Get Up & Move


Get Up & Move

"I think I'm dying," Minji revealed as she clutched Jiyong's hand tightly and placed her other hand over her eyes.

"If we weren't already dead, I would agree with you," Jiyong nodded as he rolled slightly over and kissed her forehead.

"Great idea, Jiyong," came Dong-wook's muffled reply from somewhere on the floor below them.

"None of you opposed that idea," Jiyong muttered as he looked around to see that Bom was curled up against Top's chest on the other couch, with Top's arms secured tightly around her waist.

Nudging his girlfriend slightly, Jiyong nodded to the scene on their left and watched as Minji's eyes widened in surprise and she bolted upright to see the scene more clearly before she realized her hangover was still in full effect and held her head in pain.

"Oh ew!" Gummy suddenly shrieked as the cat napping by her head suddenly transformed into a Youngbae, who immediately apologized for his before he grabbed a random blanket from nearby.

"What? What is it?" Bom demanded as she groggily opened her eyes before she realized the position she was in, "OH MY GOD!" she screamed and flew off the couch before Top had time to fully process what had happened.

"What is this?" Bom demanded as she gestured at herself and then at Top.

"I don't know!" Top shouted, "I woke up just as confused as you!"

"Never again!" Bom vowed as she moved into the kitchen groggily and grabbed a blood packet before she downed it, "Hey! This works on hangovers," she called suddenly before she brought the rest of the packets over and passed them out.

"Not for me," Youngbae said with a slight whine.

"How did you end up out here anyway?" Gummy asked the younger man.

"You don't remember? All of you got wasted and then banged on my door and demanded I come and drink. Seunghyun threatened to strangle me if I didn't take shots."

"Sorry about that," Top said quietly.

"And then when I was about to go back to my room you," Youngbae pointed at Gummy accusingly, "Said that you wanted to snuggle with a kitten and demanded that I transform into one. I tried to get away, but then hyung," he said as he pointed to Dong-wook, "Growled at me and demanded that I transform into a kitten, so I had no choice."

"We're never drinking again," Minji declared and watched as Youngbae whirled on her.

"You definitely should not, considering the way you dance with Jiyong when you're drunk," Youngbae accused and Minji was suddenly horrified, "You practically had with him on the dance floor."

"Back off," Jiyong warned before Youngbae him.

"You were just as bad," Youngbae snapped, "Not to mention that you kept feeding Minji shots."

"Ah?" Jiyong questioned guiltily as he looked at his girlfriend, "Sorry."

"And don't even get me started on you two," Youngbae declared as he turned back to Top and Bom, "First you argued, then Bom started crying, then you argued some more, and next thing I knew you were all over each other, making out and what not."

"OH MY GOD!" Bom screeched again as she ran into the guest bathroom and slammed the door shut.

"Unnie!" Minji screeched as she attempted to follow her but was pulled onto Jiyong's lap instead.

"Aura is going to be so mad at us," Gummy said in worry as she looked at her cell phone and realized it was 9:30 and that she also had several missed calls from the woman.

"I'm surprised she didn't come here," Dong-wook said honestly.

"I tried, but imagine my surprise when I saw all of you passed out and surrounded by empty shot glasses," Aura said as she 'popped' into the apartment, "I won't ask, but let's hurry up and get going. We have a lot to do today."

"Alright, shower break and then everyone come back here stat," Dong-wook demanded as he clapped his hands together.

"I can't believe Bom made out with Seunghyun," Minji said seriously as she and Jiyong washed themselves off in her bathroom shower.

"I can," Jiyong said with a shrug as he helped Minji wash her hair, "I feel like there was always something there at least."

"Yeah, maybe you're right but --"

"MINJI! I CANNOT BELIEVE I MADE OUT WITH TOP!" came Bom's voice moments later as she entered Minji's unlocked bathroom and put the toilet lid down before she sat on the covered toilet.

"Uh...unnie?" Minji called as Jiyong flashed her a wide smile and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Bom's voice demanded again as she buried her head in her hands. Luckily a dark blue curtain was obscuring Bom's view from the couple, but she had no idea that Jiyong was in the shower with Minji.

"Ah, unnie, obviously I was too busy dry-humping my boyfriend apparently..." Minji called.

"Yeah you guys must have a lot of . It seems like you can't keep your hands off each other," Bom agreed momentarily and Jiyong glared at Minji before mouthing 'you told her?'.

"But anyway...let's not talk about that," Minji said suddenly as she shrugged at her boyfriend.

