it's all my fault.

Best friends to lovers.

All I felt was the sudden impact of the car then, I went numb. All I heard was the sudden cry of Taemin as he yelled me name. All I saw was the flashing lights.. Then Pitch darkness.


All I heard was key yelling then I got shoved out of the way  of the car heading to us.. The one I didn't see. I stumbled forward. My mind locked itself up fearing the worse.

With the sudden sound of the car forcing to a stop. Quickly I turned around on my heel allowing my knees to go weak and fall were Key fell crying out his name. He had just hurt himself... Cause of my own stupidity..

My ears caught the sound of the driver stumbling out of his now parked car "Call a ing ambulance!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, the choking sobs coming out as I held his body. He wasn't dead, but by the look at his body he was hurt badly. I did my best not to move him; fearing his bones might be broken. "It's all my fault.." I whispered under the crying.

A few moments after the noises of the crying sirens came from a distance. They grew louder and louder as they sped their way towards us. They had to pry me away from the passed out key. Of corse with the crying shaking mess the forced me into the large vechile with them. I didn't refuse their orders; without hesitation I got in.


My ears where still alert I just couldn't move or talk. It hurt badly every muscled acked. A quick sharp pain ran through my body as the people moved my body; I let out a soft groan. But the thing that stood out the most to me was Taemin repeating 'It's all my fault'. I so badly wanted to tell him it wasn't. I didn't blame him. I just couldn't; but nothing escaped my lips but a soft groan, which set Taemin off into another sobbing fit. It broke my heart to hear the noises and not be able to do anything about it. 

The pain soon engulfed my body; I could still hear the noises of people talking and shuffling with stuff, but Taemin's voice never left my ears not once, He was there the whole time by my side not leaving me. Even though I couldn't show him I was happy he was by my side; I was scared. Very scared but just as long as he wwas there I knew everything was gonna be okay.


I looked at him as he let out the soft noise. It was weak, but at least he was still responding; But.. It was a pained noise, I counted bear it. It echoed in my ears causing me to go back into my balling and sobbing state. The man beside me reassured that he was gonna be fine and did his best to calm me down. It didn't work but I had to give him credit for trying.

NO matter how hard I tried to quit I just couldn't. I kept repeating the peremedic's words in my head, but the tears just kept coming one after another. I finally ran out of breath. I had no choice but to calm down so I could breathe once again.

We /finally/ got to the hospital wafter what seemed to be forever. Once again they had to force me away from Key, sending me to teh waiting room. The whole time I could not sit still; I paced continuesly back and forth in the small room running my fingers into the hair nervously. My face was stained with tears; my eyes were red. All I could do was wait for the news about my friend.

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Chapter 3: So sweet >3< lol
1st chapter was adorable XD
2nd chapter made me cry in front of my parents... They were like O_o are you ok? .-.
3rd chapter was sweet adorable and haha funny XD
Please update soon! It's been awhile since the last update! >.< <3
JonghyunnieHyung #3
omg Keeeeey e A e
I cant wait for an update c:
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