I&V III Chapter 3- Encounter

Investigators and Vampires III A New Beginning

" I expect you to deal with him.. unwillingly turned vampires are unstable, are dangerous not only to themselves but to other vampires,they might try to blend in but deep down inside they hate what they've become , and those like them, hundreds of vampire killing rampages have been commited by the "unwilling""

Jaejoong remembered Junsu's words, " Deal with him."  He hated entering blood dealers territory, so many memories of what he used to be, a  human looking for a thrill and quick cash, facinated by the idea of vampires, two things had changed since then , one, he was now a vampire and two , instead of dealing blood  to them for money , he killed them for it.  He had around nine hours of darkness for him to complete his task, two hours was all he needed provided he didn't run into any trouble along the way. So deep into the thought , he barely noticed the figure crossing the street infront of him and even when he did it was too late, his car smashed into the figure.

" ." he didn't have time for this.

The figure stood up blood streaming down his face , he walked over the the driver's side and knocked on the window, motioning for Jaejoong to roll his windown down. Jaejoong sighed,rolling the window down half way and mumbled a , " Sorry about that ," he opened up his wallet pulling out fifty dollars, " go to the hospital and get that looked at." The figure snatched the money , crumpled it in his hand and tossed it back in , " Get out of the car."

Jaejoong remained seated, he needed to deal with this calmly , if word got out that he'd hit a blood dealer , and took off , then he was liable to get a reputation and if blood dealers weren't happy it would make further killings harder in their territory. He undid his seat belt opened the car door and stepped out slowly. The  figur pointed at a sign nearby, and in a low voice asked, " Do you see that sign, it says twenty-five is the speed limit in on this street, infact  there's signs like that all over this area, so care to explain  why you're going way above that ?"

Jaejoong had been eyeing him carefully for any signs that he would pull out a weapon, but stopped when he heard the tone of the man infront of him, " Are you a police officer ?"

The man glared, " No just a concerned citizen who's had his head busted by and irresponsible citizen driving over the speed limit."

Jaejoong held out his hand , " I'm assuming you're a blood dealer, so give me your business card and I promise to order from you , to help you pay whatever  medical bills might come from this incident," before he had even finished a card appeared in his hand and the man disappeared.  He looked at one side, examining the number, then flipped to the other and his eyes widened. Yang Seungho written in bold lettering . Jaejoong turned around his eyes searching for which way he might have gone, but  without any luck, " Dammnit." He got back in his car and took of for his place, on the bright side  he'd saved himself time asking around for the right guy.


Joon looked down from the building as Jaejoong pulled away. He'd watched the whole incident between Seungho and Jaejoong, and he needed to warn Seungho before anything happened. There was only one reason that Jaejoong showed up in blood dealer territory or anwhere , he was out to kill someone. Blood dealers  hated and feared his prescence, but for the moment Joon's first tsk was to warn Seungho.

Moments later...

Seungho arrived at his apartment , shoved his keys in the lock , his head hurting , but postive that had he been human he'd be unconcious at that moment. He opened the door walking in took off his shoes then headed for the kitchen. 

" You're back early, " a voice called out from the living room; Seungho turned to see Onew on his couch reading a book.

" Not many deals going on tonight ," he went to the kitchen wetting a few paper towels to wipe away dried blood on his face.

" Same here , I got everything done faster than usual."

Seungho grabbed an ice pack from the fridge placed it wrapped in a kitchen towel against his forehead, he walked in to the living room sitting  a sweat away from Onew  who was more interested in his book at the moment. The door bell rang and Onew placed a bookmark in his book, " I'll get it ."

He looked through the peep hole then opened the door , " Joon!"

Seungho froze, thinking I must have to live on a deserted island to not run into anyone that knows him.

Joon walked in, " Onew , how did the dealing go , good I hope, is Seungho around."
" Yea in the living room come on in, " both entered the living room and saw Seungho with the ice pack against his head.

" Leave while I'm still in a mood to tell you nicely," Seungho glared up at Joon.

 Onew looked between the two and began slowly backing out of the room , " I'll go pick up a snack , I feeling the munchies coming on, see you two in a bit, " and left grabbing his wallet off of a nearby table ." Joon waved, " see you soon."

As soon as he'd left, Joon  turned towards Seungho, " I know you'd rather not talk to me at the moment , so I'll get straight to the point."

" Getting out ?"

Joon sighed, " Please listen, that man that ran into you, was on his way to find out information on you to be able to kill you, he's dangerous, if he contacts you don't answer and avoid him as much as possible."

" You mean go into hiding again, oh wait I remember how that went the last time , you interefered and ended up being followed, oh and ater that took me to a dangerous hotel which you assured me was safe, because you were friends with the owner, and as  Irecal everything went downhill from there."

" Seungho you have to listen to me, his name is Jaejoong, he's good at killing vampires,I can help you find a safe place.

" Like last time?"

" It will be different this time, Seungho," Joon moved towards him and Seungho stood up, " Don't say my name ever again, if I die tonight or tomorrow, I don't care, I want this nightmare Ive been tossed into to end."

" Don't say that," tears filled Joon's eyes,as he rembered Taemin's wish to die.

" Let him find me, let him kill me, I want this over with, now , get out ."

Joon moved closer to Seungho grabbing his face in his hands and kissed him, " I will protect you ."

Seungho turned away, " Not this time...Joon... kill me."

Joon froze.


Ok Ok I know a little dramatic at the end , but I was kind of getting moody towards the end while writing it.... I litle push and pull there so to speak......

See ya next time :)

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Chapter 8: i dont understand chapter 8. seungho was sleeping and joon was trying to wake him up. then there was honking, then the next thing was kikwang talking and seungho was in a hospital bed...
(@@)<dead confused>?????????
Chapter 8: Well that is certainly an unexpected ending. Sweet with the final pairing you managed and creative with your author figures. I will admit I didn't see that coming at all. I did enjoy the way you used your in-story authors for foreshadowing; at least a little bit and I was glad for your diverting from frequent character deaths in this one. Not that the other ones were bad exactly, but I'm just glad for how it ended overall.

I am curious to see what you will do in your alternate ending and I shall have to go check out the side stories. Good job. ^_^
Chapter 6: BAHAHAHAHA Poor Yoseob lol I can write you a story someday -w-
Chapter 4: Donghae and Onew ^_^ I ship this XD
Chapter 3: UWAHH!! SEUNGHO!! WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO JOON!!! EVERYONE KNOWS HE MESSES THINGS UP!!! I want to just hug him and tell him everything is ok XD
MonthofNae #9
Chapter 3: Wow chapter 3 turned out longer than I thought...