cerberus faith..

~dirge of cerberus~



a pretty young man was sitting  on the couch facing table with a sheet of paper on it, sometimes he write something on the paper sometimes he frown while chewing the top of his pen,


'should i send her pick up line instead? mmm..baby did you just fart..you blown me away' . hmm... good enough. he mumbled and start to write again, but not long after he stop and shook his head 'no'!


'that was too corny' he mumbled again 'maybe if poem will be better, yeah i'll just send her poetry'

'baby you are my everything, i cant live without you

you just like pimple i want to pinch

like tears i want to wipe

like dirt i want to remove

and you just like crappy movies i don't want to watch'


'oh! kim jaejoong you are sooo good. nobody cant find any romantic poem like mine..' he grinned ear to ear proud with his poem. 'you are the man jaejoong! you will absolutely get her'


"jae!!!! help umma buy some onion and tomatoes at the supermarket" a middle age woman enter the living room where jaejoong was thinking of his masterpieces poem.


"aisshh! why me? umma! i'm grown up man. how could i bought tomato and onion? jeezz... so emberassing! how if i meet a hot chick out there? where i can place my pride if they find out i bought some..some..onion? so not cool!" jaejoong whined stubbornly, waving the paper in the process.


mrs kim heaved a deep sigh before speak with increase tone of voice "kim jaejoong! you lift your from the couch right now and go to the mart or you stay here and bid good bye to your hello kitty slipper and poster and boxers"


"don't bother umma, i already lock my bedroom's door" the boy said carelessly, reto his previous position facing the paper while thinking hard.


"oh! i'll tell your friends that you were gay and you always dream that actor..mm..jung yunho and every night you always while fantasizing he in hello kitty costumes" the shock reaction clearly shown on jaejoong's face. mrs kim standing at the frame of the door folded her arms on her chest and tapping one of her feet to the floor.


" wha..what??!! fine..fine..jeezz umma what kind of mother you are, threatening your own son like that!"


"a mother with annoying son! now go!!"




"yoboseyo, yes i'm kim haeri what? what are you talking about what happen to my son! what accident? oh my god ne~ i'll be there in minutes ne~"mrs kim nervously cut the line and press fast call to called her husband.


"yoboseyo appa, jaejoong was caught into accident. yes! his bike was hit banana tree..how could i know why the hell there's a banana tree in the middle of the road. aish! appa stop asking would you! i'm going to the hospital now!"



"oh! my god jae, what happen to you? and your.... and your...buahaha..haha..."


"umma! why are you laughing? i'm injured and you standing there and laughed to me?"


"jae! you lost one of your front teeth, ahaha..you are so funny!"


"what? gimme a mirror! umma! hurry! gimme that in mirrooooor!"


"don't worry ! jae, you still handsome anyway ahaha..uhuhu"


"ummaaaaa! stop laughing at meee!!"


"sorry jae...ehehe"


"noooooo! my tooth. i can't ask any girls to have a date with me with this appearance?''


''what do you mean, jae?''


''my appereance... i look like old haraboji.."


"you not look like haraboji jae, you still handsome though"


"really umma?" jaejoong's face lit up like new years fire works.


"no! ahaha"




kim jaejoong was walking alone at the side walk of the shopping complex when one of the store caught his attention. he grinned widely while his lips read the name of the store 'mr.han shop' but not that what made him excited but the signboard under it ...'fake tooth'


kim jaejoong entered into the shop, still with his cold facial contour and walked ahead to the lady behind the counter "yo! miss..hellooo~" kim jaejoong waving his hand in front of the lady which is busy talking through her cell phone.


"what do you want?" the lady turned around and gave her 'guest' her poker face but her facial changed when she saw jaejoong pretty face.


(jaejoong: yoo haebaragi am not pretty for the god sake am a man!" me:" oh mianhae jae hyung mianhae" sein: ''hyung? wakaka! he's your oppa hae'')


mmm..kim jaejoong handsome face.


(jaejoong: oh that was better haebaragi" me: thank you hyung  jaejoong: wanna go out for a date some time? wink.. me: no thanks hyung. sein: yulk!!!! )


"you need something, handsome?" the lady asked with flirting tone.


"i need a fake tooth"


the lady was frozen when she saw jaejoong open his mouth and not long after, bursted of laughter that can be heard "you are toothless...ahaha!"


"yah! stop laughing. just tell me the price for one fake tooth" kim jaejoong shouted annoyingly "just tell me the damn price!"


