The bathroom.

Lead On

"What did we even do yesterday!" I asked Minhyun. We were all sitting at the tabel in the dining room while Minki made breakfast.

"Well. We ALL got really drunk at the party." Minki said and I could tell what he was thinking about.


Minki just nodded, trying not to squeal like I was.

"NO WAY'S!" I screamed adn attempted to dance but my foot hurt so I fell backwards. Kyungsoo cought me and smiled as he helped me back into my chair.

"T-thanks." I said and smiled.

Kai gave me a look. "And MY hook up worked." He said and winked. I just blushed darker.

"Well, My night wasnt a compleet fail." Kris said and laughed.

"Thats good Kris." I said sarcasticly and snickered at myself. Ren came over and put a big peice of french toast on my plate and put a lot of whiped cream on top of it. I smiled then stabbed it with a fork.

"This looks ing amazing." Kai said sfter looking at the food on his plate. I giggled then stuffed a peice of it into my mouth. He smiled at me as he chewed the food and swallowed at the same time as me.

"So.... How was your birthday?" Minhyun asked me.

"It was... amazing. I got my first backhug from Kai and my first kiss from... I mean.. Um.." I said realising I just blurted out that I had my first kiss from yesterday.

"ME! ME! I WAS HER FIRST KISS!" Kyungsoo said and raised his hand. I giggeled and blushed a really bright red. As I looked down I heard Suho wistel and everyone laughed.

I just continued on eating and blushing.

They were all laughing but Kyungsoo and Minhyun.

"You guys!' Minhyun said loudly. "Its not funny! A first kiss is very serious to a girl."

I looked up and at minhyun. He smiled and lipped 'I got your back'

I looked to Kyungsoo adn saw him smiling. He must have been cought in thought the whole time.

"Well. Thankyou Minhyun. Now I know that not all guys are douchebags." I said and looked to Suho. He blinked and smiled.

"No problem Sohee." He said and giggeled.

"Sohee. Watch yourself when you eat hunn. Your getting whiped cream ALL over your face!" Kai said and stood up. He walked over and wiped it off my face. Now normaly a girl would blush, seeing as though Kai was a very atractive, but Kai was my BEST FRIEND! I punched his arm lightly and playfully. He stifled a laugh and sat back down.

We all continued the small talk as we ate, and as soon as everyone was done we left Minhyun and Minki to clean up the dished.

"Okay, so Ill clean my room, Minki's room, and Kai's room." I said and ran for the stairs.

"ILL HELP!" Kyungsoo said and ran after me. We started in my room, picking up the few red solo cups and bottles here and there till we came into the bathroom. We both stopped at the bathroom door when we saw what was on the floor our mouths were open so wide that we would catch bugs.

"Oh my god... Is this from us?!" Kyungsoo said picking up the . It was broken and defenatly used.

"I dont know!" I yelled. I looked down and saw the floor had on it. I blushed and looked at Kyungsoo.

A short memory flashed into my mind of him .

"OH MY GOD!" We both yelled at the same time. By now I was a really dark red and so was he. We both just stood there for a few moments till I ran downstairs to Minki.

"MINKI!!!" I screamed when I made it to the kitchen.

"SOHEE! What the hell!?" He yelled back.

"I think I lost my innocents!!" I screamed at him. Kai and Kris came running into the kitchen.

"WHAT!" Kai yelled and grabbed my arm. I looked at him, into his angry eyes.

"SOHEE!" Minki yelled. I felt as if I was in trouble.

"I..." I said not knowing what to say. Kai's eyes were really dark and he was scaring me, not to mention the grip he had on my arm hurt.

"Ouch! Kai that hurts!"

He held on and dragged me to the stairs. I was pulled up and into his room.

"Kai!" I yelled once in his bedrom.

"Sohee! How could you be so ing stupid!" Kai yelled at me.

"What! What did I do!?" I asked and started to cry. I think him seeing my tears made him soften a little.

