Everything's Changing

The One That Got Away

Chapter 7: Everything's Changing

The tension was suffocating everyone, especially a bewildered Krystal and Taemin.

But did Sulli really care? No, not really. Sulli fixed her gaze on the heavily breathing brunette, on her long smooth legs, on her well-endowed chest. Sure: Sulli had not that long legs and had barely reached a B-cup, but she had a heart. She wouldn't sleep with a married person, she wouldn't betray her friends. The more she thought about it, the more Sulli wanted to take the bat and swing it right across her face. Maybe making the ugly would stop her from destroying others, intentionally or not.

Finally, Krystal spoke. "Wh-What're you doing?"

Sulli gave the bat a few halfhearted swings. "Nothing, really." Sulli smirked. "But I'm in the mood to play a game."

"Sulli, just...put the bat down."

"No, Taemin, I won't put it down." She pointed it at him. "As soon as we start playing you'll understand why I'm doing this." Taemin gulped and moved away, unsure of what 'game' she was playing. But seeing as how she had a bat in her hands, he wasn't about to stop her.

Sulli smiled and began to swing, her feet bringing her over to Krystal. They stood a few feet apart. "Only one rule, Krystal," she began. "You lie, I break something. And then when I have nothing left to break..." She pointed the bat at her, making the brunette jump. "I'll start on you."

Krystal gulped, her eyes darting from Taemin to Sulli. She stood up straight and crossed her arms over her chest, a nervous expression in her eyes but a smirk on her lips. "You wouldn't do that."

To prove her wrong, Sulli lifted the bat over her head and brought it down on a vase. Everyone screamed at the petite girl's fury. "I'm not ing playing, Krystal!" she shouted. She pointed the bat at her again. "Did you kiss Minho?"

Krystal blinked a few times. "N-No!" Sulli lifted the bat, swung it into a lamp and a picture of the 'married couple'. "Stop! That was our wedding picture!"

"Sulli, chill—"

"Don't tell me to chill, Onew!" Sulli yelled. He backed off. Sulli's adrenaline was rushing, her anger growing. She was lying. She wasn't perfect.

And Sulli was going to show everyone just how 'perfect' she was.

"Did you kiss him?" she shouted again. Krystal backed up, tears forming in her eyes. Sulli gripped the bat tighter than she thought she could hold it. Krystal looked up at the ceiling, took in a breath, before looking at her feet.

"...yes." Taemin's eyes widened and his breath stopped short. No way, he thought.

Tears streaked down her cheeks. "But he kissed me first!"

Minho interjected then with a heavy glare coming from Taemin. "That's a lie." At the word lie, Sulli screamed and slammed the bat into the television; sparks made everyone jump and scream. Sulli let out a small breath before retracting the bat and glaring at Krystal.

Taemin walked towards Minho. "You kissed my wife?" Sulli saw it and, as if reading her mind, Onew stood between the two. "Move, Onew."

"No, dude," Onew said.

Sulli pointed the bat at Taemin. "Don't ing accuse him of anything! Your wife's a !"

"I am not a !" Krystal shouted, anger in her glassy orbs. "And you're going to ing pay for that!"

"Did you tell him to sleep with you?" Sulli asked.

"What!" Taemin shouted. He lunged for Minho but Onew was faster. He wrapped his arms around the brown-haired man and moved him so he and Minho were across the room from each other.

Everyone's eyes were on Krytstal. Luna just sat back and watched, no matter how much she wanted to slap the dark-haired devil. Krystal breathed heavily, the tears ending their descent. Her eyes darted from a frantic Taemin to a pissed-off Sulli. She shut her eyes. "...yes."

Taemin had calmed down but he was bewildered by her answer. They...slept together? And Krystal wanted it? Taemin looked at Minho and, for the first time that night, saw the guilt, the regret on his face. Minho looked at Taemin with sincere eyes, a deep frown on his lips. "I am so sorry, Taemin."

"But...why?" he asked.

"Because I loved her. Because I was still in love with her when she invited me over to 'catch up'. I planned on just forgetting about her," Minho said with a sigh following. "And I regret sleeping with her."

Taeminbelieved him. Because he was sincere, because he was able to understand Minho's feelings. But what about his feelings?

Did Krystal even care about his feelings anymore?

Krystal swiped her bangs back but they fell right into place. Sulli lifted the bat over her head and brought it down with a scream on the entertainment center. The wood caved in, fell with a loud crash. Taemin was too numb to stop the girl from raining chaos on their home.

