Hospital Stay

Broken [on hiatus]

     This is a short chapter. I ended up making it really fluffy since I've been having Himchan feels because of the Hajima music video....They are all just TOO CUTE in that video :D Anyways, Enjoy:)


     The doctor walked in the room quickly, causing Max and Himchan to jump in their seats. "J-Junhong?" Max asked, quietly eying the young doctor. The blonde haired man looked at Max, eyes widening before blinking a few times. "Hi Max, I didn't know you were with the patient," the 21 year old prodigy smiled. Himchan glanced between the two standing over him before laying back on his bed. Junhong walked over slowly, checking Himchan's vitals before writing something on his clipboard. "Okay well, Mr. Kim is going to have to stay another night, so we can make sure his lungs are okay and on Monday he should be able to go home," Junhong smiled, looking at both Max and Himchan. A smile burst onto her face as she absentmindedly grabbed Himchan's hand. The doctor turned to leave but shot around quickly, mischief filling his eyes. "Does Jongup know you are here?" He asked, smiling like a child before he plays a prank. Max glared up at him playfully before answering. "Yes, he just went home to take a shower," she smiled. Junhong nodded and walked out of the room smirking.

    "Who was that?" Himchan asked as he tried to focus on the TV. Max raised her eyebrows, turning to look at him. "Who? Junhong? He's Jongup's best friend, very immature and playful but extremely smart. He skipped 2 grades in High School and graduated with my class, leaving Jongup to fend for himself," she smiled, remembering Jongup's surprised face when he found out. Himchan glanced up at Max quickly, seeing a tiny smiled appear on her face. "So when did you graduate?" He asked, hoping to finally answer his questions about her age. "2007," she replied, looking over at Himchan's questioning eyes. "So you're 23?" He asked, holding back a smile at the thought of her being the same age as him. When she nodded, she added smiling, "Just like you." Himchan began to ask how she knew that, but then he remembered. She's my therapist, she's read my file. Sadness washed over him as the thoughts slid through his mind. Max noticed his change in demeanor and sat down in her chair slowly. "What's wrong?" She asked, still holding his hand in hers. He turned his head to look at her, heart surging at the worry in her eyes. "Everything is going to have to go back to normal, isn't it?" He asked softly before pulling his hand away from hers. "We're not going to be allowed to hang out as friends after this because you're my therapist. If someone saw us now, you'd get in trouble. We'll have to become distant like we were, not able to converse freely without being suspicious," he added, speaking so quietly Max could barely hear him. A twinge in her heart brought her slamming into reality. How far have I let this go? I want to be able to stay like this forever. Shaking her head, Max grabbed Himchan's hand again, his eyes widening at her delicate touch. "We'll always be friends, with or without society's titles. Why does it matter that I'm a therapist and you're a patient? In the office things might be different, but right here and now I'm Max, you're Himchan and I'm not leaving your side because I might lose my job," she said smiling brightly at his shocked face. Himchan's agape mouth quickly turned into a huge grin, causing Max's heart to pound out of her chest. He's smiling at me! Like REALLY smiling!

      She smiled while looking up at the TV, her stomach growling loudly causing a blush to appear on her cheeks. Himchan stared up at Max, smiling at the pink color on her face. She's so cute. "Have you eaten today?" He asked, shaking her hand softly. When she shook her head, Himchan felt guilt bubble in his chest. Of course she hasn't eaten, she's been here with me. He sighed deeply as he sat up again in his bed. "Go get something to eat," he started. Noticing the protest getting ready to leave her lips he added quickly, "please, I don't want you to be hungry." Her heart swelled at the sweetness in his voice as she leaned down to hug him softly. Himchan buried his face in her neck, reveling in the natural smell of Max's body. She pulled away slowly, practically forcing her body to let go. She turned back before closing the door behind her, smiling at Himchan's still grinning face. As she slipped down the hallway to the cafeteria, she was too giddy to notice Jongup walking by her, straight towards Himchan's room.

      The door creaked loudly as Jongup opened it. Himchan's eyes flew to the door, his mouth moving before he saw who it was. "Max? I thought you were going to get something to eat," he said softly. His eyes grew wide as he saw Jongup walk over and sit beside his bed. "Expecting someone else?" He asked, glaring at Himchan. The injured man sat up, pulling on an emotionless face, but still nervous as he remembered the other man's reaction in the alley. Jongup breathed deeply out of his nose before smiling at Himchan menacingly. Leaning closer, Jongup spoke, almost growling at Himchan. "I don't know what you're planning, but I swear if you so much as think about hurting Max, you won't get off so easy like you did the last time. I have seen that woman deeper in the hole than most people, and I won't let her go there again." Himchan squinted his eyes, glaring back at Jongup. "What are you talking about? You think I would try to hurt Max?" He asked, his deep voice progressively getting louder as he continued, "She's the only person who has ever given me the time of day. She's the only one who doesn't look at my past, only at my future. Why would I hurt the one good person this world has left to offer?" Max stood outside the door, smiling as she heard Himchan's words. Not allowing Jongup to answer, she busted through the door loudly. "I'm back! Oh! Jongup, when did you get here?  And Himchan I brought you some lunch" she asked, smiling brightly at the two men in the room. She walked over to the opposite side of his bed before leaning down to give him a quick hug. She held out her hand, smiling softly as she offered him the other half of her Subway sub. "Did you eat?" He asked, hesitant to unwrap the sandwich. Max nodded lightly before sitting in the other chair beside Himchan as he ate his lunch. Jongup tried to smile at Max as she sipped her water, but his face twisted awkwardly into a pained smile. It took her years to be that comfortable with me, Why is he so different? Jongup stared out the window, wishing that Max would look at him the way she did Himchan.  

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Sorry to my subscribers for this story. I have lost all inspiration for this story, but I'll try to come back to it soon


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lurkingpandaphile #1
Chapter 8: Oh hell. No. I am not even remotely ok with himetears OTL jongup you big !! Oooh ____ idek what to think now ; ;
lurkingpandaphile #2
Chapter 7: ;____; JONGUP! Why do you have to be all truthful and break them up OTL uugh Max is going to get into trouble but I want her and Himchan to be together ;A;
lurkingpandaphile #3
Chapter 6: Dying from how cute alsdkjf and himchan's smile and their hug and just aah~! <3
lurkingpandaphile #4
Chapter 4: Oh gosh, Himchan needs her I'm ANXIOUS FOR THE NEXT UPDATE /flails. They're both so broken and secretly longing for each other aaah this is exciting! Poor Jonguppie tho ;C
lurkingpandaphile #5
Chapter 3: Now we know a bit more about Himchan's past, poor oppa :( excited for the next update !
lurkingpandaphile #6
Chapter 1: I'm really interested in this story so far and I love the premise~ Can't wait for more, good job author-nim ^^