

A/N: Yes, I know this is waaay shorter than the last chapter, but I am planning for at least one more update before the end of the night, so bear with me.



Minji woke up early the next evening, not because she was anxious about seeing Bom, but because was burning. Fidgeting in the small enclosure, she unwrapped Jiyong's arms from around her waist and watch as he opened his eyes in surprise. Poking around above her head, Minji attempted to lift the wooden lid off of the coffin, but in her agitation she was unable to remove the lid.

"Minji, what are you doing?" Jiyong said sleepily as he attempted to pull her back down, "The sun hasn't completely set yet, you'll burn up."

"I don't care," Minji hissed at her boyfriend as she her lips, "I'm so hungry," she said angrily.

"Babe, you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer. We only have about a half hour left anyway," Jiyong pleaded as he looked down at his phone at the time.

"I can't wait that long," Minji replied with her hands shaking. She felt like a former addict going through withdrawal.

Jiyong pulled Minji against his chest and pinned her there with his arms, "You need to. I'm not risking you becoming a pile of ash."

"..." Minji cursed as her whole body started to shake, ", Jiyong, please," she murmured.

"Just try to go back to sleep, I promise we'll get you fed as soon as the sun sets," Jiyong stated once again and her hair lightly.

When the sun finally did set, Minji burst out of the coffin like a rocket. Jiyong had to practically dive after her to keep her from escaping the apartment. As soon as he got a hold of his girlfriend again, he quickly texted Dong-wook, making sure that he knew the situation was urgent, before he brought Minji over to the couch. Seconds later, Top emerged from the bedroom and watched as Jiyong struggled to hold Minji in place.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a yawn as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"She's starving," Jiyong said darkly as Dong-wook texted him back stating that he would be there in 5.

Minji, meanwhile, was attempting to read through her texts, but her phone kept shaking violently with the rest of her body. Giving up after a few seconds, Minji her phone into Jiyong's hands and demanded that he tell her what Bom said.

"She just wants to know where you are and if you want to get dinner."

"Of course I ing want dinner," Minji growled angrily and Top couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips. He quickly shut up, however, at the look that Minji threw his way.

"I'll text her back and say that you already ate and that you'll be home in an hour," Jiyong responded as he quickly did so.

Minji sighed in relief as Dong-wook finally made his way through the front door carrying a bag full of something. As he rushed over to the couch, he dumped several packets of blood onto the coffee table before tearing one open and pushing it up against Minji's lips. For her part, Minji down the first packet as if her life depended on it. Dong-wook quickly replaced that packet with another one and then moved to the kitchen to heat the other packets up in the microwave.

"What are you doing?" Minji whined as she finished the second packet and looked towards him for more.

"It'll taste better if it's a little warm," Dong-wook promised with a smile as he quickly took the packets out of the microwave and handed her another one.

As Minji continued to the packets down, one by one, she groaned. This was only dulling her thirst to an intense heat as opposed to the burning rage that she had felt when she woke up. She could easily down another 50 pints before the night was over.

"I know you're still thirsty, but I was in a rush, so this was all I could do. We'll leave for dinner at the club as soon as you guys get dressed," Dong-wook promised as he collected the empty packets and put them back into the bag before reaching the entrance of the apartment, "Be downstairs in 15."

"What if Bom is at my apartment?" Minji said nervously as she stood up and looked down at her boyfriend.

"You have clothes here, right?" Jiyong asked her and she nodded, "Just wear them, then. You can use my shower too."

Minji just nodded, too weak and hungry to talk anymore, before she disappeared into Jiyong's room. Minutes later she emerged wearing a dark green halter dress and she had tied her hair into a loose bun at the back of her head. As she was waiting for the boys to get ready, she applied light make-up to her face before the three of them headed outside to find a limo waiting to take them to the club.


"Is it really a good idea to be back here after last night?" Seunghyun questioned his maker as they walked into YG's section once again.

"Shinee is filming a variety show tonight, I checked before we left," Dong-wook responded as they settled into the booth once again and Minji aggressively snatched the drink menu away before anyone else could look at it.  As they stared at her in surprise, Minji just narrowed her eyes at them, as if daring them to attempt to take the menu back.

Snuggling into Jiyong's side, Minji opened the menu and the two quickly made their choices before Minji passed the menu to Top. She was starving, and if she didn't get food soon, she was going to eat the waitress. The waitress, for her part, must have sensed that because she quickly walked away to get their first round of drinks.

"Minji's extra hungry tonight," Gummy commented with a smile at their maknae.

"You have no idea," Minji sighed as Top went to order the same drinks from the night before, "So is this what you guys do every night?"

"Not every night," Dong-wook responded with a slight laugh, "Most nights we have to do promotions for our music-related activities."

"How does that work anyway? Not for you and Gummy unnie, but for Big Bang and 2NE1?"

"Well, Seunghyun and Jiyong's latest set of promotions was for their second collaboration album, so it wasn't a problem. As for you Minji, we're going to have to tell them something because your other group members are going to become suspicious if you suddenly demand to have your promotional activities switched to the night time."

"We'll have to tell them at some point within the next two weeks," Minji said seriously, "2NE1 starts activities again after that."

Dong-wook just nodded in understanding as their orders came out. Minji downed her drink in three gulps, her lips hungrily as she tasted the sweet, yet spicy, metallic taste of the girl's blood that she had ordered. Jiyong laughed lightly at the sight before he ordered Minji another drink, knowing she would be too embarrassed to do it herself after that little display. Thanking him quietly, Minji pressed a kiss to his cheek and watched hungrily as her boyfriend drank down his own order.

