Falling Away With You


A/N: I know I really shouldn't be saying this, but I love this chapter..lol.

Falling Away With You

"They're planning on attacking tonight," Dong-wook reminded the group as he strode around the sand of the pier.

"Should we meet at the stadium?" Gummy asked curiously as she tried to calm her boyfriend down.

"No, there's no time," Dong-wook responded.

"What are we supposed to do without Aura? She was the one leading that revolution," Youngbae stated from his place on the dock.

"I don't know....I mean, look how that mess turned out," Bom said sadly, "Maybe it's better if we don't have a leader."

"We should have two leaders right now, but one of them is missing," Dong-wook said and watched as Jiyong suddenly paid attention at that.

He had been pretty depressed over the last two months - because they had never managed to find Minji - but he was nowhere near her level. He would still talk with them and occasionally smile and laugh but it was obvious that the absence of her presence was affecting him. In fact, it was affecting all of them. But whereas Jiyong was new to that absence, the others had learned to deal with it during the first six months of her disappearance.

"Where could she be...." Jiyong murmured, mostly to himself. It was killing him that he couldn't find her. He had even tried using his power, but it had been futile. Whatever state Minji was currently in, it was blocking him from finding her.

"Their attack won't work anyway....they're just doing it as a surprise attack," Daesung commented from next to Jiyong.

"You guys will not be here. In fact, you should probably leave now," Dong-wook demanded as he looked at Daesung, "But you're probably right."

"Then why are they attacking?" Youngbae asked as he ran his fingers through Dara's hair.

"Because even though they're not at full strength yet, they know that none of us are either and they must have figured that a surprise attack would throw us off guard and end up doing more damage."

"And how did we find out about the attack again?" Chaerin asked curiously from Seungri's side.

"Yunho overheard them or something.....which isn't surprising considering Taemin can't keep his mouth shut," Dong-wook said with a shrug.

"How much longer?" Bom questioned, "It's already night."

"Probably not much longer. They're probably just waiting until the others get here so they can kill a multitude at once," Dong-wook responded before he looked at the humans of their group, "You guys really need to get going."

Sighing at that, Daesung stood, "Alright guys, let's head back," he stated and the rest of the group went to follow him, including Youngbae.

"I gotta make sure they get home safely," he said at the vampires' looks.

As they left, Dong-wook watched as three new figures came into the area. Smiling uneasily at Jaejoong, Yunho, and Changmin, Dong-wook waved them over before he watched more of their allies spill forth into the area.

"My guess is that they won't count on us being at the pier," Yunho said as he greeted Dong-wook, "In fact they're probably wondering why we aren't in our dorms right now."

"That's a good thing," Changmin said as he looked at his hyung, "It gives us more prep time."

"Jiyong, it's good to see you alive," Jaejoong said with a little smile as he greeted the other man.

"Yeah, thanks. It's good to see you again," Jiyong greeted with a half-smile.

"I can't say I'm really happy to see you," said a new voice and everyone turned to see Taemin step into the area, with Leeteuk right behind him.

"Just shut up. What did I tell you about talking?" Leeteuk snapped at the other man and watched as he became flustered.

"The feeling is mutual," Jiyong stated with a dark glare. He wanted nothing more than to kill the man that was more or less directly responsible for his murder.

"So you found us out..." Leeteuk commented with a smile, "Well that's a shame."

"Why can't we just talk about this? Maybe we can help you guys to resolve your issues," Yunho stated, attempting to use peace once again.

"We've moved on to bigger and better things than just tiny issues with SM," Leeteuk said with a shrug, "Talking won't really help that."

"You don't even have any man power. Ras is gone," Dong-wook snapped.

"Please....Ras wasn't our only connection. We have even older allies in Europe," Leeteuk said and Dong-wook let an involuntary shudder pass through him at that.

"You might as well give up now," Taemin agreed with a little smile, "There's no way you can win."

Gasping suddenly, Taemin and the others looked at him in shock as a hand punctured a hole through his shoulder from the back.

There was a blur of motion before Leeteuk was blasted clear across the pier.

As SM's rebel army started to panic and flee the area, that same blur of motion danced across the pier and took them out, left and right.

Some of them were killed outright, while others were knocked unconscious.

"What the hell?" Jaejoong asked in alarm as he watched the scene before him, "What is going on?"

"Minji," Top and Dong-wook said at once, causing Jiyong's eyes to widen in surprise.

Sure enough, seconds later the whirlwind of mass destruction stopped and everyone was shocked to see Minji holding a severed head in her hands. Her eyes were pitch black and she was analyzing the battlefield unseeingly. A dark force had completely consumed her.

Watching as Leeteuk suddenly sprinted towards her, Minji threw the severed head at him, causing him to be thrown off his feet once more.

"The ?!?" Taemin bellowed as he watched the chaos before Minji's eyes suddenly focused on him, "!" he called in terror as he made to run. Before he could, however, he was grabbed by the force of mass destruction before she disappeared with him into the night.

