Face 1 - Train me to be a killer

Two Face


“Appa! Look, Won Bin hyung gave me a Smith and Wesson 1911 model gun!” He said.


“Won Bin is really spoiling you, Ji Yong-ah.” the drunken father said.


“Well, I really like guns. Appa, I want a real gun.” He demanded.


Bang! His father put the bottle of beer roughly.


“To hold a gun means you’re—”


“ready to kill or be killed, I know appa. You’re always saying that to me a hundred times.” Ji Yong said.


“I’m glad you know. And I also told you falling deeply with guns is not a good thing. You know that right?”


Ji Yong nodded. “You’re an information specialist and we’re one of the affiliated families of the Mafia; falling deeply with guns means killing someone and always facing danger.  Affiliated families are the observer of the Mafia, almost like outsiders when it comes to its affairs.”


“I really did nail those things in your head, huh?”


“You did.” Ji Yong said while checking out his model gun. “But, I still like guns, and that will never change.”


“It’s 3 in the afternoon, aren’t you gonna watch you’re favorite drama series?”


“Ah! I almost forgot.” Ji Yong quickly the tv and switched the channel.


“You should watch cartoons instead of that action and gore drama series.”


“Cartoons are for kids.”


“You are a KID.” His father said emphasizing the word ‘kid’.


“Two years ago, I was a kid but now I’m already 7 year s old.”


“I rest my case.”  He sighed.






Next day.


Ji Yong’s PV

My room is filled with model guns; I have submachine guns, pistols, and rifles. I started collecting it 3 years ago, my first model gun is Smith and Wesson 38 caliber revolver that my father gave me on my birthday. He saw me looking at a model gun store so maybe he decided to give it to me as a gift. Our family is affiliated with the Mafia, it’s one of the powerful syndicate in South Korea and it’s a secret that our family is affiliated with them. My father is an expert information specialist, he always telling me that information is needed to gather first before going in a lion’s den.  He gives me quick lessons on how to gather information. My mother died when she gave birth to me so my father is the only one who is raising me.


“Ji Yong-ah, you’re going to be late to school!” My father shouted.


“Wait a sec!” I fixed my gun cleaning tools and packed up my school stuff.


I’m always happy first thing in the morning, yeah only first thing in the morning.


I lost my balance and fell on the ground. I’m not clumsy to just lose my balance unless someone pushed me. I looked behind me and I was right. The source of my troubles is the kid behind me (with his 2 underlings…err I mean friends), Lee Teuk. Unlike me, who’s thin and short, he’s tall and… well…not thin.


“You’re so clumsy, falling by yourself.” Lee Teuk laughed as well as his friends.


“You pushed me.” I mumbled.


“Yah, did you say something?” Lee Teuk said.


I ignored him and quickly dashed away from him. That was close.


I arrived (safely) in the classroom. It’s really tiring when you’re running from someone.


“Are okay, Ji Yong?” Dara said.


“I’m okay.”  I said while blushing.


She’s the only one who cares for me in this entire school. It’s really sad (really).  I’m not socializing with my fellow classmates, I eat and study alone. I’m also not good with girls, maybe that’s the reason that girls aren’t talking to me or maybe they find me weird.


“Sunsaeng-nim is here.” A classmate of mine said.


The class started.


It was a very long day to me. I ran so I can avoid Lee Teuk, that’s what I thought. I took a shortcut; I went in a narrow alley. But Lee Teuk and his friends followed me.


“Yah! Ji Yong!” Lee Teuk yelled.


“What is it?” I said trembling.


“You are mumbling something this morning. Your bad-mouthing me, aren’t you?” He said.


“No I didn’t.” I said.


“Let’s teach him a lesson.”Lee Teuk snorted.


They surrounded me and beat me up.




I went to a playground with bruises all over my body. I’m kind of annoyed because I can’t fight like those characters in the drama series that I watch every time.


I sighed.


I went home after 3 hours of staring and thinking. I opened the door and saw my dad packing our stuff.


