
Stained Tears

“Chang Soo’s men...they are impossible man,” Yun Ho’s worried voice came over the other end of the receiver. “You’re not dealing with amateurs Jae. These guys...they certainly know what they are doing and who they are after.”

Jae Joong just simply pushed the shades up the bridge of his nose as he took a look around his surrounding casually. Satisfied with the empty vicinity, he juggled the phone to his other ear easily.

“Tell me something I don’t know Yun Ho.”

Yun Ho let out a huge exaggerated sigh.

“Have you not been listening to me? Don’t get involved with these guys. Trust me Jae, if you don’t want to end up like your brother.”

Jae Joong’s cool posture stiffened up immediately; just like those other times whenever someone mentions his dead brother’s name. Yun Ho must’ve sensed the change in him too because he spoke up quickly.

“I didn’t mean it that way. I’m just really worried about you.”

“If you don’t have anything else for me, this conversation is over,” Jae Joong replied coolly and pulled the phone away from his ear.

“Wait Jae-“ but all that Yun Ho could hear after that was an abrupt click sound. Jae Joong had really hung up on him.


“What happened?” Woo Young exclaimed in disbelief after Ji Eun finished telling him about her close call with a mysterious black car the previous day.

“Yah Ji Eunnie, what were you thinking?” Woo Young shook his head disapprovingly. “Do you really want to die that bad?”

Ji Eun’s shoulders sagged in disappointment.

“I don’t know. At that point of time, death seemed the easiest way out.”

Woo Young looked at her pitifully as he slung one arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

Hajima. It’s not good for you to have these kinds of thoughts. Please, stop thinking about all these things. I don’t want to see you torture yourself like this every waking second.”

She started to open to say something but a familiar manly voice interrupted her from behind. The voice which had been taunting her thoughts every passing second. The voice which she has been missing so much; so painfully much.

Ji Eun turned around slowly and came face to face with Jae Joong’s stern handsome face; his cold daunting eyes boring right into hers.

“Can I talk to you for awhile?”

“I...uh...” suddenly her mind went blank. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. She didn’t even know if she could trust him all of a sudden. Jae Joong...he wasn’t this man. But at the same time, he has to be the Jae Joong who had saved her life before.

“It’s important,” he tried again, forcing urgency into his tone this time.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Woo Young jumped in when he saw Ji Eun’s face had turned ten shades paler. He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You should probably leave now.”

Totally ignoring his presence, Jae Joong looked past Woo Young and held Ji Eun’s gaze steadily.

“The things you know now may not actually be as it seems,” he told her calmly. Checking the time on his black wrist watch, Jae Joong let out a small wince. “Well, it’s your choice. At least I tried.”

He turned around slowly and started to walk away when Ji Eun’s soft voice rang out suddenly.

“Wait! I...I’ll come with you.”

Without saying another word, Jae Joong just shrugged casually and continued walking leisurely. Ji Eun grabbed her bag and hurriedly stuffed her books inside.

“Are you really going to follow him?” Woo Young asked worriedly as he eyed Jae Joong’s back figure suspiciously. “You don’t even know him!”

“I have to,” she replied stubbornly and heaved up the bag onto her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ve got this. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”

Waving goodbye to her friend, Ji Eun fasten up her pace to catch up with Jae Joong’s long strides. Perhaps, this was the key to everything.

She was going to find out the truth even if it means her life would be in danger.


A-anye...” Ji Eun whispered hoarsely, looking up at his face in disbelief. “You can’t possibly be serious. Jae...Jae Joong...he saved me. He died protecting me.”

“I’m telling you, that was my twin brother, Jae Jun,” the man who claimed his name to be Jae Joong told her for the umpteenth time. “He was forced to use my identity when taking up Tiffany Hwang’s case. If the police know it was really him, they’d be hot on his tail.”

“Jae Jun...” Ji Eun said out the dead man’s name softly. “So all these while...I still don’t get it. If Tiffany is really dead, why am I still in danger?”

Taking out his cell phone from his jeans pocket hastily, Jae Joong started to punch in some numbers while she watched him with much interest.

She took the chance to study his face carefully. He looks exactly like Jae Jun, the real man who she had encountered months ago; her saviour. There really wasn’t much different about them. Those lips, that particular sharp pointed nose, the whole flawless face – it was breathtaking.

The only way for her to tell them apart were their eyes.

Jae Joong’s eyes, they were still piercingly cold. They spelt the colour vengeance.

“You’re not safe alone,” he muttered suddenly.

“W-what?” Ji Eun stammered in surprise as she snapped back to reality. He was still on the phone, his two eyebrows furrowed together as he waited patiently for whoever was at the other end.

“Damn it,” he cursed silently under his breath and snapped the phone shut in annoyance. Placing both hands on his hips, Jae Joong turned to face her once again and gave her one long look.

“Do you know that your ex-boyfriend is actually planning on killing you now?”

Ji Eun’s heart twisted painfully at the new information she had just gotten. Chang Soo wanted her dead? After all the things he had put her through...

“That car that nearly knocked you down the other day, that wasn’t an accident.”

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uaenaland #1
Chapter 10: babe where are you? i miss this fic ... we really need updateeee
uaenaland #2
Chapter 10: Continue? We've been waiting for a long time now
uyuluver #3
Chapter 10: Ahhhh love this so much. Hopfully can get full story
clyne22 #4
Chapter 10: it looks interesting.. Upload soon ?please
uaenaland #5
Chapter 10: Eonnie the sequel is awesome please update soon :D
Chapter 10: It's great story
please continue it..
this is a hella crackship
Chapter 10: it's getting interesting :D please update soon ^^
Miss this story so much XD I love this story as much as the story only I didn't know
because we're stubborn readers? yea you can ^-^ I really love this story~ <3