Chap 12

Beautiful picture






First the video has nothing to do with the chapter, but I wanted to put it for Onew Style's master : Left Handed. She died last month because of leukemia. I wanted to pay her tribute because she was an extroardinary MVP. May rest in peace Left Handed Unnie ♥



Jonghyun ?

- It's me

- Hey Jonghyun-ah how are you ?

- I'm fine and you ahjussi ? Jonghyun bowed and smiled.

- I'm always fine ! So why do you come ? Do you already broke your guitar again. Laughed the owner of the music shop.

- No I just wanted to come. Jonghyun laughed too.

- Welcome then ! Coffee ? Suggered the man.

- Of course. 

The old man gave a cup of coffe to Jonghyun and turned to Taemin.

- Where do you learn to play the piano ?

- I learn by myself.

- Oh really ? Well you're really good !

- I was surprised when I saw you playing the piano.

- Thanks. Said Taemin

- So you know Yiruma ? Said Jonghyun and sat next to Taemin.

- Ne, I really like him.

- I see.

Jonghyun started to play a song and Taemin followed (

- You know Kiss The Rain too.

- I know some of his song but not all.
- I see.

- I maybe should buy a piano, I will never be bored in my house anymore.

- You don't have fun with Minho ?

- yes but he's always out because of his work.

- Then, if you're lonely, come to my house.

POV Jonghyun

Taemin looked at me with a surprised face but he suddendly smiled

- Really ?

- Yes.

- I really come when I want ?

- Just call me before and you'll can come when you want but not when I'm sleeping or i'll kick you.

- Okay. Laughed Taemin.

I smiled and I got up.

- So I'm leaving first.

- Ah, I should leave too.

- Already ? Well come when you want boys ! 

- Ne, goodbye ahjussi !

- Goodbye !

- Goodbye boys !

We exit the shop and start to walk.

- Do you have something to do ? 

- Ah, no.

- So, spend the day with me.

- O...kay.

- Don't worry, I will do nothing, I just want to spend the day with you. Let's eat something.

- Okay !

We entered a shop, took a seat and ordered. 

- I hope noona don't embarrass you last time.

- Oh no, not really

- Sorry, she's not really like this.

- Oh really ?

She is used to see me with Onew and Key, she was a little surprised to see you.

- Ah ne, I can understand her.

- What ? Is it really hard to see me with someone else ?

- Yes !

- You're mean. I pouted

Taemin laughed, the waitress gave us our order and we started to eat.

- I wanted to ask you, do you have family ?

- My mother and my brother, they live near Seoul but I don't have time to see them.

- You don't miss them ?

- Ne, but I often call them.

- I see.

I looked at him and smiled and continued to eat. The athmosphere became awkward so suddendly, we didn't what to say, it was really quiet until Taemin spoke.

- When does the context begin ?

- Next month.

- What is the theme ?

- I don't know, but everyone will not have the same theme.

- Why ?

- They do it every year, I don't know why.

- Strange..

- Yeah..

I finished to eat and looked at Taemin. He didn't even eat a half of his meat.

- Hey, you're really slow.

- I know but I can't eat everything.

- I don't eat a lot but I have to do because of you. I sighed and ate some meal of Taemin's meat. We finally fnished his meat, I got up and paid for the dishes. Taemin joined me and we exit the shop.

- So what are we doing now ?

- I don't know..

- Me neither..

- I should go back home, I still have to clean the house.

- You're like a second key. I laughed. I take you home.

- Okay. Taemin smiled.

We talked while we walked, I learnt more things about Taemin and he learnt things about me too. We took 20 min to reach Taemin's house but I felt like it was an eternity.

- I live here. Taemin pointed a house.

- Oh, okay.

- .. Well.. I'm going. 

- Oh wait,

- Ne ? 

- You have something on your face.

- Where ? Taemin touched his face.

- Close your eyes.

He closed his eyes, I took off an eyelash on his face, looked at him, closed and leaned my face towards him. Our lips were getting closer and closer but I stopped before they're touched each others. I opened my eyes and stepped back. I put my hand on my mouth and ran away. My cheeks were red. What the hell I was going to do ?!


Hello guys~ 
So here is my new chapter and sorry for the late udapted. I'm busy with school so I will post a chapter every two weeks~
I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for support. 
And I want to said RIP again to Onew Style unnie. She was one of the best fanbases, thanks for everything unnie, you will always be in our hearts


(Gif is not mine cr : Dreaming.)

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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story!!! ❤
Chapter 24: Fofo e apaixonante! Parabéns!
Succubus42 #3
Chapter 24: Hi Author-nim! :)
This is my first and probably last comment to this story, but I just had to say that I've totally fallen in love with this fic! <3
I liked the plot. I admit that sometimes things were happenning too fast for my liking and I felt them a little out-of place, but it was sooooooo sweet and funny that in the end, I didn't have any complaints.
What I really liked is that when I read your story that I felt myself in an anime. The phrases, the writing style, and the background musics and videos - even though I usually don't like those, but here it was great - you used made the whole athmosphere of the story really uniqe and I instantly fell in the mood, when I read it.
Sorry, it's tl;dr, but I really wanted to praise you for this.
And Jongho is my OTP, so I definitely going to read your new story. Good luck with it! :)
Chapter 24: Cuuuute ending!! ^O^ <3
And the gif. Omo it looks like Jjong is about to kiss Tae *O*
Chapter 24: :''') It's the end! I feel so sad that it ends but I feel sooooo happy for JongTae semjfopsjfdklfjrf!!! soooo cute<3
I loooove this story so much~ Thanks Tsuki-yah~ <3
Chapter 23: It ended... But cute ending! Loved it! ^O^ <3
Chapter 23: DUHFDWLOIFJIFJF THIS WAS PERFECT! :''') Can I cry? :''') THANKS Author-nim for this GREAT STORY<3 Love you<3
I can't wait for other stories and dpwjfj JONGTAE IS TOO CUTE<3
Chapter 22: JONGHYUN OFJDSOFJIFJOIFJGIDJG!!! Whoooaaaaa Taemin is soooo cute! and Key xDDD That was soooo funny!!! Thanks for this chapter I loooooove it! :D I hope you'll update soon<3