Chapter 21

Beautiful picture

Jonghyun POV

- So, as you know, each year this school organize a contest, every child in last year and this year's contest will start tomorrow. All participants will drawn a theme.You will have 4 days to do your photos, drawing or anything else in your category. So now, go in class n°1, you will pick your theme over there.

- Different theme huh ?

- Sounds not difficult.

- Yeah, let's go we still have to see which theme we'll have.

- Good luck guys, we'll wait you here.

- Thanks !

Key and I went in the classroom, the room was full of student, it was the first time a classroom was full like that. We hardly walk in and came to pick a theme.

- What's yours ? Key said unfolding his paper.

- Flowers, wait what ? Aish, why did I picked that...


- Bad luck...

- Why did I picked 'Apple' is it even a theme ?!

- What about flowers ? It's stupid..

- Let's just find the others. Key sighed.

Key and I walk out of the class and joined Onew, Taemin and Minho while complaining about our theme.

- So guys, what's your theme ?

- IT'S NOT EVEN A THEME. We shouted.

- I guess you don't have good theme.

- What's yours ? 

- Flowers.

- It's quite good, you could have worse.

- Yeah.. But I could have better.

- Don't worry, you will do something beautiful. Taemin smiled and I ruffled his hair.

- And yours ?

- Apple..

- Apple ? Well... it's quite a good theme too..

- I know it .

- Yeah, it really .

- Thanks.. Key sighed.

- Don't be desesperate guys ! I know you can do something good, and you should you only have 4 days you know !

- Yes, we should start to work. I turned towards Key. We're enemy now.

- I'm gonna beat you.

- Not even in your dreams.

- Good luck, puppy idiot. Key smiled.

- You too, noisy umma. I smiled too.

- Alright, let's go Minho we have to work on our plan ! Key grabbed Minho's arm and start to walk. Bye guys !

- We should go too, bye Onew.

- Good luck guys. Onew smiled.

We passed the 4 next days to work on our project for the contest, the school was nearly empty, we didn't had lessons during the contest, students will only come to work on their project. Key and I met sometimes and we helped each other, Onew helped us too. Though it was simple, we had hard time to find something good with our theme but we found it finally. Taemin and I did a lot of research about flowers, we saw a lot of flowers and learn their significations. We ended up choosing white flowers, symbol of purity, consolation, innocence, naivety and joy. But also the refinement and elegance. These flowers looks like Taemin, his appearance, his character. Theses flowers which have refinement and elegance and which evokes the beauty and perfection describe perfectly Taemin. Key and Minho visited all the town to find an apple tree and they actually found it, they passed a lot of time over there. 
Onew always went to help us and cheer us, we worked all the day and we were exhausted but we continued to work since we only had 4 days, fortunately Onew was here, he forced us to come with him one night, and we ate together, we talked about our projects and gave us advices as always. We were lucky to have Onew, he was always here to help us and we were thankful. Although we were working, I spent most of time with Taemin and we became even closer. We noticed that Key and Minho became closer too, they were more friendly especially Minho, I would not be surprised if those two end up together.

We were finally the day of the contest, everyone were stressed, we finally gave our project and we now had to wait, minutes passed like it was hours, Key and I keep staring at each other, although we were 'enemy' for this contest we were still hoping that one of us will win. When the provisor come out everyone became to be more stressed and stared at him.

- We looked at all your projects and we finally ended up choosing four persons. We couldn't decided between two person so, there are two person at first place ! I'm gonna announce the winners :
At the third place : Kim Myungsoo with Lee Sungyeol as model.
At the second place : Hwang Tiffany with Park Sungra as model.
I turned my head when I heard people who whispered and clapped their hands. I turned towards them, it was Sungra, she looked at me and waved at me. I mouthed her a "I didn't know you participed" she just smiled and gave me a peace sign.
- And now at the first place...
The room was really quiet, some were hoping to win, other were praying, Key and I were still staring at each other.
- At the first place : Kim Kibum with Minho as model and Kim Jonghyun with Lee Taemin as model ! 
Everything went blank, did I really heard my name ? I turned my heard towards the provisor who was smiling. I felt someone hugged me, I looked at the person and it was Key.
- Yah wake up, we win idiot ! Key shouted.
I got up, carried Key  and myself, I put him down and hugged Taemin. Key and Minho joined, Onew came and joined us too. The provisor went out and went back with photos : 
- Both of your projects will be shown in the school :
- Wooow, did you really paint this Key ? It's really beautiful. I said looking at his painting, amazed
- Thanks, yours is quite good too, well thanks to Taemin.
- Taemin is a good model, but Minho is quite good here too.
- We did a great choice. Key turned to me and smiled.
- Yes. I smiled too and did a high-five with him.
I went towards Taemin, back hugged him and put my head on his shoulder.
- So what do you think ?
- It's really pretty.
- Well it's all thanks to the model.
- The photographer is also really talented. 
- The model I had really inspired me. 
Taemin turned back to face, wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled. I went closer and put my forehead against his.
- I think I understand now.
- What ?
- I think I understand what my mother said now
- what is it ?
- "The pictures you take are for you, they are meant to bring you good memories, you just need inspiration to make good pictures." The fact I started losing interest in photography was because my mother was my inspiration but now I find a new inspiration.
I looked at Taemin, smiled and kissed him.
- Everytime, the moments with you, I will take them in picture, so we will remember theses moments. I will never let you go cause I love you.
Hi guys~ so yeah here is the end of my fiction, it was quite short I know, but I'm working on my new fiction and you will now have an epilogue ! 
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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story!!! ❤
Chapter 24: Fofo e apaixonante! Parabéns!
Succubus42 #3
Chapter 24: Hi Author-nim! :)
This is my first and probably last comment to this story, but I just had to say that I've totally fallen in love with this fic! <3
I liked the plot. I admit that sometimes things were happenning too fast for my liking and I felt them a little out-of place, but it was sooooooo sweet and funny that in the end, I didn't have any complaints.
What I really liked is that when I read your story that I felt myself in an anime. The phrases, the writing style, and the background musics and videos - even though I usually don't like those, but here it was great - you used made the whole athmosphere of the story really uniqe and I instantly fell in the mood, when I read it.
Sorry, it's tl;dr, but I really wanted to praise you for this.
And Jongho is my OTP, so I definitely going to read your new story. Good luck with it! :)
Chapter 24: Cuuuute ending!! ^O^ <3
And the gif. Omo it looks like Jjong is about to kiss Tae *O*
Chapter 24: :''') It's the end! I feel so sad that it ends but I feel sooooo happy for JongTae semjfopsjfdklfjrf!!! soooo cute<3
I loooove this story so much~ Thanks Tsuki-yah~ <3
Chapter 23: It ended... But cute ending! Loved it! ^O^ <3
Chapter 23: DUHFDWLOIFJIFJF THIS WAS PERFECT! :''') Can I cry? :''') THANKS Author-nim for this GREAT STORY<3 Love you<3
I can't wait for other stories and dpwjfj JONGTAE IS TOO CUTE<3
Chapter 22: JONGHYUN OFJDSOFJIFJOIFJGIDJG!!! Whoooaaaaa Taemin is soooo cute! and Key xDDD That was soooo funny!!! Thanks for this chapter I loooooove it! :D I hope you'll update soon<3