"MINJI!" Jiyong bellowed as he watched her fade away, "Goddamn it!" he shouted as he threw his hands into the air.

"Taemin is a dead man," Top said suddenly as he covered his eyes with his hands, as if to block out the sight.

"I can't let her kill him," Jiyong said seriously as he turned to them, "If she kills him, then her revenge is complete and there's no turning back for her."

"Can you sense her?" Dong-wook asked him, "You may be able to track her now that she's in the area."

"I can't," Jiyong admitted but then a dark look passed over his features, "But I think I know where she's going."

"Where?" Dong-wook asked.

"Just let me take care of this," Jiyong demanded and before Dong-wook could protest, he teleported out of the area.

Taemin was afraid for his life, literally. Minji had teleported him to some random back alley and had dropped him face-first onto the ground.

"Recognize it?" Minji questioned in a low growl as she kicked Taemin in the ribs roughly, causing him to cough up his own blood as he moaned in pain.

Looking around the area, Taemin blinked in confusion. No, he didn't recognize this place at all.

"It's the place where you murdered him!" Minji snapped as she grabbed Taemin by his throat and raised him to meet her eye level.

Her eyes were completely black. She was soulless. A demon.

"I'm sorry!" Taemin gasped out, "Please don't do this," he begged and watched as Minji flashed him a twisted smile.

"So now you're begging? You weren't that night....what happened? Where's that courage?" she paused as she threw him against the wall, causing him to crack his head against the stone, "I guess that courage was all hidden behind Ras. Well...." she trailed off as she her lips, "Unfortunately for you, he's dead. I killed him."

"Please!" Taemin begged again as stars danced before his vision, "Jiyong is alive! You don't have to do this!"

"Liar!" Minji snapped as she plunged her hand in his earlier shoulder wound and twisted it in a clockwise motion, causing him to cry out in pain.

"I'm not lying! I swear!" he screamed.

"Prove it," she demanded with a laugh as she raked her nails across his face, leaving bloody trails.

"Minji!" a voice shouted from behind them. Minji turned around and her eyes widened at the sight of her dead lover before her.

"See? I told you!" Taemin shouted in fear as Minji flung him into the opposite wall, causing it to crack underneath him with the force.

"It's a ghost," Minji said simply as she dismissed Jiyong with a wave of her hand.

"Minji, I'm not a ghost," Jiyong said softly and watched as Minji turned towards him fully.

"You're always a ghost, so why should this time be any different? Leave....I have something to finish."

"Minji, I'm not a ghost!" Jiyong snapped as he moved towards her and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly, "Can a ghost do this?"

Looking into her eyes, he pressed his lips against hers, "Or this?"

Minji gasped as she felt the solidness and realness of her boyfriend. Shaking viciously, Minji's eyes returned to their normal color as she collapsed against him, "Jiyong?" she asked in a weak voice.

"I'm here, Mingkki, it's me," he confessed as he held her sobbing form against his chest.

"It can't be, you're dead," she sobbed as she buried her face into his neck.

"I'm not," he whispered against her ear, "Not anymore. It was Aura...back in the tower," he attempted to explain.

"Aura?" she asked weakly as she lifted her head to look at him, "How?"

"I don't know, Mingkki, she must have done something to make me come back and it caused her to pass away."

"But you're back," she tried to reaffirm, confusion clouding her vision.

"I'm back," he agreed with a smile as he kissed her again.

Taemin used the opportunity to dart out of the alleyway, but just as he made in past the wall, Minji slammed him into the wall again, pinning him against it by his neck as her eyes turned to black once more.

"Minji, stop it!" Jiyong demanded in worry as he put his arms around her waist and yanked her backwards.

"No, he deserves to die, he will get what has been coming to him," Minji said in a dark voice that was barely her own.

"Honey, you can't kill him," Jiyong murmured against her ear as he rubbed her back, "It will destroy you."

"I don't care...he deserves it for what he did to you," Minji snapped.

"No," Jiyong said firmly again, pressing a kiss against her neck, "No, Minji. We're not doing this."

Looking at Taemin as the girl in his arms struggled to regain her composure, Jiyong's mouth set into a grim line, "I suggest you get out of here now. I'm barely able to restrain her as it is."

Needing no further urging, Taemin bolted away into the night.

"Minji, look at me," Jiyong demanded as he held her face and watched as she stared at him with unseeing eyes, "Control yourself."

"Let me kill him," she hissed as she looked back at him.

"No," he said again firmly as he her hair, "As your maker, I command you to control yourself."

Watching as she hissed at him in fury before his lover's eyes returned to their normal color, Jiyong was terrified when he saw that - even in her normal state - her eyes were filled with hatred.

"Minji, you have to stop letting that side take over," Jiyong demanded as he pressed his forehead against hers, "It's not healthy."

"I don't give a ," she snapped at him, pushing him away, "She protects me."

