In the past..

Lead On

"By the time she had told me it was all over, I had already been crying. My life was ruined by her sick suspicions and deivous ways. I could have sworn I had seen her try to break other peoples souls." Minki said, a sweet smile sttrung accrost his face. The whole class was in tears from his essay over the toughest time in your life.

"I knew she was broken too, as she said it afterwards. But I could break every bone in her body over again, and she would not cry, Never had I seen tears fall from her face." He continued to make everyone cry, but he had the stringht to not cry himself.

"As the old woman stood up and handed her swoard, she said "Minki, It is my time to go. You shall do this for me or i shall do apon you the worst think i know of." and I lifted the swoard and threw it at a wall. I walked out of the room and left her there to cry." Minki said, continueig with the heart breaking essay.

"I knew what was happening after I went into my bedroom adn heard the screaming. I knew my brother had done as she had asked. He had betraide my whole family, including her. And noone could save her, for she had a swoard inserted into her own heart." Minki said, almost finished with his hardship and pain. "And he left, he was gone forever. I was left with my father. Noone there to love me the way she did. My life, was practicly over. That is untill I found Sohee, and she changed my life. My best friend saved me, then she found me more friends, and they saved me. My life was saved by my best friend."

Minki finished the sad storys with the happy ending. Everyone clapped and wiped away their tears, adn i knew it was my turn to read my graphic essay.

"Mrs. Lee, It is your turn." Our teacher said.

I stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Well, My life didnt start being amazing till i ran away from my fathers home in America. I was born in amreica, while my parents were on vacation. When my mother was giving birth to me, my father was with another woman in a hotel. As soon as my mother realised what happened, she left me in the hall, infront of the door, where my father was staying. I sat there in the bread basket for i think 9 or 10 hrs, while my father and beat a woman. I dont rember much of my first 4 years, besides all the abuse. My dad said that he hit me because he could, but i knew it was because I looked like my mother. My mother was a great woman, she has explained to me many times how bad she felt about leaving me, crying over it every day was how she delt. Anyways, when i turned 9 was when the hell really started. I started to look more and more like my mother. He just couldent handel it so he started to stab me." I lifted up my shirt to show my scared stomach and looked around to see my 2 best friends Kai and Minki crying. For Kai to cry, it was hard to continue the speech, but i did it anyways. "He told me once that he was going to deform me so that he could love me. I belived him, so i let him cut me, then i started to realise how bad it was. I turned 15 and I looked like my mother and I could be twins. He didnt like it, one bit, so he inroled my into a diffrent school adn cut my hair. He made me look like a boy, and i accepted it." I said and took out my hairtie, and showed them all where my extentions connected to my short hair. "When i turned 16 i had been saving lots of money. I bought a plane ticket to Korea and I left my father, I knew he wouldent miss me, betweening a diffretn woman every night, and beating me and them, there was no time for anyone but him. I found my mother. At first she didnt accept me. I enroled to this school when i was still living on the streets. That was when I met Minki. He became friends with me in a mateer of weeks." I looked at Minki.

He was smiling through tears. I let some tears run down my face.

"He took me in. He gave me a place to stay. It turnes out that he had run away too and that he, a 15 year old boy, was living alone. Last year, when i turned 17, my mother found me. She gave me and Minki a place to live, it was much better than our stuffy apartment." I said and smiled.

"My life was... i guess you could say re-born."

I was finished, and i was the last one.

"Amazing Mrs. Lee. Thank You." The teachre said. I went to sit down, and just as i did, the final bell of the day rang. It was time to go home, and Minki, Kai, and I were going to My house, for my 18th birthday party.

I walked out the door and to my locor , grabbed my books and backpack

(Her backpack:)

I waited fro Kai by the door.

"Im leaving first darling, I have to prepair some stuff at home." Minki said and hugged me.

"Okay byee!" I said. Just as Minki was leaving, Kai walked around the corner and hugged me from behind.

"KAI! YOU JUST STOLE MY FIRST BACK HUG!!!" I screamed and pushed him off "ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

"Sorry! You neede one! Your 18 now and a back hug is one of the many things you have never had!" Kai said and winked.

I knew he was going to try and me.

"KAI NO ." I yelled. Just as i did he tackeled me to the ground and smiled.

"Fine." He siad and we both started to laugh loudly.

He stood up and helped me stand. He proceded to reach fro something in his backpack and pulled out a small white box.

"Kai.." I wispered as he opened it.

Inside was this:

"Its beautiful!" I said and grabbed it.

"You like it?" He asked andd helped me put it on.

"Yes! I love it!" I said and tryed not to squeal.

"Good, I thought you would." He said and smiled more brighter than before.

We walked out the large school doors. Our house was only blocks away so we walked every day. We had a huge fancy house, by we i mean Minki and I

This is our house:

Every room was fancy.

Our living room:

Our Kitchen:

My bedroom:

Minki's bedroom:

My bathroom:

His Bathroom:

And our spare bedroom/bathroom:

I guess the spair bedroom and bathroom belonged to Kai. He was there like... ever night.

He stayed over ALOT, because he was my best friend. He was anoying, he always left condoms around.

He said it was a reminder that  I was a , so he would leave them around to taunt me, but thats just Kai.

I still loved him like a brother.

