Chapter 3







I wanted to tell you that I love you.






            The ride to the airport felt more like a roller coaster ride to you, as you sat on the bus. Your whole body trembling in anticipation and nervousness as you stare out the window. And to add to your misery, it was raining- pouring outside.


You held a bitter smile back when you realized your situation.




Why does it always rain on me?




 The thirty minute ride felt like forever and when your mind managed to register your arrival, your body instantly responded. Heart racing, you ran towards the entrance and pushed through the crowded area in search of a tall boy with brown hair and his family.You ran around gazing into faces of many strangers, none of them was Luhan’s angelic face


You ran around the airport for what seemed like forever and it left you breathless, placing your hands on your knees, you bent down to catch your breath. At that moment, you finally saw him and it was also that moment when announcement buzzed through the intercom indicating that a flight is now boarding.



Your whole body froze.



Luhan was standing not far away from where you are and you knew that it was his flight as he moved to enter the boarding area.



Suddenly, millions of thoughts flashed through your mind. Most of them of Luhan from when you first met him back at the playground, the moments that you wanted to talk to him in class but he was always surrounded by other classmates and there was also the times that you convinced yourself that you were contented with just admiring him from afar


This could be the last time I would get to see him again. You thought and your heart lurched painfully at your chest.


You knew that you couldn’t stand the thought of never being able to see him again but at the same time, you knew that there is nothing you could do to stop him from leaving.


I’m not even considered a close friend of his, he only thinks of me as a classmate.


That was true, yet you found it at that moment that you didn’t care, all that was running through your mind was the fact that he was leaving and you were more than ready to do anything just to make him stay.


Steeling your resolve, you took a deep breath and ran towards the guy that owned your heart since childhood.






no words....: DDDDDDDDDDDDDD.



This syory is coming to an end soon!!

Until then, Please keep supporting it!=)

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person0506 #1
finally she confessed to luhan! she is really brave, i don't even have the gut to confess to my crush-,- but luhan just left her with a 'thank you'. i wonder what's worst, getting rejected or left hanging like that-,- thanks for the story btw, i'm off to the sequel'_')/
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 4: T_T cry cry!! aish, at least she confessed, but guess that makes it seems like not confessed also since he just said that "TY"
Wow this story made me tear a little, but I loved it! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
_uniquelynghi #4
Chapter 4: ...I demand a sequel. ._.
Loved it, loving it, and will always love this story(: <3
lubics #5
Chapter 5: hjaejqhjb SEQUEL PLEASE D:
i sob hard when i read your last sentence. the final part jdfjjbjqwv T~T
i love it <3 your story is...daebak
Chapter 5: OMG SEQUEL PLEASE PLEASE. And can you please write a chapter of Luhan's pov? I'm really curious about what is on his mind. They knew each other for so long yet only being a classmate OTL
omg it's been awhile after my last visit to aff and you even got a whole completed story huhuhuhu i can't do my usual review anymore </3
Changsterr #8
Chapter 5: wooooooooooo ;A; but still the best!! tell me when you make sequel for gravity!! I love to read your fanfic
Chapter 4: Awww ;w; </3
I love this though, it's not the ideal happy ending but then again..happy endings are so overrated! :D<3