Chapter 3 + A/N

Answer Me

There were chatters downstairs that could be heard all the way from Key's room. Key grunted and tried eliminate the sounds he heard by using his pillow to cover his head. He sat up angrily and stormed downstairs to see what was happening. When he was about to yell out loud to the bunch who were chattering, he stopped. He analyzed the room to see three depressed friends, Onew, Taemin, and oddly MinHo. 

"Yah, what's wrong? Your chattering woke me up." Key said to the three who still looked gloomy. None of them replied, they had not recognized that Key was in the room. 

"Hello!? Why aren't you answering me? Are you guys playing a prank or something?" He said very loudly. 

Finally MinHo looked up and had a surprised look on his face, realizing Key was there. He called to the other two members who lifted their heads up and saw Key as well. 

"When did you get here?" Minho asked, puzzled at his presence.

"Have you not heard what I've been saying to you three?!" He shouted. The three flinched, surprised at his sudden uproar. 

Key let out a sigh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. Where is the dog?" Looking around seeing no sign of his pressence in the room.

The three looked at one another and sighed. MinHo slipped a paper onto the table and looked at Key with a look telling him to read it. Key grabbed the paper and read it; his eyes widen at what he say. It was a note from Jonghyun. 


To Everyone:

I'm going to be going somewhere for awhile, I already told the Pres. about it and he let me go! So I'll be back when I'm done doing what I have to do. Make sure you eat, sleep, bathe, and etc. Don't forget about me. 

P.S. I don't know when I'm coming back! So don't look for me, I'm safe! ~~~

From,  Jonghyun ^^


Key slammed the paper back onto the table, with furious eyes. The three were somewhat afraid at Key's reactions, because this wasn't the normal Key that they all know and love. Key was mumbling angrily to himself and left to go to his room. There was a loud slam that came from his room. The three looked at each other, puzzled at their friend's reaction.

"What's wrong with him?" MinHo asked the two. Both of them shook their heads, not helping MinHo with his quesiton at all. 

"Let's go out to eat and leave Key alone for awhile. While we're at it, let's call Jonghyun and see where he went." MinHo insisted, "And make sure you don't tell Key about this or he'll really kill us. Okay?"

Onew and Taemin both nodded, and quietly got dressed to go out to eat. 

"I want to eat some noodles!" Taemin said; Onew nodded in agreement with the younger one. 

"I do too! Hey, I'm gonna call Lee Joon to come with me okay?" Onew told the two. 

"Why?" The two asked in unison. 

"Because! Then I won't feel lonely around you two," pointing at their hands that were interlocked with each other. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead and call your boyfriend to come." MinHo said, walking ahead with Taemin. 

Onew called Lee Joon, and soon Lee Joon was there with all three of them. The night for those four were about to get more complicated after running into Jonghyun who was at the restaurant they were going to. Jonghyun didn't notice their presence, he was too absorbed in the food that was just delivered right in front of him. 

"Onew-hyung, look it's Jonghyun!" Whispered MinHo, making sure Jonghyun didn't hear him. 

The other three turned their heads and saw Jonghyun gobbling down his food. Taemin and Onew gasped, realizing that Jonghyun was really here at the restaurant they were at. 

"Should we go talk to him?" Taemin whispered. 

"No, I don't think we should. Let's eat and follow him afterwards." Minho whispered. Everyone nodded, even Lee Joon who didn't know what was going on went with the flow. When they were waiting for their food, the three explained what had happened with Jonghyun to Lee Joon. Lee Joon understood what was happening now, and was willing to help them in their plan. They discussed some possibilites behind Jonghyun's action, what they were gonna do about him, and etc. They ate as quickly as they could before Jonghyun was about to leave the restaurant. 

Minho and Taemin were done right when Jonghyun was about to leave. 

"Hyungs, we're gonna follow him! We'll call you when we found out where he's going next! Pay for us!" MinHo said frantically chasing after Taemin who was already out the door. 

Onew nodded his head and said to Lee Joon, "Let's go?"

Lee Joon replied, "Okay! But can we sit first, my stomach kinda hurts from eating too fast," holding his stomach. 

Onew just giggled and nodded his head at his boyfriend's actions. "Lee Joon-ah, you're so cute." He thought.

Taemin and Minho were stealthily following Jonghyun from behind at a good distance so he wouldn't notice. They were careful on where they hid, where they stepped, and the distance between the three of them. Jonghyun suddenly stopped and looked up at the sign belonging to a fancy hotel. Minho and Taemin stood at their position as well, making sure Jonghyun didn't notice them. Jonghyun nodded to the doorman and walked in to the hotel. Taemin and Minho rushed to the door and walked in slowly to make sure of their surroundings. 

The hotel was very extravagant. "I think we've been here before. Why is Jonghyun-hyung here?" Minho thought to himself. Taemin tugged on Minho's shirt to get his attention and pointed to where the couches were. Minho nodded and the two walked over there and sat at on a couch where they could still see Jonghyun. Jonghyun walked to the counter and was talking to the people there. Minho saw they one of the ladies had given him a key and he was on his way to the elevator. Minho rushed to the counter to ask the women what Jonghyun wanted.

"I'm sorry, but that's confidential." The woman said firmly. 

"Excuse me, but he is my friend and I need to know what's happening with him," he said furiously. The woman shuddered and slipped him the key. 

Minho walked to where Taemin was sitting, and said "Lets go, I got the key to where Jonghyun will be." 

Taemin nodded and said, "I called Onew-hyung where we're at. Is that okay?" 

Minho replied, "It's fine, we had to tell him anyway. When is he coming?"

"In a couple minutes, Lee Joon-hyung isn't feeling too well, but they're still coming." Taemin reported. 

"Okay." Minho said. The elevator door opened and Minho pressed the button that took them to the last floor of the hotel. Floor 30. They finally got off and headed to the room where Jonghyun is at. Room 3087, the last room on this floor. They walked and walked until they had finally reached it. Minho put the key into the lock and flung the door opened. 

The two stood their quietly, trying to process what they were seeing. 

"Jonghyun-hyung.. what are you doing?" Minho asked. 










Sorry for the wait! This story has finally updated! I've been very busy with school lately since I'm a sophmore. But I'll try to update as soon as I can more often now. Thanks for waiting! 

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Chapter 3: Cliffhanger!
Chapter 2: I love this :3 Naughty Jjong..naughty.. :) I like it >:3
Chapter 2: So basically, Jonghyun's intention is to make Kibum crave for long for him.
Oh..I see.