“Appa, what are you doing?” I asked him.


“I’ll explain later, pack your other things.”




“No buts!!!” He shouted.


I was terrified but I still did what he told me.


I heard the sound of our gate being open.


My dad quickly carried me and forced me to climb up and hide at the secret attic in my room.


“What’s happening, appa?” I said.


“Don’t make any noise and don’t come out. Do you understand me?”


“I do.”


“Always remember that I love you. Okay?” He said then kissed my forehead.


I nodded then I pulled up the rope ladder and closed the small attic entrance. Then dad walked away.


“Appa…”I said peeking through the small hole in the entrance.


This is the first time I saw my dad panicking so I knew something bad is happening.


I heard voices that are unfamiliar to me. My dad is shouting; the unfamiliar voices are shouting and laughing. I don’t understand what they are saying because I’m panicking and worrying. The words that I only understand are Lotus syndicate, affiliated, and slaughtering. I heard loud bangs.  My room’s door opened and I saw a guy dragging my wounded dad.


“Where’s his son, anyway?” the guy who’s dragging my dad said.


“I saw a note saying that he’s going to Won Bin’s house.” a guy said.


A note? I never wrote any. Did dad wrote it?


“Yah, are you going to kill him in his son’s room?” another guy said.


“Yeah, I want his son to see his father dead.”


My father kept struggling. A guy threw my dad onto the floor then another guy brought an axe, preparing to kill my dad. My tears dripped down on my father’s forehead. He looked up and saw my eye looking through the peep hole.


I saw his lips moved, he said:


Don’t cry and close your eyes… Ji Yong-ah.


Then he smiled.


I wiped my tears and stopped myself from crying.


As the guy swing down the axe, I closed my eyes.


They beheaded him.


I heard their voices fade away and cars driving away from our house.




I don’t know how many hours I was closing my eyes. 3 hours? 5 hours? 8 hours?


I heard many voices again.


“Ji Yong!”A familiar voice is calling my name. It was Won Bin hyung.




Author’s POV

People from the Mafia is inside their house, cleaning the murder incident.


“Won Bin hyung?” I said still closing my eyes.


“Where are you?”


“In my room, at the ceiling!” He opened the entrance and carefully guided me in climbing down the ladder.


Won Bin guided Ji Yong to another room. He wiped his tears before saying something.


“You can open your eyes now.”


Ji Yong opened his eyes. “Train me to be a killer.”


“Wait, Ji Yong. You don’t know what you’re saying. This isn’t like those drama series you always watched.”


“Those drama series have nothing to do with what I’m saying, Won Bin hyung.”


Ji Yong clenched his hand until blood drips from it.


This is the first time Won Bin saw Ji Yong like that.


With cold and scary eyes.




I nearly cried when I was typing the scene where Ji Yong's dad told him he loves Ji Yong and also the scene where he was going to die......huhu


Look forward to Face 2!


See you!



Smith and Wesson 1911:



Smith and Wesson 38 caliber revolver:




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Meng0810 #1
Chapter 5: please continue to write this~
It's skydragon right? Right?
cutie-seungri #3
Chapter 2: daragon! daragon! daragon!
where is dara?
Daragon please :)))
Make it daragon story :3
DidiSkydragonLover #5
Chapter 4: skydragon!!! daragon has way to many stories anyway ..
Please make it skydragon :) Oh and what is So Hee up to -.-?
Please update ♥
witchvamp #6
Chapter 4: daragon please!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update~!! Hahaha. Finally~~ I've been waiting for this.
s123yo #8
Daragon pls!!! But skydragon is fine too
Chapter 2: Skydragon pleaseeeeeeee/ :D
Chapter 2: New reader here~!! Bwahahaha. This is sooooo awkward~! LOL XD Just make sure this is a Daragon story or else i'll sell your BB Alive Ticket. *insert evil laugh* Great story~! Thumbs up~!! Two personalities? Cool~!! Update soon please. =))))) Btw, where's my Tabiiiii???