
Yongguk winched at the name, eyes still closed tightly and darkness still surrounds him.

“Junhong-ahh….wake up….”

The voice kept echoing in his mind as he opened his eyes to see a strong light suddenly bursting right into his eyes and an image of a beautiful lady slowly appeared in front of him. Angel?

“Am I in heaven?” he murmured to himself.

“OMG! He’s alive! Thank goodness he’s alive!!” the angel that he thought shouted happily and pulled him into hug. It took a moment for him to process of what was going on just now.

“Well, nothing too serious I guess. Perhaps he was in fatigue, that’s why he passed out all of a sudden….” said a doctor who sat at the end of the bed.

“Ohh thank you….thank you so much, doctor!” the woman still hugging Yongguk as he tried to push her away, felt so uncomfortable by the hug.

“Make sure to let him rest for the day, I’m sure he’ll be fine later on….okay?” The doctor said as he was packing his things and get ready to leave.

“Alright, thank you again, doctor….have a nice day!” The woman bowed repeatedly as the doctor bowed her back before left.

Yongguk looked around him in daze, still blurry with the hectic situation….until he felt a sudden sting at his ear.

“You! How dare you scare me like that? I thought I’ve lost you for goodness sake….haish!” Yongguk squirmed as the woman let go of his ear and glared at him. He looked at her back with watery eyes; massaging his ear painfully.

Then, she pulled him into a hug again except it was tighter than before with his face buried under the woman’s s as it made Yongguk to squirmed more.

“Promise me that you won’t do that again, okay? Ohh my baby….” She said and kissed his hair softly before went to his forehead, his cheeks, and finally….his mouth.

Yongguk quickly pulled away and brushed his mouth off with his arm in disgust. ‘What’s wrong with this woman?? Bwekk!’ his eyebrow furrowed.

She giggled at her son’s cuteness and pinched his cheeks playfully. “You heard the doctor, go have some rest…. I’ll be at the kitchen if you need anything, okay honey?”

Yongguk looked at her who walked gracefully to the door before disappeared from his sight. For some reason, he found it quite amusing as he admired at how pretty the lady were as he almost mistaken her for an angel from heaven. Her hair, her features, her milky skin, her slim body – she looks perfect.

“Wow….no wonder that kid looks so awfully cute….just look at his mother,” Yongguk mumbled in amazement. Then, reality hits him again when he realized that he got much bigger problem to worry about now.

He went to the mirror beside and looked at his reflection again. “Like seriously….what was happening here? Why did I suddenly end up in his body instead? I don’t understand!” he touched his face again – perhaps, it was Zelo’s face; not his.

So, his name was Junhong? Now that I remembered, I didn’t even ask for his name either…..but why him?’ he thought to himself and tilted his head. ‘Does that mean he also involved in the same situation too?” he tapped his chin in wondered.

“I must him quickly….I mean, myself and-“his face turned into dark gloomy when he suddenly remembered someone who really responsible with this situation the most.

“Himchan….” He said deeply, cracking his knuckles off. “I swear I’m gonna kill that guy once I meet him. This is all his fault! Gah!! I really hate this!” he grunted, scratching his back hair furiously.

Yongguk didn’t think too long as he looked for some clothes in the room and wore it as fast as he can. Then, he ran to downstairs as he reached to the front door; ready to get out from the house in hurry.

“Junhong-ah! Where are you going? Didn’t I tell you to stay at home?” Yongguk turned to see the woman frowned at him with a spatula on her hand.

“Sorry, mada…I mean, mom. Suddenly, I remember I have some important issues needs to take care of at school. Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as possible. Bye!” he stuttered as he dashed off from the house and hurriedly made his way to the main road.

He looked around carefully, thinking his way back home as he tried to make sure which one is the quick path back to take.

“There!” he found one familiar road at the other side way and quickly made his way to it. As he reached to the neighborhood, he started to search for his house. “Found it….”

He stared at the big house, wondering if the guy was in there and alright. He pressed the door bell outside the gate as he waited for the reply from inside of the house. “Hello….can I help you with anything, boy?”

Yongguk knows that voice. He turned behind to see an old woman who smiled at him with grocery bags on his hands. It was his maid.

“Urr…yeah. I actually want to meet my…..friend, Bang Yong Guk-shii? Is he at home by now?” Yongguk asked hesitantly.

“Ahh….Yongguk-ah? Well, he left home pretty early this morning….to school,” she said gently.

Yongguk cursed inside him and slapped his face as he almost forgot the fact that today was weekdays. “Okay, thank you very much Eun-Imo!” he said and ran to his school right away, leaving the woman dumbfounded.

“…that’s odd. No one has ever called me that before except for Yongguk….” She titled her head in wondered and looked at him until the guy disappeared from her sight.



“Okay, that should be last student for the day. Let’s close the gate off,” said Youngjae as he closed his notebook while Daehyun closed the gate by himself.

