



Our first BtoB story requested by xkpopoholic! I meant to write this one last night but I was just so tired for working at our island's fair so I just like knocked out. But I hope you all enjoy this one! ~Admin Kelc

Minhyuk sighed dreamily as he took another glance at you from across the small cafe where he worked. You came in during lunch and ordered a small iced coffee from the menu before pulling a book out of your bag and opening it.

He didn't know who you were or what your name was, heck he wasn't even the one who took your order, but he just couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you. He would watch you tuck your hair behind your ear and push your reading glasses up the bridge of your nose as if he was in a trance. 

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Eunkwang suggested, standing next to Minhyuk at the register. 

"You think I should?" Minhyuk asked him, still not taking his eyes off of you.

"Yeah why not?" Eunkwang shrugged, "What do you have to lose?"

Minhyuk bit his lip and scratched the back of his head before nodding confidently, "Okay, I'm going to talk to her," he said as he straightened out his clothes.

"Go get 'em," Eunkwang said and patted him on the back.

Minhyuk let out a deep breath and walked over to your table where you were still looking down at your book. 

"Excuse me," he said in a soft voice. His eyebrows knitted together when you didn't look up from your book and continued reading.

He glanced around and cleared his throat, "Excuse me," he said a little louder this time. 

Minhyuk bit his lip and glanced at Eunkwang who just shrugged in confusion.

Taking a deep breath, Minhyuk lightly tapped you on the shoulder.

You looked up from your book and sent Minhyuk a smile as you took off your glasses.

"Umm, sorry to disturb you, but would you like to order anything else?" Minhyuk mumbled, training his eyes on your empty coffee cup.

Minhyuk stood next to your table awkwardly, waiting for your response. He looked up when he saw you pull out a small notebook and pen from you bag. After scribbling something on a page, you handed the notebook to Minhyuk.

Can you repeat that? I can't read your lips you if mumble. Sorry, but I'm deaf.

You gave him an apologetic smile as Minhyuk looked up at you with wide eyes. 

'Oh,' Minhyuk thought, 'So that's why she didn't respond.'

You waited patiently as Minhyuk collected his thoughts but you were used to it. It would have shocked you if he wasn't surprised to find out that you were deaf.

Minhyuk cleared his throat and looked up at you, "Would you like to order anything else?" he asked you, slowly and clearly.

"Ahhh," you mouthed but shook your head, a small smile on your face.

"Oh, okay," Minhyuk said with a disappointed smile on his face and handed you back your notebook, "Sorry for disturbing you."

He hung his head as he turned away from the table. He was just about to walk away when he felt a small tug on his apron that was tied around his waist. He looked down to see your hand holding onto his apron. 

Minhyuk turned around to look at you and you held up one finger, asking him to wait a second as you wrote on your notebook again.

Minhyuk took the notebook in his hand and read what you wrote on the page.

Is that really what you wanted to ask me?

Minhyuk's jaw dropped as he stared at the words on the page. How did you know?

A smile formed on your lips and you placed a hand over you mouth, hiding your silent laugh as you stared at Minhyuk's dumbfounded expression. You may have been deaf, but you weren't blind. You saw all the little stolen glances that Minhyuk was taking from the cash register before he came over to you.

"I - uhhhh," Minhyuk stuttered.

You gave him a smile and motioned for him to sit down on the chair across from yours. 

Minhyuk quickly sat down and let out an embarrassed laughed. 

You held out your hands for your notebook and Minhyuk placed it in your hands. You turned to a new page and quickly wrote something down. You then slid it across the table to Minhyuk.

So what did you want to ask me, ... ?

"Minhyuk," he responded, telling you his name and sliding the notebook back to you.

"Oh!" you mouthed and wrote something down the on page. You turned the book around for Minhyuk to read.

Hi Minhyuk, it's nice to meet you! I'm ______.

Minhyuk looked over at the book and smiled while nodding his head.

You tilted your head to the side and raised your eyebrows while looking at him, waiting for him to ask his question.

Minhyuk looked down at the table, 'Okay, Minhyuk, just do it. Just ask her out on a date. If she says no, it's not the end of the world.'

"Wouldyouliketogooutwithme?" he mumbled quickly.

You knitted your eyebrows together, trying to decipher what he just said.

Minhyuk bit his lip and glanced around, his eyes landing on your notebook that sat in front of you.

"Can I borrow that?" he asked, hesitantly pointing to the pad of paper and pen.

You looked down at the notebook and nodded while pushing the notebook towards the boy sitting across from you.

Minhyuk took the pen into his hand and shakily wrote down his question. He quickly pushed the book back to you and looked out the window.

Your eyes widened when you saw the words that he wrote.

Will you go on a date with me?

You glanced up at Minhyuk to see that he still wouldn't look at you. You quickly scribbled something under his question and passed the notebook back to him.

Really? Even though I'm deaf?

Minhyuk glanced up from the notebook to see you staring back at him. He smiled and nodded his head. 

"It doesn't matter to me," he told you, looking into your eyes, "I really want to get to know you, learn more about you. You seem like a pretty awesome person," he added with a soft laugh.

Your breath caught in your throat and your cheeks started to turn red. Usually people would run away from you when they found out about your disability, but Minhyuk wanted to know more about you? As a person?

"So, what do you think?" he asked hesitantly.

You bit your lip and reached over the table to grab your pen. You wrote something and set the pen down with a smile.


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juststory #1
Chapter 1: aigooo..... >.< so sweett.... please continue.. T.T
Chapter 1: ahhh yay!
Minhyuk was successful and didn't judge n'ek~
i find writing on something and having that silence between you and the other person with just the piece of writing material going and forth between the both of you really sweet~
might just be me though. lol
Chapter 1: too cute awww
hojyasynamelia #4
Chapter 1: Sequel??? Pls??? -hopeful-
Chapter 1: omg fluff ;a;
Eagle_V #6
Chapter 1: *0* so cute kyaaakkkk, keep it up author nim :)