Road To (Pretending) Love

The One That Got Away

Chapter 3: Road To (Pretending) Love

Sulli and Luna sat in Sulli's living room watching reruns of Sulli's favorite comedian. Sulli laughed at the silly little jokes, cracked up at the more adult jokes. Luna sat, laughing along with her, wondering why the petite brunette liked comedy so much. After the show ended, Sulli stood to stretch her stiff muscles.

"So how'd it go with Krystal?" Luna asked. Sulli pulled her tank top down, fixed her blue sweatpants before flopping onto the couch and angling herself to face the blonde, one leg pulled under the other. She sighed.

"We're 'friends' again," Sulli said, the skepticism clear in her voice. Luna smiled a bit.

"You sound like you're excited."

"Oh, I'm bursting with joy and gushing happiness!" Sulli clapped her hands and gave Luna a large smile. Luna shook her head. Sulli relaxed.

"Well while you'll be making Taemin fall in love with you, you need to fall out of love with him and in love with someone else." Luna was crazy; Sulli concluded it. She found it impossible to fall out of love with Taemin. She was still finding it hard to forget seeing him the few days ago. She sighed heavily. But Sulli was willing to try anything at that point, as long as it didn't involve anything stupid or risky.

"And who am I supposed to fall in love with?"

"Before we get to that," Luna began, "I have to know if there's anyone that seems interesting at your college." Sulli didn't really pay attention to the students, let alone the guys, but there was one guy who seemed interested in Sulli. He was kind of cute too but something about him turned her off. She wasn't sure what but it did.

Sulli shook her head before saying, "No one really." Luna sighed.

"Then you're probably not going to like what I have in mind."

Sulli stared at him, eyes wide, lips parted as she tried to imagine it. There he was, on her couch, drinking her juice from her cup. He rested his arms behind the couch and Suli sat on the love-seat across from them. Luna looked completely casual as she chewed on her sandwich. Sulli had barely touched her turkey and cheese-melt, despite it being her absolute favorite.

Minho sighed heavily before eyeing Luna and asking, "Why am I here again?"

"Because I have a question to ask you." Minho gave his sister the 'are you serious?' look.

"It better be important," he began, "but ask."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow before leaning forward, eyes narrowed.

"That's why you called me all the way here? To ask me about—"

"Just answer the question," Luna interrupted.

Minho sighed before saying, "No; I'm single. Why does that matter?"

"Here's the plan," Luna began, standing up for dramatic purposes. "The three of us are going to get back at Krystal and Taemin, mainly Krystal for you and I, and Taemin for Sulli.

"I want you to pretend to be Sulli's boyfriend so Krystal will get jealous. She'll see her ex with her used-to-be-ex-friend and she will get jealous. I know for a fact Krystal never really got over you. And Sulli will be someone so attractive and irresistible that Taemin can't refuse." Luna clapped her hands before resting her hands on her hips. "Are you in?"

Minho and Sulli exchanged glances. Minho only thought of Sulli as 'the creampuff Krystal used to hang out with' and Sulli saw MInho as 'the mysterious guy Krystal used to date'. A pretend relationship? That couldn't work, especially with two people who rarely talked. When Krystal was with Minho, he seemed to get along with everyone who wasn't Sulli. The two avoided each other and it was just the normal thing for them.

Now Luna was asking for them to take a step further and pretend to be in a relationship when the two barely knew enough about each other to be considered friends.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Minho responded, eyes focused on Sulli. "We don't know each other like that." Luna smirked, went to the front of Sulli's apartment and slid into her flats. She grabbed her purse, put her sunglasses on, waved at the two.

"That's why I'm leaving so you two can get to know each other better. Call me later," The blonde said before leaving the two stunned. The brown-eyed girl was a demon. A clever and tricky demon. Then again, so was Sulli so she wasn't all that surprised. Minho sighed and rubbed his head, his eyes fixed on the tall girl. The two walked back into Sulli's living room and sat on the couch.

"So," She breathed out. Minho shrugged. "This is weird."

"You're telling me." Sulli was curious. The guy was laidback; that was pretty clear. And he seemed rather calm. She began to wonder why it hadn't worked out between the two; it was like the two balanced each other out. Krystal was fiery, easily embarrassed, easily swooned. Minho was relaxed, confident when it came to girls, loved to tease.

