

A/N: I realize this update was a long time coming, I apologize! I haven't been feeling completely well the past few days (or even today for that matter) so updating will be a little slow. I hope this can hold you guys over til the next one!


"Will Bom be okay?" Minji asked as she and Jiyong walked through the park before sitting on a random bench. After everyone had had their share of blood at the club - and after everyone had made arrangements to go home, Jiyong had requested that Minji go on a walk with him.

Aura had been against it completely, not wanting anything to happen to either of them, but Jiyong had persuaded her that it was necessary and that they would teleport straight home if they came in contact with any danger. Which made Minji nervous. Not because of the danger - she had dealt with her fair share of danger over the past two weeks - but because of the fact that Jiyong had made the conversation seem like their entire relationship depended on it.

"Yeah....she'll just have to go through the same things you've been going through," Jiyong said quietly with a half-smile.

"Jiyong....about the kiss...." Minji began but stopped when Jiyong placed a firm hand on her arm.

"It doesn't matter," he said softly and then paused, "I know you didn't have any control, and I know that you don't love Seunghyun, but I have to admit, it hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me about it."

"I do trust you, I just didn't want to hurt you," Minji said with a frown, "I not telling you right away....I ended up doing more damage." At that, Jiyong was silent.

" didn't feel anything, right?" Jiyong asked curiously.

"NO!" Minji said a little too loudly, causing Jiyong's eyes to widen in surprise at the sudden noise, "No," she said a little more quietly, "I could only ever love one person, and that's you."

"I love you too," Jiyong said with a smile as he moved in more closely and kissed her.

"Do you trust me?" Minji asked quietly as they separated.

"Of course I do," Jiyong said with a nod, "Just, please, try not to do it again. I know you only have so much control when you get that way but....."

"I won't," Minji said firmly, interrupting him, "I'll try my hardest to control myself from now on."

"Anyway, it's not completely your fault," Jiyong said seriously as he ran his hand through her hair with a sigh, "Hyung should have known better. He, at least, had control when he kissed you. Using it as a distraction or not, that was uncalled for."

"Between him and Youngbae..." Minji said shaking her head.

"Between him and Youngbae, I'm surprised I haven't committed two murders yet," Jiyong said in frustration, "They've given me a lot of to deal with lately."

"I have too," Minji said sadly and smiled lightly when Jiyong squeezed her hand reassuringly, "I'm so sorry, for everything."

"I forgive you," Jiyong said honestly as he kissed the top of her hand, "And - again - the majority of the things that happened weren't your fault, but I appreciate it."

Minji sighed at that, "Look at everything that has happened over the last week and a half. And there's still more to come," she paused as she looked around the area, "How do we deal with all of this?"

"Let's let Aura deal with it," Jiyong said seriously, causing Minji to laugh.

"Sounds good to me," Minji replied.

"So we're good?" Jiyong asked as he moved closer to his girlfriend and kissed her.

"We're excellent," Minji replied with a smile, kissing him back.

"I'm actually a little scared," Top admitted as he looked at the closed coffin before him one last time and then followed Dong-wook into the living room.

"Why?" Dong-wook asked as he opened a packet of blood and began to drink from it before he tossed one to Top as well.

"I have a feeling Bom will try to kill me when she wakes up," Top said seriously, causing Dong-wook to laugh.

"You're stronger than her, I think you'll be fine."

"You don't know Bom when she's angry," Top said with a visible shudder.

"She's pretty scary," Gummy agreed from her position on the couch. Aura was seated next to her on the couch with Top's lap top open on her lap and she was furiously typing away.

"So what are you doing anyway?" Dong-wook asked as he and Top sat on the opposite couch and watched the woman.

"Sending out some information to my contacts in Japan and China just in case we need backup," Aura revealed as she momentarily looked up from the computer screen, "Why aren't Minji and Jiyong back yet?"

"They like to "talk" for hours," Top said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and using air-quotes.

"Knock it off," Dong-wook said as he slapped the other man on the arm, "They wouldn't be doing anything obscene in the park anyway," he said as he watched Aura's features go from shocked to relaxed in a matter of seconds, "They've been through a lot tonight, so they probably just need time to figure things out."

"You don't think they'll break up, do you?" Gummy asked in worry.

"No," Top said firmly, drawing everyone's attention, "Jiyong already forgave me, and I'm the idiot that caused most of the damage anyway, so he'll definitely forgive Minji."

"You are an idiot," Dong-wook said honestly and watched as Top frowned.

"Um, is there any chance he'll forgive me?" Youngbae asked as he walked into the room and sat on an oversized chair by the TV.

