Boost of Confidence

Random K-Pop Oneshots


Peniel was in love, there was no doubting it. The only problem was that he didn’t have enough confidence to go up to her and reveal his feelings, but with his friends on his side, they help Peniel get enough confidence to make a heartfelt and sincere confession.


He was attracted to her, but he was afraid to approach her. She had that mysterious vibe around her, something that drew him in, but he didn’t know why. He didn’t know why everyone told him that he should just go for it. Why did they have the confidence when he couldn’t even stare at her for more than a minute? Why could they just easily tell him to go ask her for a date when he wasn’t even able to simply sit next to her in the same class? What did they have that he didn’t have?

            “Peniel-hyung, are you paying attention?” Sungjae asked as he poked Peniel’s side. “Is anyone living there?”

            “Huh?” Peniel asked as he looked at Sungjae.

            “I asked if you were here on Earth,” Sungjae said staring at him. “If you’re thinking about her again, then just go up and ask her.”

            “I can’t…I can’t,” Peniel quickly said shaking his head.

            “Hey, what happened to the confident guy that made that vlog?” Sungjae asked. “What happened to the guy that was saying all of those pickup lines?”

            “That was you playing the girl, though,” Peniel complained as he poked a finger at Sungjae’s chest. “It wasn’t an actual girl.”

            “Hey, I make one very attractive girl,” Sungjae said rolling his eyes. “Anyway, just go up and ask her, what’s the worst that could happen? You get rejected? People get rejected all of the time.”

            “Yeah, but this time it’s different…it’s her…”

            “You know what,” Sungjae said suddenly getting up from the bench where they were sitting, “we need help with this. Let’s go.”

            “Where are we going?” Peniel asked, but without any answers, Sungjae dragged him by the hand to the dorm.

            “Emergency! Everyone come out here!” Sungjae yelled as soon as he opened the door.

            “What do you want?” Ilhoon complained as he scratched at his head.

            “I was trying to do stuff,” Minhyuk also complained. Still, no matter how much they complained, the remaining five assembled in the living room as Sungjae and Peniel stood in front of the group.

            “Why did you bring us here?” Changsub asked as he held a pillow close to his chest, he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

            “Well, as we all know,” Sungjae began, “Peniel-hyung here is lovesick.”

            “Lovesick?” Eunkwang asked. “How is he lovesick?”

            “Have you not been paying attention, hyung?” Sungjae asked gesturing to Peniel who was standing right next to him. “Have you not seen how he’s been acting lately? Have you not heard him muttering in English?”

            “I just thought that that was mumbling in Korean…” Eunkwang confessed.

            “Anyway,” Sungjae said sighing as he moved on from the topic, “Peniel-hyung is too afraid to confess to the girl that he likes.”

            “And who is this girl?” Hyunsik curiously asked.

            “Her name is Elisa,” Peniel said as he attempted to hide his ever growing red face. Even her name felt so good on his lips, he didn’t know what to do, how to control himself.

            “Ooohh,” the boys cooed with excitement.

“Look at how he’s blushing,” Ilhoon commented with amusement as he saw the pink on Peniel’s cheeks grow darker with every passing second.

“Anyway, we have to find a way that Peniel-hyung is able to confess his feelings. I think I’m going to go mad with him always talking about her and not doing anything!” Sungjae yelled in frustration.

            In unison, the boys looked at each other with a smirk and a gentle nod of their heads. Meanwhile, Peniel confusingly looked at them all and wondered what he had just gotten himself into.


Days passed and Peniel somehow found himself standing in the park wearing a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers behind his back. On the outside, he looked cool, but on the inside, he was freaking out. Peniel didn’t know how or why he had gotten himself involved with the rest of the guys or how they even thought the plan up. Then he remembered that it was all Sungjae’s idea.

            From what Peniel got of the plan, or at least what they told him, Peniel was to wait at the park with flowers and in a suit to impress Elisa. Apparently someone would get her to go to the park and from then on, it was all up to Peniel.