But Krystal didn't want her house to he destroyed. She just wanted everything to be okay. "Stop it, Sulli!" Krystal moved to take the bat from Sulli but Sulli stepped away and stormed down the hallway to their bedroom.

Krystal's side was separate from Taemin's side of the dresser. Sulli screamed and slammed the bat into all of Krystal's items, knocking them off the dresser and falling to the ground with an audible crash. Some of the glass items shattered, their liquids dispersing everywhere.

Krystal watched in horror as she stormed around their house, destroying everything that was hers. The dark haired woman placed Krystals's phone on the floor and brought the bat down with a fiery no one knew the girl possessed. Krystal screamed before grabbing the end of the bat and giving it a harsh tug. Sulli pulled away and prepared to swing at Krystal but instead dropped the bat.

"Sulli, you need to stop! J-Just calm down and—" Sulli silenced the brunette with a slap across the face, harsh and loud like a whip snapping in the air. Luna had to stifle her laughter. Krystal looked at Sulli with wide eyes. "Why?"

"Because you don't deserve !" Sulli screamed. She picked the bat back up again before pushing the brunette away from her. Krystal was angered by this. She raised her hand high, brought it down fast onto Sulli's cheeks.

Minho and Onew intervened then. Just when Sulli was about to lunge, Minho had his arms around the petite girl, holding her back even though he felt like letting her go. Krystal tried to pry Onew's arms from around her but Onew was strong. Heavy breaths filled the room.

Luna walked in, her hands in her sweater pockets. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events." She glared at Krystal. "I can't believe you slept with him."

She glared at Luna. "I don't want to hear that from you. It's none of your concern."

"Minho's my brother. Of course it's my concern." Luna raised her eyebrows with a small smirk. "So was it worth it?"

Krystal didn't answer but she did calm down. Onew released her and stared at Krystal as she poked a piece of glass with her foot. She looked at Luna then, a blank look in her eyes. "I guess we're not friends anymore."

Luna smiled. "You guessed right." She left the room then, singing a lullaby. Minho released Sulli, swiped the bat from her hands just before she gripped it again. Sulli glared at Krystal before shaking her head. Everyone watched as the dark haired woman pushed Krystal out of her way, watched as she walked down the hallway. She slipped into her sneakers while everyone followed in silence.

"I'm done," Sulli said. "I'm so ing done." The girl opened the door and left, not bothering to close it.

For a while, no one could get in contact with Sulli. Every call went straight to voicemail, every text was never responded to. Everytime they went to her house to see her, she either wasn't home or didn't answer the door. So they left her alone.

Luna wasn't sure what the girl was feeling, but she knew it wasn't good if she didn't want to talk to anyone for a few weeks. But she figured it was best for her to be alone for a while. She needed to think, she needed to calm down.

Sulli had finished another day of college. Her freshman year was almost over and she needed to think about what she was going to do for her senior year. She had gotten a lot of offers but which one was best? The girl sighed as she entered her apartment, sighed as she fell onto her couch.

Her story received another A; it made Sulli happy. Writing wasn't something she had wanted to do when she was younger-she wanted to be a singer, but writing seemed to be second nature to the girl. And since Sulli had a comedic mind, nothing said she couldn't make her writing dramatic and funny.

Sulli sighed again, her mind going back to two weeks ago. Their faces, their reactions to everything that happened. It was still very fresh in her mind. That day was raw anger, raw emotions battling one another. Her arms were a bit sore from swinging the bat at full blast when she returned home, but a warm shower and some food made the pain go away. Sulli smiled at the bitter memory.

At least now the playing field was even.

Krystal stared at the ruined television, at the gigantic hole inside of it. Taemin was pacing back and forth behind the couch, his glassy orbs right on his brown-haired wife. Ever since that day, his thoughts for Krystal had drastically changed. He feared that he was going to fall out of love with her and that's the last thing he wanted. He truly loved her: the funny, sweet, caring, sometimes clumsy Krystal.

But what about now? Did she still feel the same way? Taemin moved so he was standing in front of the ruined television, so he could look at her face once again. Each day was the same since Krystal's confession: endless discussions.

"Why?" he asked. "You've yet to answer that question."

Krystal shook her head. "I don't have an answer."

"You weren't even thinking about the ring on your finger? On your last name?" Taemin exclaimed. He took a deep breath. Yelling wouldn't solve anything, no matter how much he wanted to. "Why, Krystal?"