"Probably not. You're an even bigger than Top," Dong-wook snapped, causing Youngbae to hang his head slightly.

"Calm down," Gummy scolded her boyfriend, "Jiyong will forgive everyone eventually. After all, we're family."

"They're close by," Aura said suddenly, causing everyone to focus on her, "I can feel them."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Jiyong and Minji entered the apartment holding hands. Top couldn't help the smile that graced his lips at the sight and he watched as the couple made their way over to where he was seated before Top moved over so that they had room to sit.

"Sorry we took so long," Minji said with a smile.

"That's okay....but next time text me," Aura demanded as she looked up at her two heirs.

"Sure...." Minji said slowly with a little huff, "How's Bom?"

"She should be awake in a few hours," Dong-wook revealed as he looked around the room, "And she'll be hungry."

"Well Aura did get all of those blood packets in the fridge, so that should keep her satisfied at least until tomorrow."

"Which is definitely a good thing," Dong-wook agreed with his girlfriend, "It's not safe for us to bring a newborn out into this chaos....sorry Minji," he added with a guilty shrug.

"It's okay," Minji responded with a smile, "After all, I have at least a week and a half on Bom."

"Yeah for once you're her unnie," Gummy said with a little laugh.

Minji was about to respond to that when Top's cell phone suddenly went off, breaking the relatively quiet atmosphere of the room.

"Hello?" Top answered in his deep voice as he saw Yunho's name flash across his screen, "That was Aura's fault," he said suddenly causing Aura to stare at him questioningly, "Besides, it's not like he won't be able to reattach his arm. All he'll need is a little blood. What do you mean? Why would they plan an attack tonight over something so stupid?"

"What do you mean plan an attack tonight?" Aura demanded as she stood abruptly and snatched the phone away from Top, who looked affronted, "What do you mean plan an attack tonight?" she demanded again into the phone.

"I have that area blocked off," Aura said seconds later and Minji watched as her shoulders visibly sunk in relief, "There's no way they're getting through those barriers or any others for that matter. Namina and I secured all of the companies' premises earlier," the older woman revealed as she moved to lean against the kitchen counter, "We still need to be on watch though. If they're that upset over a little attack on Taemin, then it means they'll do anything to cause some damage tonight. It would be wise if you advised our allies within SM to be on guard."

"Be safe, Yunho. I can easily protect every other company, but I can't protect our allies within SM. My best advice to you is that you get out and stay with some friends. It doesn't matter. Why? Because in two days all of your 'frenemies' within SM will publicly oust you and disown you as traitors to their cause. Whether you leave them now or during that battle is up to you, but either way the outcome is the same. It's better to be safe than sorry."

After that, Aura said a few more words before she hung up the phone and gave it back to Top, "It looks like Taemin threw a hissy fit about having his arm ripped off."

"It will heal. Why does he care?" Dong-wook asked in annoyance.

"It's not so much the fact that it was torn off as the fact that he lost some of his pride in the process," Aura said with a shrug, "But what do you expect for attacking someone that I cherish?"

At that, Minji felt a faint blush creep up her cheeks and was once again glad that she couldn't actually blush.

"Do we need to be worried about this?" Gummy asked.

"No," Aura said seriously, "As long as no one makes a foolish decision to wander outside alone, everyone should be fine."

"Then should we contact the others?" Jiyong asked.

"Already done," Aura confirmed with a wave of her hand as she pressed the 'send' button on her phone.

"What about our human friends?" Minji asked seriously.

"Make sure to contact them," Aura said responded with a nod, "I don't have their numbers."

Everyone was silent for a few minutes as they began making the rounds of texting their various friends. After a few minutes, Top suddenly gasped in worry as he looked down at the text on his phone.

"What is it?" Aura demanded.

"Daesung left the apartment to get food," Top said with worry on his face, "I have to go and make sure he's alright."

"No," Dong-wook snapped at his child.

"Hyung, I can't just stand around and worry about whether or not Dae will be a midnight snack for these s," Top spat as he glared at his maker.

"And I can't afford any more of you being as wounded as you were earlier," Dong-wook retorted.

"You're being ridiculous. You love Dae as much as I do," Top snapped again as he moved past his sire and headed for the door.

"Seunghyun!" Dong-wook shouted and watched as Top turned around with a glare, "As your maker, I command you to stay here."

At that, Gummy let out a little gasp and watched as Top's hand clutched the door frame tightly. He was visibly shaking and sweating with the effort, but it was no use. In a force that was not his own, Top shut the door and made his way back into the living room, looking livid.

"I can't believe you pulled that one out," Gummy said in disbelief, "We agreed to use that only when it is necessary."

