The String of Fate

Random K-Pop Oneshots


Jinyoung and Alexis had a past together. They once dated, despite Jinyoung being an idol, up until Alexis had to leave to go back to America with her family. Jinyoung and Alexis had promised each other that they would meet one day and they would see each other despite not knowing if they truly would. A year later their paths cross in the most unexpected and unplanned way.


“Alexis,” her father said calling her back into the recording studio. Her father owned one of the biggest entertainment agencies in America and during her free time of being a college student, she worked part time at the recording studio to help her father out. “Can you drive to the airport? There’s a person I want you to pick up.”

            “Why can’t someone else do it?” Alexis objected as she put down her phone and began making pouty faces at her father. It worked every time, but it apparently wasn’t working anymore.

            “Today is actually a very busy day,” her father sternly said. “It’s nearing the eend of the year; there are a lot of activities and the same schedules going on. You’re the only person that can go this instant. Alexis, can’t you just go pick up this person at the airport?”

            “But if you knew that this person was coming today then why didn’t you have a better plan?”

            “Because their flight came earlier than expected. Just go pick them up already, they’re going to be waiting for you by the time that you manage to get there.”

            “Alright, alright,” Alexis said finally giving in. “What’s the name?” She took out a pen and notebook from her bag that was slung over her shoulder.

            “The leader’s name is Jinyoung Jung.” At the sound of the name, Alexis dropped her pen, but quickly bent down to pick it up. “Are you alright?”

            “Oh, yeah,” Alexis said in an attempt to play off what just happened. There’s no need for her to write down the name, she’ll clearly remember it.

            When she had first retuned back to America after Korea, Alexis told her parents about her past with Jinyoung, but since then, they forgot about it. They were busy people and had their own schedules to follow, after all. They both were in charge of their own respective businesses. Ever since Alexis had followed Jinyoung around on his schedule sometimes she now understood the hectic lives that her parents actually ran.

            “Now make sure that you get him on the right flight and make sure that everything s in order,” her father said instructing her on what flight he was coming in on so Alexis would know where to wait for him.

            “I got it, I got it, I’m a big girl, there’s no need to be worrying about me,” she said with a smile.

            “I hope not,” her father said. “They are very important people and we are looking forward to their stay here with us.”

            “Okay, I promise I’ll be safe,” Alexis said finally leaving the recording studio to get into her own car.

            Alexis started up her car and began making her way towards the airport. She wondered how Jinyoung was going to react when he found out that she was going to be the one picking him and the rest of the members up in the airport. Alexis wasn’t even sure if he was expecting her appearance there or if her father said something about her picking him up, but if her father had already planned on someone else picking him up, then Alexis’s appearance was most likely going to be a surprise.

            As far as Alexis knew, B1A4 hadn’t debuted with her father’s agency yet, they had simply signed on and was going to debut at a later date with another artist from the agency. Plus, Alexis also knew that they were busy with their Korean promotions before even thinking about stepping foot into America yet.

            Before she realized it, she was pulling into the parking lot of the airport. Thinking about all of the things about her past with Jinyoung made the car ride go by quickly. Despite her poor navigational skills, Alexis made her way to the gate. Thankfully their flight didn’t land yet and she was able to wait for them without having to physically look.

As she waited for the gates to open, she wondered if any of the members would have dyed their hair that would make them unrecognizable to her. She hadn’t seen them in a year and figured that a lot could happen in a year without her knowing.

Slowly, people started filtering out of the airplane from Korea and Alexis began to scan the people. “Where are you, where are you,” she muttered to herself as she looked for any sign of a familiar face. Suddenly, she saw the group, or at least one of them first followed by the others, she was sure that she saw Gongchan. All five of them had sunglasses on and some had hats on. Alexis looked over at Jinyoung and immediately recognized is hat. It was one of the ones that Alexis had bought for him, he kept it. None of the five of them had noticed Alexis standing there, so she took the opportunity to sneak up behind them.

            “Hey strangers,” she said behind them.

            “Alexis,” Gongchan said smiling as he immediately went up and hugged her.

            “It’s such a coincidence seeing you guys here,” she joked.

            “It’s really you, am I dreaming?” Sandeul asked looking at her.

            “You’re not dreaming. My father sent me here to pick you up,” she explained.

            “O-oh,” Jinyoung said looking at her. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He couldn’t believe that they met each other in the airport a year after they left each other.

            “Well, what are we standing around for? Let’s go.” The six of them went to the luggage claim to get the boy’s luggage before they all piled into her car. “Sorry if it’s not enough space, I kind of forgot how many of you there were,” Alexis said with a light laugh.

            “That’s alright, we can fit,” Gongchan reassured her.

            Gongchan, Shinwoo, Baro, and Sandeul were sitting in the back, while Jinyoung sat up front next to her. Alexis felt as though it was a little awkward, but it was nothing that she wouldn’t be able to handle in some way or another. They weren’t officially together or anything, they were friends, so why would it be strange?

            “So, you guys are in America now,” Alexis said attempting to start up the conversation.

            “We’re in America!” Baro yelled at the top of his lungs in Alexis’s car.

            “How have you been?” Jinyoung asked.

            “I’ve been good, helping out my father with the agency, the usual life,” Alexis said nodding her head as she thought of everything that she had done within the last year. “What have you guys been doing?”

            “Promoting, performing,” Shinwoo responded from the back.

            “You know, when I was coming to America, I wondered if I should contact you or not to tell you that I was coming, but I took your words to heart.”

            “What words?” Alexis asked. She had forgotten what she said to Jinyoung before.

            “Your words about how if we’re brought together then it’s our string of fate, like that story about that red string on our pinkies,” Jinyoung said holding up his pinky. “I guess we really must be fated for each other.”

            “Who knows,” Alexis said shrugging her shoulders as she continued to drive. She was going to let things take its natural course; she wasn’t going to force anything. If anything was going to happen then it was meant to be.

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Chapter 15: It's great!!!!!!!!!
i want to request
NadoSarang #3
Chapter 2: what happened next TT________TT part two of this please?!!!!?!?!?!
Chapter 10: OMG... That was soooo adorable... wanna know something funny and ironic? My name is in fact Samantha...and sammi is a nickname my parents call me... XD IT'S FATE!
Can you make one with CNU next please? Your stories are amazing!
Chapter 8: Ooh these stories are soo cool^^
Chapter 2: Gosh! Daehyun oppa! I wont leave you like stephanie! You know what? Im REALLY a GOOD PERSON! I was in a relatioship before this and it happened to last 4years until my ex boyfriend decide to leave my side because he fell for another girl (well, since he so handsome and the girl so pretty, yeah you know). SO, TAKE ME IN!!! >///< (Even though i know he wont T^T)
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness, chapter 3 is the most cutest thing ever!! *_*
Chapter 2: Aw, chapter 2 is kind of like a cliffhanger. You never know what happens next, lol.
Chapter 1: Aw, first chapter's so cute!!
Especially when Woohyun did his heart move, haha. So adorable. :')