Whispering Corridors

Ghost Whisperer


Chapter 4: Whispering Corridors
It rains heavily at night outside Ma Ru Senior High School. A heavy footstep walks faster as the rain puoring heavily. As the figure came in front of the school gate. The figure, who wears a hood, with long hair and a very short pants as soon as she came, she smiles and as she throws the bag over the gate and climb up to the gate. She then walk straight to the school without any hesitance. But without the girl notice, someone was watching her from afar. 
 In the staff room, a teacher was there all alone, trying to call one of her students who has been missing. She tries to call her family about her but to no avail. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen her ever since."
"Ah, really? Then I am sorry for disturbing you at this hour"
"It's alright"
As she put the phone back, she sit down slowly as she look at her table. She is scrabbling her notebook. The teacher then grab a red marker pen as she begin to count 3 years. "2nd year, 3rd year" all over and over. But the teacher's expression is a bit worrisome. She seems to be afraid and while counting, she looks extreamly scared as she stopped counting. Suddenly someone knocks the door, the teacher, however were shocked and as she gets up really fast. It was the girl with a hood, smiles at the teacher while chewing her gums. "Oh, Jiyoung ah, you scared me, why aren't you at school"
"I was waiting for you, Mom, but I'm tired, that's why I came here. Althought I am a bit--drenched"
"You alone, where is your father?"
"Nah, working overtime. That's why."
"Don't worry, Jiyoung ah, I'll finish right away and we can go back."
"Okay, then I'll be in the lobby then,"
As the hooded-girl, who also known as Jiyoung as she walks back to the lobby. But she stops for a second. A cold breeze suddenly went through her cause her chills. As she turns around as to make sure that no one is there. "Creepy~~" . The teacher however went to the library as she were looking at the yearbook of her students from the past. As she turn the pages slowly but her expression became stiff as she stops. She looked at the book closely. She then put the yearbook as she trying to call one of the school's staff members. Unknown to the teacher, a figure was watching her from afar as the teacher trying to call someone. 
"Oh, Ra Im ah"
"Mrs. Lee, what is the matter,why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"
The teacher, Mrs. Lee paused and as the caller, Ra Im trying to call out Mrs Lee "Hello. Mrs. Lee?"
"Yoo Jin is here"
"Eh? Yoon Jin is here?"
"I don't know either"
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't know--I thought Yoo Jin died for sure--"
As Mrs Lee's eyes turn sides "But she's here"
Her expression becames white as she sweats in bullets in fear "Yoo Jin's been in this school for 10 years" 
"Mrs Lee I think it's not---"
Suddenly the call disconnected as Mrs Lee struggle to call Ra Im. she dial her number but to no avail. Then she suddenly hear a gist of voice ringing to her ears "White Lady" as Mrs Lee turns around slowly and then suddenly she's been choked by some force as Mrs Lee trying to struggle. The force that choke her was too tight, TOO TIGHT that Mrs Lee trying to break free but she was loosing her concious as she start to moves slowly and stops. A blood spills on the yearbook. Mrs Lee is dead.
Jiyoung, who was waiting for her mother all the time, walking back to her as she walks faster. She begin to feel a little worried about her mother as she walks as if she was running. "Where is she..The janitor says she's in the library..Where is she?" Behind her. Her mother was being drag by some force as she was pulled away. She was pushed outside afterwards. Jiyoung enters the classroom. It was very dark. Jiyoung then suddenly tripped down and land hard to the ground. As she turns around, a chair was there lying on the floor. As she gets up and return the chair to the desk. "Sheesh, why Mom works at this creepy school anyways,aish~~" Then, Jiyoung suddenly stops as she slowly turns around. The window was half open and the curtain is flowing with breeze. Jiyoung shook her head as she went and close the window. "Where is Mom, dammit, she's late!!" As Jiyoung leaves the classroom, the window that Jiyoung closed, opens by itself and the chair were moved also as the laughing of a girl flows. 
I looked around and sighs. It was Donghyun, running towards me as usual. 
Donghyun, who looks very stupid if he running like he seen a ghost. 
"You don't have to shout like that, Donghyun ah?"
"YOU....I heard you still staying at your relatives's house. Why you didn't move out?"
"Do you have to say that? If I leave, I'm gonna get scolded?"
"Scolded by who?"
Then I remembered. When I decided to stay there because of my cousin who start to care for me for a little while. Hyun Jong is the only one that stops me from going even though his family does everything bad to me. Yu never blame or scold me for staying but she did one "I heard that you a heavy sleeper. If you didn't get up to school before your cousin does. I'm gonna haunt you, y'know!!" That is the scariest thing I seen from Yu. I sigh when I think about it. 
"My cousin from maternal side, she is a very scary person, y'know"
"A girl cousin? I thought you don't have maternal relatives."
I paused and think back, now that he mention it, I didn't know who is my mom's side. My mom is a Japanese and she re-married my father before I was born and Bomi-nuna is still a child. I never ask them if they have one. I never actually think about it. 
