Chapter 4

Childhood Romance.


The Next Day

You walked to your seat, only to realize the empty chair beside yours.

“Oh? It’s almost time for lesson and he’s not here yet? Is it because of what happened last night?” You thought to yourself worriedly.

The school bell rang, indicating the start of the first period.

“L.Joe called in to say that he is sick and will not be in school today. Who is free later to pass him his homework for today?” asked Mrs. Kang.

Everyone stayed silent and you felt gazes on you. You looked around and understood what they meant.

“I will do it, Mrs. Kang,” you stood up and answered.

“Alright, I’ll tell you his address after lesson,” Mrs. Kang replied.


School finally ended, and as you were packing your stuffs, your 3 good friends came up to you.

“Do you want us to accompany you to his house? We’re worried about you.” HyoNa asked anxiously.

“Nope, it’s okay. I’ll be alright on my own. Didn’t you guys mention that he treats me better than the rest of the class? I doubt he’d do anything to me, so don’t worry, I’ll give you guys an update of the situation after that,” you responded and smiled to them.

“Alright then, be careful!” commanded RyeJin.

After they left, you continued packing your bag, and decided to take a look out the window before leaving. You were in awe when you saw how beautiful the view outside was.

“No wonder he keeps looking out of the window. The view from here is daebak,” you spoke.

Then something caught your eye. You moved closer to the window, and you saw the playground that you and Byunghun used to play at.

“Ah, the view is really great.. You get to see that playground from here as well.” You uttered to yourself and left the classroom.

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lhshanny #1
Chapter 10: ohh nice one, but i am wondering why Byunghun have to pretend that he is someone else?
L-Nisrin #2
Chapter 9: Wow *-* so sweet
Chapter 9: So cute byunghyun goon~
Chapter 9: so sweet!!
Chapter 9: CUTE!!!
b2strockz #6
Chapter 9: SO NICEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!*SPAZZ*
Chapter 9: AHHH! SO CUTE I CAN"T TAKE IT!!!!
Chapter 9: Omg its so cute! I love it!!!