Yongguk oneshot



Oneshot for a friend MATOKI…Before you read this story, I want you to hear a song ‘BABY,DON’T CRY by EXO’…It will be a blast…since in this story, it will have a piano thingy…


“I will become the world famous pianist in this world” you said feeling determined that you would stand in the highest paragon of the world. You were fans of Beethoven’s music piece. His songs were very strong and magnificent. You were practising Beethoven’s Fur Elise. Even though your piano skills were not like those of talented music’s stream student, still you enjoyed playing them very much.


And that was the reason why you hired a piano tutor so that you could improve and hone your skills. You were the daughter of the famous Music director who had sent most of the talented students studying abroad to play music.


Your father wanted to send you to Music University in Japan but you rejected because you wanted to become someone who didn’t depend on their fathers to get their dreams. She must achieve them herself. That was the oath she made to herself.


“Miss Hyo Mi, there is someone outside who wanted to meet you”


“Let him in” you ordered and added “and bring him to this room”


You were getting ready for your lesson. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting excited. The door to your music room was opened and it revealed of someone from your school. He was your senior from music stream class and he was very famous in your school because of his magnificent talents.


But you hated him because of what had happened when you first entered high school. It was happening three years ago.




You were late for your school entrance ceremony. It was your first day in your high school. And you were late because your car was having a major problem. It had a tyre punctured. It was such a bad day for you.


You were running fast not noticing that there was someone walking in front of you so you bumped into him. Your piano sheets were flying everywhere.


“I’m sorry” you said as you grabbed the flying papers. You didn’t know that the person you bumped into was a male student there. You turned your face to look at who the person was. He was a senior in that school and he was famous for being the most talented student there. His name was Bang Yong Gook. He had a very blond hair. You had to admit that he looked hot with that hair.


You imagined what your life would be if you had a boyfriend like him. It was the most wonderful feeling you had. But all of your imaginations went died when you heard him shouting at you.


“Watch where you going” he shouted embarrassing you in front of any other seniors student who were passing by that area. His clothes were dirtied because of you. It was full of dust. “I said I’m sorry” you shouted back at him. You didn’t like someone shouting or raising his or her voice at you.  


You really hated that type of person. “Tch…You are a pianist” he said as he looked at you lowly as if he was underestimating you. You stood up and stared at him “SO WHAT IF I AM?” you growled.


“I advise you to quit before you’re disappointed because there is no one better than me in playing piano and that includes you” he said as he pointed a finger to your face, poking your forehead.


Everyone was staring at you. Feeling defeated, you stormed away from that place and headed to multi-purpose hall.




That was the most embarrassing thing you had in that school. You had to spend one year just to be invisible from everyone. The next year, you came back with the new you. You wouldn’t let anyone to step on you just like what the man had done to you. You were the type that held grudge easily and wouldn’t let anything go easily like that.


“YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??” you shouted. He yelped in horror as you suddenly burst out in anger. Apparently he didn’t remember you. Of course, he only met her once and it happened three years ago.


“What?? I’m your piano tutor. Nice to meet you” greeted that man, extended his arms. You just stared at his hand.


“Who do you think you are?? Get out of my house” you shouted. You really had a short temper and easily get mad. He was shocked as to why you suddenly get mad at him and tried to get him out of your house while in fact you were the one who brought him here. “Did I do something to you?” he asked. Your eyes widened in pure horror.


“How can this man be unbelievable stupid?” you thought as you slapped your face inwardly. “How can you forget me?” you said and continued “After what you did to me”. You were always exaggerating about small things.


“What have I done to you?” his eyes went wide in horror. “I don’t think I’m that drunk” he said as he palmed his face as if he was regretting what he had done where he absolutely had no clue on what you were talking about.


“How many months had passed already since we-” he said and then stopped feeling reluctantly to continue what he was going to say. “Months?? Are you getting what I’m talking about?” you asked.


“The baby” he said as he pointed his finger to your stomach.


“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT???” the whole occupants in the house heard you yelling but they just ignored it and continued doing their own works. You couldn’t believe what he had been thinking about. You were too exhausted to argue with him so you let him go this time. Only this time. Your cheeks were flushed red. I wouldn’t do THAT thing with this man. NEVER!!


