Surviving SuJu's dorm day four: The date

Surviving SuJu's dorm

''Rise and shine guys'', Ryeowook said as he stormed in all the members rooms waking them up. He did knock on Donghae’s room afraid to walk in on a moment again that wasn’t meant for him to see. ''Come in.''

Ryeowook opened the door and walked in. Donghae was already awake, showered and well. ''Breakfast ready?'', he asked.

''Yes, pancakes today.''

'' Yummy!'' Donghae jumped up and down hugging Ryeowook before heading out of the room. Jonghyun woke up because of Donghae’s scream and saw Donghae hop out of the room resembling a bunny. Ryeowook sat down on the bed next to him smiling. ''Did you sleep well?''

''Yes, hyung.''

'' Did you?''

''I did. Come out for breakfast okay. You haven’t been eating well these past few days. I made pancakes for today. Do you like that?''

'' Yes, it’s okay.''

'' Jonghyun do you like western food more or Korean food?''

'' I uhm…''

'' Don’t be shy just tell me.''

''I like Korean food more.''

'' Really?''

'' Yes, but i don’t like too much rice.''

''You should have told me. I would have cooked something nice for you. But are pancakes okay for today?''

''Yes hyung that’s good to.''


Jonghyun got up eating breakfast in his pajama’s.

Donghae finished when i just sat down and went back to our room. I ate and sat down on the couch waiting for him to come out so i can get ready. Finally the door opened after 15 minutes. I got up and went in to my shared room with Donghae. I took a shower, shaved and got dressed in the clothes i picked out with Key’s help. I looked in the mirror and styled my hair until i was satisfied.


Jonghyun walked out of the room and saw Donghae sitting on the couch chatting with the other members. Donghae spotted Jonghyun and stood up. ''You ready?'' Jonghyun nodded smiling at the ground. Donghae opened the door and walked out waiting for Jonghyun in front of the elevators. They didn’t talk on the way down making it a bit uncomfortable. At the car Donghae opened the door for Jonghyun as a real gentlemen. He sat down in the driver’s seat driving off to the ice rink. Jonghyun got out of the car exited when he saw what they were going to do. ''Oh'', this is going to be so much fun Jonghyun exclaimed. He grabbed Donghae’s hand pulling him to the line. Donghae laughed and stared at Jonghyun’s hand holding his. Jonghyun realized what he did and pulled his hand away. Donghae grabbed Jonghyun’s hand with his. ''Don’t let go'', he said looking in the eyes of the younger boy. ''It feels nice holding hands with you.'' Jonghyun blushed and averted is gaze. Donghae smiled because Jonghyun was being so shy. ''What is your shoe size?''


''8.5, hyung.''


Donghae came back with two pair of skates. Donghae helped Jonghyun put them on. Jonghyun stood up from the bench he was sitting and stumbled a bit.


Donghae’s POV


Jonghyun stood up and was stumbling. He looked so cute. I stood behind him my arms slipping around his waist without thinking what i was doing. ''H-hyung!'' I pressed myself closer against his body holding him steady as i buried my face in his neck, smelling the scent of him. Let’s stay like this for a moment. Jonghyun moved around a bit and i knew that it been some time that we were standing like this. I reluctantly let go and took his hand leading him to the ice. He stopped when we were near the ice. ''Hyung, i can’t skate.''  I found it adorable and deep down inside i was happy that he couldn’t. ''You can hold on to me, we’ll do it together.'' We made several rounds before i stopped him. He was clinging on to me like a little kid. The good thing was that neither one of us was shy around each other anymore.


End of POV

''Come on you try it yourself'', Donghae said. Jonghyun tried and after a few he lost his balance. Donghae catched him before he could fall his arms now around the youngers waist as he held him close to his body. Donghae smiled at Jonghyun putting him up on his two feet so he could try again. They kept trying until Jonghyun dared to skate on his own. He improved greatly but was still unsure and preferred to hold Donghae’s hand for support and because he liked holding Donghae’s hand. Both were tired, hungry and thirsty when they left the ice rink. Donghae reserved a table at the window giving a nice view over the beach.

''Give me your hand'', Donghae said.


''My hand?'' Jonghyun asked, not understanding what Donghae wants with his hand. None the less he placed his hand on top of the table. Donghae entwined our fingers together, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand. I saw the waiter approach and was nervous about his seeing me holding hands with Donghae. Donghae however didn’t mind holding his hand while the waiter was around. He ordered for both of us some Korean dishes and Jonghyun smiled. ''Hyung, how do you know i like Korean food the most?''

''I heard your conversation with Ryeowook this morning.''



Donghae sighed and looked as if he was struggling with something. ''Is everything alright hyung?''

''Well, no.''


I didn’t do or say something wrong right?!?, Jonghyun thought.


''Hyung what’s wrong?'', Jonghyun asked.


''Well if i want to eat i have to let go of your hand.''




Donghae grinned and reluctantly let go of Jonghyun’s hand. ''I’ll let go for now but i’ll be holding your hand again after dinner.''


Jonghyun enjoyed dinner a lot and was as happy as a kid when he saw their dessert.



''It’s so cute'', Jonghyun said smiling happily. Donghae chuckled at Jonghyun’s expression.

Jonghyun took a small bite and Donghae was eagerly waiting to find out if the younger liked it.


''Yummy!'', he looked up to Donghae frowning when he saw that he wasn’t eating. ''It’s really tasty you have to taste it too.'' Jonghyun then surprised Donghae by feeding him. ''Tasty isn’t it,'' the younger asked tilting his head to the side a bit.


''Yes'', Donghae said still surprised by Jonghyun’s actions.


After finishing dessert Donghae grabbed Jonghyun’s hand pulling him out of his seat and out of the restaurant.

''So are you getting used to staying at our dorm?'', Donghae asked while they walked over the beach together. ''Yes hyung, at first i was intimidated because it was so crowded but i got used to it.''

''Good, I’m glad to hear that.''


Jonghyun was feeling a bit tired and was happy to see a bench nearby. ''Let’s sit over there hyung.''




Donghae sat down next to Jonghyun letting go of his hand. Jonghyun missed the warmth of the elders hand as he got used to holding hands with Donghae.


Donghae took something out of his pocket hiding it in his hand. Jonghyun curious as he is tried to see what Donghae was holding. ''What is that hyung?''


''Close your eyes'', Donghae said.


Jonghyun felt Donghae hold his hand sliding something cold on his ring finger. ''You can look now.'' Jonghyun opened his eyes and looked at the ring around his finger. ''Look i have one to.'' Donghae showed Jonghyun the ring around his finger.


''But that’s? Hyung it’s beautiful!''


''You like it?''


''I like it a lot.'' Jonghyun hugged Donghae and the two stayed like that watching the sunset before going back to the dorm.


Couple rings:




I know i haven't uploaded in a long time. I'm sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Donghae's and Jonghyun's date.

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Next chapter will be up much sooner then i thought it be! Already halfway there.


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Shinee1997 #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon ^^
raery3012 #2
Chapter 15: Update soon~~~
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 15: yeyy, updateee
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 14: Update soon plz ^^
TiaTea #5
Chapter 14: Please update! This story is so cute and adorable. Jjong is so cute and Donghae you better fix this!
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 14: sad, very sad

i hope donghae does spmething bout this

and please update soon
Shinee1997 #7
Chapter 14: Update soon pls ^^
Shinee1997 #8
Chapter 14: Aww poor jonghyun he needs his memebers to comfort him I like the story. ^^ :)
Chela2002 #9
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^^