to the kid's level and ruffled his hair. "Hey, Jungmin, how are you, kiddo? It's been a while."
"I believe you are Lee Sungmin? My cousin's secret love. I am Heechul, by the way. And this man," Heechul said pointing to the man beside him, "Hankyung, my husband. That kid with Kyuhyun, is our lovely son, Jungmin. Welcome to the family. I guess it's not anymore a secret, huh?" Heechul said as he winked at Sungmin and the latter blushed madly knowing what Heechul was pertaining about.
Kyuhyun chuckled at the blushing sight of his best friend, who is now his lover. He grabbed Sungmin's hand as they head towards his car. Suddenly, Sungmin rembered something. "Wait! Kyu, you're not leaving?"
Kyuhyun stopped on his tracks and looked at Sungmin confusedly. "Eh? What are you talking about? Of course, I'm not leaving you especially now that you are officially mine." Kyuhyun said as he pecked Sungmin's pouting lips. "I will leave only if you want me to."
"B-but Ahra noona said that-" Sungmin stopped as he remembered that he did not even allow Ahra to finish her talking as he became too preoccupied with thoughts of Kyuhyun leaving him.
"Ahra noona?" Kyuhyun mumbled in confusion and he smirked after he realized something. " I think I owe her something." Kyuhyun said which earned a puzzled look from Sungmin.
"What is it?" Sungmin asked innocently.
"Nothing, baby. I love you so much." Kyuhyun said as he grabbed Sungmin's hand and entertwined it with his.
"I love you too, Kyubear." Sungmin was about to give Kyuhyun a kiss when they heard Heechul's voice.
"Yah! You two can continue eating each other when we arrived. As of now, I badly need a beauty rest."
"Now who said about being a killjoy." Hankyung teased.
"Oh Hannie~ Shut up!"
(A/N) Why Facebook? Because that was how I found out about how my ex was cheating on me.
And why did I use Jungmin here as Heechul and Hankyung's son? He's actually my first KPOP bias who brought me here to KPOP world (that was after the breakup and my best friend introduced me to SS501) and met a lot of amazing people and friends from around the globe. 
Thanks a lot to all of you who subscribed and commented here, and also to those who will be doing the same thing. I wanna hug you all~~^^
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QMiniSa #1
Chapter 2: hey dear writer ... this was great ♡
and i want to ask you'r premision to translate this great 2shot for persian joyers in KyuMin fanclub
i'll be realy glad if you allow me to share it with them.^^
thanKyu ♡♡♡
minniemgee #2
Chapter 2: like always.. never failed to makes my heart feel more JOY..
aish my poor heart, keep it up authornim..chuu~^^
Chapter 2: Awwwww nice story
Chapter 2: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the ending was so funny. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Chapter 2: Aww what a sweet ending.. :') I'm happy that they ended up together! :D

About the facebook thing, that really happened? :O wow that guy is such a jerk! >:( hope karma hits him really hard..
don't worry author-nim.. you'll find someone that's better :) and you're ex and his gf will break up anyway.. I know they will and that guy will experience what you experienced.. I hope he'll feel worse

I want to hug you author-nim~ *hugs* :D
arinaabrar #6
Chapter 2: so ... fluffy ... >///<
rizzorin #7
Chapter 2: hhehehe~ cute~ heheeh~
Chapter 2: Aahhh.. Sad at first.. But so sweet in the end.. I love the plot.. Hehehe.. Poor min and kyu.. They're hurting their own heart.. Haa~ but glad that they end up together^^
loveSungmin #9
Chapter 2: sweet ...