Ma Cherie

It Hurts

Kris sat down behind his office's table, sending a glance out of the window, over the wet, cold city. It had been 2 months... And he didn't know how much more he could take. The tearstained face of the younger haunted him in his sleep, making it impossible for him to rest. He lived on coffee now, looking like a zombie. He sighed and turned to his work, paper scattered all over his over-priced desk. 3 divorces, mocking him.  Suddenly it felt suffocating in his office, making him pull off the tie that was done too tight. It had been 2 months since he learned how to bind tie again, Chanyeol had always done it before him, finishing it of with a chaste kiss, sending him a small, broken smile and wishing him good day. He remembered how towards the end, there were no kisses or wishes, just loose ties and red sparkly eyes looking away from him. Almost roaring in the desperation, he stood up from the desk and grabbed his belongings...He needed to get out. 

The shell of a man  walked into an old, almost abandoned park in the old part of the city. It was the place Chanyeol loved to go at the weekends to paint. The bench he always sat was still there. Somebody had scribbled on it with quick movements.


Kris leaned closer and gasped as he regonized the handwriting. It was Chanyeol's... Chanyeol had been there before going... The younger had said goodbye to this bench, this stupid old park but not him. Chanyeol-ah, do you really hate me that much? There was a different handwriting too, it seemed to be Suho's, written a little bit later.

Bon Voyage, Mon Bébé

He felt like crying. My child, Suho had always cherised Chanyeol, saying that he was too good for him. The realtionship Suho had with Chanyeol had always been like father and the only child. He still remembered how Suho had introduced Yixing to Chanyeol. The boy had been 15, a ball of sunshine. Suho had picked him up from school with Yixing. 

"Channie-ah, meet your umma Yixing."

No questions were asked, Yixing was in the little family as soon as Chanyeol had ran to hug him, smile on his beautiful face. The younger was a beautiful person, accepting everyone, not showing his pain for people. As one night week before going away, Chanyeol had said to him.

"There's already too much pain in this world, Kris. It doesn't need mine."

Kris smiled bitterly and kicked the yellow leaves with his foot, making them fly everywhere. I started to rain again, washing away the tears from his face. He closed his eyes and raised his face to the rain.

Chanyeol-ah I hope you're happy now.


Chanyeol sighed, turning to lay on the other side, facing the window. It had been raining for a week nonstop. Hearing the front door open and close, he sat up from the bed and walked out from his bedroom. He saw how Baekhyun put his umbrella into the bathroom to dry off. The artist had been busy this week, spending long hours away from home, leaving the younger alone. Well, not absolutly. There was a black cat and a pug that Baekhyun had bought for Chanyeol as a random birthday gift. It was named Xing after his so-called stepmother. He missed his parents, he wanted to taste Yixing's food again, listen to Suho's rambling about world economy again. He wanted home

Baekhyun, seeing how sad the boy was, slowly walked to him and wrapped his arms around the bony body. Chanyeol had lost so much weight after coming to France, his beautiful eyes were getting duller each day. He turned the younge to face him and tucked away stary strand of red behind his ear.

"What's wrong, ma cherie?"

He watched as Chanyeol struggled to keep the tears away and failed, letting out a small sob, trying to say something to the artist. The boy looked so delicate in his arms, like a fallen angel.

"I miss my parents... I miss my home, Baekhyun..."

He sushed the broken sobs and guided the boy into his bedroom, setting both of them down onto the bed. 

"It's okay, Chanyeol-ah. It's okay..."

They spent whole hour, just laying there, talking about their family, home etc. It felt heartbreaking to know that the innocent boy beside him had already gone thru so many painful things. It made him feel like he should protect the boy from the cruel world, to love him with all his heart. He looked over to Chanyeol only to see the younger sleeping, tears still leaking from his eyes.

I hope I can make you happy, ma cherie...


A/N: Hello~~!! I don't know what to say about this chapter ssoooo I hope you enjoyed it!

Comment and subscribe, please~~!!! 



PS. Right now, all my updates are inspired by The Cinematic Orchestra ^^ So yeah, sad, romantic stuff


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Chapter 3: AAAA! What?! Kris was in an accident?! How could?!
Oh em ge! Chanyeol must be really sad then. Hope that Baekhyun can help him to get better :(

AAH! The teaser! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 2: I love when Baekhyun is like this in a fic XD
*which dosen't happen*
Poor Kris:( This is amazing<3
Chapter 2: OMG, OMG! Delicate!Chanyeol is somehow beautiful, he is so vulnerable, I hope that Baekhyun could protect him forever :D

Update soon! I really like your story, it's beautiful, really :D
Chapter 1: S-so, I mean, I have to- *fixing my speech for a moment*

You made a manly Byun Baekhyun! Oh my God, I thought in this world, I would never find any of person who did that but you-YOU! You did that! haha, I'm really, really happy and excited :D

I hope you could update this soon! But don't force yourself too much if you couldn't :3

Once again, I really, really like this fic :DD
fudruckers #5
Chapter 1: i want`s really interesting..