"poor you! pretty face but rude behavior " the lady mumbled "its 25000 won"


"what?! why so expensive"


"because it was real tooth"


"eeehh......... but how could..aish! never mind" kim jaejoong stared helplessly into his wallet "i need to find a job" he turned around and left.


ever since that day, kim jaejoong always drop by to the shop, but he's not enter. he only watch the shop from the side walk.



"kim junsu! where do you think you are going?"


"just want to take a walk, hyukie"


"nope! you stay here. you will always cause a trouble"


"i am not!"


"NOT? what about when you changed that poor boy taemin into a frog just because he said you have duck or donghae which  you turned him to a fish! for the god sake kim junsu, don't you remember how we have to search for him along han river? just because he called you dolphin boy?"


"i promise this time i won't cause any trouble hyukkie, please..... it so bore here all day long'


"hmmm... fine! but dont cause any TROUBLE! got it? and come back before mid night"


"roger captain! leo, come on baby" kim junsu called his pet and wore his black cloak.



'yoboseyo! umma!'


'yun! umma very busy right now. can we talk later?'


'but umma, i really miss you. it's been 3 whole month since the last time we talk'


'i know yun but umma really busy right now. umma have to finish an important work'


'so.. i'm not important for you?'


'yun! umma call u again later ok. after umma finish with this work'


'but it means i have to wait for..ever umma' yunho hung his head sadly.




"yoochun! i'll out for a walk!"


"but your fans might recognize you"


"i'll  disguise..."


"ok then but don't be too late ok. you have to sleep early since tomorrow you have photoshoot early in the morning"


jung yunho walk slowly on the side walk of the shoping complex. he wore a suglasses, hat and almost  half of his little face was covering by the scarf.


he's the famous, handsome and rich jung yunho, which everyone dreamed to be like him. but no one know the truth behind his smile and his perfect life. no one know how lonely jung yunho was. he never have a friend that always be there for him when he was down. people only friends with him just because of his fame and his wealth.


he never have true friend that sincerely loves him for who he is.



"leoooo! wait ..." kim junsu ran after his cat that stubbornly ran between people legs at the side walk.


"aish! this naughty cat" kim junsu cursed under his unsteady breath he was panting hard,he stop when he realize that leo was nowhere to be seen "sorry,but do you saw my cat around here?" he stare to the man which is stand and leans to the lamp pole.


"no! i dont see it" the man said carelessly


"are you sure?"


"yes! i'm sure, now go and leave me alone. dont you see that i'm busy?"


"yah! what busy? you only standing there watching that..that..toys shop.."


"aish! shut up will you, your voice hurting my ear and that was not toys shop. it was fake tooth shop!"


"aish... your behavior is just like a dog! so better you become one of it"


"yah! what are you doing?yah..! woof..woof.."


"you look better!..oh leo~ there you are, come on we have to go home. hyukkie was waiting for us"


"woof...'yah,come back here you clumsy ugly witch and give my human's body back' "


"what? sorry but i don't understand what are you talking about eukyang~kyang, bye now..."

poooff...kim junsu was disappear from jaejoong's sight


"woof..woof..woof..woof..woof..woooooff  'noooo' " jaejoong walk slowly, thinking hard where he can spend the rest of his life since he know he cant go back to his home, his family wont recognize him and his mother was fur allergic sufferer.



"emmhhh... where i can find a true friend that loves me for who am i? not because i'm jung yunho?" yunho smile bitterly, "i'm lonely in the middle of thousand people that always saying that they love me"




"hey little woofie are you lonely too?"


sorry guys if the story turn out not like what you expected hehe...




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I have an unfinish poster for this one. Haha
Chapter 3: aigooo junsu is so cute~

poor yunppa~~ he's lonely~ :(
Chapter 3: haha, junsu the cute duck ! how could he can be that calm after did very big mistakes!
Chapter 3: wow cute puppy jae and sweet yun ...but i think it was short (>_<) .... plz update soon (^_^)
Chapter 3: *drooooooollss
the steak! i want the steak!!!!
hehe susu is soooo cute!
maedeh #6
Chapter 3: hi
wow sui is a big evil thanks for chapter
alexeil #7
Chapter 3: gremlin? what's gremlin
*thinking hard
its some kind of demon or something?
justwanttoread #8
Chapter 3: ooooooo....
poor yunnie...
but not to worry...joongie is here to save the day~~~hahahha..
wait...not joongie...momo...momo is joongie...joongie is momo...
aaarghhh..what ever...