Feelings for You

To Be, Or Not To Be


Key’s P.O.V

The door flew open as the rather young man embarrassedly exited my room. I made my way slowly to the door, retracing his footsteps.

“Key, what was that about?” my boss came over like she was ready to lecture me.

With my arms crossed, I shrugged my shoulders. “He didn’t even touch me yet and he left.”

“Did he at least pay you?”


“Hand it over.”

I retrieved the crumpled hundred dollar bill from my pocket and placed them in my boss’ greedy hand.

“He only paid you a hundred? It’s not much but I guess, since he didn’t do anything...” She stuffed the money into her bra as she began to walk away.

“Ms. Lucy…”

She turned around. “What is it babe?”

“I kind of need my pay today. If you could…”

“Okay, Key! You’ll get it by the end of the day today, don’t worry.” Her long cherry red fingernail scratched me as she trailed her hand down my arm. I looked at her in disgust.

“Now get to work, I’m not paying you to stand around doing nothing.”

I went back into my room and took a shot of the liquor displayed on the table. I shook my head a little and went over to fix the bed from which I was just now thrown onto. I sat there, twirling my index finger on the cool satin sheets, thinking. The silence of only a few moans from the room next door and muffled music was broken by a soft tune. I opened one of the drawers of the cabinet of tools beside my bed and took out my phone.

Incoming Call:            Jonghyun

Why is he calling me now? I’d be in trouble if my boss finds me talking on the phone. I placed my finger over the red phone icon, but after the next ring, I answered.

“Hello?” I tried not talking to loud.

The other side of the line was quite noisy. “Key?” the familiar voice called out my name.

“Hello? Jonghyun…” I could barely make out what he was saying through the loud music in the background.

“Key, are you at work right now?”

“Am I working right now? Yea, why? Are you here?”

Hey y you want to dance with me? “What, no?...Umm, yes where are you? Can you hurry, I have your necklace.”

A smile emerged behind the fingers I had between my teeth. He personally came up here to give me my necklace. I didn’t know what was so special about that, but it made me feel happy.


“Ok, I’m coming. Meet me at the bar.”


Jonghyun’s P.O.V

“Oppa, come dance with me,” a skimpy dressed, hot pink haired, girl kept tugging at my arm. I tried shaking her off. With one hand she lowered her sleeveless jacket zipper, exposing even more of her cleavage.

“Oppa, I’ll let you do anything you want with me.” Disgusted, I shoved her away and pushed myself through the crowd to the other side of the bar.

“Tell me why I have to go through all of this just to give Key back his necklace?” I could barely hear my voice lecturing myself. I grumpily stood at the side by myself scanning the crowd in search of Key. I could barely see anything over the many heads lingering above me. My eyes finally locked on my target, a curved figure with a familiar face that had been at an absence of me for the past few days. He made his way over to me when a man grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into his arms. I felt tempered at the way the man’s arm was caressing Key’s back and . Key smiled uncomfortably at the man, whispering something in his ear before he continued his way to me. My heart picked up its pace as the blonde inched closer to me.

I placed a smile on my face greeting his happy expression.

“Jonghyun! I haven’t seen you in a while!” We were practically shouting to each other.

“You dropped your necklace in my car! Sorry I couldn’t give it back to you earlier today, I was busy!”

“It's okay,” Key outstretched his hand in front of me.

So that’s it? I give you back your necklace, and you leave?

I stuck my hand into my front pocket. I took out my phone. I dug some more, nothing. I went to the next pocket, my keys were in there.

Key kept looking at me impatiently with his hand still placed in front of me.

“Hold on…” I felt my back pockets, only my wallet filled the left side.

Key wrinkled his perfectly plucked eyebrows together and violently dragged me through the crowd. I was pulled into a hallway with many doors. There, the lighting was brighter and I could actually be able to have a conversation with Key.

He put his hands on his hips. “Don’t tell me you lost it.” His tone of voice changed.

I salvaged through the same pockets again to find, yet again, nothing.

“I did put it in my pocket before I came here. Maybe it’s in my car, I’ll go check.”

Key scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“What? I came up here to return your necklace.”

“But you lost it.”

“I know I have it somewhere.” I pulled out my wallet from my back pocket and there it was daggling halfway somehow on my wallet. I caught it before it fell off.

“Oh! Found it.”

Key’s expression magically softened as if there were two sides of him. 

“Aahh! Thank you!” He reached into my dark palm, his soft skin against my fingers. After checking for imperfections or scratches on the necklace, Key cutely attached the ends behind his neck.

“I almost never take this off. It was from my grandma. She gave it to me before she died.” Key didn’t sound very sad saying that, he was just happy at the reunion with his necklace. I smiled at him when, for the second time, he took me by surprise in a warm hug.

“Thank you.” He was the first guy in ages to hug me like that. I’ve shared a few with my close friends and family but it was never like this. Never had a guy ever so gently wrapped his arms around my neck. His right cheek pressed against my ear. My arms slowly found its way around Key’s back. Although this man hug was kind of unfamiliar to me, it was natural for him. 