"I don't...I just don't know!" Krystal stood up, anger in her eyes. "When are we going to move past this? I said I was sorry so many times!"

"You're making it sound like cheating on me is nothing!"

"Everyone makes mistakes!"

Taemin's eyes widened. "You knew exactly what you were doing when you told Minho to kiss you!"

"I was caught up in the moment!" Krystal said while throwing her hands up into the air.

"And now be an adult and deal with the consequences of your little moment," he said, venom in his voice. Krystal released a breath before plopping back onto the couch and burying her face in her hands. As she took a breath, a glare controlled her honey orbs.

Sulli being back in her life was just making a mess of things.

Sulli walked through the park, the small heels of her shoes clicking against the pavement with each step. She had calmed down but a few things were certain: Sulli hated Krystal; Sulli thought Minho was an idiot for falling for Krystal, and Sulli believed Taemin and Krystal needed a divorce. Of course some people just didn't think like her.

Sulli plopped herself onto the bench, a small breath escaping her lips as she did so. There was a cool breeze blowing by, and since the weather was a bit colder than average, she drew in her sweater closer to her frame. She stared at the star-dotted night sky, tried to make sense of what she was thinking and feeling.

Her fingers pulled out her cell phone. Her eyes looked at the text once again.

To: Sulli
From: Minho

Meet me in the park at 8:30. I need to talk to you

"Whatever that idiot wants, he better hurry the hell up," Sulli mumbled under her breath.

But Fate had a funny way of making the girl regret her words. "You think I'm an idiot?" Minho asked. Her eyes met him: he was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, a brown apron around his waist. Sulli raised her eyebrow. Minho smiled quickly. "I'm working at a cafe for a while."

"Ah." Minho sat besides the girl on the bench.

"Look," she began, "I have some things to do back at home. So say whatever you need to say."

Minho didn't particularly like her tone: rough, irritated. But he understood why she was like that. And he was about to set things right...or he hoped he was. "I'm sorry."


"Well...not so much I'm sorry but more of you were right. You were right about her. I can't trust her." His eyes scanned her face for an ounce of emotion but when he got nothing, he his lips. "I made a mess of things."

She gave a dry chuckle. "You were a real for sleeping with her."

Minho his lips. "I know." Sulli glared at him then, her expression not leaving any room for change. Minho held a breath and waited for her to say something but she just shook her head and stood. She walked around a bit, hands clasped together in front of , the glare still in her eyes.

Finally she spoke after finding the words. "I didn't say what I wanted to say to you a few weeks ago. At the whole altercation." She smirked. "But I feel now's a good opportunity to say everything I've wanted to say to you."

Minho's hand ran over his legs a few times. "Alright." He stood. "Shoot."

"Clench your teeth for a second." His eyes narrowed at her words but he regretted not listening. Her hand impacted with his cheek, snapping across his face like a whip.

The force of her smack left him breathless for a moment. He winced as his fingers grazed the red spot on his cheek. His eyes faced the beyond angry girl. "What the were you doing sleeping with a married woman?" Sulli knew she was loud but she didn't really care. At that point, she didn't care about anything.

"Why would you sleep with her, Mino? You're ing smarter than that! I don't care if you were in love with her! Don't sleep with a married woman, especially when she broke up with you the last time!" She clenched her hands. "You told me to get over Taemin, and I am. But when you can't take your own advice then that makes you a hypocrite! You're a real , Minho!"

When she was done, she was breathing heavily. Her glare didn't give way as she watched the man awkwardly rub his head and shove his hands into his pockets. His cheek still stung but it would eventually go away. Sulli sighed heavily.

Minho his lips while trying to find the right words. "I know."

Sulli began to walk away but not before saying, "Get it together."

Taemin sat on the couch, his eyes on the clock: it was 2:16 in the morning. What the hell was he doing up at such an hour? Although it was the weekend, he didn't want to be this early thinking over their relationship while his wife slept peacefully in their bed.

How could she sleep when their relationship was crumbling? How could she even begin to think about sleep when she had cheated on him and couldn't even answer his questions? Krystal was the love of his life and yet she had slept with another man, and she wanted it. How could she?

She must not have loved him anymore. They've only been married for a while, but together for some years now. This…this had broken his heart, even if he was still in love with her.