"Okay, let's get back to me and Top. I don't have feelings for him anymore, so I'm not sure why I acted that way," Bom said with a sigh.

"Maybe you were really hungry last night. It was your first night as a newborn and you might have been like me when I get hungry. I'll basically have with anyone because that's how strong the blood lust is," Minji said and then mouthed 'sorry' to Jiyong when he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Yeah, you're was probably a lust for blood and not for him," Bom agreed and then her eyes widened, "You don't think I had with him, do you?"

"No, of course not unnie. Youngbae would have said something, unfortunately," Minji said with a sigh.

"It's been so long since I've had ," Bom said with a sigh, "I'm not gonna lie, I probably could have used it, especially since Top is so attracti--"

"UNNIE!" Minji suddenly shouted as she watched Jiyong laugh silently, "Let's not talk about that."

"Why? It's girl talk. This is what we do. The only time we wouldn't talk about this kind of thing is if there was a guy.....oh my god," Bom said suddenly and then stood up abruptly, "Jiyong?"

"Hi, noona," Jiyong called with a laugh.

"Oh my God," Bom said again, "Minji why did you let me go on and on?"

"I couldn't exactly stop you!" Minji defended.

"I'm so embarrassed! Jiyong if you say anything--"

"I won't! I promise!" Jiyong called from behind the curtain.

"Aigo, I'm so embarrassed," Bom said again as she exited the bathroom.

Minutes later Minji exited her room, fully dressed, and was immediately confronted by Bom.

"Why didn't you tell me he was in there with you?" she demanded again in a harsh whisper.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know when to tell you," Minji said honestly, "But he won't say anything, I promise."

"I guess I can't be that mad," Bom said honestly, "At least you're getting some."

"Aigo, unnie, don't say it like that! It makes me sound like a ."

"Not at all," Bom reassured the younger woman with a squeeze of her arm, "You would only be a if you went around and had with a lot of guys instead of Jiyong."

"And let's not have that happen," the man in question interjected as he also exited Minji's bedroom dressed in a pair of black jeans and a blue hoodie.

"Anyway...." Bom trailed off, looking embarrassed, "Are we grabbing something to eat first? I'm starving."

"We're eating at the club with Aura in a few," Minji responded with a smile.

"We'll good. Let's get going now," Bom demanded as she ran out the front door with Jiyong and Minji trailing after her.

"Don't touch me," Bom snapped as Top accidentally hit her arm on the way inside the booth.

"That's not what you said last night," Youngbae interjected, causing both Bom and Top to look away in embarrassment.

"Let it go," Dong-wook demanded of Youngbae as he glared at the younger man.

"Eat quickly," Aura stated from across the booth, "We have a lot of work to do today."

"What areas will you train us in?" Gummy asked curiously.

"Basic combat and stealth tactics," Aura revealed and then looked over at her heirs, "Minji and Jiyong will learn a few new abilities though."

"We're learning more new ones?" Minji asked as she grabbed Jiyong's hand before he could slide it up her thigh underneath the table. Lately he was acting like a teenager.

"Yes, three, in fact. One will deal with healing, one will deal with time manipulation, and one will deal with the elements."

"Are we going to be able to learn all of them today?" Minji asked and then hissed as Jiyong traced circles into her thigh. He was really pushing it lately.

"Maybe, but probably not," Aura admitted, "I'm going to try and ensure that you have the basics down of all three, but it's up to you two whether or not you learn them quickly."

"Then we should try our best to learn all three of them," Minji said pointedly as she dug her nail into Jiyong's hand and caused him to recoil from her thigh before he winced at her and then nodded.

"We'll try our best," he agreed.

"Excellent. Now is everyone almost done?" Aura asked and looked around the table to see that several nods were thrown in our direction, "Then let's head out to the pier."

"Aren't you worried Taemin and the others will show up?" Dong-wook asked curiously.

"No. I've set up barriers around a certain parameter of the pier, so they shouldn't," Aura responded as she grabbed her bag and left the booth.

"Let's get going."

"OW!" Jiyong hissed again as several rivers of blood erupted from his previously undamaged forearm and he turned to his girlfriend in pain, "Heal them already!"

"I'm trying," Minji snapped at him as she moved the palm of her hand over his arm again. A white glow started to form beneath her hand but it had only managed to stop the bleeding, not heal the wound completely.