"SOHEE! Do you know how stupid having is! ARE YOU CRAZY! You could get pregnant!!! Or even worse! You could get HURT." He said adn hugged me tightly.

"Im sorry! Why did you set me up then!?" I yelled into his chest.

"BECAUSE YOU NEEDED IT!" He yelled and I giggeled.

"Well. Im sorry Kai. Ill be fine. It was probly really fun." I said and giggled.

He laughed and let me go. "Why did you freak out so bad anyways?" I asked him.

"Um... Because I worry about you." He said. I could tell it was a lie but I brushed it off anyways.

"Im gonna go confront Kyungsoo." I said and walked out the door to my bedroom where I left him. He was standing in the exsact same place.

"Sohee!" He said and ran to me. He hugged me and I hugged back.

"Hey Kyungsoo!" I said then pulled away. "Look, I hope this doesent make things akward for us. I mean, we were drunk, if anything I hope this brings us closer."

He smiled. "I hope it brings us closer too." He said and hugged me again. I smile and hugged back. After the hug was over we started to clean again, He was left to wipe the off the floor as I rinsed the tub. I then went to Minki's room and strightned up his sheets and made his be. I cleaned up his bathroom and Kyungsoo walked in to help.

"He is a really clean guy," He commented about Minki.

"Yeah. He has been this way for a while. Everything has to be perfect and planned." I said thinking about Minki's manny habbets.

We hung up a towel and went to Kais room to tighty up his already cleaed bedroom and batroom. nothing had to be touched.

"Lets go downstairs." Kyungsoo said adn grabbed my hand. I was led downstairs and into the living room.

"So." Tao said. "Its saturday, What do you guys want to do?"

"Well I need to go home." Kris said and shook his keys in his hands. I smiled and waved goodbye to him.

"Happy birthday!" He said and walked out the door.

I smiled and looked out the window. "Ahh, finally 18." I said and smiled to myself.

"Yeah. Your 18. And now you have your whole life ahead of you." I heard a much reconized voice say from the front door. My jaw dropped as I looked over to see my father.

"DAD!?" I yelled and stood up.

He looked at me, his jaw tightly clenched, his fists currled, and he said "Yes. Me. Your father, the man who did a perfect job raising you. Then you had to be a little and run away. Get over here you ."

I looked to Kyungsoo, scared and most likkely crying. He stood up and looked to the door.

"Get out." Kyungsoo said and walked to the door.

"Why should I listen to you." My father asked.

"Because I said so." Kyung soo said and slammed the door in his face. He locked it then came back over to sit by me.

"Thankyou." I said and hugged Kyungsoo.

He smiled. "Now, what are we going to do today, it looks like leaving the house is a bad idea. We should just stay inside."

"Yeah, we should have a movie marathon!" Suho said and looked excited. I nodded in agreament.

"Im gonna go put on diffrent clothes first. I feel kinda unconfortable." I said and stood up. I walked to my room alone and opened the door alone.

I sighed as I walked to my closet. It was full of color-orgnaized clean clothes. Minki had a tendency to come into my room and clean it for me whenever he wanted to. I had no secerts kept from him, so it never bothered me. I picked out some clothes and slipped out of the ones I was wearing.

I decided to put pajama's on so i slipped into these:

They were cute and confortable. I walked back downstairs after brushing out my hair and putting it up into pigtales. I was ready to be lazy all day and do NOTHING. When I came to the living room I was happy to see they people I love the most all sitting in the living room, relaxing.

"Bcak guys! Whats happening!" I said cheerfully, compleetly forgetting my father was probly still outside waiting for me to come out there.

"Were deciding a mover, wanna join the discussion!" Minki said adn smiled. I sat down next to him on the couch and Kai scooted closer to me. As the other guys decided which movie to watch, Minki Kai and I had a private conversation.

"So, Sohee." Kai said worried as Minki and Him snuggeled me close.

"Yeah Kai?" I asked.

"I know why dad is here. He knows what happened yesterday because your mom called and told him you turned 18 yesterday. He knows you had a party." Kai looked worried.

