Chapter 4







I love you and I want you to stay.


            Luhan was about to pick up his backpack from the floor when he heard somebody shout his name from behind. Curiously, he turned around and met you. You were panting from exhaustion and he wondered if you ran all the way.

You bent down slightly and placed your hands on your knees as you tried to control your breathing. Luhan was in front of you, patiently waiting for what you have to say. After a few deep breaths, you stood straight and stared directly into his beautiful face and you feel that the air has been knocked out of your lungs again just by seeing him look at you.

“Hi...” Luhan said with a small smile, trying to break the silence. While you stared at him with wide-eyes.


“ H-hi...” you stuttered and you felt so nervous just by talking to him, while he on the other hand, fidgeted with his bag. He really has to hurry.


“Is there anything you need?’’ he asked patiently and you feel like a fool because you honestly haven’t thought of what you would say to him.


“ N-no...not really” you spoke softly.With that, Luhan gave you a curious look and you blushed.


“Oh, then I should get going” he said softly.


You felt panic surge through your whole being when he turned his back away from you and began gathering some of his things form the floor. He was slowly adjusting the other bags that he held in his hands when he turned back to face you again.


“ Well...I’m going now” he gave you a polite smile and bowed a little.


His back was now turned to you once again...Just like many other times and he began slowly walking away. Just the sight of his form moving farther from you and knowing that this will be your last chance gave you the courage to speak out loud.


“ I love you!” you shouted and Luhan stopped walking but he didn’t turn around. That made you feel more desperate, but also more courageous as you repeated again.


“ I love you, Please stay!” you shouted again as you stepped closer, his back is still turned to you and when you were just a couple of feet away from him you managed to confess clearly.


“Ever since I met you back at the playground...I knew that you’re going to be someone special for me...I’ve been so happy to be your classmate, for a long time I loved you from afar...but I wanted you to know my feelings now! I love you Luhan!” you said softly yet there was definitely conviction in your voice.

Your heart almost stopped beating when he turned but there was also curiosity mixed with anxiety in your body, wondering how he would react. When you stared in his face, you felt like your whole body was drenched in cold water for his face was unresponsive.

He moved to close the gap between your bodies and tears started to automatically fall from your eyes. You prepared yourself for the sure rejection that was to come. It was when Luhan was only inches away from you and you were shaking badly that you froze because warm, soft hands cupped your cheeks and wiped the tears from your face.


“Please don’t cry...” he whispered.


You stared at him with wide eyes yet you never dared to remove his hands form your cheeks, and your breath caught even more as you saw his face. He looked panicked as the tears continued to cascade down your cheeks as he tried to wipe them away with his thumb as softly as he could.

A look that gave you the impression of a child that was so afraid that he had done something wrong and he was going to get scolded later on. A look that was so innocent and childlike that made Luhan even more endearing to you. Even though it wasn’t really the best situation, you giggled a little at his cuteness.

Shocked, he stared back at your eyes and he looked a lot relieved that you were now smiling a little despite your watery eyes. He puffed out his cheeks as he took a relieved sigh.


“ I love you really have to go?” you said again hopefully and he looked undecided as he stared at you.


“Yes... My dad really wanted that job, he worked for years to get it” he said after a while and you stared at your feet sadly.


“Oh...I’m sorry then...for keeping you here longer...You should go” you said dejectedly as tears slowly fell again. But this time, even

though he’s still leaving, your chest felt a little lighter.


Luhan heard his mother call to him and he turned to her to see that she was waiting with his dad when the final call for their flight was announced.


“Go...your parents are waiting” you urged him softly as you tried your hardest to stop crying while Luhan looked a little torn. After a few moments of silence, he picked up his luggage for the third time while you stared at the ground.


“ I’m going now...” he said softly and you nodded because you were too afraid that if you spoke you would only end up crying again.


He was already a couple of steps away from you when you managed to look up.




This is really it...he’s leaving me...



Suddenly, Luhan stopped and you were a little confused when he began walking towards your direction again. It was like time stopped around you as everything blurred and all that you could see was him.

Luhan turned back and began walking to you as he closed the distance between you and him for a second time. When he managed to stand close to you, only inches away, He stared directly into your eyes as he placed one of his arms around your waist gently and the other at the back of your head, trapping you in his larger frame as he pulled you into an embrace.

Then, slowly...ever so slowly, you felt a feather light caress land on your forehead and your heart thumped like crazy at the realization of Luhan’s action.


“ Thank you...for loving me” Luhan whispered affectionately after he kissed you on the forehead.




After the sudden affectionate gesture, Luhan let go of his arms around you and abruptly ran to where his parents are while you were too shocked to react. So you just watched as he disappeared through the gate.



Luhan smiled genuinely when he was already sitting inside the plane while he thought of the girl he left behind.



HA!!!!! end?

at least you confessed =)


vampirelover : here is part 4~ the end! hope you liked it~!

MusicalAnarchy: I made her confess!!!!!!!! I hope you like how it went~! =)



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person0506 #1
finally she confessed to luhan! she is really brave, i don't even have the gut to confess to my crush-,- but luhan just left her with a 'thank you'. i wonder what's worst, getting rejected or left hanging like that-,- thanks for the story btw, i'm off to the sequel'_')/
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 4: T_T cry cry!! aish, at least she confessed, but guess that makes it seems like not confessed also since he just said that "TY"
Wow this story made me tear a little, but I loved it! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
_uniquelynghi #4
Chapter 4: ...I demand a sequel. ._.
Loved it, loving it, and will always love this story(: <3
lubics #5
Chapter 5: hjaejqhjb SEQUEL PLEASE D:
i sob hard when i read your last sentence. the final part jdfjjbjqwv T~T
i love it <3 your story is...daebak
Chapter 5: OMG SEQUEL PLEASE PLEASE. And can you please write a chapter of Luhan's pov? I'm really curious about what is on his mind. They knew each other for so long yet only being a classmate OTL
omg it's been awhile after my last visit to aff and you even got a whole completed story huhuhuhu i can't do my usual review anymore </3
Changsterr #8
Chapter 5: wooooooooooo ;A; but still the best!! tell me when you make sequel for gravity!! I love to read your fanfic
Chapter 4: Awww ;w; </3
I love this though, it's not the ideal happy ending but then again..happy endings are so overrated! :D<3