"You're making progress," Aura commented with a smile as she continued to battle Dong-wook, Gummy, and Top all at once. Every once in a while she would stop her opponents and make suggestions before they would begin flying at each other again.

Minji and Jiyong, meanwhile, were attempting to heal cuts that they gave each other, but it wasn't going so well. If they used their power together, they were able to heal minor cuts and stop the bleeding in major wounds, but on their own they still had a lot of work to do.

Minji looked over briefly to see that Youngbae was flying around the area in bird-form. Apparently he was doing some form of training himself, but Minji wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to accomplish. Every so often she would hear Aura shout commands at him and Youngbae would either change direction or dip down and snatch something off the ground, but for the most part Minji had no idea what Aura was trying to train him.

"This is like a damn circus," Minji muttered as Jiyong grabbed her hand tightly and they both focused their energy together to heal the wound on his arm.

"I wish I had a video camera," Jiyong agreed with a smile as he slashed his girlfriend's arm without warning and received a punch to the gut.

"You could have warned me!" Minji hissed at her now-bleeding arm.

"You didn't warn me last time," Jiyong snapped as he attempted to regain his breath.

"That's because you were being a snarky ," Minji countered and received a glare at her statement.

"Just hold still," her boyfriend commented in exasperation. He had almost forgotten how y his girlfriend could get when she was stressed out, but Minji was quickly reminding him.

"Don't touch it," Minji whined as his hand hovered over the wound. Blinking in surprise as Jiyong suddenly captured her lips in a soft kiss, she was amazed to see that he had successfully healed the wound.

"Maybe that's the trick," Minji commented offhandedly.

"Maybe," Jiyong agreed with a smile as he held her now-healed arm.

"You're turn," Minji said with a wicked grin and Jiyong's eyes widened before he let out a hiss of pain.

"It worked!" Minji said with a triumphant fist-pump seconds later as she also held Jiyong's healed arm.

"Great!" Aura shouted from over her shoulder as she dodged a blow from Top and then sent him flying towards the ocean, "Now focus on major wounds!"

"What?!?!" Both Jiyong and Minji shouted in horror as they looked back at the first vampire.

"I said, focus on--"

"We heard what you said," Jiyong interjected as he watched Gummy fly at Aura's head before the other woman promptly ducked, "We're just not exactly fond of the thought of giving each other mortal wounds."

"But you're immortal, so you'll be fine," Aura retorted as she blasted Dong-wook backwards and then gasped in surprise as Top managed to land a sneak attack on her leg and she was thrown off balance.

"Good job," Aura said with a smile as she nodded at Top appreciatively and then half-turned towards Minji and Jiyong, "Besides, we have that whole cooler of blood packets if it doesn't work."

"You're crazy," Minji snapped, "I'm not going to hack and slash at my boyfriend."

"Just do it!" Dong-wook snapped from somewhere behind Aura and both Minji and Gummy immediately glared at him.

"Look....we don't have time to fool around," Dong-wook attempted to explain, "The faster you two learn how to heal others on the battlefield, the better."

"Then why don't you volunteer yourself as mortal-wound-boy?" Minji snapped and watched as Dong-wook immediately snapped his lips shut and avoided her gaze at that.

"That's what I thought," Minji huffed.

"Then use me if it's going to be such a big problem," Aura said seriously as she walked towards them.

"What? No! You're crazy! We shouldn't use anyone," Minji said hurriedly and then she turned around as she heard someone let out a low groan and she saw Bom wake up from her make-shift bed behind the cooler. The woman had been sleeping on a pile of the others' jackets because Aura wouldn't let her fight in the upcoming battle but none of them would leave her at the dorms by herself either.

"You guys are being too loud," Bom groaned as she yawned loudly and then snatched one of the packs of blood out of the cooler and began to drink it.

"Well this wasn't exactly an outing with the purpose of taking a nap," Top snapped at her.

"Shut up," Bom retorted, looking over at him angrily before she suddenly smiled, "Why don't you guys use Seunghyun as your target?"

At that, Top paled before he shot back, "Or maybe I'll command you to lend your hand."

"You wouldn't," Bom said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Enough. I already offered myself, so let's get started," Aura said with a sigh as she looked at the group around her.

"No," Minji said again, "I'm not going to attack anyone."

"Then let me attack you instead," Aura said simply and Minji let out a screech as the other woman flew at her and she was forced to be on the defensive.

"Jiyong!" Minji screeched as Aura took a pocket knife out of nowhere and prepared to stab Minji in the gut.