"Anyway, did you hear the news at school yesterday?"
"Jiyoung, our classmate, her mother, the Vice-Principle, Mrs. Lee is dead at school"
"What? Mrs. Lee? Why?"
"I have no idea, some people say that there is a thief accidentaly killed her. Or they say the curse of the school."
"I have no idea about that."
Mrs. Lee, is dead? I can't believe this, Why Mrs. Lee? The one who treated me like her own son and like a mother to me. Why did it happen right after my family died in the accident. Why?
As soon as we came to the school gates, there is a police cars, two cars, I looked at the Principle's face, as he bows down to the four policemen who is on there way to the car. From there I can hear their voices clash to each other "Please, sir, do please investigate this matter."
"We'll do everything we can, Principle,sir."
"We'll be back after the investigation is over"
"Please do, Please do" as soon as the police went inside to the car as they on the move outside school. Me and Donghyun watch as they drive pass us. "Hey, both of you, your going to be late for your class, hurry up before the bell start to ring" As we hear the Principle we ran as fast as we can before the bell start to ring.
After the bell start to ring, we were seat as Ms. Hong, our Biology teacher, came to our class as we stand up "Good Morning,Ms. Hong"
"Good morning, class, I expect that you all do your homework I gave it to you right?" The studens were busy dig their bags. I was the only one that clueless. Homework? Since when? How come I don't know any of this? "Student Park? Did you done your homework yesterday?"
I panicked, Ms. Hong is one strict teacher. Even with someone like me she usual be the one who is being ask first. "Ms. Hong, I,uh--"
"Ms. Hong, I'm sorry, it was my fault!"
"Student Kim, what do you mean? "
"The truth is I didn't tell him about yesterday's homework so--"
Every one laughs echoing in the air. I slap my face as I stare at Donghyun  as I whispers "Kim Donghyun, I'm gonna kill you after this" 
It's been a long time, a very long time, even as the bell rings for recess. The students are messily went out from class and head to the cafeteria.Stomach were crouching,heads garbled; hearts now from the cafeteria waiting for them to come  Huh, lucky students from another class,eh? Well, as for my class, we didn't get to go out, well, It's Ms. Hong alright, she'll never give her student the chance to go, she is so in passion to continue lecturing. 
"This is , when will she stop?"
I looked at at Donghyun with my eyebrow raised and my lips smirk from the other side.  "Will you cut that out, she'll hear you, you know"
Well, true, I can't blame Donghyun and the rest of the students. They're like all worn out and some of them even like their nodding but their not. Their so sleepy, as I watch Ms Hong at the front. Nah, she doesn't know what the students been through. Ms. Hong is still diligently explain one of the bilofy terms at the front. Well, it'll be better if she knew that some of the students doesn't know what is she trying to say. 
"Hmm... I guess that's all for today." Urgh, finally she stops, I hit my head to the desk as they other students were stretch their hands and sigh in relieve, a good time for my classmates. "Is there any question?" Then the echoing voice turn silent as the classmates were hold their lips to say anything. They better not dare to say anything or else they won't go out for recess.
"Ms. Hong, I had a question"
Arck!! Sooyoung ah!! What the heck are you doing?!! You are ruining the mood here!! Dammit.  The others are not looking so happy. Well, can't help it though, Sooyoung is like that. She always ask in a wrong time, especially this one.I want to do something. But I don't have to power to control her. 
"What is it, Student Choi"
Then I sense a green aura covering around Ms. Hong. There is something wrong with her. Ms. Hong was about to explain something to Sooyoung before and suddenly she went quiet. Without a word, she close down her book  from her hands, pack her stuff from the desk and just walked away. 
The others sighs of relieve as they close their books and get out from the class. But I was the only one who left wondering, what was that green aura. What is it that make Ms. Hong stop and get out from the class?
"That is called Rei-chii aura, Soo Hyun"
I was shocked until I lost my balanced as I saw Yu was standing right in front of me as I fall down. It's a good thing I didn't hit my head though. Seriously, It hurts my . 
"Yu, what the heck are you doing? You almost loose me a heart attack!!"
"Cheh, a sissy, are?"
"What?! No, I'm not!!"
"Soo Hyun ah, who are you yelling at?"
Then I turn around and saw Donhyun there, I then looked at Yu and look at Donghyun again. "Who do you think I'm yelling at, I'm yelling at my cousin here!!"
"What,I can't see her?"
"What are you talking about, of course you can!!"
"You're getting creepier, Soo Hyun ah."
Then Yu suddenly whisper at me "You don't have to convince him to see me you know. He can't see me.If you talking to me like that WITH people around, people think that you''re crazy."
I then remember when me and Hyun Jong came back from the graveyard and about that cat ghost. Hyun Jong also didn't see that either. "So, I'm the only one who--"
"Talk later, you gotta go somewhere, ALONE!! Kay, without others."
I just quite down as I saw Donghyun from the door. As I ran away from his sight so Donghyun won't ran after me. "H-Hey, Soo Hyun ah, where do you think your going?!!"