He really didn’t remember about what he had done in high school. Of course, he wouldn’t. He was at that time was in his last year and you were a sophomore. He even didn’t know your name.


“I believe you have mistaken me for another person. My name is Bang Yong Gook. You can call me Yongguk. What’s your name?”


“I’m Song Hyo Mi. It’s NOT nice to meet you” you said as you turned your face to another direction as he gave you a charming smile. He looked much more matured than he was in his high school. He looked good in suit and you really didn’t like his new hairstyle. He looked like an ice-cream with that hair style. He had these red or pink streaks in his blond hair.


“You shouldn’t talk like that with your tutor” he said as if he was warning you.


“Either way, you’re fired” you said calmly. With that he suddenly stood in front of you. “What are you saying?? I barely start anything and you fired me already” he protested.


“I don’t like you and that’s the only reason I can fired you” you said blankly, crossing your arms. The twenty-two years old man stood in front of you. “Give me a week and If you don’t like the method of how I teach you, you can fired me on that day. But please not this week”


You felt pity at him. So you decided to give him a chance. It wouldn’t hurt, would it?


SMACK!! He smacked a magazine on your head. You whined in pain. “OUCH~~~!!! It hurts” you scratched you head. He was really serious when he taught you.


“Yongguk, what’s wrong again?” you asked. It was the twentieth time he hit your head with that magazine. You slightly cursed him a heart. Your mind was thinking of many possible ways to kill him or to torture him.


“SIR” he sternly corrected you. “I mean, Sir Yongguk, which part I was wrong again??” you asked trying to be polite to him. You were playing ‘Revolution’ by Chopin Minor D.


He was hovering over you. Your body was near to his and you tried your best not to stare at him and concentrate on playing the piano. He pointed a finger to your piano sheets. “This part, you played too slow and this part you played too fast” he said gently. “You should play it correctly like this” he said as he sat beside you and played the song once again and showed you the correct way to play it.


It was the most wonderful piece of music you had ever heard. He should be able to enter a National Championship of Music competition in Korea. He could win that thing easily. And you entered the competition and that was one of the reasons why you hired him.


You could almost fall in love with Yongguk because of his piano skills. “Do you get it?” he said as he gave his charming and wonderful smile.


You just nodded. “Maybe he isn’t such a pain in the after all” you thought.



It had been a week that you were studying a piano lesson from Yongguk. And it was time for you to tell him whether you would hire him or fire him. Yongguk gulped nervously as he was looking at you in the eyes.


“So what is your decision?” asked Yongguk. You coughed and cleared your throat. You couldn’t believe that you were doing this but you did it anyway. “I am pretty satisfied with my outcome in playing piano and I hope you can be-” you said but you stopped as you hesitated because you didn’t want him to think that you liked how he taught you.


He raised his eyebrow and motioned you to continue. “Be my piano tutor until the day of the piano competition” you said as you turned your face away from him, hiding the faint blush you had right now.


“Thank you” Yongguk shouted happily as he hugged you. You were frozen under his arms. You were blushing madly right now. You could feel your heart beating much faster than before. It was getting faster each second. You thought you could die from your irregular heartbeats.


*dub dub*dub dub*dub dub*dub dub*dub dub*


He released you from his hug and he noticed that your face was beet red. “Umm…Sorry” he said apologetically. You cleared your throat and scrunched your nose as you said this “No biggie”



Day by day, the competition was drawing near and you felt nervous about it. You wished your parents could come to see you perform but they couldn’t because they had some works to do. And day by day, you felt that you were starting to get closer to Bang Yongguk. You didn’t know why. But every time, he looked at you, your heart skipped a bit faster.  


‘Was this love?’ you thought to yourself as you looked at the man who had always made your heart beat faster. You shook you head. “He’s my tutor. I can’t fall in love with him” you reminded yourself. “Hyo Mi, you should be concentrating yourself on the competition” you said as you continued practising the piece you were going to perform in the competition.


It was Canon by Pachelbel. “Hyo Mi, our lesson ends early today. I have to do something today. Mianhe~” he said as he left. It was odd. He was the one who always forced you and made you practising every day. But today, he left early. So you decided to check up on him.


You were trailing him until you arrived at a garden. There was wedding being held inside. Your heart broke when you saw him entering the garden. “Is he getting married?” you thought.