"It is necessary," Dong-wook snapped.

"What the hell was that, hyung?" Top demanded as he grit his teeth together.

"The one who created you, your maker, has the ability to command you to do things so as long as your connection holds," Aura revealed and watched as Top's face contorted into confusion, "Basically, as long as Dong-wook doesn't 'release' you from his hold, he has the power to command you to do whatever."

"Why didn't I know about this?" Top snapped at Dong-wook.

"Because we try to use it as little as possible, considering it takes away free will," Dong-wook admitted with a frown.

"You mean all the times that Minji was about to get into trouble, I could have just commanded her to stay with me?" Jiyong asked as he looked at his girlfriend thoughtfully.

"Trust me, I thought about telling you about it in those situations," Dong-wook admitted with a sigh.

"Don't even think about it," Minji snapped at Jiyong and watched as he let a slow smile spread across his lips at the possibilities.

"What about Daesung?" Top interrupted again, looking furious.

"Seriously though...what are we going to do?" Jiyong agreed.

"I will meet with him and lead him back to his apartment," Aura said suddenly and then in a flash she disappeared.

"Thank god she doesn't pun intended," Minji said with a laugh.

"Seriously," Jiyong agreed as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's waist and smiled down at her.

"Knock it off, Jiyong," Minji said seriously, knowing what his mind had reverted back to thinking.

"Don't forget that this means I can control you now, too," Top said to Jiyong and watched as the other man frowned.

"Suddenly I'm not liking this anymore," Jiyong said with a groan.

"How do you think I feel?" Minji asked seriously, "I haven't sired anyone, so I just get the brunt of it all without giving it back."

"We will not - under any circumstances - be using it freely. Is that clear?" Dong-wook snapped as he looked around at the youngest in his family and watched as they all nodded guiltily.

"You shouldn't have told them about it," Gummy said again.

"I didn't have a choice," Dong-wook retorted in annoyance, "Seunghyun would have readily jumped in front of a legion of vampires for Daesung and so would these two idiots," Dong-wook said gesturing towards Minji and Jiyong who looked offended before Dong-wook gestured towards Youngbae, "I'm not really sure about him though, considering he was willing to throw Minji under the bus."

"I thought we moved past that," Youngbae complained.

"Not really," Minji and Jiyong said simultaneously.

"I hope Dara gets eaten by a vampire," Minji added before she winced, "Actually, no I don't....but it would serve you right," she said to Youngbae and then winced again, " wouldn't serve anyone right....I don't really know what I'm trying to say."

"We understand, Mingkki," Jiyong said with a laugh as he squeezed her shoulder.

"s!" a shout resounded from the back room and everyone watched in surprise as Bom emerged looking half pissed off and half amazed.

"Bommie?" Minji questioned softly.

"Mingkki, of course I didn't mean you," Bom said seriously as she moved over to Minji in a blur of motion and crushed the younger woman against her chest. Minji was satisfied to note that Bom's smell no longer affected her.

"What about me?" Gummy questioned sharply as Bom turned to look at her.

"Of course, not you either unnie," Bom said with a nervous smile, "Mostly Bingu Top."

"I saved your life," Top countered with a yell.

"Maybe so," Bom said seriously, "But you took away my ability to eat delicious foods, and for that, you are an ."

"Blood is just as delicious," Top said seriously and everyone shot him a look, "Alright, maybe not as delicious, but it's satisfying."

"I'm thirsty," Bom relented at that as she buried her face into Minji's neck, "I don't have to eat a human, do I?"

"No, unnie, Aura got you some blood earlier for when you woke up."

"Bom," Top said with a mischievous smile as the older woman turned to look at him with a glare.

"What, jerk?"

"As your maker, I command you to drink all of the blood in the fridge."

"What did I just say, Seunghyun?" Dong-wook snapped and watched as Top frowned. Bom - on the other hand - was startled as she suddenly found herself moving towards the fridge against her will. Yanking open the refrigerator door, the group watched as she dug out several packets of blood before she tore them open and started to gulp them down hungrily.

"What the hell did he do to me?" she demanded in between gulps.

As Dong-wook attempted to explain to her what the situation entailed, Bom became more and more horrified until she attempted to throw a frying pan at Top's head. Luckily, the metal cooking utensil missed Top's head and was sent crashing into the wall.

"He has control over me!?!?! HE has control over ME?!?!" Bom demanded, her eyes becoming dark with rage.

"Yes, but calm down, I warned him that if he used it against you I would--"

"Why the hell did he have to sire me? Why couldn't it have been someone else?"