And then there was Sulli. Beautiful, petite Sulli. He allowed himself to think about the girl, allowed himself to imagine her lips on his. At least he wouldn't actually cheat on Krystal. But thinking about her brown curls, thinking about her small frame, comforted him. The way she forced Krystal to tell the truth was astounding. She must've cared for him if she went to lengths like that. Her brown eyes, the glare in her orbs, the small smile on her pink lips.

Yes, Sulli was beautiful. Why she was alone, he wouldn't know. The girl deserved someone special, someone who would protect her. But Sulli was strong so maybe she didn't. If only Krystal hadn't cheated on him. Sulli wouldn't be on his mind, he wouldn't be thinking about kissing or making love to her.

He loved Krystal. But…Sulli was just something else. Something…amazing. Something he wanted.

Minho stepped out of the shower, the steam filling the bathroom and covering the mirror. He swiped a hand over the mirror and stared at himself. He looked a bit tired but the shower had made him also looked attractive; any woman would jump at the sight of his black locks hiding those brown sapphire orbs.

But Minho didn't feel attractive. He hated himself for sleeping with Krystal, he hated himself for letting her seduce him. He put on his boxers and dried his hair off. He hands clenched the bathroom sink, his eyes glaring at himself. "You're an absolute idiot, just like Sulli said."

Sulli. A finger touched his lips as he closed his eyes. Her lips were once pressed to his, when they were still acting as a couple. Although it was a stupid plan, he wanted to feel her lips on his again. They were soft, small, left the inside of his chest feeling warm. She enticed unknown feelings in Minho, feelings that he liked.

Was it wrong for him to want to hold her close to him? Was it wrong for him to want to stare at her body, to feel her body against his, for him to be inside of her making her feel so wonderful? As if responding to his sudden want, another part of him arose to the occasion. He cursed before removing his boxers and stepping back into the shower to take an ice cold shower.

But it did little to no good. She wasn't escaping his mind anytime soon. First it was Krystal: he liked the , hated that he did it. But with Sulli, he loved the kiss, didn't regret anything. In fact, he could admit this now.

He wanted to kiss her more than anything.

Everything was changing.

A/N: Okay, with this Chapter, Part 1 of the story is over. Since I'm going to be away for the next two weeks, here is the Chapter a bit earlier. I Hope you like it.

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Chapter 5: I love this sooooooooo much. MINSUL ALL THE WAY!!!
tercesjoy #2
Chapter 1: Looking forward to reading this. This has an interesting pairing of characters.:)
chocwenz #3
Chapter 14: I love this story :) I do have ships that I like and prefer but regardless of how this story ends up, I enjoy reading the story, plot and writing style and I'm sticking to it no matter how it ends :) I like how you portray the characters here, especially Sulli's and Luna's.. Looking forward to the progression of the story :)

I do hope you'll keep updating this fic and finish it.. If it means anything to you, this fic one of the few that I HAVE to read the moment I see an update, regardless of how busy I am hehehe.. :) thanks~~
Chapter 14: New reader here! Oh and i kno ur feelings when u got comments like that. Srsly its so annoying, even after i already declared that my stort will be end up with 'this' and 'that' couple, some ppl still hoping that my story will end up with their otp:/

Oh and about thr story, i really like ur story line. The way you make their characters, and their problem. This is the real drama lmao.

Actually my no. 1 bias is Krystal but tbh i hate her character in this story. And I think Krystal need to find someone that truly love her.

I do hope this fic will end up with taelli and minstal. Im only going to say this once bcs i dont want u to get annoyed lmao.

Ps: do I say too much?
If yes I'm sorryㅋㅋㅋㅋ
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update authornim
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 14: Writing this story is how you see the characters authornim
Not to make it minstal or minsul
No one is going to be completely satisfied, they have their opinions
For me I just want to read YOUR fanfic and not about other's opinions
Thanks authornim
safeyya #7
Chapter 13: I don't think I commented before but your story is really great. A total drama, LOVE IT. I wonder wonder how this will end. Right now, I'm like hating on Krystal.
kimipuys #8
Chapter 14: i wan ending story minsul authornim. thanks :D
Loving your story! Don't get discouraged from the annoying comments just write this story the way you want it because so far I think it's really interesting and as far as the pairings I don't think it's a problem. Because I'm like dying to know who's sulli's going to end up with and I think that's the fun to this story that's wants you to keep on ready it. Authornim Hwaiting ^^!!
lhourie #10
Chapter 14: go authornim for us long a happy ending it's not a prblem to me... either minsul ot minstal... doesn't matter..
Pls update soon. mahalo