“I have to make sure” you said thus you blindly entered the garden and there were many people there. You couldn’t find Yongguk anywhere. It was then you heard someone was playing piano.


The tune was so soothing and wonderful. You looked and you were shocked to see your teacher there performing piano with a violinist. The famous violinist was your teacher’s friend. He was Choi Junhong. They were playing ‘Ave Maria’.


You were actually crying when you saw them performing. The song broke into your soul and penetrated you with its wonderful hymn. It was the best feeling you had ever had.


After they finished performing, there was a thunder of people clapping their hands. They liked them very much.


You could hear the chit chats among the other spectators with your teacher.


“Your piano skills are magnificent. Why you don’t enter the Berlin’s Piano Competition?”


“It is just a normal thing. Plus I still have something to do”


“Owh..is that so??”


“Are you sure it’s not about a girl?”


And then they were laughing together.  You wore a smile on your face.


It was then, you were greeted by the famous violinist. Choi Junhong. “Are you the girl that is hiring my friend, Bang Yongguk?”


“Umm..Yess” you nodded as you bowed politely. “I thought you were twenty” said the man. You felt the whole world crumbled onto you. “I’m still nineteen” you said. For you, one year difference meant a lot to you. It could decide either you were an ahjumma or not. “You can call me Zelo” he smiled.


“Is there something going on between the two of you?” asked Zelo as his smiling face turned into a serious look. You shook your head and then he said “So I think it is okay for you to go change another tutor”


You gave him a ‘Huh?’ look. “You’re holding him back. He should be entering that Berlin’s Piano competition right now. It is his dream to be the famous pianist and I am wondering why he give up that dream so easily”


“Am I holding him back from his dreams of becoming a famous pianist?” you thought to yourself. “I can find another tutor for you. Just call me” Zelo said as he gave you his business card. “Am I being selfish?? We both want to be the famous pianists in the world and I am the one that living that dream and I stop him from doing so”


It was then a familiar voice greeted the two of us. “Zelo, it seemed that you have found my favourite student” Yongguk said as he gave him a sheepish smile. “Your student or your girlfriend?” he asked sarcastically. Yongguk’s face turned pink. “Yah~What are you talking about?” Yongguk whined as he knocked Zelo’s head.


You just smiled at your teacher’s childish attitude while in fact in your mind, there were thousands questions playing inside of your head.



You had to let him go even though your heart told you not to. As usual your teacher came to your house and when he wanted to enter it, you stopped him and said “Sir, you are fired”


Yongguk’s eyes widened in pure shock. “Why?? Have I done something wrong??” he asked. He looked like he wanted to cry any second. “You are doing great, I just want you to do something for yourself”


“But I’m your tutor. I will be here tutoring you no matter what” he wouldn’t budge. You had to be harsh on him.


“And that is the reason why I fired you. I HATE YOU. THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK!!! I HATE A MAN WHO HAS NO CONFIDENCE IN HIS TALENT” you said coldly. You were trying to keep your tears from pouring out of your eyes. He looked hurt and then he retreated himself from your house. You banged the door close.


You knelt down as you let out your tears. You leaned your body onto the door. Yongguk was still standing outside of your door. He put his hand on the door as if he was trying to hold you.


“I just want to say that you are a great student. I’m sure you’ll be able to be the famous pianist and good luck for your competition”



It had been two weeks and finally the long awaited day came. you practised every day and you didn’t missed even a single day. Every time you saw a piano, you were reminded of Yongguk with his radiant smile. You could just hope you would do your best in the stage.


Right now, you were in the backstage. Two more participants would be playing and it would be your turn. You are the last participant to perform on the stage.


You were trembling as this was your first time performing on stage live. “Breathe in, breath out” your new tutor ordered you.


The participant before you was playing an incredibly hardest piece, it was Mirror by Ravel. He was playing at an amazing speed and It had decreased your will to win. No one was here for you. Your parents weren’t here and not even him.


“Participant #32 : Her name is Song Hyo Mi. Age: 19 and she will be playing Canon by Pachelbel” it was your turn so you entered the stage.


You bowed and you were shocked by the number of spectators there who came to this competition. Breathe in, breathe out. You just smiled and went to your seat.


It was about more than seven hundred people watching her. The pressure was overlapping.


You started to play and it went smooth as you were indulged in this song. You gave your heart to this song. You were reminded by the time when you were practising with your teacher.


