Chapter 1









"Hey!  Who’s that boy?"



"Oh, that? He’s Luhan!"



"How come I never saw him in the Playground before?"



"He’s new, silly! He and his parents just moved here!"











                                                                                       I have loved you since I was five.



“ Hi!”


            You greeted the new boy at the playground; he was sitting in one of the park’s sandboxes busy making his little sand castle. He looked up from his spot and gave you an acknowledging smile before proceeding to shovel white sand in his little bucket.


“ Hi” he greeted back and you chose that moment to sit next to him on the sandbox.


“ Can you play with me?” Your five year old self asked.


“ Maybe later, my castle is not done yet” The said boy just shrug and continued on his sand castle.


“ Oh. Okay then. I’ll wait for you by the swings okay?” you said and little Luhan was too busy adding sea shell windows on his castle but he managed a weak nod before you stood up.




He didn’t come. 



You waited for him, with your little wagon by your feet, you waited for Luhan to come to the swings and play with you.

He never did.

Maybe he forgot.

 And when you heard your mama call out that it is time to go home, you hurried to her as fast as your little feet would take you.

Maybe next time, you thought with a smile.

A five year old didn’t know disappointment.





You were seven and he was your classmate.



                                                             It was your first day of classes and you were terrified of your classmates. Fiddling with your dress, you looked down on your lap as your seat. There were already a lot of kids inside the classroom and from what youll saw, everyone was making friends- well, except for you.

No one looked familiar and that terrified you even more, maybe you could make new friends? But you knew that you were to shy around people you just met. There was a small crowd that gathered around one desk, all the kids seemed to be eager to talk to the person sitting there, curiously, you took a peak and saw that it was a boy.


It was Luhan.


Everyone was gathered around him like bees attracted to honey, they seemed to like him. He gave each of them his beautiful smile and even replied to some of their queries. You sighed and made it back to your seat, surely you wouldn’t be able to talk to him with those people around.


                                                              Break time came and you were all alone in the classroom, all the other kids were too excited to try out the big kids’ cafeteria and you brought a sandwich from home. You were on the process of opening the small brown paper bag when you felt someone come in to the room, shyly, you took a peak to see who the intruder was.


“Hi” Luhan said with his bright smile.


“ Hi” you gave him a shy little smile of your own and he took a seat next to you, a brown paper bag in his hands.


“ Can I eat lunch with you?” he asked cutely, his eyes twinkling and you felt like smiling.


“ O-Okay” you managed to stutter out.


The two of you sat in silence, you began to slowly nibble on your sandwich and Luhan was about to open his when a boy called from the door.


“ Hey Luhan! Come each lunch with us, come on!” he called loudly and you looked at Luhan.He looked a little torn as he moved his gaze from the boy and then on to you.


“ Go, It’s okay, I am almost finished eating anyways”  you lied


He got up from his chair slowly, smiled and bowed at you muttering “okay” before he ran to the door.


You stared at the window dejectedly, it registered in your mind that it was raining.




First one! Thank you so much for subscribing to this story!

--xLOLlipop - Thank you again for taking the time to comment! I also hope you enjoy reading my other stories! =)

vampirelover - Thanks dearie! I really appreciate your comments! I hope you liked my Kai story as well!


subsbribe and comment please~!






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person0506 #1
finally she confessed to luhan! she is really brave, i don't even have the gut to confess to my crush-,- but luhan just left her with a 'thank you'. i wonder what's worst, getting rejected or left hanging like that-,- thanks for the story btw, i'm off to the sequel'_')/
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 4: T_T cry cry!! aish, at least she confessed, but guess that makes it seems like not confessed also since he just said that "TY"
Wow this story made me tear a little, but I loved it! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
_uniquelynghi #4
Chapter 4: ...I demand a sequel. ._.
Loved it, loving it, and will always love this story(: <3
lubics #5
Chapter 5: hjaejqhjb SEQUEL PLEASE D:
i sob hard when i read your last sentence. the final part jdfjjbjqwv T~T
i love it <3 your story is...daebak
Chapter 5: OMG SEQUEL PLEASE PLEASE. And can you please write a chapter of Luhan's pov? I'm really curious about what is on his mind. They knew each other for so long yet only being a classmate OTL
omg it's been awhile after my last visit to aff and you even got a whole completed story huhuhuhu i can't do my usual review anymore </3
Changsterr #8
Chapter 5: wooooooooooo ;A; but still the best!! tell me when you make sequel for gravity!! I love to read your fanfic
Chapter 4: Awww ;w; </3
I love this though, it's not the ideal happy ending but then again..happy endings are so overrated! :D<3