"What are you talking about?" he demanded as he pulled her against him again, gripping her shoulders tightly.

"I don't want to feel this way," Minji shouted at him, throwing her hands into the air, "I don't want to feel all this hurt."

At that, Jiyong gasped before pain flashed across his face. There would be a long way to go before he could fix her, "Minji, you don't have to. Let me help you, Let me heal you," he begged as he pressed another kiss to her lips.

"I c-can't," she sobbed against his chest, "I c-cant. If I let you in....then what happens when you die again? I can't handle it, Jiyong. I won't!"

"Minji, I won't die again, okay? I'll be safe. I'll be stronger....we can train together and take measures..."

"It's not enough!" she screamed at him, pushing him away once again, "It's never enough!"

"Minji, please.....please..." he begged as tears streamed down his own face, "I can't lose you like this."

"You don't even understand," Minji shouted at him, becoming enraged, "Even if you're safe....even if we take the right measures....there will be something else. There will always be something else."

"Then we'll fight them," Jiyong said as he stretched his hands out to her but was rejected, "We can fight them Minji, please."

"No....and the things..." Minji tugged on her hair as sobs escaped , "The things that I've done...there's no way....no way you could even love me."

"That's not true," he yelled back at her, "I will love you until the end of the world."

"You can't....we can't. Jiyong I can't do this," Minji said as she turned her back on him and looked into the distance, "I can't do this....it's too much."

"I am not letting you go," he shouted at her back and watched her turn around, "I am your maker and I am not letting you go," he said firmly.

"You can't make that decision for me!" she shouted at him.

"I can. I have that power, and I will use it," he threatened.

"Stop it!" she screamed at him.

"Let me help you, Minji, please..." he begged as he wrapped his arms around her again and felt her body shake.

"No....I can't be helped..." she said as she hung her head, "Just leave me alone."

"Never," he said against her ear, "I will never leave you alone again."

"What's going on?" Dong-wook demanded as he and Top arrived in the area.

"Hyung," Jiyong said in annoyance as his girlfriend looked up at their arrival.

"Minji?" Top asked quietly as she regarded him with normal looking eyes, "Are you okay?"

At that, Minji narrowed her eyes at him, " you!" she spat as she made to run away.

"Minji get back here!" Jiyong demanded and watched as she turned around unwillingly and made her way back into his arms.

"Would you guys just give us a ing second?" Jiyong asked them angrily as he pulled his girlfriend further back into the alleyway, away from them. He was trying to break through to her and they were ruining his efforts.

"Jiyong, I've heard enough..." Minji threatened as she looked up at him.

"You're not leaving me," he said firmly as he kissed her forehead, "I won't allow it."

"Then I will hate you," she promised even though she knew it wasn't true.

"Then you can hate me," he said seriously as he brushed hair out of her face, "You can hate me all you want."

"Why are you doing this?" she demanded.

"Because I love you and I need you to get better," he said softly as he rubbed her shoulders.

"I'm not sick!" she snapped at him, causing him to sigh.

"You are, and you know it," he retorted, "Knock it off....you're stuck with me. I'll take care of you."

"I don't want you."

"Really? So all this chaos that you've been causing the past couple of months has been because you wanted someone else?" he asked her and watched as her eyes narrowed at him.

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Come on, Mingkki, you don't have to be this person," he said softly as he pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I don't want to be here," she said with a choked sob, "I can't be here."

"Then we'll go somewhere else and hide out for a while," he said as he looked into her eyes, "We don't have to be here."

"You can't do this," she demanded once again as she looked into his eyes, "Stop making decisions for me! I can make them myself."

"I can do this," he retorted as he looked at her seriously, "And I will do this because you need someone to make decisions for you. The ones that you've been making for yourself lately have only caused you pain."

"I hate you!" she screamed at him as he lifted her against his chest and she wrapped her legs around his waist, burying her face into his neck.

"You might hate me now, Mingkki, but I'm doing this for you," he said softly into her ear as he carried her out of the alleyway.

"Jiyong?" Dong-wook questioned in concern as he watched the younger man carry his girlfriend closer.

"She can't be here," Jiyong said to them as he regarded them, "I need to take her away for a while."

"She needs to be with her family!" Dong-wook snapped at him.

"No, hyung, she needs to be with me," Jiyong shot back as he cradled his broken lover against his chest, "This environment isn't good for her. I need to help her and I can't do that with all of you suffocating her."

"If you leave now we won't see you--"

"Hyung, shut up," Top snapped suddenly as he looked at the older man, catching him off guard, "Just let them go."

At that, Jiyong nodded at him in appreciation before he and Minji 'popped' out of the area.

"You realize there's a large chance that we won't see them again, right?" Dong-wook asked his child.

"I realize that," Top agreed but then shrugged, "But I also recognize that Minji needs help and that she won't get it here. Jiyong was right. Minji needs to be with him. When she gets better, we'll see her again, I'm sure of it."

Dong-wook sighed at that. He really hoped his child was right.


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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!