The music piece you were performing was sad. Full with sadness. But you just carried on until you forgot what you were doing. You stopped playing. The crowds were watching you and you could hear their gasps from afar.


You looked at your tutor. “What is going on?” he mouthed. You wanted to cry. The tears inside you eyes threatened to come out against your will. You didn’t know what to do. So you played the song again. But you failed miserably.


“Yongguk” you called for your teacher in your heart. You needed him right now. You closed your eyes and you could hear that someone was playing a piano.


You recognised the tunes easily. It was Bang Yongguk’s. He was sitting next to you, playing ‘Canon’.

You were dumbfounded. He took your hands and led you to playing the song with him. Duet.


“Yongguk” you said his name and tears that you were trying so hard to hold it, were flowing on your cheeks. “Baby, don’t cry” he said. You were playing a piano with him ignoring the reactions the crowds were giving when they saw Yongguk on the stage.


“I am participating in a piano competition in Berlin and I was hoping that you can do a duet with me there?” he asked. You just nodded, feeling happy that the man your heart was craving for, was finally here with you. “I don’t care as long as I’m playing a piano with you”



“I don’t know that there is school year book in your house” said Yongguk as he scanned your cupboard. He took your school year book. You were going to the kitchen to get some lemonade for both you and him.


He searched for your name. “Song Hyo Mi” he was looking for your individual picture and he laughed with all his heart as he found it. His heart wanted to die because of excessive laughs. He was crying and rolling on the floor. Your picture was hilarious and funny to him’


It was because when you first entered high school, you looked like a nerd, no, a geek to be precise. Your hair was braided with pig tails. You wore big square glasses. And you even had braces. “She is that girl” said Yongguk as he suddenly remembered when he first met you.


You were wondering as to why you heard Yongguk laughing alone in the music room. You thought he was crazy at first but later when you found him holding your school year book, you were screaming. He found your ugliest picture there. You were blushing red as you tried to retrieve your book back from him. He wouldn’t let go of your book that easy without putting up a fight.


“Now I remember where I met you. You’re the girl that bumped into me on your first entrance ceremony. I’m going to remember this face forever” he laughed so you pushed him. He wanted to fall on the floor but he pulled you onto him. You were on top of him.


“Oh my…My student has become so naughty” he smirked at your position right now.


“BANG YONGGUK!!!!!!!!” you shouted with all your heart as you punched his shoulder.


A/N: Oh~~~So sweet…Yongguk+Piano+love=BLAST!!!...My friend, I hope you like the story… 


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ExoTao18 #1
Chapter 32: I got sehun, d.o, suho, and luhan.! d.o slept with me because he wanted to and suho kissed me he loves me and sehun saved me from buffaloes because I was high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
Min_Song_Hyun #2
Chapter 34: Him Chan held me close to him because he was wasted
Chapter 32: 1: Tao sent me to another country because...... it was his destiny - lol WHAT?? 0.O
2: Chen kissed me because im gorgeus!!! -omg chen thinks im gorgeus!! XD -
3:Chanyeol danced for me because im smart -wait....... im not even smart??-
4:D.O said "i love you" to me because he can't stop -dead-
5:I kissed xiumin because i love him - yeah.... thats true you know!! <3-
KateExo #4
Chapter 34: Himchan hugged me from behind because he felt like it
KateExo #5
Chapter 32: I murdered lay because his mom told me to. XD
xoxobaek #6
Chapter 32: Sehun had a big fight with me because he never wanted to see me again. Fine Sehun fine~! I will run to my Bacon ^^ KKAEB song
hellabanz #7
Chapter 33: Myungsoo kissed me because I'm hot
hellabanz #8
Chapter 32: 1 . couldn't read
2. Kris danced with me because he could resist me
3. Baekhyun hugged me because it was his destiny
4. i Chanyeol because his mom told me to
Rainbow_Unicorns69 #9
Chapter 32: Chen took me to a deserted island because he didnt want to see me again :( It actually makes sense tho...
Chapter 34: 1. Zelo watched the sunset with me because he loves me more than anything [awwww~]
2. Zelo hugged me because he likes my aegyo [uhhh? At least I got a hug :P]
3. I sang with Youngjae while wearing a mask because I can't afford a bike. [yea, makes sense :/]