Sulli bit her lip before asking, "Why didn't it work out with you and Krystal?" Minho had wondered that himself. Why hadn't it worked?

"I don't know," he began, "I always thought Krystal loved me like I loved her, but she claimed I was too clingy and wasn't enough for her. She wanted more and said I was a great guy but...there were a lot of arguments and a lot of disagreements. I guess she thought ending it would stop all of that."

Typical Krystal, Sulli thought. She remembered Krystal always being the mediator when there were arguments. Always solving the problems, always there for her friends and there for people she barely knew. She was the 'sweet and kind' girl everyone wanted to be friends with. It was also one of the reasons why her and Krystal's friendship had ended the way it did: people didn't see the real her, the Krystal that had changed.

But the girl replied with, "Ah."

"Yeah...and when did you and Taemin break up?" Sulli fiddled with her fingers and looked down at her legs.

"We were never together," Sulli answered. "But I've always..."

"Loved him." Sulli nodded, a faint blush decorating her cheeks. "That's rough."

"Yeah…" She sighed, her heart beating a bit faster. It wasn't that she was uncomfortable talking to him about this—okay, she was a bit uncomfortable. He stared right at her when she spoke and was absolutely still as she did. It made her feel like he was a spotlight. "So what happened?"

Sulli continued to fiddle with her fingers, a calm but angry expression on her face as she said, "Krystal got to him first, even though she knew how I felt about him."

Minho sighed as he leaned into Sulli's couch, the cushions kissing his back. A conniving Krystal was difficult to picture when they first started dating. Now he could imagine it. And it that he did. The girl was a sweetheart; a naïve sweetheart. But to think that she so easily took something special from her friend and rubbed it in her face annoyed him. She acted perfect but her intentions weren't. Krystal had changed.

She had gone from the naïve sweetheart to a real .

"I'm in," was all he said as he faced Sulli. The brunette girl raised her eyebrows, surprise filling her. He was going to be her pretend boyfriend? She wondered what made him give in so easily.

"Thank you…" Minho stretched his arms. Sulli shifted in her seat so she was facing him. "But if we're actually going to do this, and do it good, then we need to learn about each other."

Sulli sat in Minho's car as they drove to the restaurant they were meeting up at. She tugged on the hem of her blue one-shoulder blouse. She wore black skinny jeans and black flats to complete the outfit. He wore a white button-down, black jeans, black shoes. His gaze was locked on the road, her's outside the passenger window.

She was a bit upset, which meant she was extra quiet. Although Sulli was onboard for the pretend relationship, a few thoughts stopped her. Although she learned enough about him, she would have to act like an actual girlfriend to him. Of course it was obvious but she hadn't realized what that intended. She would have to hold his hand, hug him, whisper secrets in his ear, and—she shivered—kiss him.

The driving slowed down as traffic built up. He leaned back in his seat before glancing at Sulli for a few seconds. Her brunette curls were styled in a half ponytail, tied with a black ribbon. He inched up a bit as he asked, "You okay? You're awfully quiet."

"Just thinking."

"About?" He stopped once again and faced the girl.

Sulli gulped a bit and mumbled, "Do I have to kiss you?"

Minho heard her. Kissing? Minho had his fair share of lips, tongue, all that jazz, so kissing was nothing new to him. In fact, as a dare at Taemin's bachelor party, he had kissed every girl attending to them and won two hundred dollars. Kissing was something he had perfected, something he could do without thinking. And since they were going to act like a real couple, kissing was a must. He finally answered with, "We're a couple, so yes."

"Oh, that's ing wonderful," Sulli said sarcastically.

Minho chuckled. "Why? Are you afraid of me? Or have you never kissed anyone?" Oh gosh. How did he figure it out! She blushed as her arms crossed over her chest, a pout forming on her lips, a blush staining her cheeks.

"So what if I haven't?"

Minho whistled as he exited the highway. "Then we have a slight problem." Sulli grew annoyed by this. Of course they were going to have to kiss. Of course he was expecting her to have kissed some people before.

"Sorry. I'm not Krystal where I've kissed enough to be a professional," Sulli snapped. Minho entered the restaurant's parking lot. He found a spot closest to the entrance. He parked and turned off the engine; it dyed with a purr.

He sighed as he removed the keys from the ignition and leaned back into his seat. His eyes focused on the pouting brunette. "Krystal had to practice, too."