“That’s quite amusing, don’t you think? I mean, I’ve never seen Yongguk-hyung came by so early today. I thought we would meet him again few hours after the school starts again….” Daehyun said.

“Well, maybe he decided to come early just for today…but that reminds me about his sudden neat clothes. I always thought that he would wear that spiky hairstyles like usual. But it seems like he’s changed….” Youngjae wondered.

“Pretty weird, huh? He even bowed at us when he saw us as if it was our first meeting and act like….a new freshman in school….” Daehyun recalled on how odd their senior acts. They always thought Yongguk would react like a usual bad kid, but he’s not which is really weird for them.

“I bet he just want to troll us or something. You know how naughty our hyung can be sometimes….haha,” Youngjae snickered. A sudden breathless man appeared behind the gate which suddenly made them turned to see him upfront.

“Wow…a guest. You look like a new freshman in this school, eh?” Youngjae cocked his eyebrow and opened his notebook. “So, what’s your name?”

“No time….hurry and open this door, quickly!” Yongguk pulled the gate abruptly. Youngjae and Daehyun shared weird glances and looked at him.

“Ohh, I’m sorry. Did I ever mention to you that no one is allowed to pass this gate after it was closed?” Youngjae said with crossed arms on his chest.

“For goodness sake, open this gate or I blow it up, Youngjae!” Yongguk frustrated, making the others stunned at his misbehavior. He completely forgot the fact that he was in Zelo’s body and not his actual figure.

“Yah, do you realized you’re actually talking to someone who is older than you? You shouldn’t call someone in that way!” Youngjae frowned.

“Gah! That’s it! I’m doing this in my own way!” Yongguk walked away from the gate as they looked at his weird act curiously.

“What is he doing? Is he going away or something?” Daehyun gazed at him and glanced at his friend.

Youngjae snorted. “Probably….just ignored him and let’s go. He’s not going to pass this gate in anyway…” they turned around and walked away until they suddenly heard a loud sound behind them.

As they turned around, they saw Yongguk climbed up the gate and swiftly jumped from it and flipped his body flexibly as he slowly passed by above them and landed safely on the ground few feet away in front them like a ninja.

They watched him with mouth dropped, speechless at the unexpected action. Yongguk glared at them before ran away, leaving the two froze men stood behind.

 “Wha….what just happened?” Daehyun glimpsed at his friend beside him who kept silence with his mouth still wide opened.




“Damn, that kid! I really hate it when they have to take care of that freaking gate entrance. Don’t they have anywhere else to take care of? Shish!” Yongguk cursed as he started to search for his body somewhere else at the place.

“Where is he?” Yongguk kept looking around the school hall, canteen, gymnasium, laboratory, soccer field, male’s toilet, female’s toilet (like wtf??) and nearby classes.

Finally, he settled himself at the benches outside of hallway; panting for air hardly. He wiped out his sweats and looked around him tiredly. “What’s wrong with today’s weather? It’s not even summer and yet I’m sweating like hell!” He fanned himself.

He saw a few vending machines stood nearby. Looking at the canned drinks inside, it only made him thirsty all of a sudden. He checked in his pocket, hopefully to find some coins or paper money that the kid has left it inside.

“Well, at least there’s a few inside. Worth of a try….” He shrugged and walked casually to the machine and looked at the canned drinks at the displayed screen.

Feeling so relax, he started to whistle casually while choosing his favorite drinks.

However, he didn’t realize that someone was watching him from afar. As he was busy drinking the watery can, the stranger approached him slowly and stood behind him, unnoticed.

Yongguk suddenly felt someone was poking on his shoulder. He turned to take a glimpse on the person before continued gulping down his water.

It took him a few seconds to realize who the person was as he merely spat out all the water inside his mouth and turned back to the person – it was Choi Junhong....with his body.



Yey, I just made a new poster for this story ! I know it's not that pretty good but ohh well , I'm still learning on how to do great posters and photo manipulations though. Hope you like this chapter btw. :D

To all my subscribers , thank you for subscribing ! And to all my silent readers , thank you for reading !

Like usual , new chapter will coming soon ! Enjoy reading ! ^^

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 11: thank you so much for updating!!!! waaaaaaaaaa~ i've been waiting for a long time for this! hehe~~
Black_x_Rabbit #3
Chapter 11: hahahaha stalker himchan~
Chapter 11: tht chapter was much fun again :)
thank you for taking your time to update again! :)
Chapter 11: Himchan, what are you trying to do?? Stalker
Chapter 11: Yay~ an update !

I love the spirit of this story n.n

And good luck for your exams !
been there a week ago my friend, i feel you ! HWAITING !
ChillChill #7
Chapter 1: Your fiction make me good in english.Thank you so much! > <
This is my first fan fic, I read. :)
Hey, can you uncheck the disallow text option?
I need to quote for the review.
thank you!
Chapter 10: ahahahaha he made Junhong cry
bad Jae
i just found the story and i tottaly love it
awww so cute and funny
Yongguk will kick Jaes ___ when he will find out what he did lol