Be At Your Side

Mission: To make You Fall In Love With Me Again


Leeteuk studies the room he's in. They were saying it is his room but he can't even remember a single thing about that room!

Everything is immaculate white! The bed, the paint, the curtain even the cabinets and closets are all white and he is guessing that the things and clothes in there are mostly white.

He again feel hopeless and lost, he turn his back and he sees Heechul who were giving him an encouraging smile.

"Is this really my room?"

Heechul nod. "This is your room, everything in this room was hand pick by you. You like white"

"Obviously" Leeteuk let out a chuckle. "It feels like a ..."

Leeteuk cannot find the proper word to describe the room they are in.

"Like a hospital? We often joke that your room looks more of a mental hospital room."

Leeteuk starts to worry about himself. "Am I that weird?"

Heechul wanted to more to bring a lighter atmosphere between them but he notice how sensitive Leeteuk is.

He becomes serious again. "No, you are not weird. If there would be someone weird between the two of us it would be me."

Leeteuk decided to listen to Heechul. "Why?"

"Why? Actually not only weird but I am also stupid. Because I let the person who I love and who loves me so much go and I don't know if I can ever bring that person back or if I will ever have the same love that person gave me." 

Heechul look directly at Leeteuk eyes he wanted to make him feel how important those words are for him. And he wanted to tell him other things.

Leeteuk I now know how much suffering you been through because I don't acknowledge your love, but I am in here now. I want to return the love you gave me. I am sorry for all the things... Please comeback and remember me.

He bit his lips to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. He also bowed his head so that he won't see his face. 


Leeteuk don't understand why he feels sad when he sees him like that and deep in his heart he feels jealous for the one Heechul loves.

He must have love him that much to be affected in that way. I hope someone loves me the same way.

Leeteuk wanted to comfort Heechul so he moves closer to him to touch his shoulder, he was inches away from his head. 

Heechul was surprise on Leeteuk's sudden actions and he cannot stop himself from looking at Leeteuk's face, at his eyes. But with his sudden movement his lips were move inches away from Leeteuk's eyes. 

Their eyes meet and Heechul could feel their breath together and he will not be able to control his self he will be kissing Leeteuk any moment!


Leeteuk feels awkward in their position, so he suddenly turns his head to avoid him but his lips softly brush off to Heechul lips.

Heechul's eyes widen because of the intimacy between them! He wanted to feel him more, to be closer to him.

Leeteuk on the other hand was rather surprise by what happen. He doesn’t know what to say. He accidentally kisses Heechul. Even if their lips slightly touch. For him that would still be consider as a kiss! 

"S-sorry I only wants you to feel better." 

Heechul don't want Leeteuk to feel awkward so he acted normal.

"Don't worry. That was nothing."

"Yeah that was nothing."

Leeteuk move away from Heechul to give both of them space. 

Heechul tried to think of something to take their mind out of that thing! He wanted to think of something clever to say. 

"Do you want us to check your things?" he was referring to the things on the cabinet.

Leeteuk look at the things he was talking about. 

"Yes. Maybe those things can help me remember things”

Heechul smile he was glad Leeteuk was positive about his condition.

They both sit on the floor while they check Leeteuk's things.

The first thing they check is the old pictures he has.

Leeteuk kept a big photo book. The first thing they see is his pic when he was a baby. 

"See how cute you are?" 

"Is this really me?" Leeteuk holds his pic and smile, all he sees is a very cute kid.

"That's you. Why is it so hard for you to believe that you are that cute? You have good genes." 

"Good genes? Then you mean my future children will look this cute?"


Heechul was hurt on what Leeteuk had said. He knows Leeteuk does not want to hurt him but 
the truth really does hurt.

So Leeteuk wanted to have children of his own. Which I know I can't give.

He remembers the same conversation they had before.


They were in a birthday party that time. It's was a birthday of one of Heechul's friend. He bought Leeteuk along for him to meet new people.

But for most of the time Leeteuk would stick by his side.

"I don't like the guy you are with." Leeteuk corner him while he was taking a drink.

"Who?" Heechul was innocent on what Leeteuk was talking about.

"That guy who was almost kissing you while talking." Leeteuk could not hide his jealousy and what anger him most is how cool Heechul take things.

"Him? Please. He was not even my type." 

"But why is he all over you?" 

"I can't help it, you know that. With the looks I have, I can really make people fall for me easily."

"Yes you can really make people fall for you."

"You think my children will also look good?"

"Of course! Do you want to be a parent?"

"Me? I don't know. It's nice to see kids look up to you, copy what you do and of course cute as your looks. How bout you?"

"I don't know either but I also want to have children with the one I love, if we can't have our own child we can adopt but I will treat that child as my very own." 

Leeteuk looks at Heechul and Heechul had never seen Leeteuk this serious before. 

He let out a deep sigh, he knows what Leeteuk was talking about but he doesn't want to ruin whatever relationship they had because love is a complicated thing. 

"Hey, let us not be too serious in here okay? Why don't we go and party?" 

Heechul was really good at avoiding Leeteuk whenever he starts those kinds of talk.



"What are you thinking about?" 

"Who? Me?" Heechul was so surprise with Leeteuk's question. 

"I just remembered that we have this same conversation before." 

"Really? So this conversation must be a like a deja vu for you."

"Maybe but I feel most that it's a vice versa situation." Heechul pick up a picture of them together when they were younger.


Leeteuk wanted to ask more question but it seems that Heechul does not want to answer question regarding his silence.

Most of the pictures that Leeteuk sees are his together with Heechul. When they were kids, in school, parties, graduation. 

He is slowly realizing that Heechul is 'that' important in his life.

"You are always in here." 

"Yeah, but you know what it's actually the opposite. You are the one who is always on my side." 

They look at each other’s eyes.

"And it's my turn now to be by your side."




A/N Sorry for the late update.



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teukie_17 #1
Chapter 8: I need an update.. the story so good even it sad TT
update this story please~ T^T
i really like this one
Chapter 8: I really miss this story :(
TeukTeukTeuk #4
Chapter 8: update this please T^T
Chapter 8: i'm waiting
this was interesting story
Chapter 8: yeay.. I'm waiting for your update for a long time and its finally come. I really love this hehe. Cant wait for the next xD
Aki_Hikari #7
Chapter 7: Teukie! Now you know that Chullie is important for you. Just fall in love with him again.
Chapter 7: i love this!
teukchul! love them!
Chapter 7: waaaahh!so nice ..really nice..o my keep updating i really like teukchul fics now^^
Chapter 6: Heechul, dont give up! Fighting for teukie's love again! Get his heart! I know someday they will be together again. Because 83 is soulmate xD update soon