"WHAT!" I yelled and stood up. "HOW IN THE HELL COULD SHE BETRAY ME!?"

Kai gave me a look. I sat down and shut my mouth. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy and I was. I diserved all those looke.Suddenly an idea poped into my mind.

"Okay Kai. This is crazy but im going to do something. Just go along with me." I said and stood up. I walked to the front door with a wide smile on my face.

"Okay?" He said and stood up with me.

"No, sit back down. I need Kyungsoom!" I pulled kyungsoo up with me and we walked to the front door. I opened it to see my dad was still there.

"Hello sir, may I ask why your STILL on MY front porch?" I asked.

"I want to show you what you diserve." He said and held up his fist.

"Well, I disowned you a LONG time ago and what makes you think Im going to let you touch me" I said and laughed in his face.

"Because, I have something of yours that you might want back." He said and heald up a basket.

"Whats in that?" I asked, more curisous about it then getting rid of him.

"This." he lifted the blanket to show a little baby.

"WHAT THE HELL! Why would I want that?" I said and pushed him out of the way. I took the basket and looked at him.

"Whos is this?" I asked.

"One of your mom's. The american one. Her name is Jennice." He said and smiled.

"Well go give it to her. Get off my propetry or ill call the cops." I said and handed him the baby. He took it and started walking away.

"Well, that was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me." I said and turned to Kyungsoo.

It looked like he was freaking out on the inside.

"Kyungsoo?" I said and poked his cheek. He snapped out of it and smiled to me.


"Nothing." I said and smiled back.

He pulled me back to the couch and we sat down.

"So, now we can watch the movie." Suho said and I nodded. The movie started playing and we all watched in excitement. I loved the move and Im sure everyone else did, but it was extreamly booring when it ended.

"Well I should get going." Tao said and stood up. I waved at him as Kai started the goodbye train. One by one eyeryone left. It was just me, Minki, and Kai.

"Sohee. Your 18 now. Do you want to go clubbing tonight?" Kai asked me with a smile.

'Sure! Iv never been clubbing before! Even though last year you insisted on getting me that fake id. Iv never used it before." I said and thought about the fake id in my wallet.

"Well we can all go to a club tonight, unless Minki doesent want to." Kai said and I clould tell that Minki wanted to come so bad, he just didnt want Kai to know that.

"Nah, Ill come." Minki said cooly.

He already had a fake Id and didntneed Kai to get him one.

"Its only 3 in the afternoon. What are we going to do till 8?" I asked Kai.

"We will get ready." He said and looked at the clock on the wall.

"What! 5 hours to get ready!?" I said stunned. He nodded and pulled me up.

"Go get dressed in real clothes, we have to go get your hair done, nails done, new dresses, new shoes, and new accesores! Shopping!" He said and I squealed.

I love shopping with Kai. He always helps carry stuff and he has good taste. Minki does too. We all go shoping togther.

I ran up to my room and pulled off the clothes I had just recently put on. I went to the closet and grabbed this:

Minki knoced on my door and when I opened it I smiled.

"Honey you should wear more confortable shoes because were going to be walking alot." Minki said and walked to my closet. He pulled out these shoes:

I put them on and walked to the living room with him. Our small talk was lame and I could tell something was wrong.

"So, what happened." I asked. He looked down and blushed a dark red.

"Well, last night Minhyun said he loved me." He said. I squealed and jumped in excitement.

"But!" He stopped my squeales, "When I said it back, it made me cry. He asked what was wrong and I told him he was my first love... He got kinda akward.."

"Why! Why would he be akward!?" I asked.

"Because we were shirtless...." He said

I laughed loudly. He frowned and blushed.

"Sorry! Its just. Wow." I said.

"Well, Minki finally kissed Minhyun." Kai said from behind us. He was hit several times and we all started laughing.

"Lets go." I said and pulled the 2 of them out the door. We walked all the way to the mall, as we lived very close. As soon as we got inside I was pulled to a hair studio.


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Chapter 3: Please update. I love it
NamiNyan #2