Part three: A strain in our friendship

Our Love Story

“Hey! Lu Han!” Suho called out, “Come back here for a second.”


Lu Han let out a sigh. He knew what Suho was calling him back for.


It had been days since the event at SM Entertainment but that also meant it had been days since Sehun last talked to him.


Sehun would pass him by and act like he didn’t see him. Or when they were all together in some place, Sehun would always go hang out with Kai instead of him.


Truthfully, to Lu Han, he thought Sehun was overreacting. It wasn’t like he had asked Yoon Ju out or anything, so why was he so mad?


But Sehun knew Lu Han. And he also knew that when Lu Han liked a girl, it was really easy for him to get her. The years they’d known each other also showed Sehun how to read Lu Han. And when Sehun saw him and Yoon Ju talking to each other, he knew. He knew that Lu Han had liked her too.


But it wasn’t fair to Sehun. One girl. The first girl. The first girl he’d like in such a long time, and Lu Han liked her too. Lu Han. The guy all the girl’s would die to be with liked the same person he did. So why would she ever choose him?


He was mad. Mad that he didn’t even get a chance before Yoon Ju probably fell for Lu Han. The proof for that was just how comfortably she was talking to him when they met.


Sehun passed by the kitchen and saw Lu Han standing in the middle of the room with Kris, Suho, and Lay. Sehun passed by without a thought, not caring what they were talking about.


“What?” Lu Han said as he couldn’t handle the aggravating silence between the eldest members anymore.


“Whatever happened with you and Sehun,” Kris started talking, “You need to fix it.”


Lu Han frowned, “You don’t even know what happened.”


Kris shrugged, “He’s the maknae, Lu Han. It’s our job to protect him and he’s not happy right now, more like depressed. We know something happened between the two of you so fix it.”


A flinch of annoyance flashed in Lu Han. He knew he should fix it, he didn’t need others telling him that but what annoyed him was that they were telling him to fix it without knowing what happened. What if it was Sehun’s fault? Would they still blame him?


“I can’t do anything if Sehun doesn’t want to talk to me.” Lu han responded.


Suho sighed, he spoke in a softer tone than Kris, “Look, whatever happened... happened. We just think since you’re older that you should talk to him about it. If you guys talk it out then maybe it’ll get better. It’s putting a strain on the rest of us seeing you two, who are the closest out of all of us, ignoring each other.”


“I’m not ignoring him!” Lu Han defensively said, “He’s ignoring me. And I didn’t even do anything, ok? I don’t know why he’s so mad.”


Lay clamped a hand on his shoulder and Lu Han slightly relaxed. Out of EXO, besides Sehun, Lu Han was the closest with Lay. Lay smiled at him, “Talk to him, Lu Han. I know that you don’t want to because you probably didn’t do anything but you know Sehun, he’s not going to make the first move.”


Lu Han sighed. Lay was right and he knew it but something in him didn’t want to apologize. It was like, if he apologize, he would be backing down. Backing down from what is what he was wondering.


“I’ll try.” Lu Han eventually said to him.


Lay nodded back, “Good.”


Lay walked off to go do something else and Lu Han followed, hearing Kris mumbling about how his kids were getting out of hand and Suho comforting him.


Lu Han walked up to Sehun’s door and knocked on it twice.


“What?” He heard Sehun’s voice respond.


Lu Han slowly opened the door and poked his head in. Sehun’s expression darkened when he saw him. Sehun looked back down at his notebook, not saying anything.


“Look,” Lu Han sighed, entering the room and closing the door, “I want to know why you’re mad at me.”


“You don’t know?” Sehun answered back, coldly.


Lu han flinched. Sehun had never spoke to him like that. “Sehun... whatever happened, I’m not sure.”


Sehun looked up at him and felt a pang. It was his best friend standing in front of him looking helpless. But even then, his mind clouded with anger and he spoke harshly, “Maybe if you actually thought, you’d know.”


Lu Han’s eyes widened, “Sehun...”


“Hyung can get any girl he wants,” Sehun suddenly ranted with frustration audible in his tone, “So why are you going after the one I like?!”


Lu han in a breath. So that’s why he was angry.


Lu Han shook his head, “Sehun, I-”


“You like her,” Sehun cut him off, “Don’t you? And don’t lie to me.”


“No, I-” Lu Han trailed off. He hesitated. He didn’t think he liked her but then he suddenly remembered on how he would always look for her or how he was unable to look away when she was dancing and all he could think was how amazing she seemed to be. His voice lowered, “I’m sorry...”


Sehun scoffed, “I knew it.” He threw his notebook to the bed and stood up.


Lu Han’s eyes widened, “No! Wait, Sehun!”


“Do you really want to fix this?” Sehun suddenly asked him.


Lu han eagerly nodded, “Yes.”


Sehun gave him a hard look, “Then don’t go after her, hyung. Leave her alone.”


Lu Han’s mouth opened, but no words came out.


Though he’d only actually met her two times, he liked her, and a lot. He hadn’t seen a girl like her before and to give her up... it was asking something big. But this was also his best friend, his little brother, so what could he do?


“Give her up.” Sehun repeated, “If you want to save this.”


“W-What?” Lu Han couldn’t believe this was reality.


Sehun just repeated what he said, “If you want to keep our friendship, hyung, you won’t go after Yoon Ju.”


Sehun pushed past him and opened the door. 10 EXO members fell forward in an embarrassed heap as they had all been trying, and failing, to hear how things would turn out.


Sehun simply stepped over them and walked off.


Lu Han had a defeated look on his face.


Suho looked up at him from on top of Kris, “So?”


Lu han shook his head and looked off to where Sehun had disappeared to, “I don’t think this will be fixed that easily...”

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Chapter 8: This was a very adorable story! <3 I thought it was a drabble, but I think I loved it more this way! XD My Lulu feels just skyrocketed!!!! Thank you, Author-nim!
Chapter 8: OMO! They are so freakin' cute! KYAAA! I ship Yoon Ju and Luhan! :DDD HA! In you face, Ji Rin! :D Anyway I love this story!!! :D
Chapter 6: OMO! Finally! Yay! Sehun finally said sorry! Yah Luhan! You better forgive Sehun or else...*glares at Luhan* Anyway update soon! I seriously need to know what will happen next! I'm dying to know what will happen next!
Chapter 5: NO! Sehun! Please don't be angry at Luhan!!! TT_TT Sigh...I hope they would make up already :( Anyway please update soon! :D
Chapter 3: please update soon !! i'm falling in love with your story ;A; <3 love u author-nim !!!
Chapter 4: I pity Sehun TT_TT But I also like Yoon Ju to end up with Luhan! :( Sigh... I don't know who I want to choose right. Anyway please update soon! :)