our destiny

~dirge of cerberus~

"hey little woofie, are you lonely too?" jung yunho lifted the white little fury thing into his embrace "where your owner?" he examine jaejoong neck searching for any identity but he smile wide when he found nothing.


"'woof..'yaaaah put me down! am not little woofie! i know that clumsy annoying witch turn me into dog but i'm sure am not cute little woofie! at least i'm great dane or german sheperd!"


"you are so cute, i'll give you name a....mmm...momo! yes momo!!!" jung yunho squealed happily, hugged momo tight inside his embrace not even realized that the poor little thing was almost dead because of run out of the oxygen.


" 'woof'.. 'momo? what kind of name is that?! that was girl's name for the god sake! at least can't you give me a manly and scarey name?like cerberus or something? jeeez so irritating!' "


"i think you like me. you know.. you're so lucky because i like you too. well... since there's no ownership sign on your body, i assumed that i'm your owner now. so, we should go home now''


" 'woof'.. 'home? NO!! I wanna go to my home! umma! appa! help me! there's a ert! ! serial wanna bring me to his home' " jaejoong struggling in yunho's hands.


''looks like you are so eager to go home with me" jung yunho lift jaejoong's body to the front of his face, smile wide to the little fury thing, jaejoong widen his eyes as he recognized the owner of the face, he want to scream, he want to squeal but the only voice escape from his mouth is little 'woof' "when i was a human, it's really hard to meet with the famous jung yunho but why when i'm in this shape we can be this close?" jaejoong mumbled sadly.



"kim junsuuuuuu..." a terrified shout can be heard even few block from the house " where the hell one of your magic balls?" hyukjae stormed into junsu's bed room, junsu magic stick on his left hand while his right hand hold a tube with colorful and sparkling balls. "please dont tell me that you use magic to change someone into animal again" hyukjae spoke weakly with pleading tone.


"then, i won't.." junsu said carelessly.


"so... it was true?! kim junsuuuuu!!!!!!!!" hyukjae cried his lungs out "who is that poor soul, tell me! we have to break the magic before the full moon"


"don't worry hyukkie, full moon is still long time ahead" junsu  rose from his seat and stretched his two arms and body "its late, i wanna sleep" with that junsu walked slowly heads to his bed, but eunhyuk stopped his movement with hard tugged at junsu's sleeves.


"kim junsu! full moon is on next week" eunhyuk hissed giving emphasis at every word " for the god sake kim junsu, if we not find him within a week and broke the curse he will be in that shape for the rest of his life !!!!" euhyuk scratched his un-itchy head in frustration before continue his word "if that happen, you know what will happen to us, don't you junsu? the witch minister from fairy department will give us very baaaaad punishment" junsu blinks his eyes in horor, still fresh inside his mind, when the head of the fairy department choi dongwook gave him punishment because he turned a guy name dong hae into fish.


"ne-ne-next week?" junsu feel his body was numb, he didn't like the fact that he was in danger, he hate choi dongwook till the core because he used to molest his y but he hate that weirdo fairy when he give the witch and fairy punishment, he was very strict fairy and never have second thought to give punishment. "i don't know who is he, and i..i..turn him into..into" junsu stuttered, whispers at the end of his sentence.


"into?" hyukkie's eyes never leave his bestfriends face, his voice was full with demanding tones.


"dog.." junsu whisper, more like his voice is for him self.


"what? speak louder kim junsu" hyukjae groan in frustration.








"a dog? sigh, okay we have to found that poor soul and return him into human shape" eunhyuk sigh in exasperation "you know where we can find him?" eunhyuk sighed deeply when junsu shook his head, makes eunhyuk have to hold his desire to claws junsu's innocent face.


"what kind of dog you turn him into?"


"well, it's has four legs,one tail, two ears with white fur.." junsu smiles proudly before continued his sentence " and it's sounds...woof"


"kim junsuuuuu" hyukjae jumps onto junsu's body and strangle the cute witch until he run out of breath.



"this is your new home!!!" yunho squealed hapilly and claps his hands after put the cute little fury thing down on the floor, while jaejoong examines yunho's luxurious apartment in awe, his mouth was dropped to the floor.


" 'woof'..' oh my jiji,this is what you call palace oh no..this is better than palace this is heaven' "


"do you like your new home momo?" yunho smile goofily before made his way enter the apartment " i'll show you our room"


" 'woof'...'our room? is yunho-ssi just saying about OUR room? thats means i'll sleep with him?' " jaejoong eyes was sparkling, willingly he followed his new master enter the room, his mind races with thousand of thought, mostly was dirty thought..hehe.. [sein : just like the author]


"you are dirty, i'll help you wash up" yunho stripped him self before changes his cloths into more comfortable outfit, leaving jaejoong drawn with his own blood from his nose.


" 'woof'...'waaah he is so hooot more than i've imagine, hehe..my dream was came true' " jaejoong grinning ear to ear from his own thought.


"come on momo" jung yunho made his way toward his bathroom, and jaejoong willingly follow his hot master, walking while wiggled his tail.


" 'woof..woof..woooooooooofffff'..' life can't be much better than this, good bye dirty fantasy..goodbye ' "


soooo, we will added few more chapter hehehe....





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I have an unfinish poster for this one. Haha
Chapter 3: aigooo junsu is so cute~

poor yunppa~~ he's lonely~ :(
Chapter 3: haha, junsu the cute duck ! how could he can be that calm after did very big mistakes!
Chapter 3: wow cute puppy jae and sweet yun ...but i think it was short (>_<) .... plz update soon (^_^)
Chapter 3: *drooooooollss
the steak! i want the steak!!!!
hehe susu is soooo cute!
maedeh #6
Chapter 3: hi
wow sui is a big evil thanks for chapter
alexeil #7
Chapter 3: gremlin? what's gremlin
*thinking hard
its some kind of demon or something?
justwanttoread #8
Chapter 3: ooooooo....
poor yunnie...
but not to worry...joongie is here to save the day~~~hahahha..
wait...not joongie...momo...momo is joongie...joongie is momo...
aaarghhh..what ever...