The Unwanted Date

Random K-Pop Oneshots


Baro and Becky weren’t really the best of friends, they knew each other, but they never really talked. Slowly, Baro began developing feelings for Becky, but Becky always thought of him as a self-centered jerk who only cared about himself. What happens when Baro gets the courage and asks Becky out for a date?


“You’re such an arrogant self-centered jerk!” Becky yelled at Baro. Once again he was picking on her, but the only reason was because he liked her. Becky always misread what Baro was doing as him just being mean to everyone around him. “All you care about is yourself and your reputation. Why can’t you think of anyone except yourself? There are other people on the face of the earth.”

            “Go out with me,” Baro simply said as he stared at Becky.

            “What?” she asked in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that the guy that she was currently having an argument with just said that sentence. “Are you crazy? Why in the world would I want to go out with someone like you?”

            “Hang out with me, go out with me, whatever you would like to call it,” Baro continued. He didn’t care if Becky thought he was crazy, if the world thought he was crazy. It had been eating at him for too long, the crush on Becky, so he thought that the best way to get rid of it would be to live it out.

            “Why are you talking crazy?” Becky asked him as she looked at him strangely. She was positive that he probably fell off the wrong side of the bed in the morning.

            “I’m completely serious,” Baro said staring at Becky even more to show her that he wasn’t just joking around like he always did. “I really like you, Becky. You’re aggressive when you need to be, yet you’re also the kindest person that I know.”

            “You call me yelling at you kind?” she asked in disbelief.

            “You care about other people besides yourself,” Baro continued, “you’re not self-centered, and you give more than you receive. Also, I think that you’re kind of cute.”

            “What?” she asked again.

            “Just say yes, Becky. Agree to go out, and if you say that it’s the worst night of your life, I’ll agree to never speak to you again. Then you and I can both go our separate ways and then that will be that.”

            It was a huge risk, saying something like that, but Baro knew that it had to be said if he wanted Becky to see that he was serious in every way possible.

            “Fine,” she slowly said agreeing. She figured that she could just say that she wasn’t having a good time and that would get Baro out of her hair. “Baro, I’ll go out with you, but if it’s horrible, then I’m going to bail right then and there.”

            “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Baro said with a smirk. “See you tonight.”

            That night, Becky was in her room. Baro was supposed to pick her up in an hour and she wasn’t sure what she was feeling about for the date. “Is everything okay?” Shinwoo, her older brother asked as he leaned up against her bedroom post. “You seemed kind of out of it at dinner. I just wanted to see if you were okay. I mean, I know of your problems with Cha Baro.”

            “He asked me out,” Becky said with a sigh as she looked down at the quilt on her bed to avoid Shinwoo’s gaze. “Today…we were having an argument and all of a sudden he asked me out.”

            “Well…did you accept?” he asked as he sat on the edge of her bed. He was curious. Shinwoo had had a few times spent alone with Baro together and he knew some things about him that Becky would probably never dream of. He could sense her nervousness in the date, but she agreed to it. Shinwoo also thought that his sister and Baro would be a good couple together.

            “Yeah,” Becky said nodding her head. “I just said that if the date was horrible, though, that I would bail right then and there…so I guess I’m going out with Cha Baro.” The two siblings just stared at one another.

            “Listen, Becky, I don’t think that it’ll be that bad, going on a date with Baro.”

            “Not bad?” Becky asked in disbelief at her older brother. “Oppa, he only thinks about himself. He doesn’t take anyone else’s feelings into consideration. He’s like…a hundred percent bad boy.”

            “And some girls are attracted to bad boys,” Shinwoo said nodding his head.

            “Well I’m not one of those girls,” Becky huffed as she crossed her arms. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a horrible time on the date and then Baro and I are never going to have to talk to each other ever again.”

            “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Shinwoo said with a laugh.

            “Oppa, why are you laughing?” Becky asked staring at her older brother. “Now isn’t the time to be laughing at my dilemma.”

            “Just trust me,” Shinwoo said with a smile as he got closer to Becky.

            “Why? Oppa, is there something that you know that you’re not telling me?”

            “Maybe,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

            “You better tell me. Baro comes here in like forty-five minutes and if you don’t want me reject him after five minutes, then you better tell me.”

            “Alright, alright,” Shinwoo said with a smile. “It’s about time that you and Baro went out on a date.”

            “What are you getting at?” Becky asked. “How can you say something like that?”

            “Baro has been talking nonstop about you,” Shinwoo began.

            “He has?” Becky asked in disbelief.

            “He’s always telling me to try and convince you to go out with him, but apparently he didn’t need my help. Don’t worry, since he keeps talking about you and such, then I bet he’s planning a very special night for you.” Becky stared at her brother as he walked back into the doorway. “You’re going to make him very happy, Becky. I have a feeling that you’re going to make this relationship one of the best relationships that he’s ever had.”

            Becky stared at her brother before he disappeared around the corner of their house. She wanted to ask plenty of more questions, but after looking at the time on the clock, she figured that she didn’t have any more time. There was just one thing bugging her, though. Baro liked her for that long?

            The time finally approached and Becky was sitting downstairs watching television with Shinwoo. At the sound of the door, they both looked at one another. “I think that that’s him,” Shinwoo said. “Shall I answer the door?”

            “Sure,” Becky said. She would never admit it, but she was feeling nervous about the date. It was one that she would’ve never gone on in a thousand years, but there was something about it that was slowly making her nervous.

            “Ah, Baro-ah, welcome,” Shinwoo said as he welcomed Baro into their home.

            “Is Becky ready?” Baro nervously asked. It took him a long time to pick out his outfit and to settle all of the details of the date in order to make sure that everything was perfect.

            “She’s right here,” Shinwoo said pointing Baro towards the couch.

            At the sound of her name, Becky got off of the couch and approached Baro. Baro couldn’t stop himself from staring at her. “You look…beautiful.”

            “Thank you,” Becky embarrassingly said. She wasn’t used to guys telling her that she was beautiful and even then she thought that her outfit was slightly plain, nothing too fancy or anything.

            “No problem,” Baro said with a big smile. “Are you ready to go on our date?”

            “Yeah,” Becky said nodding her head. “I’m off,” she said turning to Shinwoo.

            “Have a good time,” Shinwoo said giving Becky and Baro a quick wink as they disappeared into the night.

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Chapter 15: It's great!!!!!!!!!
i want to request
NadoSarang #3
Chapter 2: what happened next TT________TT part two of this please?!!!!?!?!?!
Chapter 10: OMG... That was soooo adorable... wanna know something funny and ironic? My name is in fact Samantha...and sammi is a nickname my parents call me... XD IT'S FATE!
Can you make one with CNU next please? Your stories are amazing!
Chapter 8: Ooh these stories are soo cool^^
Chapter 2: Gosh! Daehyun oppa! I wont leave you like stephanie! You know what? Im REALLY a GOOD PERSON! I was in a relatioship before this and it happened to last 4years until my ex boyfriend decide to leave my side because he fell for another girl (well, since he so handsome and the girl so pretty, yeah you know). SO, TAKE ME IN!!! >///< (Even though i know he wont T^T)
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness, chapter 3 is the most cutest thing ever!! *_*
Chapter 2: Aw, chapter 2 is kind of like a cliffhanger. You never know what happens next, lol.
Chapter 1: Aw, first chapter's so cute!!
Especially when Woohyun did his heart move, haha. So adorable. :')