First encounter

Where vampires are who you LESS EXPECT


Baekhyun’s POV

I found someone lying on the floor, it was a girl covered with blood, she was still breathing, I didn’t know what to do, it was night and I just wanted to go home couse I was too tired but there was noone at the streets and I couldn’t leave her like that so I decided to bring her to my house, why not at the dorm? Couse there where the guys and they would start asking questions, so I end up bringin her more, she was heavy I almost couldn’t support her in my arms. Once at home I could feel a sweat drop fall from my forehead, I couldn’t be more tired already oh c’mon give me a break!



I woke up couple hours later, I was lying on bed, and I was clean also confused couse I didn’t know where I was or how I got there,  I heard someone’s heartbeat it was so strong and just then I realized how starving I was I noticed that heartbeat’s owner sitting next to me at bed, I grabed him by his shirt pushing him to lay down on bed ,not realizing what I was doing, I just wanted blood I needed it. I couldn’t even hear his panting or begs for me to stop. When I was already full it was when I noticed he was grabing at my hair , I saw his hand drop  next to him

“st-o..p..ple..”my eyes grew wider what did I just do?! I’m not like this!. I raised up my head from his neck slowly, and the shocked face I made when I realized who I just bited. I placed my hand at his chek, he was cold I tried to wake him up put it was useless. I went to his chest to hear his heartbeat and I sighed relived that he was still alive. I cleaned his neck, then caressed his check slowly

“Thank you for taking care of me…I’m sorry Byun Baekhyun…”I went out of that house, but I feeled someone watching me, I tired to act as normal as possible walking to my home.

When I got home I was my friend at the living room, walking side to side really nervous

“Hey…”when she noticed me she run up to me and hugged me tightly.

“omygod I thought they…k-killed you….”I noticed she sniffed silently, I squeezed her caressing her back trying to calm her down.

“I’m good now….”I mentally thought of Baekhyun and I didn’t remembered she was one of the vampires that could read minds just as me.


“SHH calm down I was starving ok!” I slaped her head slightly”what would you do if you spended a whole week without drinking any blood and some stupid hunters torturing you huh!”I tired to justifice myself but the guilty feeling was too strong, I’ve could have killed him, I sit at the couch.

She sighed sitting next to me “H-he’s alive right?” I nodded, burryiing my head into my hands.

“I’m sorry…I-I couldn’t avoid it…”

“It’s ok~”she patted my back “ at least he’s ok~”she sighed”I’m sorry for overact before, now try to rest and you have all the blood you need at the fridge” she got up from the couch but before she leave she cupped my face smiling warmly “and stop blaming yourself ~” I nodded slightly trying to smile, she ruffled my hair and then leaved to her room.


Kris POV


“Lea! Wait!!”he was panting”please don’t do it!” the boy tried to convince her even though he knew, she was really stubborn when she made a desition.

·”I have to do it if I don’t want to put you in danger brother…”she cuped the younger’s face with her hands,smiling warmly at him

“you don’t have to! Please…”the boy started sobbing and it was all it could be heard.


“FAN-GE! WAKE UP!!” that felt too real, I opened my eyes to see, a rushed Yixing, trying to wake me up, and my chek burning from the slap.

“wat was that for?”it was with one of the barely people I could pout like a baby

“we’re goin to be late!” I looked at the watch and it still was 30 min time to arrive to dance practice.

“godamn Xing is still early!” I engulfed myself again under the sheets , yes even tho I am a vampire, I still need time to sleep mostly by the day, so I’ll probably would take a looonggg nap later.

“you’re the one who spends more time on the bathroom WAN! C’mone!” Yixing pull out the sheets again throwing them away, not allowing me to catch them, even tho I could with my powers, but because Yixing was there I couldn’t use them, so I reluctantly ended up obeyin him, getting up from my bed, and slapping his nape slightly, for calling me (WAN) it was the nickname he use to me when he’s mad or in a rush, or pissed just to annoy me because he knew I hate it, he said it was just the abbreviation to my full name , but I still don't like it, it sounded like food.




A.N : *sob, I haz ma laptop back kfgkjdsfbkjdhkjd :'D So this was first chapter ^^ I'll be posting an edit of the characters appearing or the main character of the chapter ~ also if u like some of the edits u can ask me and I'll make a post of them without the "thank you for reading" ^^ 

dreams and flashbacks will go in italic and between these ////// ;)

I'll try update once a week, so I hope u like the fic and enjoy it and gimme opinions about the chapter,fic edits etc ^^ THANK YOU ^^

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sarah_exol #1
Chapter 5: PLEASEEEE UPDATE!!! :"""""((((((
baperfect36 #2
Chapter 5: Updaaaaateeee !!! please !!