            Awkwardly, Peniel looked back and forth. Some of the other people in the park wondered what the kid was doing there, they wondered who he was waiting for and some even thought that he was really romantic. Still, Peniel didn’t pay any attention to them, rather he kept looking around waiting for Elisa’s arrival.

            “Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous,” Peniel whispered to himself as he paced back and forth in anticipation for Elisa’s arrival.

            “Hyung, don’t worry,” Sungjae said giving a smile.

            “Whoa, where did you come from?” Peniel surprisingly asked as Sungjae appeared out of nowhere next to him.

            “Over there…over here…somewhere…” Sungjae said as he looked around and shrugged his shoulders. “The important part isn’t that, the important part is that the guys and I are here for you and we’re going to make this the greatest confession that you’ve ever done before!”

            “If only I don’t blow it…” Peniel nervous sighed as he looked around.

            “Ah, there she is, good luck,” Sungjae said with a smile as he patted Peniel on the back and went back into hiding. Confusingly, Peniel looked around to find where Sungjae, and apparently the rest of the guys were hiding, but he had no idea and he was slightly afraid as to what they were planning.

            But his thoughts were swept away as Elisa came into view. As always, in his mind, she looked stunning. Even though she was still in her school uniform, since she probably had just come from school, Peniel thought that she was still beautiful. “Hello,” she politely said with a smile.

            “Hi,” Peniel said giving a slightly awkward smile. “How are you?”

            “I’m good, although I don’t know why I was told to come here, they didn’t tell me,” she said with a light chuckle as she looked at Peniel. She wondered why Peniel had a suit on and what his hands were doing behind his back.

            Mentally, Peniel attempted to calm himself down with deep breaths in order to think about what he had practiced when Sungjae pretended to be Elisa. “Um…it’s…it’s because I wanted to ask you something.”

            “Ask me something?”

            “Listen…” Peniel said as he took a deep breath and pretended as though it was simply Sungjae standing in front of him. “I…I l-like you,” he managed to stutter out, but he wasn’t entirely sure how. “I really…like you,” Peniel breathed as he gently closed his eyes, saying those words, he got even more nervous than before and he didn’t even want to look at her because he wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him. “So…Elisa…will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as he held out the bouquet of flowers for her.

            Just when Elisa was about to respond, she giggled causing Peniel to give her a slightly strange look. Without saying anything, Elisa pointed to behind Peniel. Quickly, he turned around and was shocked at what he saw. “Really guys?” Peniel asked in disbelief as he saw the banner that was being waved by his friends that read ‘Please Accept our Lovestruck Peniel’s Heart.’ “I’m going to get you for this!” he yelled as he began chasing after them.

            “Run!” Sungjae yelled as they all threw the banner and departed in different ways.

            Elisa stood where she was and laughed at the sight before her. “Peniel, yes I’ll be your girlfriend!” she yelled with a smile.

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Chapter 15: It's great!!!!!!!!!
i want to request
NadoSarang #3
Chapter 2: what happened next TT________TT part two of this please?!!!!?!?!?!
Chapter 10: OMG... That was soooo adorable... wanna know something funny and ironic? My name is in fact Samantha...and sammi is a nickname my parents call me... XD IT'S FATE!
Can you make one with CNU next please? Your stories are amazing!
Chapter 8: Ooh these stories are soo cool^^
Chapter 2: Gosh! Daehyun oppa! I wont leave you like stephanie! You know what? Im REALLY a GOOD PERSON! I was in a relatioship before this and it happened to last 4years until my ex boyfriend decide to leave my side because he fell for another girl (well, since he so handsome and the girl so pretty, yeah you know). SO, TAKE ME IN!!! >///< (Even though i know he wont T^T)
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness, chapter 3 is the most cutest thing ever!! *_*
Chapter 2: Aw, chapter 2 is kind of like a cliffhanger. You never know what happens next, lol.
Chapter 1: Aw, first chapter's so cute!!
Especially when Woohyun did his heart move, haha. So adorable. :')