Leeteuk's Departure ~ You

A Happy Request Town

[Last Chapter of a Fanfic]


You tried to hold in your tears, but your heart ached endlessly, refusing to obey you. You started sobbing uncontrollably.

Leeteuk was leaving for the military.

He was leaving. He was leaving. He was leaving. This phrase repeated in your head so many times like a broken record, and you couldn’t stand hearing it anymore.

You wouldn’t be able to see him for almost 2 years.

You were so immersed in your emotions, you didn't hear as someone slid open the balcony door. You quickly turned around as you felt his touch, his arms snaking around your waist.

You met Leeteuk’s worried gaze. Quickly, you wiped your tears using the sleeves of your-- no. You meant, Leeteuk's sweater. He watched as you forced a smile and looked up at him. You held his gaze for more than a minute.

“I’m leaving for the military tomorrow.” Leeteuk stated, breaking the silence. You finally broke off your staring contest with him, afraid to show him how much pain you were feeling, but Leeteuk knew, and hugged you tighter.

“~~~~~-ah..” Leeteuk murmured, tucking strands of your hair behind your ear while rocking back and forth, holding you.


You made a sound, indicating you were listening.

“We’ve been dating for a year now, and I think that..” Leeteuk paused, trying to get his thoughts together. “I believe that...Do you remember the press conference I had with Super Junior recently?”

You stopped to think, before a lightbulb went off in your head.

“The one where the reporter asked about getting a girlfriend?” You then grimaced as you remembered that lie that Leeteuk told the reporter about not having a girlfriend.

He nodded, too occupied with something else to notice your facial expression.
“Yeah, that one. Do you remember what I said?”

You were about to shake your head no, until your conscience got the better of you, telling you not to lie.

“...You said that you would marry the girl who could wait for you to finish your military service...right?”

Leeteuk smiled, glad that you remembered. It made what he was going to say easier. "I really think that you are that girl...the one that I mentioned to the press...that would wait for me to finish serving the military."

You stopped rocking back and forth with him as you tried to comprehend what he was saying.

I...I was the girl who would wait for him....Wait. M-marry?!

You gaped as he suddenly kneeled right before you. You took a few steps back, confused. You might have gotten the gist of what he was going to do next, but for some reason, it was still shocking to you and you didn't believe what was happening. You barely got yourself together before he started speaking.

“I said before that I would marry the girl that could wait for me while I was in military service...And I was actually speaking the truth that time when the reporter asked me about getting a girlfriend." Leeteuk gave a nervous laugh, looking down at the ground. "I've told you over and over again over the past year about how much I loved you, and no matter what arguments we have been in, we've never drifted apart.” He paused and looked up at you through his bangs.

You nodded, waiting for him to continue, half wanting and half not wanting to hear the rest.

“We've only gotten closer day by day, and you don't know how much it means to me to see you watch each of my Super Junior performances and variety shows.” You watched as he pulled out a jewelry box from behind him. "Honestly, I wasn't expecting much of a relationship between you and me a year ago."

You scoffed at the remark, remembering how rude he was to you when you first became Super Junior's choreographer. He was the opposite of everything the fangirls thought he was, and honestly, you hated him a year ago too.

You glanced down at Leeteuk, noticing the way he gripped the jewelry box tighter, obviously finding the last part of his speech difficult to say out loud.

"Y-You don't have to continue if it's har--" You were about to tell him he didn't have to do this, but instead you were cut off by the voice you loved the most.

“I promise to always take care of you whether you're sick or you're perfectly healthy. I know that this may seem a bit early to you, but I really don't want to lose you to anyone within the two years that I'm gone." He finally took the chance to look up into your eyes, and you felt yourself blush. You quickly made a prayer, thanking God that it was night and both of you were outside on the balcony. It would be embarrassing to let Leeteuk see you like this.

"I just want you to remember that I will always love you no matter what happens.” Leeteuk’s hand shook nervously as he opened the jewelry box, revealing a heart-shaped diamond ring at it’s center, glimmering with future and hope.

“Will you, ~~~~~, willingly wait for me to return from the military, and marry me?” He held out the jewelry box towards you, his hands visibly shaking.

You stood there, wanting to say yes, but not finding your voice.You didn’t have enough time to process everything before you threw yourself onto Leeteuk and gave him a huge hug. He fell back surprised, dropping the jewelry box besides you, but didn’t hesitate to hug you back.


You were crying again, and you didn’t bother to stop this time, since they were tears of happiness. You always thought it was just a literary device when you read books stating 'tears of happiness', but you never knew they existed until this very day.


You noticed Leeteuk’s nervous face as you pulled away from the hug, and realized that you were so into the moment that you forgot to answer his question. You noticed him crying too, and felt bad for delaying your answer.

Gazing lovingly at him, you smiled the brightest smile you have ever smiled in your life before answering.

“Yes. I will marry you.” You replied firmly, still on top of Leeteuk. You then laughed, showing your happiness from ear to ear. He grinned, laughing with you before whispering the words, ‘I love you’.


You felt comforted by those words, and after hearing them every day since the both of you got together, they were music to your ears. After both of you got through your moment, he lifted himself upwards, not hesitating to give you a kiss. You responded, and smiled as you felt Leeteuk slide the ring onto your finger, intertwining his hand together with yours.


You were finally married. 



A/N: Hello! This is Kpopchicken & Immortal611 with the first chapter of "Would You Read This Fanfiction?". Thanks for stopping by and reading this chapter. This chapter was an idea that just sprouted off of Immortal611 talking about Leeteuk on WGM, and I ended up taking 10 minutes to write this idea.


Yay or Nay? Time for your opinion! (:


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2592 streak #1
Chapter 2: This sounds like a great beginning! :D There aren't that many great Han Geng stories out there, so hopefully, this can become one of the first! :)
Chapter 1: O_o I love it, it's really good and I think it should be a fanfic :)