“You two couldn’t make it to the room?”

Key released me from the hug as a lady who I recognized as his boss came up behind us.

“No, why does it seem like you’re following me?”

 “Sweetie, I don’t have that time for you. But, I was looking for you.”

Why am I always stuck in between his conversations with his boss?

I really didn’t like his stupid boss.

“Why hello young man. Weren’t you here last time asking for Key? He’s y isn’t he?”


“Sorry, but he’s taken tonight, we have a few other guys here if you’re interested. Or you can always come back next time.”

“I’m not interested… I was…” Before I could finish, she slid in between Key and I brushing me aside.

“ing ,” I whispered to myself. So I guess this is when I leave? I turned to make my way out the hallway.


Key’s P.O.V

“Key, Mr. Lee is back and he’s looking for you. He’s drinking with a few of the girls right now because he wants to save you for last.”

“No! What the hell?! Didn’t I tell you before? I don’t want to have to do anything with him anymore.”

“To late, I already promised him. And you are to listen to what I say if you want that paycheck.”

“Promises are meant to be broken.”

“Well then you can forget about your damn paycheck!”

Behind Lucy, I saw that Jonghyun hadn’t left.

“I’ll book Key for the night!”

“Excuse me?”

“What?” Was I hearing things?

“I’ll book Key for the night. I’ll pay you double how much that sick ert is paying you.”

“Excuse me, what do you think this is? Is Key up for auction? I said you can come back next time.”

“How much do you want?” Jonghyun ignored her statement.

“Mr. Lee pays $400 for every thirty minutes he spends with Key, and whatever he leaves for Key will also go to me, until I distribute his money out for his pay.”

“What?! He gives you four hundred for every half hour and yet you still take up my tips?”

“Honey, I have to make a profit somehow.”

“You greedy mother fu-”

“Jonghyun!” I ran over and grabbed him back.

“Just leave, this is my business. I’ll deal with it myself.”

“Come on Key, Mr. Lee is waiting.”

“I said I’ll book Key!” Jonghyun suddenly stuffed some money from his wallet into her hands as he shoved her aside, dragging me along with him into my room and quickly locking my door.

“Key, you unlock this door right now!” She banged on the door for a while before the knocking ceased. The stomping of her loud stilettos faded.

“Let me go!” Jonghyun looked shocked at the way I jerked my arm away from him. “What the hell? I just helped you out of this mess and no thank you?”

“What do you think your doing anyways? You know this is my job right? This is what I do to make a living! You think you’re helping me? Yea, maybe for this time, but what about the next time, and the next time after that? Why are you doing this then? I don’t need your pity.” I don’t know where I found the confidence to lash out at the cute brown haired boy. I know he was just out to help me but who does he think he is? I don’t know him, he doesn’t know me.

“Why? Because I’m trying to help out my friend, you.” (corny!XD) Friend? Ha. I haven’t heard that word spoken seriously in a while.

“Is that what you see me as?”

“You’re pretty much the first person I talked to when I first moved here, and you’ve been very friendly.”

“Because that’s my job.”

“Well, I don’t like how that Mr. Lee guy treats you, so I just want to help you.”

I was touched by his thoughtfulness. No one’s ever cared for me.

“Key, you think I can’t open his door?” My boss came barging in with keys in her hand.

“Jonghyun, thank you.” I couldn’t stop staring into his puppy eyes. “You should leave now.”

“Why?” Jonghyun looked into my eyes with a very angry expression, angry that I refused his help.

“Sorry, I can't accept your payment today" She handed Jonghyun back his cash. "Key is busy now, you can come back tomorrow. I’ll make sure you get to have him all night!”

Jonghyun took one last look at me before he was fully led out the door by my boss. The door was shut to my loneliness. Truth is, I have this feeling for Jonghyun. He’s that kind of guy I dream about. I feel safe around him. But those feelings are the ones I hate. I will never allow those feelings to develop again after my painful betrayal. Lost in my thoughts, I sat there with that same gaze in my eyes, waiting for that disgusting monster to arrive.






 *covers face* Ugh I still feel embarrassed every time I post up a chapter. My friend kinda helped me on this one. I think it will take too long for their feelings to slowly develop. Imma just make Key like Jonghyun alreadyXD


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Chapter 47: Ahhhh, the emotional ups & downs you had me going through! Well done.
Chapter 36: YaSSssSsSssSSssS
Chapter 30: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 25: hgnhhhhhhhhhhh this hurts T_T
Shawol365 #5
Chapter 47: This. Was. So. ing. Good*^*
KatyNeko #6
Chapter 3: Waa hi! I'm - new reader, also new in this page haha I love your history.
Chapter 47: Awww how sweet! It's finally done ㅠㅠ I remember when I was giving you pointers and title suggestions on this like it was yesterday XD well done.
Chapter 1: SO CUTE OMO~~~
rastnic #9
Chapter 45: Author please don't leave us waiting on this cliffhanger anymore!!!