I ran from the back of the school as I pants heavily. As Yu came without fatigue at all,. Well, what do you expect from a ghost, anyway? "Why am I the only one that can see you and the others don't , you're a poltergeist, right?"
"Bakayaro!! The only one that can see me is YOU ONLY!! Didn't I told you that you are a Ghost Whisperer. Have you forgotten?"
"Of course not, but--"
"No BUTS, a'ight? Why are always like this??"
I pouted as I turn away slowly, well, what did you expect, I can go off and talk to the air thinking I'm crazy. I scruffle my head as I turn to Yu. "Anyway, what did you do in class, anyway?"
"What did I do?"
"Yeah, I saw the green thing--"
"It's Rei-chii, silly. "
"Yeah, and it came surrounding to Ms. Hong. It's you right?"
"How come you know it was me?"
"Just tell me already.."
Yu just looking at me with an odd looking face. I was about to do the same as her. Why is she making that face? Does she think I'm joking or something? Then she nod and turn slowly away from me as she walks. I then try to follow her. What is exactly is her problem? 
"That kind of teacher made me sick, always lecturing this and that.All boring stuffs. So I kinda play an 'illusion'  to send her out."
"Eh? Why?"
"I use my Rei-chii to distract humans or spirits wherever I want to. Rei-chii has 7 colours, like a rainbow. The bright colours and dark colours. Good and Bad, Ying and Yang, got it?"
"So mine is Green and it always change light and dark all over, so I am consider myself neutral spirit."
"How about Yellow, Blue and Red? Are they the same as well?"
"Well, that Rei-chii you've just talked about it's the ones that balanced the source of all Rei-chii like.."
"Yellow--Is for humans; Yellow is neutral like Green and Orange, which is like mine, called The Trick types, like hypnosis or mind controller, in another words an Illusionists."
"Oh--" I hang my mouth wide open as Yu start to explain about Rei-chii and other stuffs. She also added, Blue coloured Rei-chii is the a very mysterious and very cool, like a river, that means that the spirits were neutral party like water-typed spirits but the auras are like magenta and light green."
"Then--What about the Red coloured Rei-chii?"
"That's the devilish Rei-chii, only belongs to those evil spirits who wish to harm humans, like an Onryo--"
I open my eyes and fell my mouth both wide open as the same time. I then begin twitching my head to the side and remember what happen to my aunt when she was possesed to that begrudging ghost that hated my mom's side of the family. "Like what happen yesterday?"
Yu just nodded. I begin to wonder about this Onryo so I gotta ask Yu but Yu turns to me and showing to her face speaking that she knows what's in my mind. "You're asking about Onryo, is it?"
I nodded and a bit surprised. "Onryo is a vengeful spirit of the dead who is not satisfied with the living.For example; You know the movie called 'The Grudge'." I remember that movie, I use to watch them when I was a kid, and my late sister was there,too. We use to always playing pretend we are that ghost as we make believe that I'm the victim and she is the ghost. Well,it use to drive my mom mad, sometimes saying that we don't have to pretend that we are those vengeful spirit, what if it comes to you and you'll be dead for sure. 
I looked at Yu as if she was afraid of something. She looks exremely scared. I was about to ask her but the shreak of a girl were sound. I looked up to where that shreak come from and I quickly carried my legs as fast as possible. I also met Donghyun on the way and both of us ran the same speed. As we reach the woman's bathroom, Ji Hee, our class female representitive were there, shook in fear. We slowly ran to her as her eyes is still locked in that bathroom. "Ji Hee ya, what's the matter?" But she won't budge, Her body were shivering as sweat came down from her face and the palm of her hands. I sense a very dark aura at that bathroom I stood up and start walk slowly towards the bathroom despite Donghyun's protest. That black but evilish aura just drawn me inside the bathroom. As I felt the dark aura were coming from the end of the bathroom. 
Kinda creepy, I guess, it's like I am walking to this creepy dark room and no one and I mean NO ONE is there. But then, I hear a whisper--A soft--but hard tone whisper suddenly covers me cold in my spine. I tend to look around to find that creepy voice. But nothing is there. Nothing at all. Then I looked around again, the toilet begins to change, the whole room has dark-coloured aura. DongHyun and JiHee is not there. It was getting creepier and creepier, it's like in the dream I had since I lost my family back then. But this--This is way creepier. 
suddenly I heard a voice, a laughter, not just a laughter and not that jolly one either, it's very vengeful and sorrow laugh. Then suddenly I looked around I was in this dark corridor. It's night time, I was shocked. "What the--" I continue to walk slowly as that creepy laugh was still in the air. "What a murderous aura here" Suddenly I felt something, cold, but not just a normal cold, it's like 'you're dead' cold like you touched a lifeless body without warmth. Then suddenly, something just touched my shoulder. I stood still, shivering with cold sweat as I saw a hand and I was about to turn around I saw--
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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1125 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen next...am dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1125 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)