"Want a sip?" he asked her as he tilted his glass towards her, "It's type O."

"I'll end up drinking the whole thing," she confessed as she rubbed her stomach with a groan, "I'm too hungry."

At that, Jiyong ran his hand through her hair briefly before he returned to his drink. He knew it would take some time before Minji could control her thirst, but being the second youngest vampire in their group, he completely sympathized with how she was feeling. It had taken him a month before he was able to control the burning in his throat. Now it was mostly just a dull ache that occasionally flared up if he was extremely hungry.

As Minji's second round came out, she immediately downed that as well and ordered another. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but the others seemed unsurprised by her actions. She guessed they had all witnessed this type of behavior before from each other when they were newborns. As Minji slowly sipped on her cocktail, attempting to use that as temporary relief until her order came, her eyes wandered over to the three new fans that had been brought out tonight. They seemed so young. She wondered briefly if they truly realized what they were getting into by exposing themselves to a situation as dangerous as this one.

"Dong-wook, when will you start promotions again?" one of the fans next to Minji's oppa asked shyly.

"Not for a few weeks, I'm afraid. I still have to record a few tracks for my mini-album," Dong-wook responded politely as he smiled at the girl.

Minji leaned over to whisper in Jiyong's ear, "How can he manage to be so polite when he knows in a few minutes he's going to drain her of some of her blood?"

"I think that's why he's being so polite," Jiyong whispered back to her with a smile, "Can't upset the food, or it will never come back," he said with a grimace.

As Minji's third round of blood came out, the waitress brought along some CDs and posters of 2NE1 for her to sign for the donor that she had been taking blood from. Minji quickly took the sharpie from the waitress and signed the items, while also making sure to leave words of thanks on the merchandise as well. As much as she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that she was drinking some poor girl's blood, she knew that Jiyong had a point. They had to be extra nice to their fans to make sure that they had something to live off of.

", it's almost time to meet with Bom," Minji said as she stared down at her phone, "I'm still starving though," she confessed as she quickly downed the third pint of blood.

"Alright, we'll order three more for you and if you still aren't satisfied after that, just tell her that you'll see her a little later," Gummy said from across the table as she picked out three random people from the menu and ordered the drinks for Minji.

"Are you prepared to see Bom?" Minji asked suddenly as she turned towards Top, who had been more quiet than usual tonight.

"It'll be fine," Top responded honestly, flashing her a smile, "Unfortunately, I don't feel as strongly for her as she does for me."

"But that's not fair!" Minji protested as all three of her drinks were set down before her, "She really loves you."

"It's not fair?" Top questioned her curiously, "Is it fair to force feelings for someone that don't exist?"

"I guess...not," Minji relented with a sigh as she began to drink the first of her drinks. This one had a bitter-sweet taste, and Minji wasn't exactly fond of it, but she knew she needed nourishment so she continued to drink it.

"Besides," Top continued as paused from feeding off of the girl beside him and flashed Minji a bloody smile, "Bom was constantly flirting with Junsu from JYJ during our relationship. Ever since Daesung did Family Outing with him and Yunho during that one filming, Bom harassed Daesung until she got Junsu's number from him."

"She never told me that," Minji said in shock as she moved on to drink number 5, which had a sweet floral taste - if that was possible.

"She never told anyone. The only reason I found out is because Daesung told me when he was drunk one night."

"I'm sorry," Minji said sincerely as she flashed him an apologetic smile.

"It's okay," Top replied as he wiped his mouth off, "Like I said, the feelings were never really there, so I never really got hurt."

Minji just nodded silently as she turned back to Jiyong, "I think this one is my favorite," she said suddenly as she took another gulp of the crimson liquid before her.

"Yeah? What's it taste like?" Jiyong prodded as he held her hand in his own and squeezed it.

"Roses," she said as she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Hmm," Jiyong mumbled as he kissed her lips suddenly and then his own, "It does taste like roses."

Minji smiled as she opened her eyes once again before she quickly finished off drink number five and moved on to drink number 6, which had a sweet taste. It was good, but not as good as the blood from drink number 5. None-the-less, Minji could feel her thirst being quenched to a dull ache, which was definitely a good thing.

"I'm not as hungry anymore," she revealed as she looked around the table.

"Good," Dong-wook said, smiling, "Then we can definitely go visit Bom after this."

"I'm going to go home," Gummy said with a sigh, "I think Bom would suspect something if everyone suddenly crowded around her at once, but Dong-wook, you absolutely need to be there."

"I know," he replied as he looked between Jiyong and Top, "I think it's okay if the both of you come, but everyone just needs to play it cool, okay? There's no point in creating suspicion."

Both Top and Jiyong nodded dumbly at that before Dong-wook continued, "Minji, if there's an emergency and you feel like you can't control your thirst, just go into your room and grab your stitch doll and we'll know to drag you out of there, asap."

"Okay, oppa," Minji agreed as she finished the last of her drinks, "Should we get going then?"

"Yeah," Dong-wook said with a nod as he thanked the fans for coming out and quickly excused the group from the table.

As they made their way out of the club, Minji glanced curiously at the yellow curtain that marked SM's section, wondering what other vampires - besides Taemin and Yunho - were within the company before she was gently urged forward by Jiyong.

Just how many vampires were out there?



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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!