"Get the off of her!" Jiyong bellowed before he rushed Aura and managed to get the knife out of her hand. Before Minji couldn't even blink, Jiyong had stabbed Aura in the gut instead.

"It's good to know that all I need to do is threaten one of you for the other to get the job done," Aura said with a pained groan as she removed the offending metal from her gut and then looked over at her heirs, "Now. If one of you would kindly heal me."

"Damn," Minji breathed as she recovered before she instantly stretched her palm out over Aura's stomach and attempted to heal the other woman. Snapping her eyes shut, Minji focused her energy into the wound and was satisfied that - when she opened her eyes again - the wound had healed to a shallow cut.

" guys will definitely be ready by the end of tomorrow," Aura said with a smile as Jiyong finished healing her.

"It looks like you've covered a lot of ground with these two," another voice said and Jiyong and Minji turned to see an unfamiliar woman move into their line of vision. She had dark brunette hair that was secured tightly on top of her head in a bun and was wearing business attire. All in all, she looked like she had just arrived from some sort of meeting.

"Namina," Aura greeted with a sigh as she wrapped her arms around her heirs and looked at the other woman, "Yes, we've got basic and intermediate healing down for now."

"Anything I can help with?" Namina questioned as she avoided the 'heirs' gaze and looked over towards the other group of people.

"You can train them for now," Aura said as she gestured towards the other group. Namina's coldness towards her heirs hadn't gone unnoticed by her.

"Sounds perfect," Namina said - still not looking at them - before she walked over to the other group and began to train them.

"Why do I get the feeling that she's not entirely trust-worthy?" Minji asked in a small voice as Aura released her from her grasp.

"Because she's probably not," Aura said with a sigh.

"Then why are you allowing her to conduct business for you?" Jiyong asked in confusion.

"I have people that are extremely close to me that are keeping an eye on her. Don't worry, I have checks and balances everywhere in the vampire community. If she betrays me, I will know and she will be dealt with accordingly."

"That doesn't answer my question," Jiyong said and Aura nodded at him.

"Because she's an excellent business woman and I need a talent like her to help get things done," Aura admitted with a shrug.

"Everything in the vampire community is just a little bit shady," Minji said darkly and watched as Aura laughed before she squeezed her shoulder.

"Trust me, I know," Aura agreed.

"So what's next?" Jiyong asked as Bom got off the floor and moved to join them, feeling left out.

"Next you will learn to freeze time," Aura said as she clapped her hands together.

"Excuse me?" Minji asked as she felt Bom wrap an arm around her waist.

"You'll only be able to freeze it for a few seconds today, but it will be useful," Aura continued to ramble on.

"How is that possible?" Jiyong asked seriously and then shook his head. It didn't really matter because prior to three months ago, he didn't think any of this was possible.

"It's possible through time-space manipulation," Aura answered, "If you let your senses slow down completely and let the atmosphere around you slow down as well, you will be able to slow down time. If you let your senses and the atmosphere stop, you will be able to stop time."

"That's so cool," Bom said excitedly as she squeezed Minji's waist.

"Really cool," Minji agreed with a smile.

"And it doesn't involve bloodshed," Jiyong said in relief.

"Nope," Aura agreed, "Now let's get started. Try to slow down your senses like I suggested."

Several hours later, both Jiyong and Minji had managed to stop time completely for several minutes. Aura was undoubtedly impressed by their skill and their quickness to adapt to their skills. She also couldn't help but laugh at the duo as they moved around their friends and waved their hands in front of their companions' frozen faces. They were having way too much fun with their new-found ability.

"Excellent you guys. Let's hit the play button again," Aura demanded and watched as both Minji and Jiyong refocused their energy and their friends came to life once again.

"How did you get over here?" Gummy asked Minji sharply as she saw that the younger woman was inches from her face.

"Time manipulation, unnie," Minji explained and watched as Gummy just nodded her head in confusion.

"Alright," Aura suddenly announced, interrupting all of them, "We're going to call it a day on training. You guys all look pretty wiped out. Feel free to do whatever for the rest of the night, I'm going to give you guys some free time."

"Yay," Minji said unenthusiastically and watched as Jiyong started to laugh at her.

"Could you try being less excited?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and crushed her body against his own.

"Yay...." Minji said even more unenthusiastically and caused Jiyong to laugh again.

What they were going to do for the rest of the evening was beyond Minji, but she sincerely hoped that it didn't involve alcohol again.


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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!