Celebrity Conflict

The Invasion Plan Of Planet B124AP224

"JunYunnie, where are you hiding~?" Zelo called in a sing-song voice as I ducked behind a shrub, heart pounding like a sinner in church. He pranced around the cabin, looking under the planks and uprooting soft-stems as though I had the ability to shrink by twenty times and hide there like a green leprechaun.


"JunYunnie, I'm not going to cling to you anymore! Please come out... JunYunnie?" Zelo's eyes lit up as he watched a bush tremor. I froze, watching with wide eyes as it began to shake wildly before Zelo's eyes. Then, Zelo's tone changed.


"JunYu, I can see your hair," he grinned, his voice taking on an eerie quality, reminding me of a horror movie cast. He flexed his fingers, wiggled his shoulders and was ready to pounce onto the unsuspecting figure in the bushes. I leapt out of my shrub in fright, ready to call out but he had sprung...




"Owwwww! Hey!"


I stood there, jaw reaching my chin as I watched the figure struggle wildly and hurl Zelo off his back. There were dirt and leaves in his shirt and horn-rimmed glasses. He looked peeved, and threw Zelo a very annoyed look.


"What's the big idea?"


"You're not JunYunnie."


"Obviously, what..." then, he paused, "JunYunnie?" He turned his head a few times bemusedly before realizing that he could not see in them and ripped off his glasses.








"So you mind telling me what," I choked as I pried Zelo's claws off my neck as I struggled with his weight on me once again, "were you doing scruffling around in a bush?"


I was tricked by Zelo. Tricked.


"Speak for yourself, I was bug-watching," the main vocalist for Super Junior shrugged and stole a glance at Zelo, who was purring.

"Who's the Koala?"


"A pet," I huffed, and Zelo tightened his arms around me, "Zelo, you're choking me."


"What are you doing in Muju anyway?" Yesung inquired, still glancing at Zelo, mainly at his pink hair.


"Camping, are the rest of Super Junior here?"


"Teukkie's here, along with Kangin, Wookie and Heechul. We're filming here for a couple of nights."


I nearly dropped Zelo.


"Wait, Kangin's here?"


"Unfortunately, yes."


"e, I gotta hide."


"Too late," Yesung wiggled his eyebrows as we stepped off the trail, onto another campsite "there he is waving at us."


Sure enough, a cabin had appeared into view and so had a few familiar looking faces, moving around the lot. There were a whole lot of cameramen and directors, bustling around with coffee and ramen in their hands, making the most of their film break. Kangin was with Leeteuk, and was quite surprisingly waving at Yesung, with a goofy grin on his face.


"Yah, Jongwoon..." he trailed off as he saw me and squinted slightly, "wait..."


"I sure hope you haven't forgotten me," I growled, balancing Zelo behind me, "'Cause I still haven't gotten you back for the snake incident."


"JunYu!" He roared happily and whacked me in what was supposed to be a friendly manner on the chest, knocking the wind out of me. He was still huge, at least huger than I was, and still as exuberantly cheeky. He and Ji Yong had gone to the same kindy as I, all the way up to high school where I was always the one loaning them my math homework. My parents didn't like them very much, but I didn't really care. I wasn't the one sticking to them, whilst they stuck to me like wart-plasters.


Anyhow, I wasn't exactly happy with the reunion, as he had always been the one with the pranks.


He made me kiss a snake once. Needless to say, I could've freaking died.


"Hi," I said moodily and I could sense Zelo staring him down, "nice hair."


It was blue.


"Yeah, doesn't it suit me?" Kangin grinned, running a finger cautiously not over, but on his blue hair, standing a feet tail off his scalp.


"You look like a Smurf."


"What's that?" Zelo interjected.


"Well, at least you're hairstyle changed," Kangin shrugged, "a definite improvement from the crew cut. Who's the Koala?"


"Oh, say hi, Zelo."




"What is he, your son?"


"No, a pet, as you can see, he's temporarily possessed by a Koala."


Kangin stared at me.


"You're kidding me."


"Do I even have that word in my vocab? Zelo, stop tightening your arms."


"You guys look really gay, by the way," a voice suddenly trailed from behind me. I spun around with much difficulty to find Heechul spectating us with a raised eyebrow.


"Bite your tongue," I growled and almost dropped the koala.


"Yeah, JunYu's not gay, he's really stressed right now," Zelo chimed in indignantly.


Awkward silence.


"I kinda meant the other kind of 'gay'," Heechul said drily.


"I don't care."


"Look, kid, you should really shut up when adults are talking," Heechul rolled his eyes.


Uh-oh, he and his formality sickness.


"Why don't you shut up?" Zelo snapped back, his child-like quality vanishing into thin air.


Everyone flinched, and Heechul looked shocker than I had ever seen him before.


"Who are you anyway?" Kangin narrowed his eyes whilst Heechul approached us.


"We're the ones who can kill you," Yongguk's baritone voice snarled into the scene, "if you don't keep your insults to yourself."


The units were here.



I have some wheelie scary subbies.

You know who you are. ;))

Thanks for your support! ^^v

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updated chapter 51!!!


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 71: A fantastic read!
Chapter 1: Ssssst....guess who's back ;)
Chapter 71: 70 chapters of great story authornim ^^

Damn...i will not see grumpy junyu ahjussi anymore.. thanks for the great story :)

P.S: i will secretly coming to re-read again..and again...and again...and again...and again...
Chapter 71: 3 years? That's too long author. I don't know when I started reading this but I just cried after reading the final chapter. It really feels nostalgic reding the last part.
Chapter 71: aw its sad to see this story end, but i really loved your story so much! so different from any other stories i have read on here before. so creative, and wonderfully written. im so happy that in the end they can all be reunited together as a family. thanks for sharing your fantastic story with us!:}
exo_kpop13 #6
Chapter 71: ... OMG What's up with everyone lately giving me the feels????? TT-TT
I- ugh Junyu- Chae- /cries too/ I just can't- believe- /cries more/
No seriously!! His granfather! Like, man! He has my respect and my admiration.
While Junyu was telling his history while working in Mato, during all his struggles, I just wanted to confort him. And Youngjae just killed me with his speech to why they didn't stoped Junyu. To why they cared. <3 omg seriously <3
And the end... I couldn't be more happy, really TTwTT I wish the best to all of them.
This was really a rollercoaster but I enjoyed and loved every turn of it. This was one of the first stories I started reading, and will be forever one of my favorites.
Usually I would probably end with the space in my comment box, but I'm so overwhelmed by feelings that I think I should stop soon or I will start to type nonsense. TTwTT
Really thank you for this awesome journey. <3
Chapter 69: Junyu is so brave!
exo_kpop13 #9
Chapter 69: Daebak!! Junyu you pabo, what about Eunchae?? Gahhhhhhhhh proud of what he has done, update soon x
Chapter 69: omg I have mental colapses at each new update. TT-TT
JUNYU YOU SELFLESS IDIOT! TT-TT -cries a river- My heart just got torn apart in a millions pieces. Half of me is so imensally proud of what he achieved, but the other half can't stop crying for what this means to his relationships with his loved ones.
What will happen to Eunchae now? She will be send back safely to Earth? Will she lives with her grandparents? And the units? omg Ç.Ç Junyu is forever stuck at Mato? But if he needs to study the forest, isn't it easir to go back to Earth?
Aaahhhhh! Is too much to take in at once! >.<
ugh ;-; -take deep breaths- One last thing: now I really got curious to know more about Junyu's grandfather...