"Kai! Your a slow mother er! Hurry your up!" I yelled from the front door. He laughed as soon as a hot guy i didnt know opened the door.

"Hey Sohee." He said "Im Kyungsoo."

I blinked and turned around to see Kai standing there, looking like a retard.

"What the Kai." I said then laughed, seeing the stupidness on his face "Wow."

I turned back to the mysteirous y boy in my doorway.

"Im assueming this is Minki's dooing." I said. "And by the way, Im Sohee. Not to be confused with that really pretty actor singer lady."

I walked past Kyungsoo to see my living room covered in decorations adn at least 30 people were there already.

"Happy Birthday Sohee!!!" Everyone yelled.

I smiled and looked at Minki "Thanks guys!"

I walked away, Minki, Kai, and Kyungsoo were folowing me.

"Guys. Let me change." I said as i stepped onto my room, still being followed.

"And honey." Minki said. "Take a shower. Im here to help you. You too, get out."

He pushed Kai and Kyungsoo out of the room.

"Fine. Hurry up Sohee!" Kai yelled as the door closed on his face.

Minki pushed me into my bathroom and into the bathtub. I was scrubed down and had to sit there with some nair stuff on my legs for 3 minuetts because Minki said "Some lucky guy is gonna get to you tonight and your gonn ahve prickly legs? I think not honey, put this on your legs."

And now here I am, clean dry hair, smooth y legs, and in 'special unsies' Minki got me.

"Do I have to wear these, they are confortable but.... I just think.. TOO UAL!" I yelled and pulled my robe over my barley covered body.

I know. Minki and I are REALLY close, i would never let him do this unless I knew he was gay.

"Just wear it." He said. I sighed and gave in. He walked away to get me my dress. It was short and purple.

"MINKI! WHERE'S MINHYUN?" I yelled. I could tell he was blushing and smiling right now.

"I dont know." He said as he walked back into the bathroom with the dress in his hand. He was smiling very brightly.

"Well he better be here for your 'needs' tonight." I said and winked. Minki's face just turned even redder.

"Sohee! He hasent even kissed me yet!" He said stunned.

I grabbed the dress from his hand and slipped it on. "I Know, but he will tonight."

I opened my bedroom door to see Kyungsoo and Kai standing there waiting. THEY HAD HEARD THE WHOLE CONVERSATION!!!! "Shoot!" I said and closed the door.

Minki came out of the bathroom with eyeliner in his hand and i sat down so he could apply it. I stood up when he was done.

"Kai and Kyungsoo heard everything." I said and blushed. Minki just laughed.

"So. All they know now is your wearing y undies and YOU THINK THAT KYUNGSOO IS CUTE!" He said/yelled.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" I yelled back.


"FINE! HE IS A VERRY Y PERSON!!!" I yelled and turned a dark red as i pened my berdoom door to see Kai laughing at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's jaw had dropped and he was blushing a bright red.

"Hello Kyungsoo." I said and pulled myself togther. Kai stopped laughing.

"Hello Sohee, May I escorte you down to the party?" He asked politely.

"Yes you may." I said and smiled.

He led me  to my living room and we started to party, going around and talking to everyone, drinking, and dancing.

~Later That Night~

So. Its like.. 10:00 now? I think so. I have drank... a lot.

"Kyungsooooo" I said and smiled like a retard.

"Yes my looove?" He said. He too had been drinking.

"Leeez go parrty in may room!" I stood up clumsly and started to walk to my room. He folled me after highfiveing Kai. I giggeled once i got to my room.

He came into my room and sat on my bed. I closed the door and locked it.

"Help me get this dress off." I said then winked.

Kyungsoo smiled and ped my dress then kissed my neck.

I giggeled and looked into his eyes. I kissed him.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up next to Kyungsoo, confused and in a little bit of pain.

I looked down to see a big bruse on my foot.

I was happy to see that i had pj's on and miracously Kyungsoo did too. I looked around for a or anywhere and was happy to not see any.

I sighed in relief to know I had not lost my innicets to some stranger.


Oh Gosh.

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, took some pain relifers, and put my hair up in a poney tail.

I walked to the living room and saw how messy it was. There were noises in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see Tao, Kris, Kai, Suho, and Minhyun sitting at the tabel drinking coffie.

"Sombody partyed too hard last night." Tao said and started pouring a mug of coffie for me. I laughed and then winced in pain.

"What happene princess?" Kai asked worried.

"My foot hurts, something must have happened last night in my room with Kyungsoo." I said.


"No, sombody was about to but she tripped and a chair saved her from loosing her innocents to someone she doesent know." I said to Kris and slapped the back of his head. He shuttered and then laughed loudly.

Kyungsoo came into the kitchen at that time, he was blushing and had really messy cute hair.

"Goodmorning Puppy!" I said without realising it. I blushed a dark red and my jaw dropped. His did too.

In like 10 seconds we were both cracking up laughing so hard. I was crying from laughing and everyone looked at us like we were retarted.



HEYA! This was chapter 1.. I know its risky to have 2 fanfics going on at once but im gonna do it anyways :D

Ill try to update this one as oftten as I can, so dont get mad if it is updated not so ofter, ill just try to make it as good as possible.


<3 <3 <3

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Chapter 3: Please update. I love it
NamiNyan #2