"Then kiss me," Sulli blurted out. Minho watched as a plethora of emotions crossed her eyes—shock, then regret, then embarrassment. She looked out the window, her eyes focusing on the water dripping from the car next to his.

Minho shook his head. "So you would throw away your first kiss all for a plan that may not even work?" Sulli knew he was right. It was stupid to throw away something that couldn't be done over. But she was willing to do it. And she had good reasons for it, too, that didn't include the plan.

She turned to face him, leaned in close, smirked as she said, "Then you better make it good." Minho rolled his jaw around.

"I'm going to need a better reason than that."

Sulli didn't want to admit why she wanted him to take her first. She sighed, in her lips. She rubbed her hands together. "I've always wanted to know what it was like to kiss someone. I've never done it and when all my friends talked about it—Krystal included—I wanted to know for myself. And because if the plan does work, I don't want Taemin to have it."

He understood that. Falling out of love with someone was difficult enough, especially when you're going to be around said person for a while. He also understood her curiosity; it must've when you listened to your friends talk about something you've never done. Sulli rubbed her arm again and Minho's eyes flickered all over her face.

He leaned in close, close enough to smell the mint on her breath. "That's better."

Sulli prepared herself for what was to come. She closed her eyes, parted her lips. Minho his lips quickly before closing his eyes, parting his lips, and closing the space between the two.

The urge to open her eyes flooded Sulli. Was this a kiss? It was definitely nothing like her friends described it to be—amazing, fireworks went off, left them wanting more. It simply felt like two wet lips pressed together. She gripped her shirt in her hands.

Minho pulled away and opened his eyes to study her reaction. Sulli opened her eyes, blinked a few times. Heat ebbed up her neck, pooled in her cheeks. She looked away and grabbed her purse. She opened the car door and put one foot out onto the concrete.

She exited the car before saying, "We'd better get going. We don't want to be late."

It was a triple date of awkward proportions.

Luna and Onew sat next to each other in the booth, Krystal and Taemin next to each other, Sulli and Minho next to each other. Luna and Onew shared a menu, Krystal and Taemin shared a menu while holding hands, Sulli and Minho had separate menus and made no body contact. She was still trying to get the odd sensation of heat from out of her cheeks, out of her lips.

Krystal gazed at Minho. What was he doing here? And what was he doing with Sulli of all people? The two barely spoke to each other. Maybe they're here as friends, she thought. They can't possibly be dating. But the nagging voice in the brunette's subconscious said otherwise. Krystal looked at Taemin, who was busy eyeing the seafood pasta and garlic bread combo. The two exchanged a quick smile.

Luna watched the scene before her unfold. It was awkwardly quiet at everyone looked at the menus. She saw Krystal stare at Minho for a moment. She felt herself smirk before returning her attention to the menu. Onew stared at Luna, a smirk of his own on his lips. Luna had informed him about her little plan. She nodded at Onew.

"So," Onew began, "what're you doing here, Minho, with Sulli?" Everyone put their menus down after deciding on their meals and focused on Sulli and Minho. Sulli blinked a few times.

"Umm, M-Minho and I…we…we, umm…it sort of—" Minho wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Sulli and I have been dating for a few weeks now." Luna watched as Krystal's smile faltered.

"Oh," she said with fake enthusiasm. "How did it happen?"

Minho smiled as he said, "We went out on a few dates and it just sort of happened. We've been together even at your wedding but we decided to keep it hush, hush." Minho winked and Sulli mentally thanked him for almost blowing it. He gave her shoulder a few squeezes. Luna smiled.

"That's sweet."

"Yeah…real sweet," Krystal mumbled. Sulli couldn't help but feel confident. It was working so far. Nothing could go wrong.

The meal was delicious. Dessert was even better. Everyone had their own ice cream. Minho and Sulli laughed along with everyone, Krystal and Sulli reminisced on childhood memories. It was then that Luna sent her a text. She opened her phone and read it.

From: Luna

To: Sulli

Kiss him…sell it!

Sulli nodded at Luna. She then smiled at Minho. "Hey, Minho?"