"He was the only one with the capability at the time and--"

"I CANNOT believe this. The one person I hate the most in all the world--"

"You would have died, you really should be grateful to me--"

"You shut the hell up! I hope you burn in hell you stupid--"

"Why don't we all calm down and agree that Top won't use--"

"Sick freak, he is probably enjoying this so much, I can't even look at him--"

"Unnie, maybe you should put down that knife--"

"And he's immortal right? So this would only hurt him not kill--"

"That's enough!" a voice shouted and everyone paused in their actions as Aura reappeared in the room. Dong-wook was holding Bom's right hand, which was wrapped tightly around a kitchen knife, while Top was hiding behind Youngbae, who looked bewildered. Jiyong and Minji were leaning across the counter top, attempting to calm Bom down while Gummy was standing in the center of the room with her hands held up. All of this had ceased, however, as soon as Aura returned.

"Daesung is fine," Aura revealed as she took the knife out of Bom's hand. Bom frowned at that before she continued to gulp down blood.

"Welcome to the family," Aura added gently as she smiled at Bom, who just nodded in response.

"Did he make it back to the apartment safely?" Jiyong questioned as he and Minji repositioned themselves onto the couch.

"Yes, he's completely safe and I put extra barriers around your friends' apartment."

"Thank you," Minji said gratefully with a smile.

"You're welcome. Checking in on that scenario was much less startling than the one here," Aura said with a disapproving frown as she watched the other vampires look away from her in guilt.

"Anyway," Aura continued after a minute as she looked at Youngbae, "I need you to do a favor, and it's dangerous."

"What is it?" Youngbae asked, "I'm not exactly looking to get involved in--"

"Don't you think you owe it to Minji?" Aura asked sharply and all of the occupants of the room folded their arms across their chest as they looked at Youngbae pointedly.

"I guess," Youngbae said with a low groan. It was obvious he didn't have much choice in the matter, "What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to get in touch with the other shape shifters across town and inform them of the meeting we're having tomorrow night at the gymnasium."

"Will Taemin's group be around?" Youngbae questioned. The shape shifters that he was friends with literally resided in the furthest part of town in location to the dorms. Getting over there meant he had to make sure his was covered.

"Most likely. I suggest you take to the skies," Aura said seriously and watched as Youngbae sighed before he transformed into a raven.

Aura opened the window nearest to him and watched as he flew out into the night sky.

"Are you sure he'll be okay?" Dong-wook asked seriously, "I'm all for punishment, but I don't want him to die."

"He'll be fine. As long as he shifts into things that vampires can't reach, he should be completely safe. And if he somehow does encounter trouble, I'll be there."

"When do we start training?" Bom called from the kitchen as she continued to drink.

"You are not fighting in this battle," Aura said seriously, "You are too young."

"What? I need to help!" Bom demanded and Minji almost applauded her for her enthusiasm.

"I'm going to have to agree with Aura on this one," Dong-wook added, "It's not safe for you to be out there."

"And yet it is for Minji?" Bom snapped.

"She has power that will keep her safe," Aura said but sighed, "Although, I will be honest, I don't really want you fighting in this battle," she confessed as she turned towards her daughter.

"Then why are you letting her?" Jiyong asked in confusion. He didn't really want Minji to fight either. The thought of losing her was too much.

"Because she will be able to take out more vampires than most. Figuring out how to use that little reverse-teleportation technique has really come in handy for the both of you."

"We'll need more than just that though," Minji answered, "We haven't even fully mastered that yet."

"I realize that, that's why we're training tomorrow," Aura said with a smile.

"What do you expect us to learn in a day?" Jiyong demanded.

"You'd be surprised what you can learn in a day when there are lives at stake," Aura said mysteriously.

Everyone was silent at that. None of them knew just how many lives would be at stake.


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Dear Readers: I don't know what is wrong with me....I think I've been insane while writing the last two chapters and the current one I'm working on, haha.


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I completely adore this series and I can't wait to read more <3 Your writing style is so unique and auuugghh your character development is executed flawlessy! Teach me your waaays. Haha. Hope you update soon!
Nurindri #2
Chapter 1: Wow,nice story,,,i'll start read this story!!!
A great vampire story!!!
Nurindri #3
Interesting,,i think i'll start to read this story...!
Chapter 1: but it has a great/cool start
Chapter 1: is this another vampire story?
flowerhogger #6
Chapter 49: i thought this story was done but cant waoit for ur update i Love this syory
akaonim #7
Chapter 49: Lol omg awesomeness!!! Love the ending and how Jiyong got everyone out of the house!! Great chapter and I honestly cant wait for the next update!!
akaonim #8
Chapter 48: I missed this story so much!! Lol I'm glad your back!!!