The Incident

Do dreams come true?

Taemin's P.O.V~

Were in the middle of playing soccer. Me unforchunately on one team, and Minho on the other. But thankfully enough hes skins and im shirts. So not only do i get to stare at his perfect bod, i also get to keep mine to myself. The ball is passed to me, by a guy i recently learned was named CNU, who like Minho, was also really good at sports. I like to think im not bad, but im not fantastic at sports either. I start towards the other teams goal when the ball is taken from me by non other then Minho himself. He smiles "You had it for a second, but dont think youll beat me Minnie, soccer is my favorite sport~" I frown and start after him, intent on getting revenge, and if im good at anything, its running, so it takes me no time to catch up. But in the process someone else crosses paths with me, trying to get the ball from Minho, and ends up tripping me. Me falling on top of Minho, our lips locked in the most awkard yet amazing accident, my hands pressed against his finely built chest.

Everyone makes surprised noises and oohs and ahs at our accidental kiss. Our eyes are wide open at first, and then somehow they are closed, and were actually kissing.. The other boys laugh and keep on with their surprised looks. Then in an instant, Minho flips us over, and hes on top of me. But we are no longer kissing. Cheers can be heard from the others again. I frown inwardly and hes smirking like an idiot. I use this chance to get back at him for this morning "Are you just going to just lay there all day?" I smirk. "Not that i would mind a hottie like you on top of me all day." Minho laughs, and gets up, holding out his hand to help me up. I take it and stand up quickly. "You are funny, Taemin. Ill give you that." We brush off ourselves and the whistle is heard from the teacher, signaling for us to go wash up and change in the locker rooms. Obviously the showers are optional but most of the boys do it. Sense its the end of the day, I dont see any reason to do it, sense i will be home shortly anyway.

We finally arrive at our lockers and i start to undress and put on my regular clothes again. Minho just looks at me questioningly "Are you not going to shower?" "Mm no, Key is waiting on me. Ill shower when i get home." I finish up getting dressed and wave to him. "Bye Minho, It was nice today.." He just smiles big and grabs my arm, pulling me in for a hug, which he is shirtless. omfg Minho, why do you have to do this to me.We already just kissed! fgjfdhgodfjgdfogl i need to get out of here before i do something rash.. "Uh.... Minho....? Your.. shirtless, and still sweaty.." He laughs and lets go of me. "Oops, sorry, i couldnt help myself. See ya, text me later?" i smile. "Of course."


Minho's P.O.V~

Im standing here watching Tae walk away just thinking about the feeling of his lips on mine. Even if it was on accident.. i will apreciate the beauty of the kiss. Plus.. he definitely started to kiss me for real. His lips were so soft... I put my fingers to my lips, thinking about how crazy it is.. When i feel a sharp pain going through my bottom lip. I pull my finges from my lips and look at them, seeing a small amount of blood. His tooth must have hit my lip.. Oh well.. nothing i can do about it. After he leaves i head to the showers and do a quick rinse. Then i get dressed and head outside to my car. I see Jonghyun there waiting for me and i smile at him. "Hey! How did trying to get key go?" His face looks sad and i cant help but be sensitive to it. I instantly pull him into a hug and try to console him. "What happened Jong?"

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hollandje #1
Chapter 8: Wow this is too cute. Please continue
shione #2
Chapter 8: this was totally amazing . i just can't seem to decribe how amazing this story was please continue on with chapter eight.
Chapter 7: Pleaaaaaase continue this story! I really like it!
Chapter 4: Oh my god i love this!! Keep it up!!
Chapter 3: love this so much!!!!!
angelclass #6
Chapter 2: This is really good so far! Yes the next chapter should be rated M! Great job auther-nim
Chapter 1: This seems interesting :D I'm subscribing ^^