"Hmm?" Sulli dug her fingers into his shirt before her lips in a seductive manner. Minho took the hint. He smirked, leaned in close, and firmly planted his lips on hers. Krystal watched, her anger growing. Minho and her had broken up. She was happily married. So why…

When they pulled apart, Sulli giggled. Taemin smiled at the two. "You two sure are into each other." Sulli turned to face Taemin, her heart beating a bit faster. No matter what she couldn't blow this. She smiled gracefully.

"Yeah, we are. He makes me feel so alive."

"I'm happy for you."

"Thank you. I'm glad Krystal makes you feel so happy, too." Taemin smiled at Sulli, a real genuine smile. She felt her heart skip a beat. She excused herself from the table. Krystal grew suspicious and followed her in.

"Sulli," Krystal began as she stood next to the petite brunette. Sulli wiped her face down. "I didn't think you and Minho would…"

"Be in a relationship?" Sulli chuckled. "I didn't expect you to date Taemin." Krystal stiffened at Sulli's words. She smiled at Krystal before walking around her and gripping the bathroom door in her hands. Krystal's eyes narrowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Sulli her lips before saying, "That I'm very much capable of blowing your mind."

Author's Note: So I did have some time to write this Chapter and I think it was obvious that it would be Minho who plays the role of her pretend boyfriend, BUT that doesn't mean he ends up with her, like I said, I didn't decide on it, maybe I will on the last Chapter of this story and there will be some interaction between Minho and Krystal sometime soon.

And there are a few things I really need to clear, since I've got some reviews and PM's that weren't that pleasend.

1) I don't know how this story ends. Minsul, Minstal, Taelli, Taestal. I. Don't. Know.
So please stop bugging me with question what pairing this story will end with and statements like "If it ends like that, I won't read it."
2) This is a FANFIC. So the Characters are like I want them. Minho is a singer, Onew plays soccer, Luna is Minho's sister, Sulli isn't that sweet girl and Krystal? Don't want to talk about. So stop screaming at me, because I changed some things. Like I said, it's a Fanfic. Don't like it, don't read it.

But oh well, thanks to all of you for reading this, it makes me really happy! Review please, let me know what you think :) Constructive criticism! : )


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Chapter 5: I love this sooooooooo much. MINSUL ALL THE WAY!!!
tercesjoy #2
Chapter 1: Looking forward to reading this. This has an interesting pairing of characters.:)
chocwenz #3
Chapter 14: I love this story :) I do have ships that I like and prefer but regardless of how this story ends up, I enjoy reading the story, plot and writing style and I'm sticking to it no matter how it ends :) I like how you portray the characters here, especially Sulli's and Luna's.. Looking forward to the progression of the story :)

I do hope you'll keep updating this fic and finish it.. If it means anything to you, this fic one of the few that I HAVE to read the moment I see an update, regardless of how busy I am hehehe.. :) thanks~~
Chapter 14: New reader here! Oh and i kno ur feelings when u got comments like that. Srsly its so annoying, even after i already declared that my stort will be end up with 'this' and 'that' couple, some ppl still hoping that my story will end up with their otp:/

Oh and about thr story, i really like ur story line. The way you make their characters, and their problem. This is the real drama lmao.

Actually my no. 1 bias is Krystal but tbh i hate her character in this story. And I think Krystal need to find someone that truly love her.

I do hope this fic will end up with taelli and minstal. Im only going to say this once bcs i dont want u to get annoyed lmao.

Ps: do I say too much?
If yes I'm sorryㅋㅋㅋㅋ
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update authornim
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 14: Writing this story is how you see the characters authornim
Not to make it minstal or minsul
No one is going to be completely satisfied, they have their opinions
For me I just want to read YOUR fanfic and not about other's opinions
Thanks authornim
safeyya #7
Chapter 13: I don't think I commented before but your story is really great. A total drama, LOVE IT. I wonder wonder how this will end. Right now, I'm like hating on Krystal.
kimipuys #8
Chapter 14: i wan ending story minsul authornim. thanks :D
Loving your story! Don't get discouraged from the annoying comments just write this story the way you want it because so far I think it's really interesting and as far as the pairings I don't think it's a problem. Because I'm like dying to know who's sulli's going to end up with and I think that's the fun to this story that's wants you to keep on ready it. Authornim Hwaiting ^^!!
lhourie #10
Chapter 14: go authornim for us long a happy ending it's not a prblem to me... either minsul ot minstal... doesn't matter..
Pls update soon. mahalo