

He didn't know who you were or what your name was, heck he wasn't even the one who took your order, but he just couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you.


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juststory #1
Chapter 1: aigooo..... >.< so sweett.... please continue.. T.T
Chapter 1: ahhh yay!
Minhyuk was successful and didn't judge n'ek~
i find writing on something and having that silence between you and the other person with just the piece of writing material going and forth between the both of you really sweet~
might just be me though. lol
Chapter 1: too cute awww
hojyasynamelia #4
Chapter 1: Sequel??? Pls??? -hopeful-
Chapter 1: omg fluff ;a;
Eagle_V #6
Chapter 1: *0* so cute kyaaakkkk, keep it up author nim :)