Chapter 1

Answer Me

It's been the longest time since Jonghyun's confession to Key. They are both anxiously wondering what to do after he confessed. Key didn't give a response so now they are both awkward with each other. Of course, Key is just waiting for the puppy to do something first cause Key wasn't going to make the first move. But Jonghyun on the other hand hasn't even thought of doing anything towards the other. Jonghyun thought that after he confessed Key wouldn't mind too much about what Jonghyun does now and then. But Jonghyun was wrong, so terribly wrong.

Key sat on the couch across from the quiet and stilled puppy. Jonghyun was busy, too focused on the tv that was showing his favorite show. Key became annoyed and soon began making coughing noises to get his attention.

"Ahem, " Key said once. No movement whatsoever. Key looked annoyed and did it again. Key did that until Jonghyun finally asked if he was sick or not.

"If you're sick you should go drink some medicine," he said while still looking at the tv.

Key angrily stood up and walked away to his room. Jonghyun didn't even notice his exit until he heard the door slam shut loudly.

Key plopped onto his bed and let out a heavy sigh. 

"Why is he ignoring me!? Isn't he suppose to be all over me or something like in those romance novels !?"  he thought and let out an irritated sigh. "how annoying. That Kim Jonghyun ."


"Hey Kibum, can I talk to you ?" Jonghyun asked the tired Key. Key nodded and followed Jonghyun to their empty dressing room. Jonghyun checked around to make sure no one was around. 

"Ya ! What are you going to tell me? I have to go get changed so we can leave after they are done cleaning up." Key said with an irritated expression. 

Jonghyun gulped, somewhat afraid at Key's expression. An irritated Key is one you never want to see. 

Jonghyun coughed, trying to find his words. "Kibum I will only say this once. I-I love you. There I told you, I'm going to go now." And he left the dressing room to go change into some clean clothes that weren't bathed in sweat. Key was left in the dressing room, still processing what had just happened in the last couple of minutes.

Key finally said to himself, "WHA-WHAT!?" He wasn't mad that Jonghyun confessed his feelings for him, more like he was angry that he confessed to him in such an ugly way. 

"WHO CONFESSES WHEN WE'RE BOTH COVERED IN SWEAT !? And who leaves right after !? Ugh that Kim JONGHYUN!" 

Key stormed out of the dressing room and went to change so that they all could leave and go back to the dorms. On the way home Jonghyun was all smiles while Key was irritated as ever. And just like Key expected, Jonghyun didn't even notice that Key was practically glaring at Jonghyun all the way home. Luckily the other members didn't notice Key glaring at Jonghyun. They were all asleep on the way back to the dorms. 

Now back to Key currently...

After that incident which was over a week ago, Jonghyun has made no actions or movements towards Key. Key always wonder if Jonghyun was waiting for Key to do something first or Jonghyun just wanted distance.

"Distance!? Yea right, he's probably waiting for me to give him a reply or something. Pft, like I will. I'm Kim Kibum! He will have to do something if he wants to be in a relationship with me." Key whispered out loud. He sighed and fell into a deep sleep after yet another stressful day of waiting around for Kim Jonghyun. 

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Chapter 3: Cliffhanger!
Chapter 2: I love this :3 Naughty Jjong..naughty.. :) I like it >:3
Chapter 2: So basically, Jonghyun's intention is to make Kibum crave for long for him.
Oh..I see.