

“Can we rest for awhile? I’m….tired….”

Yongguk turned to look at the tired guy behind him who was walking tiredly (more like crawling) towards him. Now that he mentioned it, he realized that they’ve been running for the entire day just to search for that Himchan guy.

After succeeding in finding the card in Yongguk’s room, they rushed out to the city in hoping to find the wanted man so they can change back quickly.

Though they were aimlessly wandered around the town, they started to feel tired by the long running for few hours now.

Yongguk who hasn’t felt tired yet sighed lightly and reached to the younger. “Fine….Let’s have a rest for awhile,” he led the younger to sit at the nearby bench and joined beside him.

“What should we do now, hyung? We’ve been searching him for the entire day yet we can’t still find him anywhere….”

“How should I know? It’s not that easy to find one strange person in this huge place….I just hope that I can get my hands on that guy’s neck so I strangle him to death after what happened to us! Gah!” Yongguk ruffled his hair furiously.

Zelo looked at the angry man and pouted sadly. How he wish that everything that happened today was just a dream. Now that he was in this kind of situation, he felt that both of them are quite useless….and hopeless.

Then, they heard a weird groggy sound coming in between them. Yongguk looked around in searching for the source of the sound. When he turned to Zelo, he saw the younger’s face darken, blushed hardly.

“Sorry, hyung….that was….my stomach….” Zelo hugged his knees embarrassingly and buried his face in between his legs.

Yongguk nearly chuckled at the sight of the junior. He stared him amusedly, amazed at how loud the guy’s stomach growled. People nearby could heard him as well if they were paid more attention to both of them at the moment. Now that he mentioned it, he realized that neither both of them had have breakfast nor lunch for today; at least.

“Come, let’s go eat….” Yongguk walked to a restaurant that is a few feet away from their place instead of searching for his favorites. Zelo followed him from behind as they reached to an empty table near the corner side of the restaurant.

Suddenly, both have become silent as they didn’t know what else to say to each other anymore. Even after they made their orders with the waiter who came to them a moment ago; they both seem to be in dead silence. No talk, no eye contact – nothing.

Zelo found it is very uneasy and uncomfortable so he decided to make a move, thinking of a better topic to talk with the elder. Then, he noticed a very unique necklace that was hanging around his neck. He didn’t realize that he was wearing it all this time around.

He mesmerized it carefully and tried to recognize the shapes and material used for it. It was a wing shape but slightly stylized with fire elements.

“That was my grandmother’s necklace…”

Zelo turned to Yongguk who still kept his gaze to his left, looking out from the window and watching people walk passed by him.

“She passed away a year ago. She’s the one who gave me hope and supported my dream in becoming a rapper. She’s a kind woman and the only person who would give me everything what I want….” he smiled sadly.

“A rapper?” Zelo blinked innocently. Yongguk turned to him and sighed.

“It might sound stupid to you but my real dream is to be a rapper….a singer. Studying in this prestige school is not what I want. It’s because of my parents. And studying at art school has been my choice since from beginning. But sadly….it won’t just turn out the way I want.”

Zelo glanced at the sad look on the guy’s face. He started to play with his drink rather than take a sip from it. “But, hyung….you’re the smartest student in our school. Doesn’t that make you happy at all?”

“How can that make me happy when people didn’t even believe in me?”

Zelo was speechless by the man’s word. Now that Yongguk had mentioned it, it wasn’t his dream in coming to this school either. It was his parents.

“If they didn’t believe in you….then you should do something that can make them believe in you back.”

Yongguk looked up to him. “My…parents always believe in me and it makes me feel guilty when I lied to them about something. And to earn their trust, I think it’s already enough for me to gain one step closer to my happiness….”

“I don’t get it….what are you trying to say actually?” Yongguk frowned.

“I believe that….if you didn’t give up with your dreams, you can achieve anything you want. Never give up….hyung.”

Yongguk stared at him speechlessly. Hearing that from someone who is younger than him was something....rare; especially from someone amateur like him.



After a meal, they decided to go back home. Since it’s almost dawn and they had failed in finding Himchan by themselves, Yongguk thought that it will be impossible to search him again for now.

And the words that Zelo has said to him had made him thought of achieving his dream again. The guy was right. If you’re giving up on your dreams, you won’t achieve anything. But what makes him said that?


Zelo looked at Yongguk while holding his backpack with both hands, walking side by side with him.

“Do you have a dream?”

Zelo smiled at the question before turning his gaze back to front. “We shared the same dream, hyung. Just like you, I also want to become a famous rapper in our country. But I always thought that I’m still young in this field so I decided to follow what my parents said and study first. I think it’s a wise choice although I felt hesitate a bit but I always told myself that everything is going to be fine….”

Yongguk chuckled in disbelief. It’s hard to believe that a young kid like him can think of that. He thought Zelo are just too naïve.

“Where did you get the idea from anyway?”

“A comic book…” Zelo grinned.

Yongguk stared at him with mouth dropped. “Seriously?”

“Well, not all comic books are made for fun and entertainment. Some of them are made for a reason. Some of it contains a very good message and advice for us to follow. That’s why I love to read them….”

Yongguk shook his head. A kid is always a kid after all, huh? More than a comic book, he prefer novels or fictions story that he always read through internet. Then, he had a thought in his mind.

Zelo realized the elder stopped his pace. He turned back and saw Yongguk was looking at him with wide eyes. He blinked at the weird action. “Hyung?”

“A book…..a book, Zelo. It’s a book! I’ve found the solution! Woohoo!” Yongguk cheered happily and it made Zelo confused by the man’s sudden action.

“Zelo-ahh….you’re a GENIUS!” Yongguk said to the younger before running to his home, leaving Zelo behind. Zelo blinked confusedly before he chased the elder quickly as he didn’t want to lose for a second time.



“Hmm….what exactly he means?” Zelo walked towards his school as he recalled the event yesterday. He shrugged off the thoughts and casually went to his class like usual….to Yongguk’s class, that is.

“Yah, Yongguk-hyung!”

Zelo stopped when he heard the call. He turned around to see two familiar men standing in front him; Daehyun and Youngjae.

Zelo’s eyes widen as he forgot the fact that he needs to avoid the two for a moment. But it’s too late now. He’s doomed.



Hoolah!!!  Was it good? Sorry if it didn’t! >.<
Yeah, it’s a very long delay and I’m so sorry about that. I’ve got another upcoming exam so things are getting pretty tense again. (Damn!)

I can’t believe that I still have to study and do some works even during my vacation. Urgh….

Well, I don’t want to complain since my lecturers also can’t have vacation since they’re pretty busy marking our papers for the whole trimester breaks. Lol

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 11: thank you so much for updating!!!! waaaaaaaaaa~ i've been waiting for a long time for this! hehe~~
Black_x_Rabbit #3
Chapter 11: hahahaha stalker himchan~
Chapter 11: tht chapter was much fun again :)
thank you for taking your time to update again! :)
Chapter 11: Himchan, what are you trying to do?? Stalker
Chapter 11: Yay~ an update !

I love the spirit of this story n.n

And good luck for your exams !
been there a week ago my friend, i feel you ! HWAITING !
ChillChill #7
Chapter 1: Your fiction make me good in english.Thank you so much! > <
This is my first fan fic, I read. :)
Hey, can you uncheck the disallow text option?
I need to quote for the review.
thank you!
Chapter 10: ahahahaha he made Junhong cry
bad Jae
i just found the story and i tottaly love it
awww so cute and funny
Yongguk will kick Jaes ___ when he will find out what he did lol