
It Hurts

Chanyeol could've lied and say that he didn't cry when stepping on the plane but what's the point? He could've said that he was strong and fine but that would be pointless, he was broken... and sad... and angry at himself for not leaving earlier, when no deep strings were attached. But no, the stupid optimistic Chanyeol thought that things would get better. The thought of how Kris' eyes looked at him almost digustingly made him burst into new tears. Only a soft pat on the shoulder woke him up and he realized he was still sitting on a bench in Paris, right in the middle of some park. He looked up and saw a man, around his age, looking down at him.

"Are you okay?"

It seemed that the man was asian too although his French was perfect. Chanyeol quickly wiped his tears and smiled at the stranger, standing up.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Suddenly the man took his face gently between his arms and tilted it slightly. Okay, that was kinda creepy. Then he let go and stood up as straight as he could, still being a little shorter*.

"Vous êtes beau (you are beautiful). Would you be my model?"

Chanyeol was stunned, he just stared at the slightly cocky man in front of him, mouth slightly open. Just as he was about to say no, th stranger took out a card and handed it to him.

"I think I should intoduce myself, Byun Baekhyun, a painter. I mostly do portraits."

Byun Baekhyun... Of course Chanyeol knew who he was, a famous korean painter who went to France to study more. Many famous people were rejected by him, told to be too plain to be painted. No-one hated him tho', he had the looks, smartness and charm that many loved.

"THE Byun Baekhyun!!??"

Chanyeol was now gripping to the card as tightly as he could, eyes round. Baekhyun just laughed and grabbed his arm.

"Yes. Now, what do you say? I can see that you just came. Do you have a place to stay? I have a free room if you want...."

The younger didn't know what to do. Should he go with Baekhyun and forget Kris more faster or should he search for a flat to stay just to cry about losing Kris more.... He smiled at the painter.

"I would love to stay with you. And you could paint me, mr. Byun, it would be my honour."

The painter smiled more and started to drag him to a expensive-looking porche. As he opened the door for Chanyeol, he gently took his fair hand once again.

"Please don't call me mr. Byun, it makes me feel old. Call me Baekhyun."

"Okay, Baekhyun."

When Baekhyun started the engine and drove down the street, Chanyeol watched the beautiful scenery of Paris.

Hi Kris, how are you? It seems that maybe I'll be able to forget you faster... It's for the best, right?

_____     _____    _____   _____   _____

Chanyeol, please come back.... I can't be without you, I miss you... 

Kris woke up just as he was going to touch Chanyeol's smooth face in his dreams. It had been only a week since the boy left but he was already going crazy. Why does he only realize how important people are after he had already lost them??  He kicked the wall in frustration, one picture falling on the floor, breaking. The picture of him and Chanyeol, a week before his parents died in a crash. He wasn't smiling on the picture, despite of Chanyeol's happy-go-lucky smile beside him. How beautiful the younger looked, white scarf hanging loosely around his neck, reddish locks framing the childish but gorgeous face. he was like an angel...  Foreign beside the shell of a human like him, too heavenly to bw with him. Chanyeol, I need you... 

____  ____  ____  ____

A/N: Soooo lot of angst ahead, readers ^^

* I made Baekhyun a little taller in his fic 'cause I want him to be the manlier side

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SA-RANG-HAE, Chunsa ^^

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Chapter 3: AAAA! What?! Kris was in an accident?! How could?!
Oh em ge! Chanyeol must be really sad then. Hope that Baekhyun can help him to get better :(

AAH! The teaser! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 2: I love when Baekhyun is like this in a fic XD
*which dosen't happen*
Poor Kris:( This is amazing<3
Chapter 2: OMG, OMG! Delicate!Chanyeol is somehow beautiful, he is so vulnerable, I hope that Baekhyun could protect him forever :D

Update soon! I really like your story, it's beautiful, really :D
Chapter 1: S-so, I mean, I have to- *fixing my speech for a moment*

You made a manly Byun Baekhyun! Oh my God, I thought in this world, I would never find any of person who did that but you-YOU! You did that! haha, I'm really, really happy and excited :D

I hope you could update this soon! But don't force yourself too much if you couldn't :3

Once again, I really, really like this fic :DD
fudruckers #5
Chapter 1: i want`s really interesting..